\_ LAUEPJBPBG. N. G, THUB8DAT, may ll# |»ie JEALOUSY CAUSED HIM TO KILL SAYS GIBSON Yauff White Man Racaae Banifed Becauae A nether Walked With HI a Girl aad Catamite Murder—Caafeaaien Came After He aad O the re Were Cammlttad la Jail far Crime. Regarding the killing of Coy Mc Cormick and the evidence secured by the coroner, the Poo- Deo Adroceto says: “Coy McCormick, a young white man about 20 years old, from the Little Rock section, was shot and killed on the plantation of Noah K. Gibeon, in Adainiville township, near the state line on Thursday night, April 27th. Johnla Gibson is charged with tha homicide. McCormick was working at a saw mill in that section, and on Thurs day night he and several other young men and girls of tha community want to a concert or school closing, at Mason’s Cross, over in North Caro lina. The testimony developed at the inquest held by Coroner McRae Fri day morning, showed that Docs Duni hoe went to the concert with Juhnie Gibeon, but returned with Coy Mc Cormick. Gibson got mad about Mc Cormick “taking his girl away from him”; and as McCormick and Miaa Duni hoc, returning from the concert, walked by Gibson and others stand ing by the road, at a branch, Mc Cormick waa shot in the bock and killed. The testimony of Dors Dunihoe ru as follows: Last night, about 10:30 o’clock, as Coy McCormick and I wars coming from Mason's Cross concert, la com pany with Lillie Gibson. Bailie Rad ford, Dan Gibson, Johnie Gihson, Belt on Patch, Johnie Dutch, Ed Jacob*, W. T. Gibson and Chart!* Turner, Just after leaving school house, Johnie Gibson asked me If I did not go there with him, and 1 said I wont a part of the way with him, and Dan Gibooo mid that Coy should not come home with m*. Dan cursed at m# and said r ha.would hit mo. The mat ed party walked on ahead of Coy and myself tilt sre reached the branch where shooting took place. There we patt ed the rest of the crowd, standing in the toad at ths branch. Just after Coy and I passed, the shooting look place, no words being passed, hot I don’t know who did the shooting. When the shots were fired, being four or five, Coy and myiclf ran. Coy in front. Coy ran about twenty stops, grunted and fall, not speaking after Wing shot. This took place in Ad amavill* township, on lands of N. F. Gibson, on April 27, IBIS. (Signed) Dora Dunihoe. Nona of the party testified that they saw Johnie Gihaon shoot. Will T. GiWon swore that W saw Belton Dutch shoot McCormick. Belt on was carrying McCormick’s bicycle for him while McCormick walked back with Dora. Johnie Gibson denied doing the shooting. He snid W arms about ten feet away and saw the flash**. John Dutch and Belton Dutch testi flw) that Johnie Gibeoa exhibited a pMel and knife along the road and assmad to W very mad about Mc Cormick taking his girl away from Mm. ut. k. L. Livingston testified that tha fatal ball entered under tha left Made and lodged la the The verdict sf the Jury was that "Coy McCormick cane to his death tram a pistol shot wound at the haado •f Johnie Gibson, principal, aad Doe's Gibson, John Dutch aad Betten Dutch, h accessories. All four of Gw accused are in jag, . awaiting Mai. Tha Dutches Tell Marc. Oa Monday Bolton and Jobs Dutch amt for Coroner McRae to ro to tha Jafl, aad there they mad# the fsnow 's* statements under oath. Bolton Dutch, aurora, ays: Wa war* together it the crash aad Osy McCormick and Dora Dunlboe w*t oa up the read. John Oibsoa Jawpsd oat into the road holding pis tol la both hands, took four papa at McCormick. As sees as McCormick was shot be ran about IS foot aad f«& No eao would go to hha. 1 aaw Me GCbaoa van as aooa at ha dM « tha dusting. 