' to aayeilfe, N. T.K lb b fh* DA at Jotfapb ^ Sto behalf of tt» Imperial Onau government haa tha honor to prmnal to hb excellency, the amhaaaadir at the United Suita, Mr. < Jam— W Gorard. the fri|lnabn reply to Urn not* of April 20, regarding tha «mM of Orman mbmariae war arm to tha proper*natal autboritia# for Mijy iavmUgatioa tha avidanca od by tha git—nat of tha Uaitod State*. Jadgh* by the roaults that iha hwa:tlgatfc>a waa hither to yielded tha (knun gorammaat ia eRr* to . the paaaWBty that Am aUp meMtonad in tha aot* of April IS a* I taneeV the facta of tha «Ma i it tom ont that tha tha tamal to ha I manof war the Gar^ maa germam wit will not fail to draw tha toniiqwmii raatdtiag therefrom. “h» raoaaatlon with tha maa of tha St—* tha gitmannu at tha United Stotoa a*da a aerie# of the giat of which b the i tha tea ia to ha ana fa— i of a deliberate method at MM of raamt* of all a P| ttona bi __ . ; mpiuUic*!)/ Vi|Mdiili thm ■mrtittk It d little avail to cater into dstotts In the present stage of affUxa, ■torn pniticobuty sa the gernrsmmt of the United Matas emitted te nh «n concrete facts. “The German government will only •late that It has imposed far reach '..'kf restraints Open the pse of the rub aolaly ia eoaaidern ,1a spite of r- ' a have hfff, he Met. enters to warfare in accordance of visit sl ‘ ■ PS aafi L'^i 3p by inler "•tteaal law. Urn sole exception being the ; af warfare ngn«—» aaamy oc enemy fteighl ships ffjB .. ,. t la tha war sens Ing'Gteat Mtala. *Mh , od te gtvaa te tha gwemaant of tha United talaad ia tha dscterwtion of February tkOU. /.•; 4m«m> tmm minm tfctt hmr* M u arj^tri *f IfM UiriU* ftUUa tfJSti awthofi of submarine war to tha tn t crests of neutrals. “la fee rh leg this decision ths Ger man Biivrna—t to actuated by cea ridacettoas «lkh ars'ahore the level or disputed question. ‘"Tha (inasn (sicnucnt attaches ao leu importance to the sacred prin -Iptos of humanity thaa lh« covem meat «f the United State*. It again "Uily takes into account that both govts n—ants for many years co-oper ntsd in derslaping international tow to conformity with these principles, the ultimata object of which has al ways been to eoadno warfsro on osa end toad to armed force* of belliger ent* and safeguard so far as possible non-combatants against ths horrors of war. But although thorn considera tion* are of great weight, they alone would not under present circum stance* have determined the attitude of the German government. For in answer to the appeal by the govern ment of the United State* on behalf of toe sacred principles of humanity and latmwitloant tow toe German with all smjihsila tost It was sot the Oman, but the British sm smmsnl which ignored all accepted rules of fas toraational tow aad extended this ter rible war to tho Hvee and propsitp of non combatants, having no regal* whatever for the interest* and rights «f neutrals* aad non-combatants that through this method of warfare have been severely injured. “In self defease against the illegal conduct of British warfare, while fighting a bitter straggle for national existence, Germany had to rasert to the hard bod effective weapon of sub marine warfare. Allege* Plat i Imimatkm. "As matter* stead the German gee Moment cannot bat reiterate regret that the sasitimwta at humanity which the government of the United States extends with each fervor to the unhappy victims at submarine war tars are not extended with the same warmth of feeling to many million* of woman and children who, accord ing to tha avowed intention at the British government, shall be starved, and who, by sufferings shall fores the victorious armies at the central pow ers into ignombious capitulation. The German government, in agreement with tha German people, fails to ad ders tadd this dtseriminstlos, *H the mot* as It has rapes tartly and explicit ly declared itself reedy to os* tha sub marine weapon in strict conformity with the rules at International law as recognised before the outbreak at the star, if Great Britain likedwiae was ready to adapt tha conduct of warfare to these rnlns. “Several attempts made by tha gov ernment of Urn United States to pre vail span tha British government to act accordingly failed horsam of flat rofasal on the part at tha British gov ernment. Moreover, Greet Britain again mad again has violated inter national law, surpassing aB beends hi outraging neutral rights. Tbs latest measure, adopted by Great Britain, declaring Carman banker ceel contra band nr* setnhllshlng conditions un der which English banker coal aleae is supplied to neutrals is nothing but an aaheard at attempt by way at ex action to fosse osetral tesmago into the service at British trade war." war wn—h to Ewaarte*. Tha Canaan people lowwi that tha grmeransant of tha United State* baa tha powtt to casdte* tha war to uaad fore** of tha boBIgaraat caantriaa, in tha fat mat of h— tt j and matate aaaa* of Into— tltnal law. The gar annnsnt of tha Uaitad State# wooM hara bacn aartato af attaining thin agaiast Great Britain, aa tha teeon trmrtMt righto to faotiB of the moo Bat aa nutters stand tha Gar ina paopte In water tha twpcaaatoa Swt tha gar—it of tha Cate* .for sristill shall rostrate tha as* of