i VOLUME XXXIV-NUMBER 81. • LAURINBURG, N. G,‘ DISTINGUISHED VISITOR IN LAURUtfBURG MONDAY * \ Baa. Daaial C. Bapar. FI rat Aaaiataat PaaUaaatar Oaaaral VWItad La aria bail Moadajr Moralag—CaM to ThU, Hla Home Bartlaa, to DaBrar AiMraaa at Baaaattarflia. Laurlnburg had ths distinction at having aa iu guest Monday mornimg Hoe. Daniel C. Soper, of Washington, D. C., who is First Assistant Poet* master General. Mr. Soper is well known in Laurin burg and this section. He was born at Clio, & Cm in Marlboro county, and therefor* has many relatives and a countless number of friends in this county, who were delighted with the visit from this distinguished gentle man. The purpose at hie visit to this sec* tion waa to deliver the literary ad dress before the graduating class at the Bennettsville graded school and to visit his relative*. The addreaa was Friday evening. Previous to the ad dress a rousing recaption of welcoene was extended him, the exercises being held on the school campus. Ho cams to Laurlnburg by automo bile with his brother-in-law, Mr. W. N. McKenzie, of the Meson Cross sec tion, whose guest ha was during hia visit Mr. Roper spent the short while ha had here in meeting and greeting hia friends and relatives. His coming waa unheralded and for that reason a great many of hie old time friends were deprived the pleasure of again meeting him. Mr. Kopec returned to the country home of Mr. McKenzie, and Monday afternoon boarded the train at Hamlet to return to Washington. Reception at Washington. Mrs. Daniel C. Koper eras at home on Monday in compliment to her daughter, Mrs. David R. Coker of HartavflJe, 8. C., Mrs. John D. Skew cf Laurlnburg ami Miss- EsdaJe Shaw —““I ^{n* v*"™ Jaiiku B~‘1ftnr hint—Washington, D. C., *oei«ty not#* in Charlotte Obitrvar. near-fatal accident. Mr. Alex Everett Painfully Hurt Mandagr Morning. Early Monday morning, Mr. Alex Everett, brother at litun. D. J. and J. C. Everett, happened to what come near being a fatal accident. Mr. Everett waa engaged in work with hie brothers who have the con tract for remodeling the residence of Mr. B. D. Phillips. In passing around the house in the performance of acme of his duties, a heavy piece of lumber ons and one-half inches thick by fourteen inches in width and about six feet long, which was thrown oat of one of the second story windows, struck Mr. Everett on the head and it ' waa first thought with fatal results. Ha was hurriedly carried to Dver ington's Drag Store, where he was given treatment by Dr. N. B. Can naday. Fortunately As place of lumber attack him in such a manner aa to cause a glancing Mow, and only a painful scalp around resulted. Had not the tick been a glancing one, tharp is not much doubt bat that Aa roooh would have proven fatal. The lumber was thrown out by Fred Maynor, colored, who waa am-, played to do plastering, asid was' purely an accident. No blame except i that of slight carelsssnsaa is attached to Maynor, who was discharged by Aa contractors. Murderer Captured. A telegram waa received here Men day by Deputy Sheriff Tamar P. Smith from the anthorMea at Sumter, 8. C, saying that the negro men who waa hunted bate in 8eotlaad some weak* ago and escaped leaving a stolen autamahOe behind, and who was wanted for murder in Sumter county, bad been arreatedf Saturday night at Aberdeen. A letter had been received a dap > or two before the telegram ooatain . «"* the —ggntlia that Sto much waadai murderer wee thought to bo hi hiding to this county and the of dem were amktog a gaiat aearah far him. / ^ u. M t ■ - — ■■ —* MORE IMPROVEMENTS. Burin— Section of Laaxinburg Coa tie am to bo laprerd In the bonne— section of Laarln burg there Is always some decided im provement* going on. The old bond ings thet here become unsightly end dilapidated looking as compered with the new and modern business houses, are constantly receiving the atten tion of the ewnere of such property, and every few weeks sons bonding Is remodeled end made over. Laurlnborg has long suffered Is re spect to the old business building* thet have become baefcnumbers es re gards their appearance, end it is most gratifying to note the continued and almost inc—nt Improvements being mada^ln them. The latest mere to this and Is on* by Mr*. Gporge D. Kvsrlngton, who will soon have the store room occu pied by Mr. J. C. Birmingham com pletely remodeled. A new front of pressed brick end plate glass will re place the old one and the building will be otherwise remodeled. Mr. L U. Kincaid has the contract to do the work. — * Jeha-HeUaad. Invitations as follow* have