m ■■ i t 3—j . „ . RESOLVED Ve ARE ontheWAtch R>R NEW THINGS. WE KEEP UP WITH TMC TIMERS - WHEN ANY -thing new Copies OUT W CAN FIND IT IN oua *STORE AT THE LOWEST PRICE (SfzQjn3j— THE STYLES AND SHADES IN oUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT ARE RIGHT UP To THE MINUTE. YOU WILL NOT NEED To SHOP AROUND IF YOU COME STRAIGHT To OUR STORE FOR YoUR SPRING AND SUMMER NEEDS; YOU WILL FIND THE HfGH QUALITY YOU WANT IN OUR STORE. AT THE LOWEST PRICES. CONSISTENT WITH GOOD MERCHANDISE. No OLD-TASHIONED HOUR GLASS METHODS WITH US. WE KEEP RIGHT UP TO THE MINUTE. PLANTERS TRADING CO. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY THE PROGRESSIVE RAILWAY OF THE 80UTH Schedule Effective April 16th. Train* Leaving Laurinburg No. .19—8:28 A. M. Local for Hamlet. Charlotte and ail in termediate points—Through Sleeper Wilmington to Charlotte. Open for passengers at Wilmington at 1(1 P. M. No. 13—7:27 P. M. Local for Harakt, Charlotte, and all in termediate points,—Connecting at Hamlet for all points North, South and South West. Pullman Parlor Car Wil mington to Charlotte. No. 20—8:36 P. M. Local for Wilmington and all intermediate No. 14—9.-07 A. M. Local far Wilmington and'sll intermediate points,—Pullman Parlor Car Charlotte to Wilmington. For additional information, aa to rates, schedules, or re servations, call on local agent or write the undersigned. J. Wataoa, Agent H. E. Pleasants, T. P. A. Laurinburg, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. John T. West, D. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. | Are You Wasting The Price Of a Titan Engine? '"I'ITAN engines run on kerosene. x Average cost of gasoline so far this year, 16.9 cents per gallon. Average cost of kerosene' 7.7 cents per gallon.' Gasoline costs over 100 par cent more than kero* i m>*> Gasoline is going np steadily. Kerosene is not. At present fuel prices Titan engines, using kero sene, save their owners about 1.1 cents per horse power per hour. Jr Are you running a gasoline engine ? What hone power Is it i Figure what you’d be saving »f you had a Titaa kerosene segine. Rather surprising, isn’t it? How long would it *^ke that saving to pay for a Titan engine of tbs sum sum? Iatsmtioaal Harvester Coapiay of Africa TasuWs.se, ss^as. — sUfcr JMO. 7. McNAIR, Laurinburg. N. C. Z. V. PATE. Lvurvl Hill, N. C. aad Gibson, N. C. J. T. J09M3 CO., J >hr,s,;N. CJ . -L - —UU1.JI TUX WIDE WOULD. Happenings Throughout the World Told la Brief. Mra. John Whiteman, ad Bedford, Ind., ha* discovered her daughter after • March of over 24 year*. The daughter 1* now Mr*. Laura Brook*, [ uf Hannibal, Ms I While digging stumps on the farm of Cm A. R. Benson aear Dover, Del., negroes uncovered a great quan tity of gold, jewelry and other val uables It la believed U>* articles comprise the loot of a robbory cotn ; mitted ten year* ago. The Novy lmgnr, arith headquarter* in Washington, ha* instituted pro ceedings aguinmt llenry Ford, the De troit manufacturer, asking $100,000 for libel. The complaint allocea li bel in some of Ford’* published shite menu oppc*ing military prepared ness. The London foreign office ennounc «• that it bai earned from Walter Hi nee Page, the American ambassa dor, that Germany has accepted Brlt i*h proposals for transfer to Switzer land of British and German wounded or invalid prisoners of war for ex change • Prank H. Canning, hair to *300,000 bequaathad in the will of Mrs. I. T. Bkhu, of Detroit, has boon located in CUrhsbors, N. J. Several yaars ago, while employed oa a street oar near Waet Chester, Pa, he protected Mr*. Elkins from a group of intoxi cated men. • f Albert Goodwin, a private in the Twenty-fourth infantry, recently was •hot and killed by a sergeant “sone wber# in Mexico," because he refused to obey orders and drew a revolver on his superior. Goodwin had been •rmtal previously and held for eourtmartial. The post office department has Is sued a new regulation requiring that all shoo boxes, cans, hollow trees awd various