IN g. !*•> E& w* Rev* «•% **> >' ' 5* *' [*' .* W" J. T. FIELDS .. ■ " i ■ 1 = $7.00 PER ACRE Failing to g»t any satisfactory offers for tbs two tracts, 460 acres recently advertised for sab. I now offer both tracta for seven dollar* par acre, terms. Cash: $700.00 for tbs 100 acre tract, $2,620,00 for the 8*0 acre tract. Both tracts is wild unimproved rotting sandy wire grass bod and located ia Johnsnavido, Towosuip, Harnett County, N. C., about six ■lb Bast o* C*mee>tr*. N C. The 960 acre tract waa pur* chased iron llcL McKeithan, of Caraamn. N. C. Rdgister ed b Book of Deeds 174 para 129 at Islington. N. C. The MO asm tract was purchased from N. Hammond, of Luufe Nsrg. N C. Rtristered in Book of Deeds 177 pegs 188 at LQUagtoa, N. a i' Tha Database price to be deposited to my credit b any Beak, subject to the delivery of a legal title conveying the tract pwrtiisi. The first notice of Dm deposit from the Bank gets the land. If yon want to boy either or both tracts drpnoit the purchase pries to my credit to any Bank ■ad have them notify me and I trill forward deed. The firat paries received gats the bad. This offer expires May let. 1916. ** C. S* HENSLEE CHATTANOOGA. TENN. 14-17 s SCHOLTZ, The Florist, Inc. | n°°*pinyagioia, ^ ^ THE HAMLET HOSPITAL Samlet, N. C. A thoroughly igelpped invitation far the adeattlc treatment of X-Ray, Medkal and Siurgi- ? cal Caace. Trained Navaae fornUhcd. ■ ■ • , , flptofal etteetioe given to the Surgical Condition of the •far. Koee end ▼brant ■ 11 reee i ginnwacaa—o——aw mr from raiwiu Iftwwhn AU Over the World ia Catholic authorities ia Gcrtdaay have received Information stating that l/M/OO Armenian* have boca ldlled by the Turks through mueeterm starvation or ill treatment. Mr*. Mary Bosenski is being de tained in Chicago on charge of IQ Mating her children She la said ta have aald a two aad a half year old daughter to buy food for her other two children. Lord Montagu, who reeenUy re signed from the British Joint aviation committee, stated in a speech that “Germany has 00 ZeppeUaa which by May SO will be available for use against Rngiaad." Before tho war Germany *s capacity io rifle manufacture waa only about one-third of what it ig today. Addi tions ta both government and private pfatafs have speeded the oatput up to 7/00 a day, or more lhaa 2/00,000 a year. The German admiralty has an nounced that during the month of March 80 trading vessels belonging to hoet&e countries, wore sunk by German submarines or mines. - The total tonnage will aggregate 207/00. Bailee of Seattle, Week, raided a eoow anchored in Seattle hay aad eeisad 12/00 quarts of beer. The contraband waa Awped into the hay. The aeisaire waa the largest made dace prohibition want Into effect on January 1. Samuel Springer, of Chicago, has been directed by the Apellate eourt of Illinois ta pay $1B0 ta Bel Flakel, who loaned Springer the saooay to pay off lessee in a poker game. Springer claimed that since the loan waa a “poker debt" payment canid not he •nforetd. The official llqaor central, board of Great Britain ig making teats on a non-alcoholic bear. If the beverage proves genuine it will be sold in of ficially-controlled houses and muni tions plant. The first general test win be made In the bouse of parlia ment. Despite war expenses smounting to Ki#0#i0W,#0# Urn savings of the Rus sian nation since the beginning of tbs war are reported to have increased 11,000,000,000. This is held to be due to th* abolition of Uv sale of vodka and other intoxicating bovaragea What Antricsn troopeia dubbed "Villa’s drag store," waa among the prises captured after tbo Guerrero Wt The drag store waa'.a pack mule loaded with quintet anP-4 antiseptic* and bandage*. In addi tion, tbo mule carried a quantity of oofTaa, which tha Americans consider of equal importance with drags in maintaining campaigning. , Tha suit of Mrs. J. W. Coleman of Atlanta, Ga., against