been is sued: Rewreod and Mr*. Roderick Briton John request tke honor of yoer presence at the marriage of their daughter Margaret to Dr. Nathaniel Thomas Holland on Wednesday evening, the seventh of . M ' __ .Jane * _ " **t seven o'clock ‘N Centenary Methodist Chnreh Smithfleld, North Carolina. Doing Kin* Bu: inrea. _ l Among the new enterprise* in Lao rinburg that are doing an unusual amount of basinets la the McNaii Milling Co. The people of Laurinburg hare no Idsa what this plant turns oat, neither did we until we began to ask ques tions. To give you some Idea of what is being done, It requires two cat loads of wheat each week to keep the flour department, which is only on© of aev «ral. hi operation. At the prevailing price of wheat, this means an expen diture of approximately |8,000 pm week for wheat alone. Sura, there is a fine market right h«e for aU the wheat Scotland tar mare win produce, and the beet part of ft is that it will keep our money circulating her* at home. Ifhmlst, N. C, May 22.—Kim Blanch# Thomas, at Jackson Springs, N. C, and Mr. W. N. Coaby, Sr, of Harriet, war# married at tha home at Mrs. Hugh Beaeham in Hamlet on Wednesday evening, May 17tb, at fl o'clock, her. M. H. Tattle, pastor of Hamlet Methodist church, performing tha ceremony. At the appointed hoar. Mm. W. D. Jamaa, dame ad honor, entarad from tha stairway, followed by the groom and beat man, J. A. Winslow; tha bride entering with Dr. W. D. Jamaa, who Rare bar away, tha wadding "wtrh being played by Mra. Kate McDonald Whitfield. After receiving congratulation* at their many friends tha happy couple drove to the Seaboard depot, where they departed for a trip to Ktw York and ether Northern cities. After May U they win W at home at Hamlet. The bride la a graduate nurse, har ing recently graduated at the Hamlet hospital, and has made many friend* hmw The groom, who la familiarly taowu as "Dick Coaly" by all Me Mauds, baa far aaaay yean bean an mgiaeer m the Seaboard, touring to witorisgtea. Ha has far many yuan Neo n, at tha lauding man of Ham 1st, and is mm earring hie third farm as one rf the town maniiwlnimr (Mra Coaby ia well known hen •here the aarrad as a nurse la the Junta* Sanatorium far a long white. ** 2* T* ta Uurtakwt h* tha happiest THINGS PERTAINING TO LIFE BtHmitM. THE gPOlTIMO Pleasure If pursued aa no end tn Itself becomes an evil. It Is un worthy a human being to mako pleas ure (fa* great boeisaas of hia life.' I think that possibly tha majority at tbs games and recreations which wo hare are hi thsasasivss harmless. They become evil as men derots them selves to than. It becomes the pen sion of one's Ufa to seek a good time. Such a man dissipates tha energise at body aad mind. It takaa more and more to satisfy him. To be a confirmed sport is a very unenviable character. A sport Is or who has enough to Uto upon an® devotes hi* whole time gambling. A semi-sport it one who has to work part of the time for his support, aad who takaa tha mat of the time for following pleasure. But hia whole life would be devoted to this end tf ha could Hoc without work. The profit »i—I dob man for instance, what part does ha play ik our eivftisatlon? Is he not sdflalmeas personified! Trace tha lift at the sport from boyhood to manhood. Ha waa pos sibly humored aad pampered whan a child, not being denied anything which ha wanted. Be followed tha line at least resistance which la tha Una at pleasure, and grew up to think that gomes, pastimes aad shows were tha batter part of Hfu Pi table at aQ times, be Is doubly so when he be comes an old man. By the time the •artier tendencies have borne their full fruit. That dignity which should comport with old age la turned into e mockery. As for hlaeaeH he has be come jaded and surfeited, while to others he ia disgusting. You have sesn him frequently at the games aad have noted his oaths aad loud talking and betting. Decent men shun him; the little boys look at him with epea eyed wonder. He hsooms* a gating steel pfor the world. oun uj never nma lab inspi ration of a worthy purpose. Ha ha4 »,high &" -* an ago bat ft# ^ md •naumr It There w*r* many gja? osa impulses but they Anally spent their force on himself. The gleet problem* of his tiase and community did not appeal to him and engage* hie effort In fact, ha created problems Instead of solving them.. To him tW i<Wa of prosperity is that there it something doing in town for him to go to see or to hear. He is a oomsum ■r rather than a producer. For othar men the day dawna an groat teaks to perform, greet difficulties to sotv^ aad the