RCJ’OL.VtO 'TViat me 5oi/are PCal WINS-JUST ASK OUR. Customers WMCTHrR or not we ClVE thca -> A Square peal-vt SScll the Best that’s IN T«C MARKET F&R. TXe FAIREST PRICE. I THE JQUARE DEAL PAYJ—"YOU KNOW IT.” YOU'LL GET IT FROM UJ—WE KNOW ITi AND YOU'LL KNOW IT TOO, IF YOU BUY FRoMUJ. WE DON'T EXPECT TO JUCCEED BY CHARGING HIGH PRICE J FOR } OOR GOOD J. BUT KNOW WE CAN JUCCEED Bv JELLING THE BE JT TOR A FAIR AND HONEJT PltfcE. ANYBODY CAN JAY THU—WE CAN PROVE IT. IF YOU DOUBT IT. COME IN—IF YOU BELIEVE IT. COME IN—IF YOU KNOW IT. COME IN. PLANTERS TRADING CO. ——™^^I SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY THE PROGRESSIVE RAILWAY OP THE SOUTH Schedule Effective April 16th. Trains Leaving Lanrinburg No.119—8:25 A. M. Local fur Hamlft, Charlotte and all in termediate points—Through Sleeper Wilmington to Charlotte. Open for passengers st Wilmington at 10 P. M. No. 18—7:27 P. M. Local for H mb let, Charlotte, and all in termediate points,—Connecting st Hamlet for all points North, South and Sooth Wfst, Pullmpn Parlor Car Wil tnfngton to Charlotte. , « No. 20—885 P. U. Local for Wilmington and all intermediate points,—Through Sleeper Charlotte to Wilmington. Passengers may remain in Sleeper until 7AM. No. 14—9:07 A M. Local for Wilmington and all intermediate points,—Pullman Parlor Car Charlotte to Wilmington. For additional Information, as to rates, schedules, or re servations. call on local agent or write the undersigned. J. Watson, Agent H. E. Pleasants, T. P. A. Lanrinburg, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. John T. West, D. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. Of a Titan Engine? ' *TpI~ A?i engines run on kerosene. Average cost of gasoline so far this year, 16.9 per gallon. Axcost of kerosene 7.7 cents per gallon. G , .* r4ti over 100 per cent more Huai kero •cr.t> : •:.>.* is going up steadily. Kerosene is not. A: iii.1 fuel prices Titan engines, using kero sene ,'M owners about r.i cents per horse power per . A’- * v. if; Milxijt \ wolioe cosine / What horse power is it ft f y. >•» .1 ba savin# if you had a Titan kerosene eotcii ■ .iji. *.!.■. rwi'rjftt’t Itf How long would it taka that a:..rm u> ;»■> tot a titan engine of the ■«— rise f tZ;v4~ej> / »,• ; r,.- \ > • ,. Tara knew iy»in Me mU tv JNO. P. HoNAIR. Laarfntatg. N. C. Z. V. PAT& Laors) Hill. N. C. ar d Gihooo. M. C. J. T. JOHNS 00.. Jobss, N. (X v ■ i a ■ 'UK * IIII ■ i| — PROM EVERYWHERE. Happenings AD Over the WerM ia Paragraphs. Kanina farmers are driving to town behind horses one* more, owing to tho . increase in the price of gaaoliaa. A deervaa* in motor travel has been no ticed for several months. Theodore Rooeevelt has announced that, la the event of a war involving the United State., he end his sons, hi* aoaa-ln-law, the kinsfolk and hi* sons’ friend, wifi offer their service* to the government. Leopold Kitcbnvr, a landttrum in fantryman, became Insane while in charge of a police post In Vienna, Aus tria, and killed nine persona. The Vienna firemen subdued him with a stream of prater. flinre the outbreak of the European war, 3,117 non-combatant, have lost their lives la maritime disasters due to mines and submarine* of hostile nations, according to an estimate mad* by Walter Runriman, president of the British Board of Trad*. Prank Tippollto, a New York city traffic policeman, recently a little girl to safety from the path *f a lire chief's automobile as the ear rased through the business diatrlot, but eoald not save himself. It was said that ha probably would die af hi* injuries. Mot* than 1,000 soldiers and mem ber* of the crew of the Chinee* steam *r Ilafatg-Ya were lost when tbs went to the bottom after a collision with the cruiser Hsi-Yung, south of the Chusan One for eigner, 20 soldiers and < in amber, of tha crew wdre rescued William F. McCombs, for in years chairmen of the Democratic National committee, hat tendered his resigna tion to take effect after the National Convention