JU8T A MINUTE, BHOTE : * FARMER VOTfijt OF THE SEVENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT » bovine bat one Primary: bod 1 out «m hr may members ofthe In the lfettonal ZST3 1 am convinced that -nar any r in the Seventh «bo teei PTrt.s.1..' tag Mr. Varner to the comtef Primary ■ *■**« eanllon Hon an ay rea i II | I ! f|| ”'*a _ i Dispatch; aod k Is not sdlbs ^wnldbann^n. pay bad they bona in control of so inpootant aa or*an of publicity. ■aroad Not only ha. Hr. Vannr ban a fearless, hard-workine. loyal asr^atSTf^t£ I ----- RON. H. B VARNER. of public benevolent*. Perhaps oar lawyer friends have done likewise, but ao far I bare been unfortunate ia act having hoard about it Third—Mr. Varner not only dream* dr—me, but h— been able te awake to a nalbstlon of hie dreams. I would give a the—and times at much tor a man who go— on doing good thing* end saying nothing, me tor the au who go— on saying good things aad doing nothing. It ia the man who oosrvtaeee me that he will do good things ia the future by having done good things in the past that I favor Oar present advancement along all lin— ia due primarily aad solely to the aetiviti— at di—mars. You aad I dreamed of a model farm boom tor a nuanhen of years before wo seeurod it; Fulton* dreamed raf the steamboat yearn —fere he sailed it an the Hud son, and maphsneon likely experienc ed nightmares over the eteam^ogine long before It thundered along the track. We need dreamers, we want dreamers, aad we most have dr—m «r»! only let ui be sura not to —ad dv—men to Ceiigiaaa who— visions will be prompted by the derive to se cure castles fer themselves at the a® pan— of — farmers who elect them. Baar in mind that if say Congressman go— from the Seventh District to Washington this year the farmers of this District wig send bias, ate- we constitute more than tan to —a af our population. To ha non eperittc, I do net think that anyona would question Mr. Var ner's having devoted ma— time and better schools. better rural health •■■ditto—, better Uve stack, better made sad better farming than any other private cl trim fa the State. Mr. Farm Demonstrator, I know you an a— supposed to ha— anything to do with poIKJ— except to east your e— "to but if jou can —fact any one of dm other candidates, or any other maa la too State tor that matter, who teofc IMMO of Ms owe hard-earned brothr— to secure the enertfamanca°of the Demonstration work to Ma cuan that tha needs and dmIres of tba at tba Seventh DtsMst aa no who has aa far announced I am paraded that ha will land hia influence and amp ta tha pacsagn of each neomoa fa Com greas as will meat oar needs and pro mate our welfare, and nt the name time not neglect the need of other important interests In the District. Perhaps any one of the lawyer candi dates wonld do this If they only knew the conditions of tbs rural districts as Ur. Vainer knows Uses. Bat, do they! Fifth—Better roods is a iii inj ne cessity in this country, and in perih- • Met in particular. Sooner or Inter, we ere going to have good roada If we have to build them saraaleas and pay every dollar at the irpmias. but I feel that this should not need ta be dona During the peat tan years tha Federal Government has spent nt tho1 rate of g2.MO.000 n year for good I roods in Cuba. Porto Rioo, Panama, the Philippine Talaitdc, tho Hawaiian' and Alaakm—and bow nod la tho United States? One-half a mil lion and that fat only experimental road-building. Why should we be taxed ta build roads in Cuba and not bo allowed to use some of our Federal Tax Money to construct roads by our doors? This condition baa corns •bent through our leading to Cop F«a men who wen not interested in internal improvements. It ia ffatUnk abla that Mr. Varnar would not roe mad in getting Federal Aid in the construction of some leading Unas of post rads in tbs Seventh District. He has for eoane time beea hshlnrt the teed readt movement in the Soath. and has practically an of the good roads Influence behind him, sad with this peculiar advantage ha eould eas ily bring things tq pass in tha good reads movement that would net be era attempted by aay of the other . Varner's beat efforts Is thdb idvoctcr of mmh* twos which ars for tha opUft of pub-. Ue morals and privata Jiving. H* *g ardent sdrsdU cf boa.