1 aat positive that Jobs O'been la tha ass that did the shoot tog. I didn’t testify to this et the togasot bacaaao I eras afraid ef John Ofltosa. I eoewMor Mm a ■to*. Than was not a drop «f tsthoenwd. His (Mgasd) Bolton X Dutch. Uha Xhrtch, sworn, aayat Wa had al stopped at tha 1-tk an aad mf brother, Bd Jacobs, W. T. Oib • * tJ '"un and John Glbaon, Dora Dunihoe ' »* “I McCormick were ahead of us. John Glbaon jumped out into the mid dle of the road and ahot at McCor mick four lime*. Aa «oon as Gibson shot, be ran. McCormtek ran off a little piece and fell. I am sure Gib eon did the shooting. I didn't UU this •t the inquest because I was afraid of Glbaon. McCormick waa going from htm when he ahot. (Signed) John Dutch. Gihon Confesses. John Gibson nude a full confession la the jail at BenncttsvUle one day last week that ha ahot Coy McCor mick and that nobody alas bad any thing to do with it. Ho said ha waa erased with jealousy. Tha other three young men were released. Caroline' College Commencement. The Commencement exercises of the Carolina College, MaxUm, will begin on Sunday, May 14th. when Dr. C. W. Byrd, of Greensboro, will preach the Baccalaureate sermon at 11:80 A. M. Sunday, May 14th. at 8:00 P. M., sermon before Y. W. C. A. sad other religious organisations, by Rrr C. W. Byrd, D. D. Monday, May IJSth, from 3:30 to 8:80 P. M., Art exhibit. (Art and Do mestic Art). Monday, May 16th, at 8:*0 P. M, the annual meeting ot the Board of Trusteaa will be held in the Presi dent's office. | Monday, May l$th, at 8:80 p. M,l Operetta in eollege auditorium. Tuesday, May 16th, at 11:00 A. M., Literary Address, by Rev. R. H. Ben nett. D. D., of Emory University, At Gwult. Tb# (ndo^tuig #x* ercises will take place at tha close of the Literary Address. • Tuesday. May 16th, at 8:80 P. M, Recital by the Deperttneats of PJaao and Voice. In many respects this has boan the most successful year in the history of the college. Fine work has boon done in ail the departments. ^'el' WB! be held in the afternoon on Monday, May 16th. a meeting of the Greeter Carolina College Club. This club has been brought into be ing and is operated for the purpose of promoting the welfare of the ool lege In a social way, and quite a num ber ot termor students and alumnae hare already signified their Intention of being present at this meeting. ®T,rf I**r brings a larger number of interested rWter. from various •sctians ot the State. Johaa Mill Closing. Tbs school at Johns will bars its Following i. th, program: Vacation Days (so«g>—School. Piano Soto—1Thelma Hawaii. F^r*w,nt Aw,y <-"*> Left March—Boys. Plano Solo Once MeUartn. Some Boys had Ctrls (song)— Small Children. Social DiSrnttloo—Play. Ploww Drill—Little Girts. A Good Little Boy (song)_m.i— Jones. Piano Duet—Isabella Glhson. _ At Urn Photographers—Play. Qirb ™ U“d (“otl01" ■*•«)—U«la Waaa Solo—Ssrsh Ray. A-go4n* (song)—School. JoST** 8°lo-ltl,rt,m Chimes—Alice Ch^ * Sorall UbU.tSaT1*M Tho Batoy Fairies (motion song) — Twelvg Boys and Obis S'*100* Native Land (song) School. I l » I so sil_ «by Uwy hare Ur 1 has sat yot been Wifl ho .boot U L_ >»g Hamlet sariy la tho •»«•«««. tt has not yst bssn an. **®**,S the fare will b% hat it <** bo relied -mum to bo a obeap rsU. BAD NEC BO ESCAPES. Kitted Mm at Samter, & C, Came ts H norland County Sunday. A negro men, who ia wanted U Sumter, 8. C., for murder, end for whom u reward of MOO ia offered, came to Scotland county Sunday, left hie overcoat end e stolen automobile end escaped the officers. Thursday last, he murdered a negro man who was driving a livery auto mobile. He committed the crime in the ctty of Sumter, liourdcd the auto mobile end after driving It some thing like a half-mile out of the city, threw the deed body out aad drove the ear on toward North Caroline. At McColl he was suspected by the polios of not being just right and al though apparently asleep In the car, which was standing oa the Main street at McColl, overheard the officers talk ing and left Immediately and came to Ittmrd Laurinburg. Ia a few minutes after he left McColl, the officers from Sumter county, who were after him, rolled into town in automobiles Hie trail wee taken up end followed, and about one-half mile this aide oi the State lias on the toed leading from McCall hare, the automobile was spotted la the woods. Search for the negro eras made, but as trace save the