• . * * , . * • ‘ , . Ito Democratic Party walcomaa the opportunity to preeeat to uur people, mUr three years at sower in th* Na 2? *j>d ft th* »*»»•. 1U rec ord of service and achievement, and; *t imdiatli appeals thereon to them for endorsement sad approval. REPUBLIC IN HANDS OP PUBLIC SERVANTS We find it oar Aret duty and high est privilege to endorse the ad minis tratta o< Woodrow Wilson. Under hla leadership aa President, more im portant constructive legislation of benefit to the greater body of oar peo Pla has been enacted than in any dec ade at oar history. Under him end the Democratic Congress It has been dem onstrated that our Republic is at last ta tha hands of public servants who exercise their powers In the inter est of the whole people as opposed to the interest of any dais whatsoever. He has maintained the highest tredi tloas of Ms great office and ths no blest ideals of tha party under whose banner be serves. And not only so; Uiis Republic and the human race have found m him in the supreme crisis of world affairs a leader equal to every “"Jffsocy and worthy of universal confidence. With a wisdom, patience and courage that hare added lustre to his office, lichaa managed the many complicated international situations that hare arisen in such a way aa to command universal admiration. And aa he Labors today to preserve to hu inanity the fruits at centuries of ehrl Usatioa as embodied in international law and at tbd same time to uphold *f1, right dear to the haarti of Americans, wo commend him to all man ami sand to Mm the assurance of oar unfaltering support. Now that our Republic stands alone aa the one remaining great nation of the earth at peace while the condition* abroad are so fraught with source of alarm and unrest, we foel assured that tha President who has amidst the eon fusion of the times held the republic in so safe and wise a course, can ho trusted more confidently than any other to guide our country in its foreign relations and to direct ear people in all the steps necessary to prepare bar against attack from any score*. We therefore, command to oar people his program of prepared ness. .. »»• d»t» msciw a revision or the Underwood-Simmons Act in the in terest of the whole people, and tariff dutita are no longer levied for the benefit at a favored few. At the same time we have given to the na tion a system of revenue entirely ade quate to Its necessities. We have supplemented this tariff with an in ceaao tax the effect of which is to re move from the rank and file of our people the heavier burden upon those who arc more able to hear it and who, in common jutice ought to bear it. CURRENCY SYSTEM PREVENTER OP PANICS In the Federal Reserve Banking Act our party has given to the country a currency system that commends uni versal commendation. It has made money monopolies impossible and pro vided an elasticity of the currency that assures to the farmers and oth er producers a supply of money that automatically prevents the depression of crop. It haa removed the control of th# money ovtr tho country from Wall 8 treat. in New York, to the Treasury of the United States st Washington, and haa thereby made financial stringencies and panics a thing of the past. Under the supreme test of world war this act has served net only to save our people from dis aster but to vouchsafe to them an au paralIdled prosperity. la the Clayton Anti-Trust taw ire have successfully grappled with the great problem of trusts and mooopo flea without injury to any lawful In In a word, throughout this land un der the Democratic party the powers of government have been exareied Sh&fcWEiaKr pie has ever known. With so mad) already done the ad mhiitratlon is Just now proceeding to crown its own record of constructive Mseioee with a Rural Credits Act, ua d*r "h^h it is proposed to provide at the lowest expense aa abundant audit for the farmers of the nation, and this convention gives hearty on dorsssMBt to this set. We endorse the record of our 8ena~ teew ancT Representatives in Csngrses; “d we view with pride the poitwns of responsibility, honor and service ow seaw are so worthily oeeupytag ta Congress and Cabinet. To few State* has IsBsa tbs honor of having at ones the dear leaders In the Ben North Carolinian that to the gnat Pf*graai of progress