in St. Louts. It ia proba ble that Fred B. Lynch, national com mittee roan from Minnesota, will be named as hie successor. wnat prospects Harry Schafer, •erring a life sentence in Sing Sing prison, New York, had of being par doned on the ground that hi* fractur ed skull caused hie criminal tendenc iea, were ended by an X-ray photo graph which showed tha skull to be normal. Schafer is earring time for murder. Mis* Barnette Muyer, 18-year-old daughter of William Moyer, a farmer residing near Darby, Pa, risked her life to release 25 rows while her father's barn was burning. Tha Semes were right over bar head but aha never gave up until the last cow waa re leaned. Later she ercpS-4nto the same stable and released a faith ful watchdog. Nerve and pluck exhibited by the fl'fe-yae^ald eon of Mr. end Mrs. Sid ney Mitchell, of Lead, 8. D, saved both himself and the family horns from destruction by fire. The little fellow fought Ms way through tha flames to the telephone and sent an alarm to tha fire department Be waa nearly overcome when firemen rescued him. Wbila B. Johnson, at Elms, Ore, was operating a cable at a bright of 185 tmt, the rope slipped, catching hit band and pinching off tha fingers. In seder to eave his entire arm fm being drawn into the Modi he grabbed the cable with hi* teeth and pulled In enough alack to release Ms imprisoned hand. Than be slid to the ground and walkad to a physician’* office fa bars his Injury dressed. Timothy J. Lyons, a San Pranelseo lawyer, and Mrs. Ada Diamond, a clairvoyant of Salt Lake City, wot found dead in a hotel room at San Francisco, with tha gas Sowing from an open Jet. The womaa had written three notes in one at which she eharg nd that the affections of Lyons for her had chilled and that ha waa uaiag bar as a plaything. She <• believed to have turned on the gas after Lyons had fallen asleept Securities aggregating in value MS* ,000, believed to have bees stolen tram s United States man wagon on e ferry-boat in New York rity Pah. M, were recovered n few days age when the polices arretted Edward J. Quigley in that city. The man had the eternities wrapped tn old news papers in e satchel. The recovery of the rolls term! wee aa accident, at Quigley was actuated merely on sue pidea of raising money orders In 0L Louie. ■ ii niajMnnnM Mr William D. McLsurin. Scotland **™*ff*« popular sheriff, and Ida brother, Murdock MeLnarin, were here today Bailing eettoe. Mr. Me Lauda ia rounding oat Ida tixteenth year aa ahariff. Ha la the ftret and ooly ahariff that county ha* ever had. He ia a candidate for ro-elwcUon thia . year, and haa no eppoaitioa in either the Democratic primary or the gen eral election. He is ae pepaler that ell parti** and faction* have long aince ceaacd trying to defeat him. He telU na that hia county I* la ftae ihape Anancially. Whan the county wne And aatabllahed, eirtoen year* age, it leaned bonds to the amount of $ i8,000. This war for the porpoae of building a court house and a Jail, and its proportionate part of Richmond county** indebtedness Thia lwmd^i Indebtednei* haa been paid down to IlSjOOO and the county haa safflclant money ia its treasury to asset el) cur rant expenses. He auya that the an nual running expenses of hia toanty la only about $8,000. They have but one inmate in the oomnty heme, and uo chain gang. They have ftve Superior court* e y*ar—three crimi nal and tw# civil terms. This strtkea "• fa a Am showing for a new coeety. -r"“‘ A Trsrsdy. tt wm a town girl—aad Um earns ■ad story that, alas, has often hssa told, aad check trad many a young life which had Ha begiaaiiw hi ——Hrr nmaadad by luxury aad tha wealth of the world. Her eyes ware new wild aad staring, her face waa flushed and har hands were nervously werh fag. She waa a deeply troubled and injarad woman, aad wa hanr har say ing: “Oh. cruel one, you hare injarad tha vary foundation of my being) Day by day yon have tortaed me, and yet I could not hoar to give yoa up. When we first met, hew your ease and polish attracted met When you became my own. hew my friends envied me. But your understanding is too small for my large soul. You are opposed to my advancing myself. Yen have in jured my standing in society. If we bad never mat I might have walked in peace. So now begone! We part forever!” There was a moment’s eoavulehre breathing, a gritting of teeth and a sharp sigh. It was ail over. By a supreme effort she had palled off har new shoe.