the National Pencil company, la which aha demand ed *10.000 for the death of bar Mary Fhagaa, for whom murder Loo M. Frank waa eenvietad, has boon settled oat of coat*. Mary Phagaa’s body waa fouad la tha pen cil factory, of which Frank was eager intended, and It waa charged she was killad than. ■oporto from Wisconsin atato that localities in the state have voted fljMO.000 for road work this your, which, with equal amounts from coun ty aarf state funds, will probably total MJKKL000. lbs figures indicate that «.l par cant of tha M towns la the *0 "«unties have voted an average of *1,079. Th* greatest single appro* pcintkm is tha baaing of Onto gs mi* county far *7*0,000. Bern Edwards, of Trinidad, CaL. to mourning the loss of a friend aad a W0 MIL The friend died a few day* ago end the coroner who conducted th* funeral could not Sad in th* deed maa*a effects any trouser* good for the occasion. Edwards thereupon gave aa old pair ttott he owaed. .Boom.hears later Sduwsd* railed at tha coroner's o&oe and asksd that tha body of hi* Maud be dtotn torred. "What fort" queried the •oraaer. «W ell," said Edward*, "there was a WO MU in thee* panto, and f need it” . • ' •* .... ♦ ' • - %.V" . a chat wrm oca aaAPna, ‘ By » Creaaroade PMsaspbm. Mag truly polite at bome.ta'publte gatherings. la bustooaa, aa Dm street, la school or rhareh. Perhaps no dan of people matt with ao moth or ao tow) enudaoi as teachers. Much of this criticism it unjust and exists aoialy boas use per ants and others lie tea to unverified reports, ami do nothing to acquaint thsmsehrea with Iba roal inner work ing* of the school room. Put home drat sad foremost; far there wilt come a time when the heme circle will ha broken, when you long Tor the touch of a vanished head sad the sound of a votes that la stili" and when your greatest pleasure will ho la remembering that you did an in your power to put a song under every burden to make each other happy. If you have made up your mind to lire in a town, than stand up for it, and if you know positively no good, than silane* la golden. Do all you can to help along every man who it engag ed hi legitimate business. Da not sand away far everything nice yea want and atill expoet the beam turn to keep a stock to suit the whim of cos or two easterner*. The success of your fal low townsmen will b* your turcssi. There arc two tittle words, simple enough in themselves, that introduce untold trouble in the world and re sponsible for more gossip, scandal and harm than any two words In the Eng lish language. Those two words art nothing more than, “They say." They have dona more to ruin the reputa tions than all other things. If you never quota what Hhsy say* yon may be quite certain you are not a gossip. Homo ia a magic wont, and we eel dotn toy to analyze it A little Pol leh girt in a public school wae asked recently to write a definition of home. She wrote, "A home ia where people Itee, and where a man or somebody cornea home and finds people there, aad then mu!" And thaa eats! Id how many thousands of men that is the end and aim of coming home! To how many thousands of women the preparation of the food to he eaten is tha chief business of borne makiag. How many of our school children’s parents ever visit the schools or even -knew,the teachers whan **1ST mmit t£em on Ufa street ? How many knew what their children are studying or how they are progressing? Is there say of you who have a building to make or a fence ts build; a dress to mako. a boose to paint or whatever the Job may bo, that my to tho one yon have employed: "Hero are tho tools aad materials, go ahead aad do H to sutt yourself and it win suit ms” la that aot what many of you an do lag with your children. You say by four actions: "Hen la my with its books, papers and pencil, I’ve fur nished materials and tools, educate him as you like.” Yeung man, there ia one thing you manot do You cannot