I I _-______ ___ DEPLORABLE TRAGEDY EN ACTED THURSDAY NIGHT Ym« Mu Shot to Booth aa Ho Walks* With Youc Lad;—Thru Youaf Mu HoM Without Ball—Partial Had Attoadad School Ckatas at Ma 000*1 Crooa. I Owe at tha most cold-blooded and j Japlasuble tragedies that baa occur-' red ha this section In n long while waa enacted about ona half mile south 1 of Gibaon and Juat across tha South I Carolina border lata Thunder night. Tha result waa that ona young man j lost his Ufa and three other young ■mw an being held in the Marlboro Jail, osm aa principal and two as ec In tha large crowd that attended the closing exercises of the Mason’s Cmaa school Thursday night was Coy Hnnwkk, who vna wiplojid by a lumbar company in. that section; Mias Dorm Doonehoe, a young Indy of Marlboro county and John Belton Dutch, two brothers, who won resi dents of the same neighborhood. At ,the floss of the entertainment Me * Conick pinil—loii. m the story goes, to accompany Mian Don nchoa on her return borne. His earn pany waa accepted and the two left, walking, for their homes. It is said that aoasa one of the parties under amst, expressed him self aa being opposed to McCormick going home with thAroong Indy and made soma nma^^Bhich if true, may prove damaging*'J4». in a hear ing of tha matter. Just aa the eaople reached a point juat across tha South Carolina line, someone from behind opened Are with a pitol, shooting throe timcc or men. Two of tha bullets found their mark, ana piercing tha heart of tha yoeag mas causing instant death. Soma party who came dose behind found tha dawd body in the road and re ported the Blatter. The coroner of Marlboro county held an Investigation Friday morn ing, sad aa a result of the bearing tammittad DoimiWrtMbeoa, John and Bailee Dutch to tha Marlboro county Jail, refusing them the advantage of n bond. The verdict of tha coroner's Jury waa that McCormick came to his death from gunshot wounds inflicted by Donnie Gibaon, aa principal, with John and Belton Dutch as accessories. Miss Donnshoa states that Gibaon objected to McCormick accompanying her home. MR. SPENCE TO 8PKAK. Saead’s Greet Cow wenne went May 11 a ad IS—The Pnpia. Soaad'a Grare, May 1. Cornraammeat examine of the Band's Gtora aebool win ha held May lltb aad 11th. Tba pnbUe la oordiaTly incited to all aotardaaa. Tba program follows: Thursday 840 P. It—Coaoert. Friday 10:00 A. If .—Debate for McNeill MedaL Friday 11:16 A. M Addre*. by Hen. U. lb Spence, of Carthage, faadidata for Congreaa to eacceed Mr. Pegs. Friday 11:80 P. M^-Dtnner. Friday 8:00 P. M.—Base Ball— Snead's Grare ra. Spring Hill. Friday 1:80 P. M —Tba high ichool department will present a play of rural Ufa entitled -Tba Old Oaken Bucket.'* This is a goad play, aad wB ha aa goad or hatter than say play arar a Iren by this school. A gnat many Snead's Grare poo* pie witaem.d Urn operetta “Cinderel la ha Ploweriand” at the Spring Htn commencement and enjoyed It Off to Bat Serfage. We regret to note that Mr. John T. Lytch, of Urarinbarg, ft. F. D. No. haa loeml h aeceaeary to go to Hot Springe, Ark., for treatment. Mr. Lytch he* coffered from the efforts of a eevrre attack of rheuma tfan for aeveral moetha. Hi* condi tion did not improve and no treat meat tost he received brought Mm the relief that he sought Be left Wadecoday «*• Springs end min probably he gene far a month. It la the ataaare hope at Me large aember at frlende that he eaay eoon retnra mltfid to Mi \noti huith Teeng Men a ft. We an glad to note that Maater * Maleom McTKmgeld, mho oaffered the pMaM ■Mortem to have Mo foot teded end Worsted while engaged la plajdag baee ball eome day age, le rapidly eeaoveriag from the effects of the aetideat. * v . s' 4 l . •d- ; . Jf* MEMORIAL DAT. Bpedal Enrri.ee Will be HeM Oe May 1Mb—The Program. The