achieved by the Democratic party, ear Bute has had so large a part. • hl#h state of sSlolaocy. and public Institutions for the core of the dls «mW and unfortunate ham been tn ereued ia number and wlanrad ia ca pacity and sauipmmt. Corpora lions that aarre tha public in specirts redaction of the interstate and Intm-etate freight rates in the lart two man not leos then one and a half million dollars par year—aa amomit in excess of the entire admin 1st rati on of State government. LOWEST PER CAPITA TAX IN WHOLE UNION It is not accident that after six teen years of the most notable pro greee In the entire history of the State in all them linear of public effort, the reporta of the United States Causae Department show that oar State gov ernment Is maintained upon a pay ment of taxes tat the people of this State teas per capita than that of any other State in the Union. This result Department shew that our State gov eminent ia maintained upon a pay m«t of taxes by, the people of tbU ha^been achieved by the Democratic party bciag true to its pledgee ef tha utmost economy In the administration of public affairs. Public office in this State i» atit! a public trust, end must administered with the utmeot 1 deHty to the public interest. we Dim UM ror congratulation that ws have passed the period of ap prehension that the State revenues may not be sufficient to meet the necessarily Increased public needs of a growing Bute Tressary, under a de creased rate of tax levy for solely SUte purposes, sad we have a had mwa la the 'Treasury; that the de mand far an equalised basis of taxa tion has been conservatively met, and that, with a modern Inheritance tax statute large fortunes, in their trans mission. are already contributing sub stantially to the Bute's revenue and win in a large measure Uke care of the increased needs of the 8UU in the future progress. We pledge the party to a continuation of the policy of strict economy, and to turning back into channels of direct benefit to the people of the Stats every dollar of public revenue raised by the SUte that 1s not cnential for Suu adminis tration, for the benefit of public edu cation, for SUU asaisUnce In public construction, for safeguarding the public health, and in liberal pen slon* for the remaining Confederate soldiers and widows, and other appro priate channels of serving and con serving the public interest We de clare and reiterate our &xm belief in oenditvfee of all puhlle funds by all SUU sod county officials and Suto tastituUooa so that every oitfaea of North Carolina can easily eruP taUUl* gfntly acquaint himaslf with all teaa oaable Information pertaining to such rereipU and expenditures of public funds. We challenge a comparison of this clean, progressive, Democratic record with the Republican record which pro c*dw it—t record too well * cared in to the raindi of the people of thil State to need a review—or with any previous or future service that can c?tn? tt0*1 ^e present leadmhip of the Republican Psrty, ana declare: Educated Citizenship Cost let The development of public education has bean the chief pride of the Democratic Party, and nothing less than an odocatad otisenship must be the goal of our continued ewTunUr ing efforts. Our pablie school Urtaf incrcaod to a point much be yund the ConstitatioaarreqalreaxeeU, w« *r* building school houses nt the^rate of one for every day that CaoMTV* PabNe Health. 2nd. The conservation of public health la now recognised aa a prob len damandiog con aid nation of all caMghtenad iwinoHnta Wo rejoice &£• rauSSTdLS^: *25 «« In tudedng ourdoathnkte In increasing t)w nan total of health, sw^sjausaasss &p!S:l2To?j£r# jjj hate a eonthraanee and etrcngtheafag «£ tha huaaoM poUcy now in force la SbfefJifctsszstte preventable diaeaaea. Stand fer flood Sea da. tol Th# cor»*tn>ftloTj and main !£*«? SSS'JSIZ.TJ: is^s!Zixsststr» commoaitiee. Poor yean ago them were e»ir 6.00P wBm of modern roods the State. Today we have ir.,000 ■bum «f iart roadi and every day aeee the mileage extended. We pledge owr party to a policy of sympathetic aid and encouragement to road bond ing in this State. l'ledga to Karol State. 