an stfoetira waapon and da—da a oaaitittea far maintananoa af rsiatteaa with Gar—11. confine# Kaatf to protect agaiast tBsgal stath ada adopted by O—ss/t attend**. Nsramr, tha German ppopio knows to what aanoldarahte extant its saa arisa ar* —Hod with all kind*'of wsr autoris.1 from the United Staton.' “It wltt. thiusrtasa, ba ondorrtaad I that tha appeal lade hp tha govern- 1 «*l of tha United Slat as to iiati-j OWU of husaaoil/ and ori.wipfaw of • l—ttoml tew enSBOt water th« dr num-antn mart the aaaw hart; ro froi tha 0— people wMrii soah an appeal otherwise always ia - |seriate to Had hara. If too Canaan > gaswnuwont —mthoteto U mateodl to go to to* wtenoei lin.it af run*** ■ (ten* it ha* baaa gaided net alone by | to* Briandshlpr —mine too nsa; Itprat aaf.eaa far near *ae ladwl iur» hat *1** hp to* toon.>t uf to* groat 4mm wMdtto—ten* ih# entire ete»—I world shatdd the uaal aad magukwry war ba titowiai and pro Peitioe aa ta Peace. The German government comriou of Germany** strength twice within the last few months announced before the world Its readiness ta make peace an a basis safeguarding Germany’s vital Interests, thus indicating that It la net Germany’s fault if pence ie still withheld from the nations of Ruropa. The German government feels all the more justified In declaring that ro* R»on*ibility could not be borne before the forum of mankind and in history if after twenty-one months of the war's deration the submarine question under discussion between the German government and the government of the United States were to take a turn seriously threatening matntmanrn of peace between the two conn tries an peace between the two nations. “An far as Km with the Gorman] government, it wishes to prevent things from taking such a course. The * German government, moreover in pre pared te do its ntaaoat to confine oper- > * lions of the war for the sent of Ms' tamtkst to the fighting forces of the belligerents, thereby also insuring freedom of the sens, n principle open which the German government be- i tleves. now as before, that K U in; agreement with the government of the1 United States. * The German government, guided by this Idas, notifies the government of the United States that German na val forces have received the foDewWg order: ‘In accordance with the gen eral principles of visit and search and the destruction of merchant vueaala recognised by international law such vessels, both within and without the area declared a naval war none, shall hot be sunk without wuruing and without earing human lhaa unless the ship attempt to escape or offers re sistance. For Freedom ef the 8m. “But neutrals cannot aspect that Germany, forced to ftgtit for cxist cace, shall 'for the sake of neutral in- j tcrcati, restrict the nee ef an affective 1 weapon if the enemy is permitted to1 coDtlmp- to apply at win, methods j of warfare violating rules of inter-; national law. Such a 'demand wduld, he incompatible with the character of • neutrality, and the German govern ment Is convinced that the govern ment of the United States doetvadC think ef making each a demand, know ing that the government of the United States repeatedly declares that It is determined to restore the principle of frdedom of the seaa, from whatever Quarter it ha* been violated." * "Accordingly the German govern ment is confident that ia nnnssqnwif« of the new orders issued to the aeta] rotree the government of the United States will a lad now consider all Im pediments removed which may have km ia die way ef mutual co-opera tion toward raatoratkm ef the free torn ef the ceee during tha war, as mggvstad in die nete of July S3,1914, rad h docs not doabt that the guvaiu mant of the United States win aow de mand and insist that the British gpv nrrunsnt shall forthwith observe the rales ef international law universally fcagaitad before the war as are laid town in the notes presented by the rover*ment at the United States te the British government December 84, 1914. and November 5, 1*1*. “Should (tape taken by the gevsrn maat of the United States not attain Ihe object H daetreo to have the laws if humanity followed by all baOig* "rent nations, the Osman government waald Own ba fadn* a aaw situation n which It must reserva to itactf eono plata Hbarty of dadsioa. “Tbo undersigned avails biatsaU of Mb opportunity Lo raacw to the Am irican ambassador aaauranesa af Mgb wt aanslJarallon." fatd the American Kata Cabled te Washington, May 8—Toilewtag to tho test of the note aahlod today by Secretary Tansing te Ambassador (Ward at Be ribs with tastraatiens to Mhrsr It to the German minister of Forties attain: "The aata af the imperial Canaan rovonwMut under data of M*r 4 1*14 baa rsoelved carofbl inmMau tioa by (be government of the United States. It la especially noted aa la* Gratia* the parpoao of (bo imperial; goveracieut as to the future, (but It! 