—Ex. The Prise Bag. Tha subject of this is acme hog. weighs 1476 pounds. Stockyard f*Wbn«^o Wg-iiks kirn. Ha arrived tha other day in Cincinnati from tha farm of ITtoauu Wetancr, at Si ploy, 0, where ha waa barn and spent his youth. As soon as be waa bon ha began to grow aad no one triad to step him, for every day he would put ease pound of pork chops, tha retail price of which waa about 20 Finally ha was ready far market. . It Is considered that a 1476 pound Hog wiB produce 976 pounds of food, Minding two hams, weighing *7 pouads each; MS pounds of bacon, 94 pounds of lard aad 269 pounds «f A* prevailing retail prices, the food value of this pig would ha $i07i>». H ia also estimated that there are enough brietiea on his Hi to make 40 flxat-elaes four-inch beach es that win sell at 90 coots such, and ■ couple dosan smaller brushes at M coats each. ^•ul IbiTgeas, thirteen yours of age, KB of Mr. A. C. Burgess Of Mt Airy, secidottally shot aad killed Sat urday aftamooo by Cart Jeaes u oftof boy «f abort IS yon of age. CALOMKL DYNAMITES A SLUG. GISH LIVER. , 1 ! • Va THE UNIVERSAL CAR Y «*j m i»t not inln the Fort ear by Iti f|«it mt That i« low. because the b«rtt manufacturing method* and tha rrea* volume ©< nrodoetion reduce the eoet of making and eel ling. Better material*. Jwught at lower prime, make the. Ford a better ear f «r lea* money. Order your* toHay! Runabout SSBO; Touring Car $440; CoopeUt S590 Town Car SMO; Sedaa 1740. All priaee f. o. h. Detroit. On •ale at Mercantile A Machine Company Laura! HtO, N. C. „ ‘ A Bank With The Strength Of Tempered Steel !Tb« soundness of this bank it enhanced by the eon. served ve policy pursued by its officers in the making of loans It therefore becomes the safest of ait places for the care of your savings, upon which it pays interest at the rata of 4 per cent per annum. This bank invites yoa to become one of Its rapidly growing family of patroos. and offers yoa every facility consistent with safe, sound and conservative banking. SCOTLAND COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Laurinbnrg, North Carolina DO YOU PAY YOUR BILLS BY CHECK? And that have a record of each and every amount expended together with a receipt for the amoont paid ? If not, you need a cheeking aceoaat with thit bank. It ia the aafaot way. the moot convenient and satisfactory method of brant acting all budncee payments. Wt will be pleaaed to have you moke this beak your pltoe of deposit First National Bank Laaiiabag*. N. C. Special Low Round Trip RateB VIA Seaboard Air Line Railway Co. “The Proff—Railway of Um Booth.* To Birmingham/Ala. Account Reunion United Confederate Veterans May 16—18th, 1916 Round Trip Ratoa As Follows - Charlotte $ 8 95 Rockingham $ 9.75 M*xton $20.55 Sanford 11.15 Dorham 11.90 Louinburg 1276 Monro* 8 95 Hamlet 10.06 Laorlnbarg 10 40 Pittaboro 11.66 Oxford 12.55 Noriina 13 16 Wades boro 9.60 Lumberton ,10.95 Aberdeen 10.60 Raleigh 12 00 Henderson 1285 Warren Ptaioa 18 flu Ticket* on aala May 18th to 17th inclusive and fa.* train* i scheduled to arrive in Birmingham before noon of May 18. I Final return limit May 25. Ticket* can be extended until June 14V payment of 60e additional and depositing Mine with Special Agent. Joseph Richardson, on or before May 25 I For Pullman reservation* and farther informal ids as to I rate* etc., call on your local Agent or address H E-PL?A8ANra. T. P. A JOHN T. WEST. D. P. A I Wilmington. N. C. Raleigh, N. d JAME8 KER, JR., T. P. A, Chariotta, N. ft |