• THE EXCHANGE SlkJOBu W PMMW IffUl T)CM»<t «T fJK J. r. tndCM. MMiwi mpWir. : ygirt MAC CAWdKMI. AinAS MW '. ■■■ ■ — ‘i • .0'* r . Y^MlM * ■—• , Ka<m4 •( itu CMaKct >• UilMknt M. C.*« <w—A CUm HstUr. Mm taspstatbU Ur the »w»« M Cor nip— ndtsea soy t—liw. ' care*** you. 1st Than. >:U. CUAKUMBM AND FILTHINESS Ths world does not aspect u. aU ta ■ bo fatty, ta h doss aspect as to In clean—ciaaa uot aaly ia partoo, bei ---\ v In amt —irmwMtjti New just pa dm a awasaat sod Ut’. 1—tfr this town—act Lorn tha standpoint of the klekur, but from that «f the watt wiahar. the baOdar. Tea, nadcr, are ecwMQlowrty daeu with year pasaaa. Yon taka yon hatha nvelariy, yaa ckaaee yoer heads and face before each awal, yea heap year hair seedy bnuked, year ' ly hath attractive aad sanitary. If yea aae s panes sodMltaeBy who !e dirty, aad slovenly, aad IKhy, yea have Uttto bat secret ceateaip* ■scaarjs-js: yinftetam—t. etesa. and saSSyl ». ranch far the person of hmaumity la the keasss tt oar eommnnity yse will flad the wese evidence ef scran leas cat* and attention to ike small est af details, dpetisar cleanliness is StwtoiU,,Sr2d^ *2*«S i°No criticism, therefore, can be and sursry the situation. sssssst roundings. 4 few sre daiuceroosly ncnr to hate* flltojr. and yet appear to have practically no real halloa of Unto yards art strewn with rah hish that should have been burned. Garbage U thrown ant in th« yard to over the fence, to stink and fetter and Weed dies sad dfatoto^ Grassl and • r^"" "* fo*¥*t‘ Often be uprated of the tmi yard r jTn itMi* ^ r*!rimtr>*' * •• I asaa?"-11 dhad ear wahe «p, and got rid sf •ueli as suy now e*W far this town? Or tosn wa, Nke to. pig. pe right •» wfsnisg totwnto it ontfl we die? L-HI ■ MMU'.'g. « (wests of the reader. And the well 1 wenlad advertisement appeal* dlract : Ijr to miy wofl ha Veer nil wind. It • point* the way to OCMMNaJr. And the wiae basin ess man adver tlaae accordingly. . Poor Dobb la dead. Bat do not wall, He*» com where he’d And warmer WML)fr> Tim other day he triad to Dali Tm stick* of dyaamito together. - -CiDeiaaati Enquirer. Poor Hot! ia dead, hsoes this Inmen*, And why you see ns all in black, Vor jaat the other day be want To * 1; op an the railroad track. —Clipped. ' Aad Jeff, too, he is dead aad Rene, Of Ufa there ie aot left a spark. Ha had a Headache aod he took Bichloride tablets ia the dark, j —Mom phis-Commercial Appeal i And Bryan would be Roed sad dead, ,1 And we would bare the rant ww*re plouiod, If he’d preach peaee-at-sny-price la Mexico, where it b needed. —Houston Poet. fflas Gflbaugh, a farmer residing near Badaa, Wls., Is on the lookout for two Chicago “gentlemen" who aaM Mm a street car for $76 aad accepted $10 of the money ia cask a* a binder. Silas was to bare had the ear at the aad of the day, hat the gentleman did not appear to eamjUeto the bargain aad the motasmaa and conductor re fused to urreador. Then Silas re ported to the police, oaly to leant that ha had been beamed- According to Me story Mas wac mat by the tare gentlemen ia a Melrose park ear aad wm told that they were bard up and had to eetl their oatAt for $75. Silas agreed the offer waa tempting and ■URRoated a exsh deal bat thee de cided to pay $10 aad secure the re ■winder from the profit*. BULLETIN OF IMPORTANT EX CURSION FARES. • »3.75 to Saratoga Spring*. K. T. Account General Conference Meth odist Church. Tickets will be mU May 9th and 16th, United to return until June 6th. SM9 te ArtwriUc. K. C. Account Southern Baptist Conven tion. Tickets will be sold May 13 to 17, inclusive, United returning until May II, bat limit may be extended ■ntil June 16, by dopoaitiag tickets sad paying $1.09. (RN to Orkad* Florida. Account General Assembly Presby terian Church, pickets will he sold May II to 19, tactueive, limited re turning until Jans X IMS to New York City. Aeeennt General Federation of Wo men's Chiba. Tickets will be sold May 21, 22 and 33, limited returning until June 1 For further particulars regarding the above and other reduced fare ex