. Local Notes. 'Sunday ta Mother* Day. D. X. Gillie, Jr., Sunday morning. S*v. W. C. Barrett, of Gastonia, 'was in the city yesterday. Mr. R. E. Lee i* at Hot Springs, Ark, receiving treatment fur rheums* Mr. A J. Maxwell, clerk to tho Cor poration Commission, wee e Laurin barg visitor Saturday. Mrs. X. W. Everett spent the peat weak in Rockingham with her eon, Dr. A. C. Everett. Messrs. J. F. McNair and Jae. A. Jonas left Monday night on a trip to Hot Springs, Arak. Messrs. Neill Edwin Buchanon and W. L L. Roper, of Charlotte, spent the week-end hers with relatives. otn. rcicr Mcintosn nu per guasta, her sisters, Mrs. C. C. Bunch, and Hlw Kata Hamer of Charlotte. Mis* Florin* Carothers, a member of the Kinston school faculty, is th* guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. H. Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Tedder, of Charlotte, an In th* city to visit their da ugh tan Masdamas J. T. Fields and B. E. L. Carroll. W* an glad to note that Mrs. L. D. McKinnon, who has bean confined to her bed for the peat two weeks, is somawbat improved at this writing. Misses Cattis and Inez McCormick havo returned from a visit to rala tivos at Morven. They wars accom panied hem by Mias Lillie May. Mr. D. L. Boyd, of Waynesvll]*, Democratic candidate for Corpora tion Commiaaiooar, was ben this week shaking hands with our people Mr. E. P. Riviere received a m*a saga Monday announcing the illness of his sister who resides in Blacks burg, S. C She is suffering from an attack of appendicitis. Mr. W. H. Weatherspoon spent Sun day In Hamlet with Mrs. Weathar spooo who is a patient in th* Hamlet Hospital. We an glad to note the improvement in her condition. Miser* Julia Stewart and Olivia Ruaaell represented the St. Cecelia Music Club at the meeting of th* State Federation ut Woman's Chibs hold at High Point last week. Mrs. H. B. Kdwards. Mis* Nan Ed wards, Mr- Scott, of Sanford, and Misses Sadie end Grace Baskerville, of Chariotta, ware the guest* of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. McCormick. Sunday. Mr. T. L. Henley spent Iasi weak with relatives and friends in Ala and Ouilford counties. Ha was accompanied by his brother, Mr. J. T. Hanley and family, of Rad Springs. Th* Learieborg High School base hall team won its teeth straight vic tory Monday by defeating Raeford 2 t« 1. They will play their eleventh gam* tomorrow afternoon with Row land oh the local grounds. Mayor W. D. Tucker and Mr. D. B. Brown mad* an automobile trip to a point below Columbia, S. C.. Tues day. Th* entire trip measured hi mile* 299, and this was made in one day. Mr. M. J. MeDougald, who has bam quite IQ daring the past week, w* are glad to not* is much batter. He la bow attending a meeting of the North Carolina Undertaker's Association at Ooldabaro. Miss Etta Curtis, erf Boiling Springs distar at In. B. F. Falls, sad little Mias Sue McDowell, at Ctorryville, granddaughter at Dr. and Mrs. B. F. ■Falla, or* guests at th* Falla hotae an Church treat. la apmMng about tha abort session ■of the man* torn of Scotland Super ior Court, which lasted bu* little over * dap, H la recalled that tha Jane term last year lasted bet feety-flre ml nates, which we Mirra la acme * Miasm. t. C. MsCormick, Fas. U McNair aad J. T. Bostick spent ear end daps during the past weak an the northern markets making arrange ments far ptadag the cantaloups and watermelon shipments they will make -from this territory tbit season. A Ford automobile filled with paangstore cntlidad with oo* of Gib son Bros. Dodge earn is front of