- I legislation, and haa base a strength in the aid he hae give* safer cement of the law. Ha haa far measure* sod men and haa •_ at any tints followed tha Una of least resistance, but stood tpr wfcst ha bo lievsd to be right and far the boot in terest* at the people regardless or consequences. la his newspaper he his stood not only for high ideals, but has year la and year out for nearly a quarter of a century fought net only the battles of democracy but for bdt ter bring and dvie righteousness. Ha haa taken no middle grounds, nor sat en the fence, nor waited to get oa the popular side. This Is the at man Mr. Varnar if and you always know wbera to ftnd him. Ssrath—I am convinced Mr. Var •rr’i acta have not ha prompted by poHtteal motives, and nothing in Mr. Varnar** Uf. Nu svsr led ma to ba Ueve his political and '-'mt acta wura la any way praspttd by satflah metivaa. Certain it fat that ha aauld not have had his ays oa tha place ha aewaasks. I shall vote for Mr. Varnar, add hop* you sriO do likewise. [ M. 3. HXNDRICU.i > Pudding Ridge Farm, Omm, Orris County, M. C, Miff L Nit f| (Advertisement) the farmer'* bey (hate day* kwnl' ■m about a cortonfat aad a , fcriMial than ha deos about a broad lag flaw aad harrow. i Aaotbar an baa booa oentonetd tor 1M goats' hwgiiaoadi—■ Bran with Ndaettaa for goad bebartor that It gtdag to b* I »o tow that ho wW ti atabwtaulmig timoafterwards. igtaiaiMaa*, oaoa aaM ba waaM^aet bo a author for 110,00a FWMy bo woldnl *ad aayon* willing to bar* Mai far a amdbar at that grit*. Whoa a girl know* yem an eotafag to tgead the tnwing aad yn flnrf her with a taw aaittt breath, otawbow roa gat wMblnatoat r ndbly year dtaOy aa yaw aright with. Aa ogottet think* ha la tha'whala i entry, aad aa (ha ~wM* uaati" aaaalanaidy *rr~n Ms aotfoas, ba fa tagt buoy wadtog bath Ma aggee tka ad baring a taaflC dtoro!d£. /-- - diJIw Iw, J. A. Cwtog, raster of «*ty. Mol. baatoadutidMo rootgaotlni Here is Real Point Economy— T>AINT ECONOMY does not lie In the cost per gallon, bat ]r i* ***** fa* i*Uo® will accomplish. Cheap paints oarer _ only 900 to MO square feet per gallon, two coats. But a gallon of . /f HIGHSTANBARD LIQUID • PAINT ooren 800 to 400 square feet, two ooet*. Your ^ painting will require fewer gallons of "High Standard ” then of cheeper paint—an many lea*, in fact, that your painting coat will be lower. "High Standard*' work* easier, ooren better, assures permanency of coloe end more yean of wear. Aik us far voice can! and booklets. THE MODEL PHARMACY The Store That Satisfies Telephone No. 127 None Better Zfjancy- Hosiery LONNIE HAMMOND Ev*ry»hi. jrln M*n’p Pummhinga | SQNfS LfFE SAVED | *St aarsd our an'i lira,- aura Mr*. ] OMM In apaakluc of Tolar's 1 ■ana? and Tar Compound. "Of tua I am aura. Of all a*mk ramadtaa 1 ?* uaad. Tolar's Honor and Tar i Jayssl U far ahaad af thaw all. H has haaa our faithful frtand tar Mroral |«n and wa ro*r upon It •w tha qstafc rotlaf of an our ! —* l nawirfslhudwtiti Man ad U to 111 our frlsuda. Wa tfeam ha would aural? dto tnm ara agad te san ■awathar I «urr» IMHJ6 wom. BLUE’S DRUG STORE _ The popular meeting place of the town. Courteous service, the most tempting drinks, attractively served. Registered pharmacists to ti^^refol atten tion to your prescriptions. ' • '* When yon need anything from a drug store, call in or "phone thirteen. BLUE’S DRUG STORE ATTRACTIVE SUMMER TRIPS 1916 TOURS FROM 10 to 40 DAYS 0 - INCLUDING ■■■■ New York , Bestow White Mountains The Saguenay Quebec Montreal Lake Champlain Lake George Aosable Chasm . St Lawrence The nmwsaad Island Niagara Falls Alaska Pacific Coast j Yoeeraite Valley Canadian Rockies Lake Louise Vaneonrer . Glader National Park Yellowstone National Park Grand Canyon of Arizona Salt Lake City Colorado Rockieo Loo Angeles -*- AND THE -- v Panama-Califomia International Exposition at Dan Diego, California Personally Conducted and Chaperoned The very highest class of servlet, which makes travel for pleastm comfortable and enjoyable. The Tpturs cover the meet attractive route* and the principal places of Scenic and Historic Interest through out the Greatest Country In the World. "" ..' . Write far rstoa, booklets and descriptive Hteratare. '■[[ ; , \ •>. ; / /f '■ . # r GATTIS TOURS Toariot Agents, Seaboard Air line Railway BaMgh, North Carolina soaemaMMsmnmewaeaaHi^M^.