cursions, apply to P. O. FOWLER. Ticket AgL, Pembroke, N. C. ATLANTIC COAST UNB. The Standard Reikaad of the Booth. H. U. VARNER. I Mic known Mr. Varner for years. B« ia a plain man of the people who by his good judgment and tireless energy baa made a snocoaa of all hla undertaking*. Bat he baa net made hie money at the expense of those who ere weaker or lose wise than htmaelf. Do Is in terested la everything that has for 1 its object the promo tioa oi ootnmimHy progress. He has stood all hie Hfe for the development of the eat oral resources of Hie BUta as wall as for the moral uplift of tbo people. Ha ia a total abstainer, and an ar dent prohibitionist. An oflew la the Presbyterian ehnreh, he has not dis honored hie prof see ion; but hia bread tolerance makes him sympathetic to the people of all faiths, and his hand la ready to help every effort to strengthen the State’s moral man hood. In the incoming Co agrees we «mii need men whose convictions so moral questions are clear and eUosig. Nat ional prohibition will be a burning is sue. Friends of temperance 'should demead of their candidates the ut 1 most loyalty to this great came. On the question ef good toads, which is also a vital matter, Mr. Var ner's record is known and toad of all ■ea Ha stands squarely by the Wil son policies without partiality and without hypocrisy. Without the advantages of- a col lege training and with nothing to aid him in hie youth but hia atioag right arm, Ms unfailing faith in himself and hia fellows and a spirit of optimism coupled with unflagging energy, Ala country boy literally fought hia wgy up to his present position of power and influence. 1 The people' ef the Seventh District win make no mistake ia easting thefi| ballots far Mr. Varner, and if be le elected, they will And In him a rep resentative who can do things. Archibald Johnson. Thomaaville, N. C.. May 9th. 1*1«. Adv. NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA. _DEPARTMENT OF STATE. CERTIFICATE OP DISSOLUTION. To aU to whom Uwm presents may come-erecting: 32SZSZ consent of aU the stockholders, de pwrited la my office, that tha Loan) cipal office la ska*tad el No. —— Street, In the Town ad Lears) HU, •cent therein end in rhnrgs tharoad, ssss.sj?iair6i.« mfaw «d this eertiftcate ed Diaaehe tion: _ MM) Therefore, L J. Bryan Oihaia. asfz4T* ^”£3 ids&srsinuag ya ocyMliw, executed by aU the stock Holden thereof, erHlkh said baaaant •N the record of tha preriirHnga afaaa^d en Mw on flie 1b my aedd ooica M pronood qfjnf, . In Toathaoay Whereof, I hare ssagp®* SaenAary of State. IP'S# ; ' IN TUB PMmtrCT OOPRT or THE NORTH CAROLINA. la the Matter *f ) Freak W. Thurnion,) NOTICE. Ta ^neSEtw; of I^raak W. Thora toa of Fayetteville in the Ooanty of Caaeberlaial and Dltriet eforveaM, Iramiiif awh ether boeiaeee »« may ,« (' •' .. ' * I ' ' •' ■'■ l v- •' - - % gga—CHL-t. 1 a-■-'* W-'-MBS . BAT ALL K WANT NOW AND FEEL FINE* I He Mere tea an Um iimukIi or Sour t Stomaohl No Mora Heavy Footing i After Moot# or Constipation 1 i R yoo kora tour atomach. euoaU j paMoo or sas OS the etotuach try ! JU3T ONE SPOONFUL, atmpla bsok tborx hark, atyoerlce. eta. et mixed tat Adlar4-ka. the MOOT POWBH FTTI. bowel daaaaar orer add. The VERY FIRST doaa ahowa ra eotta asd a abort treatment with Ad lart-ka will eargrtM you. It dndna each astonishing amounts of M matter tram the system that A SINGLE DOSE reltaeaa oonetlpn ties, soar stomach and gaa almost INSTANTLY. A dote to toe a wee* ouaida asalnst appendicitis. Everington’s Drug Store L_J NEIGHBOR? Om great u« of tha tolepbine on tha to— to that It gives OMPANIONSHIP. It brings yarn friends to yaw, ske* yaw to them, na matter tow r aarpy they may ttva. ►t sank— half hi aa raw. It tovttaa camp*ny far tha htrtto ay, wedding. and other aaalver if!c* dear to every lama. And bade ef these rtnrrnmiris > that ether great use BUSINESS. i Don't held back any longer drep kfariltaday to Gregg Bros. aadarap—oatathre wttl call to irptola bewvary IRtio It oeeta to bare this aervioe. Western Electric Telephones Itoftotn yen best service. Hail-Fire-Tornado Soy, Mr. Inoarer, con yoa •tind o loos from Hail, Fire or Tornado? Lot no carry the risk for \ LAURINBURG AGENCY COMPANY HINTON JAMBS, Pros. W. A DUNBAR Sse. A Trsao. 