Local Notes. Mr. W. N. Robertson la visiting relatives at Mcbee, 8. C. Mrs. R. C. Everett haa aa her guest, Mlee Wilma ComU, of Concord. The city school) were closed on Triday for an Raster holiday. Mr. K. H. Gibson .pent Monday in Rockingham on legal business. Material is being placed on a lot on Church at root for the new residence of Mr. J. Max Gregg. Mra. W. 8. Hasty, of Racford, ■pant tha past week at the horns of Her brother, Mr. A. L. MeKonaio. Mrs. P C. McCormick haa aa her guest, her sister, Mrs. Austin Mc Cormick, of Sanford. Scotland Superior Court foT the trial of criminal actions will convene hart Monday. Mrs. R. C. Pearce and baby, Haset, of Selma, an the guests of Mrs. Pearce’s sister, Mrs. Q. Y. Jonas. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jamas spent Sunday in Wilmington taking in tha Chapman-Alexander masting. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Tatum and chil dren, of Dflkm, 8. C., spent the week end with Scotland relatives. Mrs. Roland Covington la spending sometime in Richmond, Va., with her friend, Mra. Seville. Miss Pattc James ia in Washington to visit her brother. Lieut. Alex L. James, who ia an aids to the Presi dent. The old Quaktobueh school boos* Is being torn sway and thros attractive cottages are being built oa the prop erty. If rears. R. C. Leggett and J. K. Long, of Fayetteville, both former Sootiandltea, were Laurinbort risiton Friday. Miss Eugenis Canldey left Monday night for Raleigh In response to a message an noun dag tho illneaa of her sister, Mrs. Jack Davis. lfiseea Frances and Virginia Mc Cormick entertained a party of their young friends Monday afternoon at an Eaater egg hunt Mia* lass McCormick, Miss Cattle McCormick and Mrs. W. T. Webb left Monday fey Morven where they will spend sometime visiting rale lives. Mr J. F. McNair left yesterday morning for Raleigh where he went on a mission of business. Ha remain ed owes to attend the State Conven tion today. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Gill entertained a party of their friends Monday night, the occasion being the birth days of both Mr. Gill and Mr. A. & Messrs. H. R. and Beacon Weill will leave Laurinburg today going to Darlington, 8. C., for e short visit They will then go to Savannah. Oa., to visit their mother. Messrs. Neill McKay and R. A. Monroe left last night for Raleigh, where they go to represent Scotland oouaty at the State Convention in ses sion theta today. Mr. E. P. Riviere and children, Richard end Sarah, spent the week end with Charlotte relatives. They wore accompanied home by Mr. Ri viera's mother, Mrs. 8. E. Riviera. Mrs. R. A. Brewer and eoa Frank, who ware Eaater visitors to Mrs. Brower's mother, Mra N. MeN. Smith, returned to their heme at Concord , Tuesday. Messrs. Duncan Nivens and Frees Ratliff aad Mimes darn Lowery end Christina Ratliff, of Morven, wen guests at the boats of Mr. end Mr*. K. L. McCormick Saturday. Mr. I. r. McNair Is making extra aive improvements to hie handsome home oa Church street. Additional win be repainted aad otherwise Me* Kiu John D. Stew. Mies Male Shaw and Mae Nancy Fairly of Laa rlnbarg have taken an * pertinent at tha BwUagtoa tad will apand tha apitagi In tha etty.—Washington, D. C., notes In Cherlette Ohaarvar. house at Blchasoad, Vs., Saturday. Bov. John L. Ray, of Stanley, a brother of oar tewnwnun, Mr. J. F. Bay, spent Saadey in the city. He ooeuplrd the Presbyterian pal pit both Saadey wonting and avanln. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Fairley, Miaa ■tagvnia Fairley and Mr. Alex Fair, lay, spent Sunday In Fayetteville with Mr. Fatrtey'a brother, Rev. Walesa Fairley, tew arm soon leave far Taxes where he tea accepted a call to Miaa Hattie Wan Bryant tea had as ter gasste this weak, Miss Marten HM1, ef Shelby aad Miaa Rate Baa aaH, of Moaroe. Mbs ReeseU retanw - to ter teas# today and Miaa Bryant and Miaa RaB am laava litaiilaj ter Ibwdlia, where they wIM vtolt Mrs. Lee Page | Mr*. 