the Fix change office Monday afternoon. A lot of broken dees and a few twisted fandom constituted the dam me*. Wo ragrat to not* the illness of Master James Bay, son of Mr. aad ' Mr*. J. p>. Bay. The young fallow is suffering from an attack of Mills aad has haon quit* Ul. )ffiae West, a trained nurse from Fayetteville, I* naming him. Mm. K. P. Hivloro rocotred a me* Tuesday morning announcing the i of bar awtkar at Han Antonio, She saffarsd a stroke ef ap arhll* la a bath and was faoad ■csanloaa condition bp aasar! of tha family. Bor ssadltiia % Min Roborta Cablo, a member e€ the Kinston school faculty, la at home for the summer. Mr*. J. A. Muse spent yesterday afternoon in liamlet with her grand daughter, Milt Basel Mm, who we . regret to note Is critically 111. We regret with you reader that we have no article “Thing* Pertaining to Ldfe* for thie issue. .No copy for it was received. Wc trust that we may be able to give you this interesting feature again next »ni. ’Squire 8. W. Covington tied the nuptial knot for a colored couple at bis office in the court house Monday. The ’Squire, who believes in old cos toms, !/milted that the groom “salute" tha bride, and when a sufficient ex planation had been made to the pair, the groom grabbed the quivering bride anil, oh well—he kissed her. Mrs. N. Hammond and three daughter*, Mlm* Nannie, Minnie May end Mamie, will leave tomorrow for Charlotte where they will spend a few day* visiting Mr* Hammond'* daughter, Mr*. Thornes Coughenhour. They will go from Charlotte to Hen dersonville, where they will spend the aommer. The local high school bass ball team want to Lumbarton to play tha Lum berton team Friday. The locals bars quite an enviable reputation la the baa* bail world hereabouts, but bad a hard fight with the Robeson lads to aoatain their rep. The gam* lasted sixteen Innings and ended in a score of 8 to i in favor of Laurinborg. The lecture of Hon. U M. Blue at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning on the American Bible 80 eiety, was rajbyed and thoroughly ap preciated by a large congregation. Mr. Blue is a gifted speaker and is in love and la thoroughly familiar with the subject he talked on, which made his discourse all the more interesting. ‘ One prominent Frenchman named About succeeded aa a novelist and po litical writer; bat he Is far outnum bered by the every-day horde of Inef ficient "about*," all to evident on the street* Tha stranger lemma, for ex ample, after painful inquiry, that hie destination fa "shout two blocks away"; at the ball game tha young man draped over a east replies to him that It le "shoot tha third inning," and the boy with an extinct cigarette hanging from hla lips yields the in formation that the score is "shoot four to throe," “about two” era oat, and tha batter has "about two” strike* recorded against bias. This is tha type that grow up into men who ar rive at tha daak about on time, at about » o'clock. They leave, however, with extreme precision, exactly on tha point of 6. Slovenliness of thinking, inaccurate information ami shiftlaas nean are so near allied that the only safe way is to strike at thme snakes of aboatoesa ovary time their beads appear. In writing, the fear is so aver pres ant that soma one will tsh+ state meats ex mathematically precise that everything la mentioned with qualifi cations. ‘‘About a mile wide." how ever, say* nothing more than "a mile wide"; and it takas longer, ac cording to the Invariable rale that tha lew there la to say the longer It takes to say it. Contrast with thin the