THE EXCHANGE ■SHeSsSS i ssr,£ m l n3j3t “Villa la Again Dead ” “Hunt far ■vma to ha Continued." “VHU Baod Tahoe To—a“ to raadi tho Itrat throa Ha dMUInt, they arc toll hunting him and then bo takca a town. Baro'a hoping that they will catch him dead - Never dhooM a friand who would urge you to pull out a ahagto thread from the *»rp a# character. Never ehoaac far a friend om that yoa fool Too ha— towed year itandaid of parity and right ana atogla Inch to gate. If you cannot atop up in your trimdahlpa pea need pot atop down. Raiae your ataadaid and atoad by M. - B' *" Show us a family with tho atamp of labor upon ttW forehead*, gathered a—and tha family eteria. thanking dad for Hit protection o—r thorn thru tho (toy that ha* juat paaaod, with a bright hope for the future, ant only bat abo in tho w—M to - kr™ ' «tth the —at Unit nto The genUeman will had U* task a hand **«, bat a to aomparo with too a— ha in Met&rfiHB * con HURT LKAVK STATE. Vnu Mm CBvm Two Week* to Get Away. Mr. A. H. Wliwslurk, the young white man of Bnahlnghawi. who was laat wank convicted in Um Iworiw'i Court here upon n charge of theft, urns dealt with hy Mge Gibeon ia a manner that will meat with the to •Mat approval at the public. Mr. Btvwatorfc had bean found guilty of taking from the Green Pend Brick pleat a quantity at staff that was evidently to to said aa junk, and tto qaaetloa at punishment waa one that wm a problem to the court, lodge Gibson rendered hia deddoa ta tto matter Friday. The judgment was that tto defendant should pay tto east In tto ease and if found ia tto State at the capitation of tw* waaks, to to to situated and punished with a road sentence. Ha waa raleaeeri from Um county jaQ aad toft to go to bis homo at i As ie tha eastern of Iha tutored pao pl» of this town, they cslthrated Tllhr Monday in quite aa elaborate style. la tha afternoon a ball game was tha attraction, this being betwtan Laorinburg and Rockingham taunt. Tha gome teeahed in a score of 7 to 1 is Davor of Lauriaburg. At night they gave a Mg dauea in tha opera Card ef Thanks. Words cannot express our apprec iative of thoaa friends who have •hand with as the lonely vigils by tha bedside of our loved one. No • want at memory can Eva fat any heart than the memory el their untiring •Irrotion ts the cue who has jest left us. The taavee ef sorrow break upon avery short, and ere can but hope that friends as true may gather around each one of them should sorrow in ▼ado their homes. 8. J. Smith and Family. . Mateo Cress Commencement. The dosing exercises ef the Mason Crews school begins tonight To morrow there will be a pie aie, an ad dress by Attorney Stacy, ef Lumber ton, and la the afternoon there will be a ball game between the Leans burg aehoo) team and a team selected from the county school a . ' Awake America. Do you want wart Bee tbs Battle Cry of Fum at Gam Theatre Nay SnL JUS. LYNCH IS USING lEft RIGHT HAND IN SEWING TmIh Baa Bar USTttp Tap Shape After Uaapital Treatment Failed. Mn A F. fjmek near eewe with bar right head. Why? Bananas, aha says: "fali lac has done for me what I had feared beyond the poorer of mcdl dna." "For fear weeks," this well known East Barham lady explained to the Tanlac Man, "I was confined to a hospital with blood poisoning that started la my right hand. Treat ments tailed me and acuta rheuma tism aad ‘kidney ailments fallowed. I could not move ay right hand at alL I coaldnt sleep, my appetite wae poor and I was unable to sit long because of pains in my back. "My husband brought Tanlac and, after finishing my third bottle I have ragaiacd the use of my right band —why, l*ve boon saw lor with It for the post three week.—I wen back my good appetite, good sleep, have been relieved of that ‘all tired out' feeling aad have gained in weight." Bine’s Drug Store sells Ihnlac ex clusively, in Leurinburg, end W. X. Gibeon Drug Co., la Qlhoncv—Adv. Haw t« Mate tka Baby Skit. (State Board of Health.) Never aaind about Ita dally bath. Fay Utile attention to ita afethfa«. Give It nay old thing to aat aad aovar food it by the dock. Allow (lias to crawl over ita face aad plaything■ and gat into Ita food. Keep it in the luteben where tka cooking and other noisy work la dene. Never mind its eoaafett wkstktl tt Is too lut La summer or cold la winter. Sao that ft gets do awn shine sot sleeps fa the freak air. Hava it sleep in tka same bad with ita anther and father Give it cow’s milk for author's tallk at any time. Weaa it in hot weather, aU at once, aad give tt to aat whatever yon kap pas to have. Pay bo attention to what the-doct ors say. Bays tt to oontagioas diseases like cbickeepox, whooping cough aad ■aaslaa whenever you fed like it. U it gate sick, don't call tka doctor. Keep this up sad you will not only have a puny, sick baby, but in a Uttle while you will have ap baby at pH SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. 