10oM A. JMfcur. of Tow«»<H r«., kM to quit drtakin* aad ui* rrzsiLzxr Kmt MRBty. . / ; ftW ^ i * <#*.. V,1*. / » , /, '■ ^==S5aSB555=SHBL . _* U19 Announcements. U M. BLUE FOR SENATE The und.ndimed citltcns uf the County of Scotland will present the name of Honorable L. M. Blue to iu rseent thia Senatorial District in the naxt State Senate. He has served with satisfaction and distinction In tho Hoom of Resreaestativ.it, D fa miliar with lecislatiTs proccodis*s. and we think that he will make us a ■acral and valuable Senator. March nth. 191k. Geo. T. Pate. Harris Glheon, A. P. Gibson, D. 0. Wrijrht, W. N. McKenaie, W. P. Parker. Henry P. Gibeon, L. U. Peel a, R. D. Gibeon. H. H. McPherson. J. A. McNeill, J. B Mason. _P. A. Pate, FOR HOUSE OP RBPSE8HN1A TTVK8. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House of Representative, from Scotland County, subject te the action of the Democratic Primary. T. C. EVEKETt. FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTA TIVES. I hereby announce myself e candi date for the Hones of Representatives from Scotland Conaty, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. I believe la • Just Taxation. Taxes to Its last analysis is Just what the law con A scales of your property and mine aad should be Just. We aunt stay the withering hand to a judicious poiot. A. D. CURRIE. FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CON GRESS. T hereby announce to the Demo cratic voter* of Scotland Coanty that I am a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the House of Bepre aentatires in Congress from this, tht Seventh Congressional District. sub ject to the action of the DeMoerstic Primary to be held on the 3rd day of June, 1916. LEE D. ROBINSON. FOR HOUSE OK RETRBSHNTA TIVE8. I hereby announce to the Demo cratic voter* of the Seventh Congres sional District that I will be a candi date in the Democratic primary for member of the House of Represent* tive* in Congress from thi* clislrict. If nominated and elected, I will us* every endeavor to discharge the dut ies of the office with fidelity to the people. U. L. SPENCE. FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTA TIVES. We, the undersigned citiaeo* of Scotland County and friends and neighbors of A. E. Shaw, present hi* name to the voter* .of Scotland Comity as a candidate to repre»eert the county in the Lower House of the next Gen ernl Assembly of North Carolina, »ob ject to the action of the Democratic Primary. He i* well equipped for the posi tion. He has filled the office of Jus tice of the Peace continuously for twenty-eight years, and is. therefore, acquainted with Hie need of all classes of our people. He believes in just and fair taxa tion and la atteriy opposed to any law delegating power* to three men In Raleigh te say what our tax aseela ment shall be. Ho stands squarely upon the time honored Democratic doctrine of "Equal Rights to all and 8pecial Priv ilege* te None." This 6th day of April, 1916. John A. McKay, W. G. Hula, C. C. Birmingham, J. R. Bundy, R. J. Jones. W. T. Crump, & D. Byrd, J. W. Kasms, S. C. Smith, W. W. McGirt, a J. Womb]*, 8, T. Thrower, Allan MeTiaan, R. E Cooley, D. 8. Alderman, M. Monroe. Don MeLaochHn, Neill McKay, E. L. McNair. 17 W. McIntosh. yOR PROSECUTING -ATTORNEY. f IWbf u»mm myself ■ earvlt late for tee aSfee of Prosecuting At tsnsy in the Mai Justice's Court of Scotland County. subject to tha action if tha Democratic PHnoiy. OBOBOE T. OOODWYN. ■ PQB CLEM OP SUPERIOR COURT f hardry aanounce that I am a eon Hsats for tha oOoe of Clark of the Stmerlor Coant of Scotland Comity, rublcct to tha action of tha Deaeo rratic Primary. Colin D. XcCermtck. g' 1 ■gr»i!' .. . j FOR CORONER. I fc.ri.by aauoeocatTmy friend, bbet l ere « candidate for re-election to the office of Coroner for Scotland Kris.