accuracy of tha Westerner, fas replying to the question of a momentary acquaint ance on the train. "How far la Min naapolis from St. Pool?" "Sixteen points behind," earns the answer in a flash. One feels that he would have known also the exact distance in mlle*^—Columbia State. In a violent combat which recently place between German end Fwneh aeroplane eqaadrona, one of the German craft** machine gone rid dled a French plane with buUeta. Within a few eeeoad the French at chiae waa a maaa of flame*. The French pilot, lealixing that ho waa doomod to certain death, beaded •Height for the German * cm plane and plunged into It with the fall force of Ue own machine, who** propeller*, entangled ia the enemy plane, dragg ed it along. Both maehinoa, in flamoa, plunged to the ground. A gallon of millc eeota the Utdvenity *f California 8.4 eeota ia fend for the cow, according to flgure* Ju«t corn piled by tho etat* department of agri rattan ovw a period of two and a half year* The poormt cow to the bard at the Davis. (Cal.) unlvarrity farm *to 14J) eeota worth of feot) to prodam each gallon, bet the boat sow* averaged a* low an 4.00 cent* per gal lon of milk produced. ■ Under the will of the lata Souben Ryle, retired ilk eaanofacturer at Al lentown, Pa, Ma. Sarah C. Huna berger, a widow, ha* been left mere than boll of Ryle’* (t00.000 oataU. Fev team time tho minufactarer took hU meal* with Ur*. Haaeherger. Laet September, when be became ill, be waa teeolved aa a patient at her kaeao dnd aha oared far him aatU hie dmth. ■ Good lot of shoata weighing frees M to so pounds for sale. See H. W, Me Lear in. T-tf , _ _ CANTALOUPS CEATSS—I went cantaloup* shippers to ramambsr that I sm man uf seturing tbs bast caatslospo crmto that has avar basn put on this market. and too, l want to say that you can get them at tbs right pries. Don't plans your or der* uadi you bar* soon H. W. Mc Lsurin or Everett Covington. 7-tf BEEF CATTLE—W* wiU pay C NoU par pound for fat Beef Cattle de livered at Wagram. Crump 4 Monroe. 10-tf MILK COWS ami. Soda Banns for ■ale. I have several milk enw* at price* that will nail them. Soja Beans IISO bushel. Limited amount of ehufs* SO cent* per peck. R. K. McLean, 'phone and postnffice Lau rinburg, N. C lt-tf FOB BALE—Berkshire Shoata and ' extra line brood sow. A. L. Mo- 1 Kensie. 18-tf i NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC—Thli la I to notify tbs public that my Com | MID wifi bs la operation only on Tuesdays and Fridays hereafter. 1 Picas* be govern*d by this. A. L. | McKansi*. 18-tf J HORSE FOR BALK—Eight yssrs | old, in good condition, wifi woch any- . where. Bargain for somebody. An ply to Alex L. MeKetmto._17-tf i FOR BALE—One White Mountain Refrigerator, 80 pound tea capacity, i WiU bo sold at a bargain. §** T. V. Baker. lS-10-pd FOR SALE—Two story dweUlng with | all modem convent an ce*. Apply to I-aunnburg Agency Co. 18-tf 1 - ' I FOR SALE—One Geisar Thrasher in | good repair. Can be had chop. Mrs. Ida B. Nicholson, Laurinburg, I N. G. R- F. O. No. 3. lft-19-pd FOR SALK—Six Dome Gilta, nine to ton months old. Excellent condi tion. 8oe W. II. Farmer at Bryant Place. ld-tf OTOVE WOOD FOR RALE—(4.00 per cord delivered. 'Phone or see I). Stewart, Jr. 19-tf FOR RALE—One Up. Fairbanks Gaaotins Enpctne. Now in opera tion every day at Exchange office. Bargain for cash or credit. BXRCUTRIX'fi NOTICE. Having qualified aa executrix of the laat will of James P. McRae, deceased, notice is given to all persona holding claims against his estata to present them to tee duly verified for payment oa or before the 13th day ef April, 1917, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ef tbair recovery. All paraeaa owing the eetata win please make immediate payment to ms. MRS. LILLIAN C. McRAE, Laurinburg, N. C. April 18, 1916. M. L. John, Attorney. 