Scotland Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy will fittingly observe Memorial Day, which la May 10th. An elaborate and In teresting program hai been arranged and li as fellow*: Those participating la the exer cises will assemble la the gradod echos! aaditorivna at 1:00 P. M. Bong America by the audience. Reading and prayer by Rot. J. H. Dixon. Address by Rot. James Long. Order of march: Veterans will head the procession and wiU be fol lowed py the Boy Scouts then the sebeol children of the county. March will start at school house and go di rect to' Confederate monomoat Hare there will be the following exercises: 8ong—.Caroline. Decoration of moo ament. The search will then proceed to the city cemetery. Veteran* will be car ried in decorated automobiles from the monament to the cemetery. Children are asked to weal rod and white, if convenient. School children to march from the monument to the cemetery. All veterans are asked to wear their Crosses of Honor, and if any have been lost, report to Mia. J. H. Dixon. Everybody ke urged to bring Bow en to the graded school building. Tap Dossing This Yaw. The costs of all of our fertilising material* tor? bwq severely affected, directly rf sympathetically, by the war, and farmers everywhere are greatly io doubt as to the wisest course to pursue in their fertilising. Our scientists hare foreseen the diffi culties caused by higher prices, and after making testa bearing directly upon the relative values of our Ter tilisan, at war prices, especially ni trogen top dressers, we note with in terest what they have to say State Chemist B. W.. Kilgore, writ ing recently from Raleigh, said: “Sul phate of Ammonia lsc Keeper thee nitrate of soda In quick-acting far til:acre and in top dressers.** Chemist T. E. Keitt of Ciemson, re ferring to hie testa, sayai “We have compared nftrats of soda and oul phata of ammonia as top dross sea, comparing 76 lbe. of sulphate of am moaia with 100 lbe. of attests of eoda, and have gotten good results from both. I am of the opinion that at the difference of pries, f 1.00 per uait (am monia), selphate of ammonia can ha used ta advantage." Knowing that sulphate of s»m«i.u is the moat concentrated form at ni trogen on the market, thaw opinions should help materially in tbs local fertiliser situation. Mr. Bias to Speak Sunday. It will be of vary great Interest to the people of Lanxtnburg and vicinity to know that Sunday morning, Han. L. M. Bias, of Oiboon, win occupy the pulpit at the Presbyterian church. The (object to bo handled by Mr. Btw la the work of the American Bible Society, It being the hundredth anniversary of that soetoty. Mr. Blue la one of the mast force ful and fauprtasivu talkers la Scot land county, sad the moeoage that he will bring to the people of Laarin burg win doubtless bo board by a Urge congregation. The address win take the piece of the usual morning sermon. Mr. Leach Married. Tim announcement of the manri^e •f Mr. A. r. Leach, of La Orange, Mm aa a emrpriee to hie *—Hand nUtlm tmi fittuli. B# wu ^|w Mad Friday right at La Grange to Miao Boa Bam of that city. Mr. Leech ie a eon of Mat. Battle Leaeh, <rf Laurinburg, R. r. D. No. 4, and in a r«eag mao of the highaet diameter and integrity. ' The Bmhaage la joined hy a greet number* of Ida friend* la Vliulmu happleet eongrmtoletion*. bed hag, bed I*4o^-t*[ifc! amkea Ma thrtag. I I SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION TUESDAY AT LAUREL HILL Amml lalardaaaalnatkiaal Sunday Idol Caaraotioa Offara la 1 initial Pf«Cra»—Addriaaaa Vy J- M Braa«Vtaa aad fUr, W. K. Qaada PW ■le tHaaar PaMt Unrad to Attaod. An event of the greatest interest to the people of Scotland county just now, Is the Annual Iaterdenosaina tional Sunday School Convention, which wi& bo held at the Laurel BUI Presbyterian church Tuesday of aaxt week. Nay »th. The convention wiU ooavsa* at 10.