&bf5£,u“ I . • J. R. JORDAN. .. . FCK SHERIFF. 1 .hereby am ounce myaelf aa a for election to the office of 8heriH of Scotland County, anbjact to the action of tho Democratic Pri mary. _ J. W. ODOR. for comjpehb. ™ I hereby annome-e rayclf a candl date for Congrec* in the 8«vcnt>. Coa *22U®?f L .object to the fctxm of the Democratic pn marie* to be held on June 3rd, 1916. _ T. B. FINLEY. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce noraelf a caodi dato for Uw office of Sheriff of Beot ia”1 County, .object to the action of t^^mocratic Primary to be held _ F. M. HUBBARD. COMMISSIONER'S SALK OF REAL BSTATE, VALUABLE WATER POWRR ROLLER MILLS, v** qnriTairiwd ConniujoiMr in. poinW by th. Superior Suit Sf Scotland County under a deer** mad* i?*** r^v P«ding whoretn Edwin Lytch and othen are plaintiffs and MildTed Lytch 1. <iof«n5ant, by ▼**tua at Aid decree and under tha power* vMtad in hhn tWtbv will m1) •t public auction to SThijCt Nd! l*r* i'L °*»h, on Monday, the 28A d*T^ May lhl, at U o’doek. Noon! “ ytoPT^^ to-wit; at the Duai.i C. Lytch Mills, in Scotland Couaty North Carolina, aU of the foUowLng dceeribodreal property, to-wit: * Boiag that tract of lard and l» t * thereon dsacribed la the pcLtton f ’d by th. ptjuntiffe la th. ab°v* e»oo* aa Seemth Tract nT*!* :‘V>to particularly deflnad, de«rib*d and bounded aa follows; at in «*• °*oUr of th# o*d nui of Gum Swamp 3 chaina and GO link, below the center of the Public Road where the said road creese, said run at tha old saw Min. ^ 1-2 degree# East II chains and SO Hnka to a stake; thence North 40 degrees Wmt 3 chains ■~i 60 Hnki to the center of the public roml* J'Jt>rth degree# Wet M chains to a auk# at Ac edge of a cypress map of A. mill pond! thane* North 26 degree. West 8 ■ chain, and 60 links to a stake in the degree* watt 6 chains ami 23 links W *» ata*S’ ithCT,c* South 46 degree, ga, j, •to?P: incner horth 8 degree. West 9 chain, and 10 link* ton stake; thence Nor A 29 de graca West 4 chain, and 50 links to a staks; thence North 8 1-2 degrees No!£, m *• • •take; tESe, U ^ degree. Wert to a stake jjh* oW lm» of the original tract deadaed to Daniel C. Lytch by Ac last ' will aad testament of hi. father, f-iaj- Jrzr&i*.aTt *'■•’» line; Aenc. BouA 28 dogr.es Eaat 21 chain* to a comar In the run of Gum Swamp y™'* 45 degrees Wsat 1 chains »nd GO link, to the high water mark; «1®"2 the line of high water *»fk of Lytch » MUl pond fir a gen eral sou Aca. tern direction to a eomar to th* center of Ac public road laad m6 from Laurinburr to Beaaetta villo; thence SouA 40 degree East 3 Aains and 50 links to a comer 13 chains team the beginning comer; direct to A* beginning comer, lug .bout 80 mm anS includ l&w "l'AcT1 mnl pond « th* uu Thi« ajJ* is made by order of eoan for partition among Aa owners, tea ante in common, and is made subleet to confirmation ty the Court. * Term, of Sals: Cash. Time of Sals: 12 o’clock. Noon Monday, May 29. 111*“’ «<*"• TWa 28th day of ApriL 1918. E H. GIBSON, „ Coanmlmtoner. 1M1 COMMISSIONER'S SALK OF LAND UMwmJ by virtue at a Judgment of Uw Superior Court of Scotland Comity, bearing data of March 25, '"'harabi the uadenigned were appointed Commiailonera far the par BrSrttSiSitr^di^rS W,U «FO#e tale at pnbHc^auction i®1®' dnring the Noon intenatoalon od the Jma Term of Scotland 8«per «&•** daaertbed Undo belonging to the late Kllriu KoaaeU, deeeaoed, and ordered aoM hy fadgmaat toi the eaae ef Will Km oelfet ala plain tiff a n. John Rooeall "t>nr srvtssisr ^ aad duly recorded In Scotland Reg let ride of Taft Street facing 40 feet on •rid etieet, the wc*t Kne of which to 1®* foot long and the eeat line to 1TW feet Wwg, extending from Taft Street In a uniform width of 40 feet. „ Coauntoaioaera. 1141 -At'S, <W BaaMtoa nomeroue other Sue feat nua, the Oon Theatre will edfer on Friday night another of Uioee laugh ahle Chaplin foal area, aad on Satur day will have that ecream producer "fau Irt"__ **—'ar^isr-^ dE$*rSfffi£2 issggg^ - /,• - 5 ■

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