il . Wtm nd 20 'htij&'fftojpler'tiMpiBtllfrr wi mil tooearn Mt only the portof f pot also freight patrougi of tho Seaboard; would tend to tha derelop ■■t of tha territory served, and to the ultimata ad van tog. of the Sea board. The inauguration^ of ^.uch alas of other trains so at to meat con ditions, Wuwpht about by neh addi tional service in badly needed, and year early and favorable iniHat ttaa to earnestly IS HIM it »l That each n train is doniied md i8as& —.pi n - and 1st “ In all the teams atoaf at none naor data to the a datewnlmd effort wiU be to bom tha Seaboard establish this additional service. Qmham y.m. _ Wikk, J. J. Murray ad Dr. a G. Hffl.TW.wM followod by wood, draw from Km. W. T. Walter ea to* work *ad prograw of thoorphara rtUa-a. ynabrterUd’wnwa'wa preached by Karr. W. R Mcllwaioa of V«t: "Otedl* gtvta to conducted by Dr EL O. HIB, Synodical _ _il Km. A. W. Crawford Thursday aura, to*. Thrra young men, ramWiitw for lb* m Matey, were tyten under the car* «f presbytery: Daniel C. Sto* a*r> Ralph M. CaTboua and WUMam X. McNair. Sot. W. MeC. Miller was Htwood and ordained aa a talari scary, preaching Me trial aanaua to prosby tary Friday morning, which waa high ly aatiafactory. Satisfactory progress waa shewn alone all Hnea at work, eOWMbUtiooS to all causes amounting •d to the general assembly which »»*U hi Orlande, EUu, next moath: ■or. Messrs. *. A. McLeod, L. T. WUdes. sad H. J. Mills, Elders Tab. hy Murray, W. & Witherspoon, aad C. 0. Pippm with ahenati la order ■UMd, Bee. Masers. W. B. MeU waiae, L A. McLaurtn. I. K. Clan, nn«i A. E. Konkin, W. L Williams aad D. B. Currie. The fall meeting will be keM at Lillingtoo. Presbytery adjourned to ■•d again with the Sanford thank Tuesday, June fth, to receiee Bar. W. 8. fioldiai. the new pastor of the Sea feed church and arrange for hie is eullatien. Mr. Ooldi comes fro North Alabama Tmbytsry. A note of thanks wen extended hy presbytery to the Sanford church aad the people af Sanford generally far their kind hospitality and numerous Dr. Baa pas, pastor at tho Laurla burg Mathodiat church at tho Invha tioo of tho Womans MUslonary So to* of St Paula church Maxton, preaebod a apodal mormon at tho chords last Sunday moraine, him earn snemtiosi being auppUod by as ex •hnaga at palpita with JUv. A. L. Or mosad of Maxton. paster of St. Paula. His samoa was based opoa IHd 12:*—“And they that ho wisp shall •Wna as tha hrightsi— at tha firms amt; and they that tan many to itgfitaaoaaasa at tha stars fsnvar and eTer." It waa a rflinfli sTpsst ton of tha text ami a ataassg hmsnttus to work hi tot spread at tho goapoL Dr. Damps a Ja a sou at asm of tto aJoct mothors is Iarmsl of tto past wto dkl as much in establishing tto Waaiaaa Missionary srork In tto North Carolina Confers nee, end •teoka da arm having authority^ Scottish Chief. One of tto greatest plays ta mottosi pictures at tto Goal Theatre Thurs day. BACKACHE IS DISCOtJUAOING. •at Nat So Bad I f Tea Know Bow to Nothing more dlani)waging than a awahsa, pahm pierce pan whan pan rad! TsT.swff U WOTk or 10 kidneys. 1marts burg people reooas msad Dona’s Kidaoy PHI*. Read this Nisa N. tones, Middleton Haights, toartehorg, saps: "Typhoid fever IMt my kidneys in awful shop, sad tto tradta aaaayad bm day and right. , . - « 'y. sz . ' . ; • • • •• • •• -* .»• »»- .*• *• •. . . ESSING TALK'S PRACTICALLY every Southern Corn Club boy that has won a prize so far has put on a top dressing or a second ap plication of quick-acting nitrogen, besides complete fertilizer at the time of planting. If it worked for them, it will work for you. But it must be a high-grade quick-acting form of nitrogen, ARCADIAN Sulphate of Ammonia amply fills these require ments, and in addition its high test makes it the cheapest top dressing available . ARCADIAN Sulphate of Ammonia is the well known standard article that has done you good service in your mixed fertilizers for years past, especially kiln dried and ground to put it in splendid mechanical condition. Ammonia 25 1-4 per cent guaranteed. In bags of 200 lbs. Ask your dealer. For sole by agents of Armour Fertiliser Works. Writs Tha Barrett Company, Athena. Ga. for information as to its use. ARCADIAN SULPHATE of AMMONIA -aunt BaacrsjQBUMK^. . Crop* Planted Bat 8u*srfag (or Kh. The Boater aeaooa la passing wttb oat any accompanying cold than (or, bat am am awfully dry, and no pres pect for cotton aad other meed* to geminate until we get aoote rain. High winds, cicada of mad and dOat am prevailing, and almost every day or might wo see in the distance, il luminations front forest Area The utmost vigilance aad cam ia nates •ary now to pmvsnt disaster and lose, and 1 am almost afraid to aao the cook ■toeu heated up, or Am built around the wash pot. Crop planting hi this eertina is about ever, and them is a temporary lull in farm work. Small grata, gar dan truck, and every thing, am auffor tag for the want of min, aad tmrei ling on the highway! is becoming very uncomfortable. , Ws tad so Easter Sorties h aay of tta adjacent churches yesterday, as It happened to be tta dey bs Wrier to tta Mktt conyiegations. Several of oar mm aad boys met at Oak Grove oa Thatsday last, for tta porpoea of re-shiaytmy tta shank ,»MA was completed aa Friday p. au Ob Taeaday of this weak, thee* to to be a neighborhood yto ale ta tta grove at that pleas, with addreaoaa from lev. Mr. TVtBfSMi of Uakboy, end Kev. Mr. Goode of Wagraat. whan oar social circle wlB’ be wliv* «ed by the presence of, ear bright boys ntd girls who.are swag at school; there are Messrs. John aad Teas CsddeU. Lee MePtartond, Hsgh aad Anyas Otewast, and Mies Gtodys Hamer, gopt. J. T. Peels, af I wall it tea visited the Oak Onrs wheel on Friday pi w, tta flat bwt. Upon examination of tta pspOr, ayes aad throats, tta deetar frond m aaasaal par eat of them afgetad with sdarvdda, sod diseased tsnsOs, end oae little «