-00 o’clock Tuesday morning and continue until the aftonooa. Those in charge of tho managsmaat of the cocivsabon have mads iw**1 effort* to provide a prograce that wfll be both iotareting and halpfal. Among thoaa who have been secured by the committee to deliver nMrresn are Nr. I. N. Broughton, of Raleigh and Bov. W. E. Goode, pastor of Spring HUI Baptist church. The subject to be handled by Nr. Broughton is “Or gan (lotion For Service.” Nr. Brenght on la a man of considerable imputa tion as a Sunday School worker and is as entertaining speaker Besides the addressee by Nr. Broughton sad Nr. Goode, there will be several others. It is also planned to bold a con ference of the Sunday School teach ers of the county tn Uie forenoon. At this time there will be an ad drees or a aeries of addressee, which will be most beneficial to those who teach in the county. Not least on the program, will ha the dinner, sod the reputation of tho rood people of that section for pre vidiag that fee tars, is too well known to require any boosting from ua The public at large is not only to vitod, bet earnestly entreated to at tend, sad in order that the convention may be mad* to mean the very maete possible for tho good of the Stmday < Schools of Scotland county, the pres «f story teacher sad Vipe^ii The convention win mJLn'rfhid?"to those Sunday Schools that give it] thalr support, and will mean much to1 their influence for the good they are striving to accomplish. The public *t large will receive untold baneftts from the convention if they will show their interest and let that interest ha cxprciAod la their attendance banrty co-operation. Brother, Um invitation indudaa you. SEVENTH DISTRICT. Democratic Organisation Perfected at State ComaUa. Tbs Democratic Stats orgaalsatteti for Oils, tbs seventh district, perfeet ed at the State Convention bald at Raleigh last Thursday, was as fol lows: Permanent Chairman: Gao. H. Humber. Permanent Secretary: C. C. Brough ton. State Executive Cotmahtoa: R. A. Morrow, W. L. Panose, D. A. Mc Donald, J. A. Leach, R. N. Haekett, W. C. Hammer. Platform Committee: W. L, Per rons, Richmond. Credential Committee: Jacob Stetr srt. Davis. Permanent OrgaaiaatlSB Commit tee: C. a Broughton, Montgomery. Delegates at Largs: K. R. Hoyle, Lee; J. A Jonas, Scotland) J. W. Lemberth, Dirldeon; D. M. Rasas, Yadkin; Mitch Benoy, Wilkes. District Coagraasieaal Commit tee: J. C. M. Vasa. Union; J. A. Martin, Anaoa; W. E. Harrises, Richmond; E. H. Gibson, Seetlaad; Tom McBryd*, Dolce; C. L. WllHam sen, lae; D. E. Hluo, Moor*; W. A. Cochran, Montgomery; Arthur Rons, Randolph; W. H. Phillips, Dsvideos; Jacob Stewart, Davie; J. W. Pass, Yadkin; P. C. Parrietor, Wllkaa. Presidential Elector: . J, Clegg Ashcraft, Union. District Secretary) H. A. Cran ncr. Wilkes. H*» Oa Baa*. •MM plgawaaa MMt torn toi Imm* ud >UmJ to • HU. fa tfa »l»bt tfagr kmtod tMr wnf ate M tk* totem ud booted tt 1—u fflftjr bUm. V* km fated at toga fat mw fafbm fad to fated di Mr ifawtag mcfa faawtodf «f dto Udm ud dlrwUm. And Auilu to dud Md tboto wurtng Ma matte * • rbcrbts. • _ 0 • We know that our reader*, like • • ourselves, eineerely regret the • " sbseaoc of that interesting fee- • • »~«y issue. • • Thing* Pertaining to Life.* • • Per some reason the copy for * • this article waa not received. • BATt mra TUB OXB. Bahe Tbsnhlriteld Writes Uttar Per PnhBcetien an He Left tor Bande. mnaee Tha following lotto*, came to aa ■ariy yesterday morning end waa write by Baba TroebUftald, one of the four convicted upon a charge of h—H"g tato Mr. Jack McOirt’s store and taking therafteae a quantity of gusda. Bari) of tha quartette reeeiv ad a sentence of two years on the reads of Stanly county. The tetter U as follow*: To the Exchange Boeder* and the Good Citizen* of Scotland County: I feat it my duty to make known tha truth to you, aa I aa now on my way to aarva a two year term for taeeay. Ttpee stated below are not guilty of their chargee, although they hasp a sentence of the earn* period ef time and for the asms offense. 