automobile aad his overcoat, on which ha had evidently been sleep trig and waa awakened by the approach of the officer*, was found. Up to this time, the officers hero, who went to the scene Sunday morn ing to assist ia the search, have heard nothing more of the matter. The murder was committed with an automobile pump which the murdered negro carried in the car, and waa ftwel, it la said, by a woman. BUTS PROPERTY. Philip* A Suthertaad Preparing te Co lot# Caal Business ea Large Scale. Maeare. Phillip. A Sutherland have purchased a large tract of land oa OU1 <treet and will begin ♦-rmHiafily tbe development of a large coal bed n«" <« *•. property. They *01 £; opea aay coal Brines, bat win la the Fall saaaon, according to reporU, bo ready to eeU coo) and will have one of the heat equipment* possible fer handling it. The coal business it only a small P“Tt of the development that will com* out of the deal uventBally, but part of the boainea will be begun Im mediately. Tracks will ha laid and other equipment neceeeary for carry ing on the business pot In as aooo as possible. . / R. M. Rlnu Gets AatoasohUa. ' _____ A crowd estimated at a or twrh« hundred gathered in frost °f Lackey Brothers’ store Saturday wrwlug at 0 o'clock to gat the now Ford automobile that was to ha gtvaa away by Lackey Brothers. for a large number had from one to twenty tlok eta. ft to laid ana bad ana krakod •ad forty odd for assay wars secured by cashing aceounts. No eoeh crowd hod ever been aeon on Kaia street. Two tablsa (oaa on top of the other) were pUced near the onto. Hr. 01 lie Laekey and too manager of the sale climbed oa top aad the boa into which all the duplicate numbers had bean dope sited was opened by prying off the top. Then the contonte srora emp tied into a sack while the crowd look ed an with bated breath. The sack was Uwl up, tha content* rnO .bakam Thm the holders ware told to face toward the tea cent store. Thera •tandiag high ap was Merchant with hto big camera. Thera was a blinding JlaA, a deafening Bata sad a «a*h Rgbt pic tare had been taken at the crowd. A child was called for, a little girl secured, aad toe tint card drawn from the bag by her was duplicated by Mr. R. M. Rlggan, of Ohio. Thera was a standing offer by the aalet peo ple at four hundred dollars for the ear. A short whiio after the drawing Mr. Rlggan add it to Ur. 9m 9. Basle, near Oiboon, f«r about four bond red and ftfty dollars. Mr. Rig dan end hto brother asm a Ford to fthar, so ha preferred the wans/. The number that drew the ear aa 0001 aad thr numbers ran to w turn, the * at 1000.—Hi While Indag to eraak hto suliwia bOa Saturday, pwparatmy to eomtag to Laurtaburg, Mr. L. M. Peek, Super intendent sf toe Seetlaad county dislocation «f hto right wrtot*k*was the anal trouble-a broking gate. DK. BO0B ILL. ■«• Ban la Charlotte " ir'ti1—I* letter New. Bee. J. 1L Bose, D. D., pastor of the Lmartnbar* Presbyterian church is ill and is ht Charlotte undergoing treat ■Mot. This announcement brought much regret ami sorrow to all the peo pla of Imnrinbarg aad vicinity. Lea# than a year ago he suffered a stroke of paralysis sod has never boa* entirely well since. The Urn of last waak ha went to Charlotte to consult a specialist and intended retaining to Hamlet Satur day where he was to have aaslatad in ■a Installation service. Upon reach ing Charlotte, he found it naoeeaery to cater a hospital and was not able to meet his appointment st Hamlet. Be la yet in Charlotte, bal we are glad to note is very much improved aad has bean enabled to leave the boapMal aad go to the home of his son, Mr. Hugh KcAdsn Rose. Gibaon Items. Mr. Break Jepfd, of Bcnnctts-rille, was a Gibson visitor last waak. Mias Lena Baxley, who hat been tea iking in Atlantic, is borne for the Mia. 3. W. Whitehead aad children, °t Dima, art visiting Mrs. White head's father, Mr. H. D. Gibaon. Mr. and Mrs. Blanton and family, of Bhalby, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Better. Mr. E M. Allen, of Clio, was a Gfb soc visitor last weak. Mrs. Deloach, of Georgia, is visit ing her sister, Mrs. J. L. Shsaty. from everywhere. Hwuhp All Over the World in Paragraphs. Ike British battleship Raaaell Wruek a miaa in the Mediterranean aad was soak, causing the loae of 124 "- TV« admiral, captain. 