other home-made mail boxes must be discarded. Standard boxes built according to specification* furn ished by the department must be erected by farmers oa runs! routes. Paul Haffer, of Tacoma, Wash., was couvictod by a Jury of “libeling the memory of George Washington." IlalTer’a conviction followed a letter written by him and published hi a newspaper, in which be referred to Washington as a “slave Holder" ard “inveterate drinker.” Ha ie liable to a fin* and imprisonment. * in* smiting of an Allied transport in the Mediterranean, with the lose of nearly 600 Rnsnisn troop*, is reposted, in advices from Corfu. Tbe transport »u sunk by striking a mine about! the tame time the British battleship Bussell met a similar fate. The bod ies cf the Russians recovered were1 buried by the British at Malta. Abraham Gideon, representative of the Simplified Spelling hoard, recent ly spoke before tbe Kansas Praas as sociation in session at Colombia, Mo., and urgud that 12 words be adopted as die beginning of a national campaign. The 12 words, as ha spells them, axa tho, allho, thru, thruout, thoro, thorn ly, tborofare, program, Prolog, cata log, pedagog and decalog. While 8,000 spectator* were watch ing demonstration of police methods in connection with the annual police panda in New York city, Lieut. Chris topher Reilly snatched a handbag from a police matron and started to run. While other officer* wen pre tending to overpower him, a detective, who thought the affair was real, mail ed in and shot Evilly through his chin and neck. The Canadian parliament buildings at Ottawa, which ware burned last winter, are to be roe to red aa speedily aa passible. For this purpose the government baa decided to ask par liament for an appropriation of fly. BOOfiOO to meet the coat of restoration and reconstruction daring the current TW- Plans for the structure era be ing completed by architects working with a committee of mmnlisse and senators. Miss Jsonic Whyte, a school teacher ef Duryaa, Pa., showed bar pluek when she restated and rented a berg tor. with bar teeth aa her sely weapon Awakened lata at night, she screened •Ud the burgisr leaped at her throat aa she jumped out of bed. Mine Whyte fastened her teeth on one of hie fingers and almost Mt H off. She then jumped from a second-story win dow and landed eninjured. In the meantime the burglar fled. Mrs. Harriot M. Martin, of New Csatie, N. II., enjoy* the unique dis tinction of being thr oldest oflee girl in the United Staten. She will cele brate her ninety-ninth birthday an niversary hi September. During the past 39 years sho ha* atteadad office for Dr. Fred 8. Towla. Har eight Is goad, her hearing excellent, and har health to of the beet. Mrs Martin was **atried 77 years ago la New Castle, and in the tost of a family of 12 children. liar husband died 12 yaunt age, after which she became »ietinea In the home of har daaghtar ta-tow, Mrs. Myra 2 Martin, aa wall ha "oOcu girl” for Dr. Towla. I II - 4 — —W FROM rveerywhbrr: Hsppaniaga An Over the World U Paragraph*. Robert McDonald, ag*d 14 yam, rwoatly committed suicide in Chicago whan his parents refused .to allow him to parchaoo a bicycle. All the window* in the Champ* Elyaoea in Paris are reported to hoe# boon rented at a high price to view the triumphal entry into Pari* of the victorious troops after the war. Schoolboy! and Boy Scots• through out the British Isles ara being urged to raid sparrow** neats in an effort to exterminate the peats, It in claimed they take a heavy toll of the crop each year and thereby contribute to the nigh cost of living. William Lo rimer, acquitted on rharges connected with the failure of the La Salle Street Trust and Sav. tnge bank in Chicago, has announced that he will re-enter politics sad be come a candidate for the United State* senate, from which he was ousted. The strawberry area in IP state*, as reported to tho Department of Agric utters, is 111,648 acre*, or 1*4 por cent, grater than a year ago. Mississippi show* an increase of 