1 41 have realised in aey heart and Jiad that 1 have got to die and in j Jbdgment above I don't want to ano wsr for innocent ones punishing for my trines. New hero I am absolutely semiug with tbs truth, and obliged If eey that Will Wosdl* John Nor *“d Cert Thompson i* absolutely mpsasut. Now It waa stated in court Asti was weak is mind, but thank dnoWth to know I •sue got to die sad that those men. (tioned above are going to punishment r*f eoasathing they did not, or knew H had dons K. Therefore I now foe] like I have done all I can for both the Iwnaat of my soul and those mm, who ere chergad along unjustly with mu I am tbs guilty and only guilty party in this cam, therefore I beg the sym pathy of those men above. , Signed—— B*b« Trouble*eld. JURT DRAWN. CwaUwen Mwt Jary for Jut Tern of Scotland Superior Court. Tha County Conuniaaionan In oee ttou Monday draw a ltd of juror* who WWri ftCwt Tto — S*>t' «wwi Jw*a Mh, and will ba for ftp Wring of both eMI aad criminal The jurora drawn ar* aa follow.: H. J. Smith, ». M. Campbell, H. L. Pawl* John L. Rnahala, 8. D. Byrd, R. A. PhUllpt, J. B. Maxwell, John K. Oibaou, Angtu McKinnon, G. M. Corri* p. H. Uringatou, J. R. Terry, D. U McLuacbUn, Gtlaa P. Leach. Frank GflUa, L. P. Oibaou. A. J. Car i*A R. B. Pattaraaa, John P. Shaw, Pf M. Giboon, N. Hammond, J. L. wWipnd, Lawrence Seale, V. M.. P*tt» J- R»»ar, W. M. Jonoa, D. W. **» »«h, Haory D. Cibaoo. J. C. GHb W, J. B. Pittman, L. E. Button, J. «. Morphy, J. A. MeMfflaa, J. W. pdom, J. D. Ovarmtraat, J. V. Smith. LMUn* Backward. |Aa CkarlatU Okwrm rma'an in UretHnt comer In ita daily pubHea Bmi voder tk« head of "Lookfaw Bork In tho edition of Monday wo •ad the following: • “Mr. H. Hundaon MeMillan of Root Wd Comity won a (old medal |ino by the PVllomatboaUn IJterary So «*e*y for the bqat speech la a aoptv eon teat at Wake Voraat Cel |1oRa. Aa robiect af this sketch to now a MMonary repeoeentta* tho Baptist *■* “• b otaHsaod at Baa Chaw, China. He was bom aad spoat hit Ufa, ay on til ho wont abroad ns a Maotrnary, In flpria* HOI township, aad ia a meaaber 4 that larva faaailr of North Oaroliaa aotal*£ «ho£ ark familiarly rimlaial la tho OM MoNoUU, Jehnaana and »* I + SHORT SESSION OF SCOT LAND SUPERIOR COURT Crlmm. I ___ CLEAN UP WOOL CM* Impa Stull MmaiM «i The President of the Chrk Laagui of the tews of Laariaburg hae eel apart Ere day* ee “Oeen Up Duyt* k Laurtaburg, beginning Monday, Mag Iha i, rubbish, ate,___ i ta tha following order: W Taeedey; Ward No. W_ Waai No. t, Thursday; Ward Me 4, Friday. AB poroses are urged te units la this affect to make oar teem non healthful and mace beestMUL The Chief of Police sshs that yee do not pie trash and rubbish an the •treat, bet in such ether piece* aa * ■» be eonveaiaatly reached The owners of vassal iota ere urg ed te display aa much interest in this dean op movement aa if their prep, •ety was occupied. It has alee bean suggested that tha city aathoritias be aafced te pem so ordinance forbidding say aad all par* eons from lounging about the Con federate monument. HERB THEY ARE. Gandtdatoa for State OScn—Take Ysnt Chain. Tha State Baud of Elutions has certified Us complete list of entries, Democratic and Republican. far the State-wide primaries ta be held Jims •id. the campaigning for which will be in fan swing from sow sntll that date, with numbers of Democratic Candida tw for every owe < tbs ef ficss far which nehtinotloea