6. Baaean has pore ha sad tha I D. 3. McDuffie stock *f goods and Is | dost occupying tbs store room reoant I ly occupied by Mr. McDuffie, who is , retiring from business. The meeting which was in program at the Firet Raptiet church the past j ten days, closed Friday night, Tha , meeting arse productive of great good to the community, and Dr. Wilson, who conducted the meeting, made a sincere sod lasting impression upon tho community. He returned to his Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Grubbs, Mr. and Mrs. I,. A. Pender, who have boon on an automobile trip to various South Carolina points, returned to Leurin burg Thursday night. They war* ac companied borne by Mr. Crubbe* father, Mr. T. B. Grubbs, of Willla ton. 8. C. Ths Worrell House i* the name of Laurinburg's hotel. It ia operated by Mr John Worrell, and w* are inform ed is doing geod busineea. The old Glenn house on McLaurtn Avenue is being used by Mr. Worrell and la an ideal location for the operation of a business of this kind. DEATH OF MRS. SMITH. Following a Lea* lllaes* Nn. Sidney J. Smith A newer* Call af Death. Although not a surprise, the death of Mr*. Sidney J. Smith, which oc curred at tha family home la North Laurinburg Friday morning, came aa a great sorrow to the community. She had enffered long from Bright’* dis ease and for several weak* had ling ered near death’s door. The deceased wee the mother of a large end splendid family and al though but two years of her sixty four had beeA spent in Laarinborg, ehe had endeared herself to the peo ple of the town in no uncertain meas ure. Her life eras marked with deeds of lundnaaa end cheer; eh* was a kind neighbor, devoted mother and a true friend, and withal a woman of heroic mould la bravely meeting the stem requirements aad disappoint ment* of Ufa The great destroyer has placed his signet on her brow end today, hun dreds who loved her living mourn her dead. The funeral eras conducted by her pastor, Rev. R. P. Bum pas, from the Gibson Methodist chereh, Monday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock, the burial taking place at the Eli Gibson grave yard. The pall bearers were eight nf her eons, Messrs. Flowers, Watt, Ira, Henry, Frank Lamar, Ernest and Carl. She la enrvivad by her husband, nine eons end two daughters, all of whom have the sincere sympathy of tho satire community in their great Borrow. DAUGHTRIDGB TO 8PBAK. Spring Hill Cloning Near at Hand— Elaborate Program. The closing exercises p* the Spring Hilt aehool wlU begin oo Sunday next aad close Tuesday night. Wa regret that wa are anable to give the pro gram in fun, but the copy for this came too late far ua to handle it in it* entirety hi this issue. In part it ia aa fell ear*: Sunday 1.1:00 A. M.—Commence want Sermon by Rev. R. P. Bumps*, of Laurinburg. Monday 3:30 P. M.—Operetta—Cin derilla in Plewerland. Taaaday 10:00 A. M.—A. McNeill Medal Debate. Literary Address Hon. E. L, Daugh trfdge. Dinner. SrOO P. M.—Baa* ban gam* 8:30 P. M.—Class enardaaa. Sunday Marriage. Hw MMMnnt of tha marriage of Mr. D. W. Medlta to Mtse Belle Peaeoolc, of Maarten, came as quite a warp rise te Us Leurinburjr friends. The marriage look place at tka home of Mr. C. M. Furman at Boek tagimm early Sunday afternoon. The eenple aaenmpanled by aevaral friends want by aetoaeobUe from Maxtoe te Baohfctghaat. aad aa aeon aa the cere mony «h perf eon ed, Mr. and Mr* MedHn continued their way to Alim. »«rle to rieM a Meter of Mxa. Medlta. Mr. MedHn ia tha youngaat eon of Mr. and lire. J. A. Medlta and la am. ployed by the Southern Bell Tola phone 0o„ as night operator hero. Mia. Medlta la a daughter of Mr. and Mrn. J. A. Peaeeek, and held n like poeMon with tha telephone company at Kaxteri. Both »f; these young people here a wide circle of friends who Join tha Zxcjiansra In wishing them an etaad ant happiness. Snaday flchoel Conrrnttan. Aa event of mach interest to tha Sunday School* of the comity la tha annual ftsnday School, Oonveation, whieh will be held at Laurel HU church on Tuesday, May ML We Imps to pnfaiioh a dataflad pew ftm ed tha avdbt la oar aaut Issue. * BUSINESS LOCALS Good lot of shoate weighing from 50 to 80 pounds for sale.So* H. W. McLean*. T-tf _ ' •• ■ CANTALOUPE CRATE 8—I want cantaloup* shipper* to remember that 1 am manufacturing the best cantaloupe crate that has ever boon put on this market, and toe, I want to toy that you can get team at the right price. Don’t place year or der* until you have seen HT W. Mc Laurin or Evcratt Covington. 7-tf For Pure Eden Gem cantaloupe seed, call on W. D. B. McKachin. 