16-20 _ RWUKtOr TMUOItMTIMi Of THE STATE BANK av utseiaavao. 'a tar State of North Oarailas aa tee aloes at PnUarta. Her I ISIS. RESOURCES. (ana aad Dtaesaalv rras sis w mnSitlu. aa oared aad ana—seed ass M tSaninar aawa. Sm.ioaao; Furniture aad Flat urea, m smoo _ HJ00 go naa tramaednoalfooh* ISO.411 ml DaafrnwState Bashed Bashaw. mmgl ■ KST _ csw Jnawi m oo4b. leal adtaa aU wtaar I K»«Toa»l*Pae? aotaa ead ether*** " I O. a. antes. aewoel la tarsal Kevaoaa Donatirr Haas in 00 Total sraaw'm LIABILITIES. Cental a leak paid In MOXOOOS Sara aw read maos* OarnvMad avadta. lata oarreat ammo. aas aad taaaa veld 1IJHN gtwBSSmSSu m re Peasalu easiest to ohaet. aw ns ml Thas aertwastes ol da naer^^*1** i,rrrttTTt S.0WW Total BTUI m State of North Csrodea. Oeeatrof latU>4 wt l. w. st. Conner, seealec ol aa snore ■rawed head do anlanalr swear Uwl lha zxisxs&zr* _ . w. m. cooanrat owner hi 1/Slhnm *° •" “ “ Vitcrt J ont. Netarv PaWto. Oorvawt— Attest A. A JAMB Editor TeDs Bow D.D.D. Cored His i_j fa •>•1 «1- -1:1.. :«( i«. ■•W '•*■■-*• ^ *U4 »turs i«oa mu. r ' - ■'..' ■ ' V. ■* ► I I I I I I I I I ; Wednesday and f hursday . > v-'7 • v-v-y,: -.Sri May 17th and 18th I The moat attractive showing of the latest styles in I I . Here you will find NEWNHI3, CHARM STYLE. Just the things you are looking for, just what Dame Fashion Demands. i • Visit my store on the above dates and see this \ beautiful display. ' ,. ' A May 17th and 18th ; . - M ■ ’ ■ >£i Mrs. Sue Brinson i Laurinburg, North Carolina r i ■ ■> ..v.i I ^ I MAKES FLOORS LAST LONGER n mnch a* ■toiacr thatCOOf patch loan to hacaaaaatt POROH FLOOR PAINT k *•**??' *■»«* °* •ad protecting pom - paalMn. It t*fl) partact totliilta. WO BN flit I aaamta for "High foaaditd" Varokfcaa, Main and rnotohi^aad wtfl ba glad to Wp pat The Model Pharmacy • The 8tore That Satnfim TyUphon* No. 127 . Itory A. rv“n, inuotim, tu«. *’ l«r Wth m», snys: “t f vraa hevend the ranch of anndlclnn, bat I oUr {(Many Plus • nvo proven snoot LoswkaUi lo aiy coos." ..Ur* •** A. Scorer, High Point, J< C, orritosi Tty khlnny WOrUo was \ otns nt night sr.d I l.nd to get ay (ram Bra to auraa times. Kow t g« tot barn to get ay.nl night and nan. SlSSb*3K2n *»?rlh?ta iSV3?r KWI Mr .Wild, as i bora taken oaUUng iwrSip b& * *•* JSpsrsI Swa-ta testers arms I nation to lbs bldnayo is? • Wt * miiwif nm miun B> gaagaros* or Formful ..rotfn. BUin DRUG STOUR. i * Florence OIL COOK STOVES Wickless, Valveless, Blue Flame, Automatic . As sooo as you have a “Florence Kitchen’' cooking will be a real pleasure. The Floreoce Automatic Oil Cook Stove la always ready when you waat to cook. The heat <• right aoder (sod beoee goes up into) the “cooking” and not out Into the room. The heat la always under perfect OOOlTOt* Too can keep one or four burner* *t *n lataaiily hot flame, or at a mare simmer. To regulate tke heat yoo turn a lever according to dial. FLORENCE OIL STOVES OP clean, tafe, economical, reliable. No wi«ks to trim nor Valves to leek. The oil supply la automatically eon ■taat. J.D. Sanford & Son “The Quality Hardware Shop.” Pay Cash—Save The Difference • , . .4 -A'J L. , . wr i'ljgj,.*-.nvsnet*, ! , Z \\*i, C . j, KKcuraalisto , j f onatrc'ss crr.d Honk. 'i Stopa Pain At One* ' !'f>r i\Zsn and Coua*fc (’ ^5*.50*.«t. At AM DmWt*. •$S K I la