4th. We mom ever be mindful of the feet that the State dorlvoe IU etrength from ita toiling citiiena and ite rural coummitlce, and we pledge the party to a continuance of tho poll ey of encouraging the beet develop Dewoenrtte raff ojmltttoiffSf eeoBlry .life la (he reepect to echoole have been vaotfr.Improved. . ef the State Deport saSn •' SvSzaHS £ss «,*r izrz whkh wae menifeet la the It— mine iMmaeo la the variety nod vahae ef (he farm predacta. It la a matter ef JJW» We fkvor legtolaUoA urovVtta* ef tern e the proper marketing of rash products fit* Xverr enterprise looking to the Investment of capital and employment of labor ebook! >bo teetered end en couraged by tbs State. Wo pledge, not only to eitiaoao of this State, bnt to c Hi sene of other Staten that all capital Invested in legitimate enter prime in North, Carolina, whether foreign or domestic, ehall bare tbo oqaet and friendly protection of oar law* in their observance, end will be held equally amendable to our law* in their violation. Suffrage Amendment Just. 6th. We reaffirm oar confidence in j the wisdom end justice of the suf frage amendment to oar State const!-1 tution. Under Its Influence we have bad freedom from race issues, and both races have enjoyed contentment and prosperity The haaard to Its val id coo Urn nance makes it imperative for tbo public good that Democratic supremacy In the State be maintained. We submit that the record shows that tfle Democratic party can be trusted to conserve all that make*! for the welfare of our paopla So leag aa the Democratic party is in power the foreee that have made for the great progress of the last sixteen years will be maintained. So long as It is is the power, the people have the aeearaace that the State is safe from designs of those who would inflict upon it the payment of tha fraudulent bond issued in lta name under a Re publican regime; and they cannot have the assurance otherwise. So long aa the Democratic party is in power the people have the asearanee that this State shell bg conducted by white men; and they rennet have that aeearaace otherwise. 80 long aa the i Democratic party la hi powor the as surance of a half a century of faith ful service that all that makes for peace, the progress, the order and the prosperity of this commonwealth ehall be aacredly conserved; and they can not have that assurance otherwises. Elbert Rod* Kaye The ban is yolkod to hsr job With women 25 Is the abiddoo num ber. Many a man haa made his mark who has never been hoard at. One of oar greatest fsuite io wor rying about the faults at others. Anyway the ftah that got away la good for another story next time. What will become pf chivalry when women become politicians sod graft era. Contrary as it may seen. locks of s canal often arc the key to the situa tion. Eating too much meat is said to bo dangerous This it probably a subtle hint from our creditors. la view of happenings at Panama, it might bs pertinent to ask “When, is a carnal not a canal t” Talking about an industrious wo men's lobby at Washington, we are glad there la something there that works A good many articles of daily need are short in supply—but no shorter than wa are of tha supply of stuff to buy them with. Th* node haa a place (a tha world, but there is soma doubt if aa much nakadnaas in the moving pictures in too name of morality is really men). A dosen mala students in one col lege are learning to cook. Probably think that la seoeeaary to ba happy with a gtrl brought up in thaaa auf-1 frngatte days. I Prean s close and enrafnl scrutiny, of tha new sty Us in surf costumes wa «ome to the conclusion that tha (trie want to dsmoastrato that they an bona fids daughters at Mothar Eva POINTS THB WAT. The Statement at TMe Bodrtafham Hi rid* at Win latere* Oar Bud era. Oar neighboring town, Bocktagham, point* the way in the word* of eng of Ha moat mpaeted luoUeMat W. V. Yotmg, prop, of grocery, Kinney 6*.., Boeklngham, N. C., iaya: "I wai oee’ ly laid up with my back, ft ached and Mt ao weak that I waant good for anything. After riooping, f aowld hardly atralghtan aad morn ing*, it wm* almoat hupoaalble for me te got oot of bod. Binca neing Doan'* Kidney PUU, procured at the Tax Drag Store, my back and--— bean In good condition.” Price Ate, at all ri* ■imply aak for a kidney remedy—get Doan'i Kklney PI lie—the ram* that Mr. Yeung had. Porter-31 Hburn Co., Propn., Buffalo. N. Y.