night brings the deep UUi faction of having accomplished some thing worth while. But not eo wi£ him. HU one aim has been to grati fy himself and the eaa task waa to overcome all that stood between him and hU pleasure. Year city can ad vertise for better classes of people than meo of this sort. Thw nu? spend money In your midst, hot they win also lower the ideala ad our poo. Pie. Note the narrowness od the sport ing man’s horiaoa and the pettiness of all his life. Everything has been pathetically small. He has had but one point of contact with ths world There has been but oos way to imelt his soul. His conversation has over bsen about ths trivial affairs af Ilfs' His literature has boon the sjnu^ journals and the light stories of the whioh he makes to them u a warning to them, concerned to the man baa H all meant to he tea say Sa the end aa bean to maty gam a, par in every pleesarv, tasted of what good haa it broaght ( A selfish Ufa eaa not he than a mod-puddle empty, starved tool poor thing to have to 1 of sock a world aa thia < that after ad Cod has ] natter, tha people too, - I went of all the man 1 i _______ < Fag Mra. HlWa. J of alahorate entertain- j daring the past j of Mra Chaa Hilbum, vho waa the guest of ' . D. B. MeEaehin. Hilbum, who is cleanly re Mr. MeEaehin, waa oa her 1 to her klaspeople tn thia Mttoa^Bto returned to her home * fmimg the social eeartesiee shewn 1 ware the following: Matt and Era MeEechin party Tusaday in hem- j' The guests were I the door by Miss Matt Me- 1 Punch eras served by Mra '1 Morgan and Miss Margaret 1 The highest genu score: by Mrs. A. I,. James, who | box of crepe haadltvrebiefa .1 prise wee a pair of silk 1 j ^ J»m Btmrt fare a dinner P*U Thursday evening in bar honor. T%» •toning waa devoted to mnak. A. L. Jamee and her danghtar,' ectartainad Tharaday; of Mr*. HSbnrn. • »et at tha door by! »' inhered into tha ; Peter McLaan, rved tan fay Miaa Mr*. Hinton Jamea and iry Fairley Pattaraon. Pre rook waa played and Mr*, made tha bighaat acora , a box ef correapondenee i Doer received the n blue fan on n Hilburn received aa the ‘ n lovely band-pain tod hat 1 - I vening Mrs. MeEarbin bar. Daring tha rven tha following program waa rand- < i I I i Osr Boat—Cowen— Solo—Two Larks—Miaa Ca Thankagivbig COMMENCEMENT BEGINS TOMORROW EVENING at CHj IHiwIi it Bui fn gram Btgbm Tmaanm xiffct aal Wia d» Tamiar Nlgfct VI* UUrary kik ~ - iiTtij dam 9 9 RESIGNATION REQUESTED. Orange flnp trial indent ia TrseMe With Board. Chapel nm, May IE—At a meeting of the board of education of Oral— county bold at Cedar Grove this after noon tho county superintendent, 8. P. Lockhart, waa aahod to band la Me resignation. Mr. Lockhart rsfoosi to acoado to tho request at tho board. Ho claims ldgal title to the cOee for an other pear and insists on flllii* oat hie unexpired tom. The general charge of tho board waa booed apoa hie failure to adjust himself to the en larged rducrtioeel plans of tha esoa tp. Another charge preferred against Mm was that be has antagonised tho work of tho county sapervtaor. Mlaa with bar In plana for county reboot enlargement.—News end Oboorver. Mlao Cooaidey, who ia rafarrad la ia tha above, ia tha deeghter at Mn, A. J. Caasidcy of Laurtnborg. She baa won quite an enviable repatetiao M edorotienal week hi the State and It ia pleating to nota that the baard of education of Onsage county, are standing with this aatimabio young lady. a miar r»pon uyi; Hills bo ro. May 18.—3. P. Lockhart, superintendent of public instruction far Orange county, la still standing on what kc calls hie legal rights in oenrection with tha odka which tha county board of education, by unani mous vote, has asked him to vacate. The matter has created much interact throughout the county aad, it is said, | the people are backing the hoard fat whatever steps it has taken or will ■ And necessary to take in.obtaining the ■ end to winch its effort• art directed, lit is understood that the board, hi tWs' KSpRitltuodcm Lock** vet persists In bis position, has pitas by which it can fores his resignstisn aad,1 it is said, the members of the board 1 have made up their minds to employ those plans if H is found to be neesa ssiy. Mrs. Evelyn Hawthorne, a bride of a week, lost her nerve and could not ' carry out bor part in a suicide part, so Arthar Goodman, a well-to-do far mer, who lived near WilliamsviDo. | Mo., shot and mortally wouudod Men. Hawthorne and than killed himself. Tha girt died a few houn later. Mrs. , Hawthorne, who la 17 years old aad i pretty, was married last Slid ay. Be |fore aha died