ere to bs made gad with bat an# B mobilise for anch, except is one or fare instances. The entries for State oOcci and for Coagreaa follow: Governor—Thomas W. Bieket and E. L. Dangbtridge, Democrats, and Kraak A. Linney, Republican. T taotmsnt Governor—O. Max Card nrr, Democrat; L. L. Jenkins, Asks villa BapobUean. Secretary of State—Col. J. Bryan Crimea, Criaeeland; Haywood Clark. Wilmington, mad J. A. Hartoeet, BtoteeviOe, Democrats; Robert L. Stmwd, Chapel Hill, ITepahliraa State Auditor—W. P. Wood. Aaho boro. Democrat; John Q. A. Wood, Elisabeth City. Republican. State Treasurer—B. R. Lacy, Rah aigh; 9. S. Mann, Middletown, Deme orato; Robert W. Harris, Dflleboro, Republican. SuperiateadeBt of Public Inairoc Uon—J. Y. Joyner, Raleigh, Desso e*at; Ounaoe R. Pugh. XBsahaU City, Republican. Attorney General—Thomas H. Ont vect. Raleigh; Edmund Jam. Ieo.tr; 3. & Manning, Raleigh, and N. A. Sin elair, PayetterflU. Paw acre U, and John 3. Parker, Monroe, Republican. Mcsbtr Con>or*tion r^wtoUeijm D. Boyd, wayneerine; .William T. Uw WaynesefOa, Democrats; Henry 3. Faison, of Paisoa. Republican. CoamiMloofr of Labor And Print lag—David P. Dellinger, OhenyiDe. and MHoheQ Leo Shipman, Reader •aarlOa, Dene errata; W. Usama Jor dan, Snow Hill, Republican. Onamrimluun of Agrkolfamw-W. A. Graham, Ltaeohrtoa; Samuel H. Hobbs, Clinton, and A J. McKinnon, Hasten. Democrats; Alfred L. French, Draper, Republican Insurance Oommhwhmor Jasma R Young, Raleigh; C. T. MeClenagbaa, RnMgh, Democrats; John W. Harden Continue* III. The condition of Dr. D. M. Prince who wm otridMa auddenly in tn dayo ago, while Mrantat improved, la a«n vary whom, and thcr* i* Met Mem a* to the nltinuto lattaai d hta Utnwa. Mi. ■ ■ . Mi*. Mm OL Wo an glad la chronicle tho fe« that Mrs. Mar Mm, who tea bow qaito IS tetag tho paat mk, U van anek togruiai at till writing- ' .eA^/*.1 a'* r>t*» 'jjr’-h*^o^ ‘**2. Whan yam aonatder that InTlaad "Jfat that cub._ «f rrW Ifajmer, to ta ha triad tor TiifirilliM if IIi m. hlbtttoa law. quite youthfal. got with privilege ta ta hirw hia oat after titty, Baba TreohMMd, Carl TboMpoea, <**■ Norton aad Will WoodJe war* Jofatly indicted aad Mod opoa a chatga at hroahiag into tha atawa ot ; Mr. Jack McOirt. aad ebo ter Ae iansany of a lot of good*. Tbo Vte «Met waa guilty aad each of tha 6a fendorta draw a etntaan at two yearn ■ «■ »ha roada of Stanly county and ta waar felon rtrtpaa. '4,1 »>>toh ho woo charted "wtttTtha larceny of a horae aad baccy, (Jl jpeuparty ad Sr. A. T. Wallace. Ha ] pN*d cwltty aad waa natanud to Joarv* two yuan an tha roada af Stan, to^ty and to waar the Mam Marahal Cox. chargod with break, toe into tha etoru of S. M. Saaoea, waa declared guilty and received a •entente of one year on tha roada of Stanly county aad wait war the atripea of a felon. In their report Ac grand jury eap 'caatad and advtaad that ilgn board* , directing traveler* to tha different point* hi the county ho erected at the wtojte road eteealaca. They alee Mfcod that the nmd leading from tha • Mala road to tha coaaty homo ha "“had ead pat la hotter condition. D*. HAW ILL. TIm Dr. W. C. that brings mod pla of arts< Ha from a _ ^o»aeh Friday abaat noon and WU Friday sight. Ha is atiU daagar otuly tick. Dn. NaaWt, of Charlotte and Wwt oT FayattoaiUe, wm* callod to cowit wttti tho local physicians and Umti tha troabla to ho eanaod from an Dr. Shaw it aao oT tha praashwat awa of ttw county and W« Ulnoaa hringa a groat sorrow to tha heart, or an *o people or tho whom com munity. At this writing ha is no t so dan gar coaly 01 and them la graat bops that ha will folly raoomr Mi With and ‘ strength, although tha physicians haao daslamd that ho must lamshs abod for at hawt om month at boot. I

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