—Ad*. SAYS BS WIFE IS BETTE! THAN FfttTEN YEARS Thai** >• the Only MtdMa. That <*• Helped H«r," Aran T. O. BmlifL “Fire bottles of Tanlae have pot ray wtfa la batter health than for ton yaara,” aaid Frod 0. Smith, Mi East Martin street, Raleigh. “For a long time Mr*. Smith was ia a general rundown condition. She could oat hot little and weald arias la tha morning feeling as tired a* whan Mm want to bed. Paine gripped her la Che hack and hand. “Four bottle* of this wonderful mad iris* had her is good shape! Evan tho firyt bottle workad a change for tha better la her. Now oho is aa tho fifth bottle and is better than for tea years. “I roonratanai Tanlae hn—n** it is tha only medicine 1 ever found that haa helped ray wife Each day she gains ia weight and strength/' Blneh Drug Store arils Tanlae in Laurinhurg; W. Z. Gibson Drug Go, Gibson; J. B. Smith Drug Oo., Lex* Ingtoa; Boy’s Pharmacy, Hamlet_ Adr. Remember that nor Piwacrio tloo Department ta under the eare of a Repiatered. Competent man and your Prescriptions aril* bate tba care and attention that is necessary. Bveringtoi’s Druf Store k NOTICE OF BALK. and by rirtue of the power* cmdaiaed la a eartata deed of trust by G. H. RuaaeU oa tha Mb g^aaCBteas ■bpHd, Trust**, named in aaM.Aeed, wfl£ on tha 10th da* of Jana, 1916. at tha court-house door in Scotlaad Cepntjr. at It o’clock. Noon, offer foe •sti, at pablic auction, foY cash, to hicliMt bidder the revenlomuy inter the followisf property, to-wit: AD that lot of land situate in the town of Laurtabur*. in Scotland Ouuaty, North Carolina, situated on {be owner ef Main ami Dickson Street {!! f®1!*®"®* “d,0" tha aaat aide of Main Street, and the south aid# of said Dickson Street, eoraraeocht* at the northwestern intcrrertlon of ir.»F tott Dickson Street, and rum “* thane* in an easterly direction amis the southern line of Dickson Street to a bis ditch; thence up said dit* ia a southern direction to the month of a small ditch: theses up the varlow courses of said small ditch to £MWd!An oactem line of Mata Struct iaaaorth *r* direction to the k*rirmta«. This May, 10, 1916. r. c. McCormick, 19-22 TnSLm. “Cored” Mrs. Jay McOm, o« Stepb ewrlUe, Texas, write*: "Nr ■ta* <9y years. I suffered with womanly trouble. I had ter rible headaches, aad palm la mr hack, etc It seemed as ff I wmdd die, 1 suffered to. At M, I decided to try Cardiff. halpaff ma right away. The tuff treatment not only helped mat. but It cured me." TAKX Cardui Til Woman’s Tonic Cardiff help* woman la ttma * pmM need, became II •ortatns ingredients urtach act speetficafly, yet gently, ee the Sw, K you lest dweoumgedl Mhia. out-ot-sorte. —hie ta iccouif o( vour coodiiofl **aw wonymg and give Carffui a trial. It ha* helped Uxusaff at wome*,—why not you ? Ttf Carffui. E-Tl MADS FOR YOU Tk. taw I. Mk (Am, MADS FOR YOUR WITS tt ui MrrkMltwtl MW t* Ik* Mk. 1U MADE FOR YOUR CHILDREN Tk* fuTiikw hw ka* • miki t*r fmrm tor* Ml ftrU. ul a ■total Mar? <*r Mk >—I Ml *M. la CM tt 1* a MW Car ***rr aiatir *1 riu The Best Two for All the Family—Both Leaden I _ In Their Line THE HOUSEWIFE ml—rtptla— that m»Mi — m Imi— H la tkla !*«'• rtakMaj Mai wit* TV nmlii VWrmar. w« *—w raa will ka Makir |-—nff If raa «a«Ma to taka tka ala*, toatoklaa Tka HmnwWk. TU* grant cwMhIIh ml tmxm Map, farm kalp. Map, ‘-'-n faneT ""A and pd cfcaar far tfca aalira kafl, at ^ BARGAIN PRICES LAURINBURG EXCHANGE ftat«Ur pica....PjM OUR SPECIAL BARGAIN OFFER 5(m1t 4 MaS af krhf par aabacriy tiaai at aaaa to LAURINBURG EXCHANGE LAURINBURG, N. C. SEVEN PAPERS We are also in position to offer you following Big Combination: Tim laitolwf FhcHmic 1 year The Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal 1 year Every-Day Ufa .... 1 year Perm Ufa ..... 1 year . Home Life 1 y«.r Gentlewoman.I year Household Journal and Floral Magazine 1 year All For $2.10. You get Seven Papon for one whole year for lam* half their anfamriptfon value. Subscribe: now. The Laurinburg Exchange The County Paper. - --- . - - . THE HAMLET HOSPITAL mt w. Hamlet, N. C. • •' 'K* ■ V >. ' | A thoroughly agripfid Institution far the •ckotHe treatment of X-Ray, Medical ud Surgi cal Caoas. Trained Nnrsce famished. Special attention given to the Surgical Condition of the Kir. Nose and Threat e v I Patronize Our Job Department ’ t

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