24 ofll 876 man ware saved. B. Slier thought fallow *m we joking when they warned MM, of a Are tn a factory in Miamia Wh,0. Silor xefuaej to lea**, the Wifldtng and waa baraed to death. >»eph Pasty. iO years old. a far living near Bonne Terre, Mo., committed suicide the other morning b^r setting off GO pounds nf dynamite Wkich was kept In an outhouse. His My was blown to bita. |Tka opening of clean-up week in Gbfambas. 0., was marked by a pa rade in which 2,000 schoolchildren nod hundred* of men clothed in overall emta participated. At the ead of the Pared# waa a steam-calliope which cheeped the workers. State asd Federal sanitary inspect or* have found that out of 1.000 Cali, foesla miners examined approximate ly 40 per sent are Infected with hook worm. The anaaaltary condition of Use mines la mid to be responsible for the spread of the disease. Jefcn Hood. long lest heir to a por tion of the 1208,000 aetata of the late John Hood, of Areola. n„ has re tnrnad to hi* home after an - of 14 yean. During Me shames Hoed wns declared legally dead aad the money wee awarded t* Ida wife aad A **,000,000 appropriation for aaro naatica mi spread to this week by Su Hooaa Naval committee. Tha aamfttaa alio apread to an sppre pHatlon of *700,000 toward a *1,400, project 11* factory. Chairman Phdcatt aald that tha WB probably WM bo reported tardy next week. ( Csnnmpikn af water In Seattle, Watfc., hotels hat tecrpatad la tnch as abuse the prohibition law want Inu dfeet Jan. 1 that the hetelkaep k» daalra a reduction of their water nrtan A petition tlfaod hy 1* of the landin* feetdt her Jnat bean Sled with <he dtp eounarl <uVI»y for a *0 per ^ m m a 1,-1 ®TtH aSnUClKlfl • Sbwa the baptnntn* it tha war tba wtmidpaHty of Virata, Aoatria. hat expended over 1*0,000,000 (a bwyte* feedrtnffa for ratalHe* to shopkeeper* and far dlstrtbnttoo naonr tha peo Ifa FWt tha nineteenth menthly Dtimkipsl rkiwrt It |, Marty 1*^)00,000 free pr arid ad ta Vienna i ntng af war. I . The felarOcaan In Now York city, with a i tal af *116,000, to raiaa ahtpa : aaaaa had or aalaapa Tha eoaapaay wffi becta tank iIn* tha Adatt^ In Ka ftnt la float or af mm af tha ffSOgMS^M » WOODMEN TO HAVE BIG DAY IN LAURINBURG ■ / * ' ,r * : * •* ^ ^ 1; Ckaa lattUtt— af Mm Tkaa Om HvMrrt Mtahn-IWt «f,n>I,r „ OMriata IMii WIm1»| Tata U G4r« Py,,, n,,| “rr'nat »—» Caabf. I CONVENTION CALLED OPT. Important Brut I'utiwul far la dedahe Parted—Program CeuM Nat ha Gompletad. Thoae in charge of the promotion of the Interdenominational School Convention, which was to have baan bate at Lanrai Hill charch Tues day teat, found It naeaaaary at tha teat moment to poatpana tha oveut for an indefinite period. Arrangements had baea made whereby an interesting and helpful program would be offered. Several epeahen of prominence in Sunday School work in the State, had bean secured to deliver addressee aa tha different phase* of tbs work and K wa* thought that there would he ana of tha bate convention* near, but it was discovered at tha teat mo want that these speakers could not nwn. and it being to# late to make satisfac tory arrangement# to complete an at tractive and helpful program, it was determined hast to rail tha aanven tion off until tone future date, which Will ha announced later. WMa I'm*. Gastonia, May I.