Mr. L. 0. Robinson, the hank- r nod Inwyi-r. wu people of Anson. one and all are of fering to the voters of the Seventh Congressional Dis trict, is not only a good law yer and banker, bat he la a farmer of unquestioned suc cess. Just an ordlaary every day farmer, who has hoed and chopped and dog and shoveled and ploughed from daylight Iamu cvK, n« omy nr one aay or ror oaeyear, but from f Is- time he was large enough to handle a hoe and had vofee enough to aay “Gee and Haw”—from •thai time until h- attained manhood. That la the kladpf a man, th'tlsthskind of a farmer, that w« are offering the people of the Seventh District. He la a great mua in body, la mind and in heart; a feUaw who will not fail to answer every call and every letter written to him, when he reaches Wash ington as out Congressman. He will devise more ways and employ more means than can well be im port to get for his district, aad for every man in it, everything to which they are entitled. It will hs worth while to have such a man in Washington who can practically represent every element of ear people. He is without frills and furbelows, and never forgets a friend or an acqua intance. He received his training in the hard school of experience; he acqnired nothing from an cestors but habits of indastrjT and integrity. We have frequently h ard him say that he “came down ft* river on a raft,** meaning thereby that in early boyhood he waa esat out on the stream of life and left to shift for himself. After the attainment of manhood, and after receiving that valuable expert ***** that can be acquired nowhere except upon the tana, he cane to Wadeaboro. Be was enable to Attend a law school and for this reason undertook to equip himself snder the tutelage of local mem bers of the bar. Being entirely without financial re sources, he shifted from one foot .to the other while porsuiug legal studies, and for some time thereafter until he acquired a foothold in the profession. The plain aad honest demeanor of this piowboy non drew about 1dm a large cirde of friends, who de termined to nmka him Major of Waicaboro. After a spirited contest he secured the nomination and waa elected four times ia succession aa Major of Wndcsboro. Twice thereafter he was elected to the Hoaae of Representatives. Upon the creation of additional judicial districts in tbe State, Mr. Rob insoa was appstnted SoHdtor at this district by Gooerner Charles B. Aycock. He held this position until 1999, at which time he waa importuned by stockholders to accept the presidency of the Bank sf Wadeaboro. He resigned the office of SoHdtor, accepted the presidency of this bank, aad atoce that time he has performed the triple duties of banker, lawyer aad farmer. In the profession of law, Mr. Batinssn did not forget hh» sarfr training'aad love for tbs Adds. As soon as his arcumalatioas would pemait, he acquired a farm and resumed his yosth fuf callings. It is singular that he Is frequently celled sa hr his friends aad neighbors, not alone fo* legal annual, hut for advice In. farm manage ment. The balance on Ms farm ledger always •hows upon the right aide. TMs is the picture of genial Lee Robinses.. Doesn't it look good to you ? Then get to work for him and let's give him a nemllisttim that will be practically unanlmoud^'.tV/'f‘ '/,■ . —e- II ■BHMBffgg'J_LI_LI i . PJJJBOl Rill NEW8 ITEMS. —"~|I ' ‘ 11-JT wt the Country. Aa epeiutloa in which TV hairpin* from the bu/.y of Min Alfsra. M imm old. at N«w Orimw, Z*< Mil to (top tor Mpd Mhq *ad (to died a (Mr day* ago. ; TVo Mow York dty police Have Joet ’learnad a new quotation on “white d»T»i." They rocoatly smrttd a imaa who in alleged to have sold Mb ,ewa wife for *23 to to aa inmate at >a brothel. | Camels laden with bomba and petrol I were Mown to piece* by Turk* *o that thee* living carrier* of aauraaittaa would not fen into the hand* of the British when they Invaded the Li berian desert with motor trucks. C- F. Ewell, of Milan, O., says his chicken* are laying two oggo every day. “I turn on the light* for rix hoars,** say* Ewell, “and then keep them kt darkness six hour*. The tons think two days tor* passed, and they lay every IX hours instead at every **.** The most valuable fish taken (no the Jmriate river, in Penasyfvmata. this spring was a carp oaimht by Mika Baloniaky, an Austrian quartymaa, near Fiaatotowa. It tod made a meal on a diamond Hag, which a Jew eler told the lucky fisherman was worth V100. Young, aged U yean, and Mary Roberta. Ma 11-year-old bride, ate to ntan to their parents and Hm apart for on# year, aceordtag to a Tiding by Jtadga Halbort. of De troit. If at tho end of *>#» time they •till wish to bo married, wall, Jsdge Halbort wlU eeo what is to ba dona. Dr. A. W. Trettton. ymfaaoor af psychology at Toledo university, fat Toledo, 0„ changed tha voice of How ard Harpst, aged 21 and a stndmi fat tha department of civil engineering. Harpafa voice was lika that of a child oatil Dr. Tiattier brought about a matamorphoaU. Now Harpot talfcy like a an. W. H. Parkins, a druggist of Mil loo, lad, waa handling a sotting of eggs in an incubator at hia store tha other day and accidentally cracked one. Parkier closed the broken alkali | with a piece of adhesive piaster and ; replaced the egg in the incubator. Tha first chicken hatched in tha setting came from tho mondad egg. Thirty-nine years ago C. H. Fow ler, of Dennison, O, applied for a Job aa caretaker for a Government ceme tery. He received a form letter stat ing thdt Ms name had baba OUgTMtkr S