make a suo •eea In Ufa unless you .work. Older thaa you have tried it and failed. You cannot loaf around the street Mraer, smoke, ton storks and sponge on someone rise without a failure eg life. You must lews a ***** or gat into some honest buai naoe. If you gout you will become a chronic loafer, and there is no place k the world for loafers. Tbs rips fruit is at the top of the tree and you must clksb if you gut it or some assart man win pluck it from you. Do something no matter how small or bow low tha wagea. It will be a starter Help yourself aad others will help ymt. These k no royal road to suc cess; win, grit aad endurance are rim quantise that lead to it Iwthyfaa Mwtd. A beat baU team rsprseeatiag tha PwabytaHaa Suedey School of Rock ingham, came to Laartoburg Friday ■** aagagad tha local Ugh school «*»• la a gams of the national sport. Whflo tho visitors played a fighting coataadad for every inch •* «»•«*. they lost. It was saly by «MjMata. hat that la any gataa ia Tha locals had tho game oa let with hlaaty af m^gfn to leaf on ap uatll tho loot from*. At tho bexlnalng of ♦hi* iaatag tha scene was 7 to • la favar af tha locals, hat before tha third Man could ha put oat tha vfsit aca, bp ttaaaty hitting had ran tha aaaaa ap to an uncomfortable gaartar and *o snip iking that saved tha gaata fiaat tobig Into extra lasings, waa fast ahaat aa Inch af space be. '•*■■■ *• heart plate and tha da ••tadtag foot of Bald KMsIey, who hdtk«wfa| looked Uka a dmH **""4 lack * bdag seek, ha Maldxf the Iasi eat hi Me affect to lea* ft# hsrte statioa and tie up Om game. READ THIS WHEN HUNGRY Do you want to o. J w life t»> the fvlWst ? Eat Our Groceries. Do you »ant to ketp in the beat of health 7 Eat Owr Groceries. Do you want to keep expenses down ? Eat Our Groceries. Eat oer groceries on general principle*. Always a little better, a little out of tho ordinary, a little cheaper, some thing that pleaaaa and satisfies hungry people. We hare a rest number of customers all over this territory. • Thsy are steady customara bscauss they Uks our goods. But wa want YOU for a customer, too. Try our groceries next when hungry. Our grooerisa produce healthy appetites. Healthy appetites indicate good health. Good health la essential to you. Try our groceries next. You will like them. You will come hem again. They all do. McLaurin & Shaw ’Phone No. 43 Laurinburg, North Carolina. THE DRUG MAN IS A GOOD MAN TO KNOW. HE is tbs man who sails you the drags sad medicines that keep you in good health. HE is the man who sells yoa the preparations that keep you beautiful or handsome—aad happy. HE is man who sell* you the tweets that life more enioyable to yoa. HE is the man who sells yoa the toilet articles that keep you in the pink of eoodlttoo. BRING TOUR DRUG WANTS TO BLUE’S DRUG STORE Special Low Round Trip Rates VIA Seaboard Air Line Railway Co. 'The Progfreasive Railway of the Sooth.” To Birmingham, Ala. Reunion United Confederate Veterans May 16—18th, 1916 Rooad Trip Bales As Fsilowa Charlotte 9 8 96 Rockingham $ 9.75 Hasten $10 66 Hanford 1115 Durham 11.90 Loniaburg 19.75 Mortrojj 8 96 Hamlet 10.06 Laurlnburg 10i40 PitUboro 11.86 Oxford 12 66 Norlina IS. 16 Wadeaboro 9.60 Lumberton 10.96 Aberdeen 10 90 Raleigh 1900 Henderaon 12.86 Warren Plain# 19.90 TiehsU on ante May 18th to 17th toduafvn and fa.- train# •chedilnd to arrive In Birmingham before noon of May 18. Kteal return limit May 2T>. T>ket» can be extended until June 14 by payment of 80c additional and depoeftlng tame with 8 pedal Agent, Joeeph Ricbardeon. on or Wore May 96 Phr Pullman reaervmtiona and further information aa to rate# etc., rail on your local Agent or addreea. H. E. PLEA9ANTH T. P. A JOHN T. WEST. D. P. A Wilmington, N. a Raleigh, N. C JA|fE8 KEB, JR-, T. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. Patronize Our Job Department.

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