8TEWABT8VILLE TOWNSHIP Land to bo told fa- Taxes. MONDAY, THK 1st DAY OP MAY, IMS, the wdanicaMI, Sheriff of Scottaai County, win expose to pebtk ole the following Lota of Land, hrlod upon fa Texas das aa mm: Nsm A eras Land Town Lota Year* Tax Da, /dim Dooms 07 tilt 000.14 Mm. J. M. Cooper 04 1014-U. 0047 Et Patterson M 1014-10 1440 > Jam Bon 1 1014-U AM Charlotte MeBiydo 1 1016 140 0aa4r Opel 04 1016 1044 I 1014-U 1040 1014-10 1040 1 1016 140..’ 1 1014-U 040 a U15 440 1 1015 447 . 1 1015 047 1 1010 440 ' 1 1016 6.79 I 1016 140 1 1014-U 1044 ’ 1 1018 046 1*18 047 1015 US 1 1914-18 044 1 1015 840 1 10U U1 1016 M0 1 1010 044 X 1016 648 1 1016 047 _ 1015 -040 A. D. MrKarfala 00 1*16 ' igm nm Low* i 10U 748 Aanio Loa* 1 1015 747 A. L Lam *7 14 1014-U 1TJ0 l«AUREL HILLTOWNSKIP s - is ? is; a I. H. Mom » 1»H «le ». A L. Alto* m IMS 71v«4 WDfOmttWK® 1AA4 T44 M AW JIM* «JT AM. AM vun USX |||ir. D. C*mnt$£ ' | • w Announcements. L. M. BLUB FOR 88NATB. Tha uadaninad ciliiaua of tha County of Scotland will present tha MM of Honorable L. M. Bln. to np naaat this Senatorial District to tha naxt State 8coate. Be haa atrvad with aatisf action aad distinction ia S^^SE^JSSAfc and wa think that bo will make on a oaaful and valuable Senator. March 17th, IBIS. Gao. T. Fata, Harris Gibson, A. P. Gibaon, D. 0. Wrtebt. W. N. McKanale, W. F. Parker, Henry P. Qtbeon, K M. Peels, R. D. Gib.or., H. H. McPherson, I. A. McNeill, J. B. Maaon, D. A. Pate,_ FOR HOUBB OP HEPRB8EKTA TIVE8. I hereby anaonace myaalf a candi date far tie House of Represents tires flam Scotland County, subject to tha action at tha Democratic Priamy. FOR HOUSE OF REPRE8RNTA T1VH8. 1 hereby announce myaalf a candi date far toe TTimss of Re presmta tires from ScaUaad County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. I believe in a Just Taxation. Taxes in its last analysis ia Just what tha law eonflaeatea of your property aad mine aad should be Jest. We meat stay tha withering hand to a judicious point. A. D. CORRIB. FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CON QKMA I hereby umuim to the Demo cratic voters of Scotland County that J am a candidate (or tha Democratic nomination for tbe House of Repre soatativea in Congress from this, tha Seventh Congressional Dwtrict, sub ject to tha action of tha Democratic Primary to bo hold on the 3rd day of Jana, ltlt. LEE D. ROBINSON. FOR ROUSE OF REPRESENTA TIVES. I hereby anno unco to tha Demo cratic voters of the Seventh Congres sional District that 1 will bo a candi date In tha Democratic primary for member of the House of Representa tives is Congress from this district. If nominated and sleeted, I will use every endeavor to discharge the dot lee of the office with fidelity to the People. U. L. SPENCE. FOR HOUSE OF REPRE8EKTA " TIVRR. _ Wo, the undersigned citizens of Seotiaad County and friwtda and wefgfihnre of A. El Shaw, present hla •taaM to tha voters of Scotland County as b eendttut* to represent the —onty In the Lower House of the Dart Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina, sub ject to the action of the Democratic Ha is wall equipped for tha posi tion. He has filled the office of Jus-' tica of tbe Peace continuously for twentj-elght yearn, and h. therefore, acquainted with the need of all -'n-te of our people. He believes in just and fair taxa tion aad la utterly opposed to any lew delegating powers te three men in Ralmgfc to say what our lax assess ment shall be. . Ha stands squarely upon the time honored Democratic doctrine of S&wte.- “Id p*e1*1 PTt>' This #th day of^Ajri^!9l«. 'W. O. Buh* ’ B. J. Jones; W. T. Crump, R. ». Bvrd, J, W. Keens, K. C. Smith, W. W. McGirt, & J. Womble, 8. T. Thrower, Allan McLean, | | AHtaSim, M. Monroe, t L. McNair, J. W. McIntosh. . FOB PROSECUTING .ATTORNEY. . J announce myeelf a camb ists for tbe office of Fmmrullng At torney h Bt trial Justice's Court ef fijariiud Gamely, subject to the action GEORGE t”g3oDWTN. . CLOSING UP We are closing our stables for the sum mer, and take this opportunity to extend to our friends many sincere thanks for the business you hare given us during the sea son, and to announce that at an early date in the Fall, our stables will be reopened for business. Weffl BE YOUR OWN MAN! The best that is in yon will not come out until you are working for yourself, Money sared Is what will put'YobK NAttlTon^tiie aicn^milce you YOUR OWN BOSS. Start Being: Your Own Boss Today OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT THE STATE BANK AND SET YOUR FACE TOWARD REAL SUCCESS. ■- .. ' in ■——— | The State Bank Play Ball! We sell “Reach” Base Ball Goods. i The Recognized Standard of the Base Ball World To-day. If you want the very best prac tical Base Ball Goods made—in sist they bear the mark “Reach.” The majority of Base Ball Play ers-professiorial and amateur alike-want Reach goods. Gloves kept oiled free if you buy them from us. J.D. Sanford & Son "The Quality Hardware Shop.” IT PAYS TO PAY CASH. . • ■ . _ '.a ' •