—Mrs. Zo* Kin caid Brockman ka* base awarded the Srat priae far the beat short story offered annually by tha State Federa tion of Woman's Chibs. Her story is entitled The Great Whit* Law,” and won this priia bi competition with a targ* number at others. Sha was al so awarded tha third prise for poetry by the State federation. She submitted four pa erne in tha contest and the other three ware given honorable mastics) by the rom mltta* of judgaa. which was ease posed of tha prof amen at English In th* State University. Mrs. Brockman, while quit* young, has had bar poems published in a number of magazines and has exhib ited a talent for literary work. Gas tonia is proud of her achievement* and looks for larger things from her in the future. (Mrs. Brockman is a I M»tor of our townsman, Mr. L U. Kin-| caid.) _■ ■ Maaical Tha amaieal department of Dm graded school will (fee a maaical to-' cttal tomorrow, Friday might. May ISth. at S*0 o’clock fa ditori uo>. FoDawing fa the program Oat will be rendered: Loula MeLaaSfca**>Ul<i Daet—Antau Idytis—Pierre Bern ard—Jawel Whitaker aad Bath Falfa. Melody in F—A. Rebejwtaio—A» nia Bed Jonaa. Pieretta—air da Ballet—C. Chami nade—Carolyn Patterson. | Daot—CMana—C Seine—Mildred 1 McLfturm and Elolia * i *»fa, gJSSwS^eta-fc. gvnia Fairley. M armaria* Spring— C. Bahaa—May McAxn. Dart—Sextette from Locfa da * — ■Mnaoor—Doniaatti—Martha Frir lay and Anala Bril Joaea. op. 7—L. Van BmOteran Agnaa Lynn Bnehaaaa. Doet—Invitation to the Peace ron Weber—Eugenia Fairley and Maty Fields. I U Chant da Rateaeaa—Thao. Lack —Mary John. Quartette-Grande Yalta BrillsnU —Schulhoff—Pint Piano, Myy John, Morion Clayton. Second piano, Ag noe Lynn Boohanaa, Kay MaAm. Ante Trip tie Wlnatoo Ratcm. Meaara. W. V, Cramp and A. R Cooley, af Ws*ram. mad* sn sato waoi^ rotarafag fa Wagram Friday aboat aoan. They report a dritgfctfol trip^and great kridanae of praapmMj Both are hatter. Wa are glad to D. M. inee, of f ' W. 0. hue, af W< I The Woodman at tha World ara pluming far a gnat Mg -rririm to Laartaburg—tha date to Thursday. Jana 18th. and tha eecaaiea to the to tradaetlon of nan than ana bandrod mtaiban to tha mysterica and ibaaaflt* of the aider htoto Managsr, B. B. Lewis, of Kin ston, will have charge of the Ufa* sad the local organisation wilt be joined by large delegations Cron tba ■urreunding country. TV stinba will be told in the opera hones, and the liberal invito tie* tow gone far aad near urging every Weetonan from everywhere to came to T snihibsaa that day. Dm dogma week will be dearn by the prise-winning team at both North aad death Carotins. Thie teem heMs dagmTteMHa ^f^**"*" ** **» *«* The Bint Rogbaaat band from Kannapolis will accompany the team to Lauriabarg and furnish music far the oecmaloa, and them win be n ame tor of dtotfegntoVd Woodman visit, era. Mr. Mm TVaatasaa, of Concord, wad Mr. C. W. Yancey ara to tbs territory making final-rgimstiTs Programs showing the woe* to V doao am soon to bo printed and wiB to sent to each Woodman la the terri tory. Married tm Charlotte. of Mr*. L^mr'wUMoH* dl^bte^ •f the lata Merit Morgan, to Mr. Alexander M. Malloy, a r~~«hi«l bwiMaa man at Favria, Texas, a «f~ Mr. H. W. Maoay, aad cm llm a rid sea ef Scotland county, —rlrl ’TT'ilam Thursday Trilling The marriage taok piece at the Central Hatei, Ohariotto. aad was performed by Rer. A. A. HeOeecfay, D. D., pastor of the Second Prietj tar ten church of that city. Both Mr. aad Mrs. Malloy tove away friends aad nriatieea in Seot lantl county who are eery much in tonated in their happincee, and join the Exchange in sending many happy congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Malloy are spending a short while in the western pert at the State. baarei BQ Notes Weil, the tarmac* about here an on a mt spall—the cotton is planted and not aooogh rain to being it gg The Snead's Grave school will done this wash Mr. Henry Levs is making prepara tion to ripehrt his steew. Mr. Oscar Mwrn, a aaw barber, U a new siidHios to ear population. We hear it nmergi that the old Bfchmood Cotton MD is to buOd an addition aad that asreral new eat tag# are to be enacted. It la talked that we may hare « bask at Laarol H1Q. We hope this le ting Mr. Xrrida Yarborough, of Godwin, has came to Laarel Hill to a white. Ha wID da carpenter aad paint work. Dr. /. W. Wfleox tern opened a dew ■toN Sera and this addition to the heiin i m «f Laurel HiR ia ganorawly . v . ,A ,

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