4S por esat. ta a yaar. Tennessee leads nU tha states with a total ara of 17, *00 scree. Bits—« lira. wilUun & Holm—, of Freehold, N. J, woi just too fond of dogs for anything. the town beard bos oe—ed her — effictel dog cmtcher. Mrs. Holm— declares few dogs will be slaughtered, because she win Had gsod homes for all stray or misused —nines. Eddy Foley, former lower of • girl la Kansas City, Mo., triad to “gum up" her wedding when ha found he had not boon invited to the ceremony. Ha placed pickets about the house and warned guests not to enter. Foley paid a fine of 08 for hia trouble. Harry Feasier, aged 24 years, cane within an aee of being arrested for kidnapping whan he cm seed the In diene border into Kentucky with Him Elms Gsholmer. aged IS years, his In tended bride. Later limy were mar ried in Newport, Ky., after the father gars his consent. Twsnty-ais aeroplanes wrre shot down by German aviators an the west ern front in April, according to ofl ctal figures given out in Berlin this week. The German lose— during the month amounted to 28 aeroplanes. Of these, 14 wort lost in serial combat, 4 were shot down and 4 did art —turn. ——‘ i Secretary of Bute Laaeiag is con sidering another protest to Graat Britain on' the ground that she Is holding mall from A ns erica an un reasonable length of time. Business letters mailed in New York in Jan uary arrived only a few days ago. American newspapers ara being harr od from the mail to Germany. An uprising against the British in the Sudan it —ported In dispatches from Constantinople. A1 Dinar, tka (man of Darfour, with a for— of troupe and 8,000 camels, is —id to be matching again* the British fore— la Northern Sudan. The British, ac cording to the advices, a— —tiring hastily toward the Nile. The coat of the war in Europe to all belligerents for the two years ending Aug. 1, 1010, is ssrimated at 048,000, 000,000, with the p—seat daily cost at about 100,000,000. It la oos«ag 30 o—ts a day for —eh inhabitaat of France; *8 cants for each Inhabitant of England; 82 cents for each Gorman, and 6 cents for each Russian. In accordance with an avowed in teottoD of making EvanaviUo, IiuL. a “city of Americana with propar Am miean patriotism," the local chamber of cncnmarcs will ran slides la motion pittara theatres calling attention to the fact that the playing of the na tional anthem will follow shortly and rsgoastiag tho audience to stand dar ing its rendition. Capt. Rettolo, member of a loading family at JtOOM, Italy, being suspici on ofj&a wife, returned from the front 'and nought Abba Giacomo ,•***. of whoa* ho was jealous. Ar riving at the parish house of the •bbe, Capt. Rettolo fired through the windows, ono of hie bulleta killing the Abbe Nlcolo Rkhetti. Afterward As saplain rutarned to bis home, killed his wife end committed suicide. Consumption of water In Msettle. Wash., has Increased to such an ex tent since the prohibition lew went into rtTect that the hotelkeepers de tiro a reduction in their water raws. The petition igta forth that, since the ■ah oar were rioted, the general puh lie has availed lUelf of tho hotel wa*h-rooms to sock an extent that the hotels' water biUa have incrossed e^Mantly to warrant the reduction -- to The Milk Producers’ association of in tools, at a recent m seeing In Chi sago, organized a *600,000 corporation in n« effect to eliminate the middle men frees the Chicago Milk market. U is declared that milk will drug to tin canto a quart to Chicago. bMETftL SHINGLES' * 77fE MORMPROOF ROOF Mu- Mr Hr J. F. McNAIR, La ur inburg, N. C. Make your family proud of their home Your wife and children cannot a pndo in their home if the houee m faded wwdw-beitHi, That means no paint. And, for mansion or cottage, the hest punt is -J5 «'!aranr« Lead and Zinc Paint to he ahaolur.Jy pure. When you paint with Devoe you »ave print-money—fewer gallons to buy: you hV-r-monev—fewer ,aU£Tto . Til' * '‘”tC-r ,u0^m? paint-i«,b—pure paint} and k T' . ^ ,a ’Mger rime before you Mod another p‘sinc-;