18-1* BEEF CATTLE—We wfll pay 5 cents per pound for fat Bocf Cattle de livered at Wagraa. Crump A Monroe. 16-tf MILK COW 8 and Sola Beans for tola I have several milk cows at prices that will sell them. Bela Doans 51.60 bushel. Limited amount of chinas 60 cant* per peck. R. E. McLean, phone and postoffle* Lau Tinburg, N. C. l»-tf Plant Spanish Peanuts for hogs. Seed , I* tola by D. H. Love, Laurel Hill. 16-lB-pd _ FOR SALE—Berkshire Bhoats and mrtrm fine brood sow. A. L. Me Krone.lg-tf NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC—This is te notify the public that my Coca MiU will be in operation only on Tueodavi and Fndaya haraafter. Plcaec bo govern*! by this A. L. KcKniia 16-tf 8w*et potato plants Nancy Hall and Porto Rico Yams, fl.60 Thousand rmdy for shipment about April 16th. C. 8. Duriing. Starke, Fla. FOR 8ALK—florae, wagon and ham mb. Hone 8 years old, la heat con dition. gentle, will work anywhere. Wagon—one-horse, hi Ant elsas condition Harness new. See H. 8. Quick. 17-18 HORSE FOR BALE—Eight years old, In good condition, win work any where. Bargain for snnstody. Ap ply to Alex L. McKenzie. 17-tf ■i ■ NOTICB. This la to notify the public that 1 have bought the meat marks! con ducted by Hasty A Smith on Main street, t will continue te opr rata the business bet upon a cash basis. Any persons indebted to the firm will please make immediate payment to me. R. E Mel.BAN, La aria burg, N. C. KXJBCUTRirS NOTICE. ' •« exeedtriz of the last silU of James P. McRae, doeaaacd, notice U given to aU person* holding claims against his aetata to present them to me duly verified for payment on or before the 19th day ef Apnl, 1917, or this notice will bo pleaded In bar of their recovery. AQ persona owing the estate will p1—t ■"■v immediate payment to me. MRS. LILLIAN C. McRAE, u. 1.1, M. L John, Attorney. 16-90 • Did you know that the Corporation Commission sitting ha Raleigh sets aside aU sworn valuations ef the County Assessors, and arbitrarily in creased the assessments In the State by 886,227,974 end rained it bare in emr own county, Scotland, $0 per cant, which caused you to pay oae third more on your real estate than yoe wore assessed by the County As seaaors? The Csar of Russia in the green leaf of hie might could not do more. Vote for A. D. Currie end there wOI be trouble at such doing as A. D. CURRIE. GEM THEATRE Tkuaiajr, April 27th. The lut chapter ef The Dia mond from the 8ky. Oae Reel Drama—"The Heuee ef Duriuma." Oae Reel^ Comedy—-"Bungle’s Friday. April 28th. Three rteel—^Knickerbocker"— Star Feature. "A Slave ef Cerruptlon." Oae Reel Comedy-Tier Bad Quarter ef aa Hear." , Saturday. April 2tth. S Reel Drama—1The Human Cauldron." 1 Reel Comedy—"She Gama She Saw, She Cooguered." Monday, May 1st. Paramount Famous Player*— “The Crucible"—Featuring Margaret Clark. Railroad Picture—"A Race for Lift." TOeaday, May 2nd. Two Raul Drama—"A Grip of Cold." One Reel Drama—"Ophelia." One Reel—"SeMg Tribune." -JiKWpii, VSS&jSLrU. X THE EDWIN CLAPP * Are now on ELchibition at Evan's White « Also the Famous JULIA MARLOWE FOR LADIES V ‘ ■ | ■ ! Call at once before the sizes are all gone. ! f Gibson Brothers Lanxinluug, N. C. W. C CALDWELL VXTRRlNARlAN Lqostsd to Laartoburg for tbs prsutiee of bis Profession. Wgbt VkMU IB-L Dmy r%om* 1M FOR SALE One Two Story Dwelling with all Modern Conveni ences In the moot desirable pert of town. Also one or two nice Building Lots for sale cheap. LAURINBURG AGENCY COMPANY /Anything In Insurance. HINTON JAMES. Prss. V. 8 DUNBAR. See. A Trass. Seheai Children Ptade. Mine Undaay, teachar of the Sixth Qrnde la the city echoola entertained the tklldm of that grad* with a ple at* at the Minora] Spring* Saturday. Mia* Gray of the Fifth Grade en tertained the children of that grade ta a like manner on Friday. Battle Cry af Peace. Oee day oaly—Gem Theatre May Srd. 11 a. m to 11 p m. Stanly aoanty let a ana tM* the other day that waa oaly 1M year*, « aaeatha and tl day* old. a I \ A GEM THEATRE Laurinburg, N. C. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd. 10 A. M. to 11P. M. Dr. P*Oi hi Haajdtal t*r. B. r. lib l«ft Friday for RutharfordU* «km ha antarad tha Ua Id andar tha ava ad a WaaMn*

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