'la p--spared u do its attooat to am-. Hae (ho operation of the war far the rest of ha deration to Urn fighting I tar~i of Urn baUlgcrauta,’ and that it. la detntotoed to hapose upon all ha' toarr-endeta (he 1 battalions of tho rooDgnlaed roles of IntansatUnal tow upon wWsti the gaoanuMmt ad the United Melon b*a toeietad. “T*-rou*hoat the nmtho aM have ■eat asmomaad an fabw-y 4 1914 Ito ribwirbi policy, now happily Ihemtonrrf, the gomansoat af tka Lotted Mates baa base eaaataatly prided and restrained by aothros of biauMly In Ha patient efforts to bring to an amicable settlement the critical questions arising from that policy. Accepting tho imperial gov ernmact’s declaration oi its obaodon moni of tho policy which has so seri ously menaced the good relations ba twaan the two countries, the govern-1 mont of th* United States will rely j upon a scrupulous execution hence-1 forth of the now altered policy of tho j imperial government sack as will re-' move the principal danger to an In terruption of the good relations exist ing between the United States and Germany. “The government of the Unttad States feels it necessary to state that it takas it for granted that the im perial German government dose not lx tend to imply that the maintenance of its newly announced policies is la any way contingent upon tho coarse or result of diplomatic negotiatisaa between the government of th* United States and any other belligerent gov •nuaaat, notwithstanding tho fact that certain passages la the imperial govern meat's not* of tbs 4th Instant might appear to be susceptible of that aonstractiofi. In order, however, to avoid any possible ml (Understanding, th* government of the United State* notifies the imperial government that it cannot for a moment entertain, much Isas disease, a suggestion that respect by German navy authorities for tbs rights of dtiaene of the United States upon the high seaa should in any way or in th* slightest degree ha made contingent upon ths conduct of any other government affecting the rights of neutrals and non-combat ants. Responsibility in such matters Is sioglt, not joint; absolute, not rela tive.” Nat Seebtrish. Prom a Speech by Judge L. C. Smith, At Hflly Grove, Ark. “Now should you honor me with the office of Governor, and corns to Little Seek on trainees, after I am sworn ia, sad year wife should costo along with yon to do her shopping, drop in on yoar Governor; bat before you leave Nome, if your old grip is not too fall, puli op some turnips, tops and all, and whan yoa land, I will have my tittle wife (who weighs about 100 pounds) to pat yoar narns in' tha dlnuar pot. hiao bring along yoar cob pips and I will famish the Hilllde Navy, and we will ait down and talk about tha in terests of oar State end discuss old times, and plan for the future pros perity at our State, and batter andsr •toad each other's needs and wants. Poa know the Good Book tolls us in this language, Tie that is greatest among you shall ha yoar servant,’ therefore. Instead of yoa taking off your hat to yoar Governor, ha should taka his hat off to yoa, hscenes ha la your servant, My time is ap, and in eonetasien, permit me to state: That I never swear, or use profane Ian gaage in any form, sad I do not like te be in company with a man who is kddieted to profanity; bat should you honor ms with tha offiea of Governor, t aril] promise yoa new that yoa will have one of Ota damdest bast Govsrn ws that the State of Arkansas has rver had... Try me aas time, fasten my hams fringe, and hook my toga, give me forty urinates’ sleep at cross mads, a cake of corn bread, and a pint •f pat ticker, sad let me go. I thank yoo. BVBR SALIVATED BY CALOMBL? HORRIBLE 1 CUmmI Is Quicksilver sU Acts Like Dmaaalte on Ynr Liver. Cakassl leaes you a dsy! Yoo know what caloanel is. It’s aweary; qalefc iflvsr. Calomel is daagsrsus. It crashes fasts soar bile Hke dynamite, cramplny and sickening yoo. Calomel attacks the bones and should never fas pat into your system. When yon foci bilious, slayytsh, constipated and *R knocked out sad belters yon need m dose of d*n*ereae calomel just remember that your druyyist soils for BO cents a largo bottle ef Dodson’s Unr Ton*, whisk k entirely vegetable sod pleasant ta lafca and In a perfect substltats far mVornsl. It to gtwrsatsad ta start year liver without stirring yea up tn ■ide, sad can not salivate. Dsat taka calsasolt It eeekee yea tick the sort day; It kass you a day's Work. Dodson's Liver Tons straight ens yea right up end you feel great. Gifs It to the children because It to perfectly baratines end doaea’t grigs. —Adv. [REDUCE a ■■■■—■■—iwhim ———— | YourTaMeExpense All you have to do is to buy your groceries and cured meats at this store. Quality, price and cash will do the rest for you, as it is doing for hundreds of others. McLaurin & Shaw . i ’Phone No. 43 Laurinbnrg, North Carolina • ____ DO YOU PAY YOUR BILLS BY CHECK? And thus have a record of each and every amount expended together with a receipt for the amount paid ? If not, you nead a checking account with this bank. It !■ the safest way, the most convenient and satisfactory method of true acting all business payments. We will be {deseed to have yon make thia bank your place of daposit. , Raepactfully, First National Bank Lau-inkarg, N. C. YOUR GUARANTEE / Our UM on jour Prescription is your absolute guarantee, of Pore Drugs, Accn rate Compounding and RIGHT PRICES. When you need anything in drugs and want it right now, call ‘Phono No. II. --' —• --..-.. ; ■ BLUE’S DRUG STORE I i