rim said aha and bar j stepfather had arranged a suicide agreement because they loved each 1 other aad because she would haw to |lsaw bar stepfather’s hams. Tha I girl’s mother had boon sent to the 1 home of a neighbor aad tha girt aad bar stepfather planned to kill thou . selves whflo aba was absent When the time came, ska said, aha did aot | haw the nerve to shoot herself and 1 Goodman consented to do the double .killing. Fifteen men are in the Kingsville p (Tax.) jail aa > remit of what Sheriff Scarborough and we ret service man y aap waa the plat of Joaa M Morin, „ format VUla general, to blow up the r | Kingsville bank and a hardware store a i The officials my that it waa piaawad to aet Are to a ham at the adga ef the , ; town, attracting the attention of the , I people, and then net off the exploe- ' I "**■ _ « We regret that we axe compelled to l emit from tide issue an interesthm ! letter from “Aunt Becky.*' Oar eel- . umm warn running over whan the lat ter nuna, which was only a tow hours I before going to prone. Our opoiogies ‘ to "Aunt Becky**, whose Intereetfag • csnununlcatlone always Aad a warm J welcome from ho* the Exchange aad 1 Ha loyal rmdin. 1 _. 1 Chief of Police Breewelf, of Ham- 1 let, caught the negro that eo aarioaaty 1 rot him some weeks ago, Taeaday. * The negre returned to Hemlah aad H l« veld, had given It out that he had i Ntornad tor tha purpose of MB* the officer, which he tried to de be ' located by *e inapt if to got away, aa hy runaiag. Ha waa hy affiear Braswell aad eap I tured. Hla wmata, whOa eartoas, ! ere not neeemarfty total. TMa Is *o l mbetnnee of a report (hat rear bed •' . ' -*’ * ' "• •' <>»*: * . ... V* ’ *'*'</ Tha storing imliN at tha Lauria bwg Graded School. win begin to morrow (Friday) might aad wiU eoa tinaa uatU r Tha aorni [j'" been carefully _i par hap. tha aioat elaborate that (ha Laa riabarg aehoefc hart tent offered, aad will mtaik tha risaiag at one ol tha ■eat auccearinl jnean that tha ichaoia have arar had. The program to ha wajahl dating the tone k aa fallow.: Friday. Kay Mth. S:80 F. IL. la. ter-aeciatjr Baaariaaa. fcaday, May SMS, ilriO A. IL. 10:10 A. IL, Gaataet for j Kodak. ■« P. IL, Gradaatiag battkaa. Addraaa by Dr. J. 8. XriTat. Dm • Weet, S. C Awarding at Friaat aad DlpWanae. ■■awrenee Oihooa Calhoan. EOia Mm ak Joom. Leach; Archibald ! neon EVlVTWim dippeniga AD Om Urn World fa Harrison Jofaea, aged 161 Tan, America'* eUaat KIk and cnc of the roaltkioot ettiasns of ColumWit, Him, bod sown! day a ago. Up to asrrral ■Mrtha ago he had tajoyed (ho boot of health and waa rarely dele. The increase fa wages granted %y the anthracite coal operators will nst the miners $600,000,600 during the ml-fear years. Coal minors will so Mhrs 40 cents an hoar; miners' labor ws SO cent* and common laborers, «S ueata per hoar. Former Congressman Richard P. Hole on was defeated for ttcl-ntim fer Congress fa the newly-crcated tenth district of Alabama by William P. Bankhead, son of Senator Bank bond. Hobaoa lost by SI rotes and asserts ho will contest the w-wa., At a conference between Coe. Dimaw of imnola, Warden Zimmer, af JoUst penitentiary, aad Prison Cmmal as leper Byan, it baa been agreed that the beam system aa now aaed fa Jottet will be followed thin Prison by prison lobar. *** QHad «w Um death ad Us wild as. baleaead the aiiad el William D. Dol lar, Of Peru, i *A., aa ai—glitUy Oat ha ahot and killed Ida mother, Mr* Aaaa Dollar, his daughter, 4 gate, agad flea yean, waaadid Ua bain. George, aged 11, aad daughter, Ida, agad two, aad Ihca want to a seeea tery and committed atoeide, Mia* Rather Cleveland, daaghter ad * the lata president, la studying a eye. teas ad alphabetic laatraaUan at the Pennsylvania Institute for Um Blind to Philadelphia, prior ta sailing far Prance where she wtl teach ankUaaa who have lost tiieir eraalght Miss Cleveland already has qualified aa a The kalseb of Gwnuy to rHTT*Td to tor. toMisIto Opt. Kat) Boy Ed, rotmar naval attache at Wsshlngton, ahh the Ordcd ad the Bad Eagle, third dan with sword*. Boy-Ed arms ay-'/ pointed to the Washington embassy to lBii. After vastoaa charge. had beca lodged against him haltost Wilson requested Ms recall Mrs. Martha Xewkirk, U years aid, died a few days age at Wooeter, O, after existing far 40 days withoat had haan a suMsrar from ihrinsilMS and finally to hasaasa a physiaal im possibility for her to pnrtnk* of either feodardrtak. With aaly her haahaad as a- oosapeatoa, aha slowly starved to death. Mayor Bara t Meals, sf Xante* . sS&sStaasS: the girls that to wuMQyto Psfsete frosa kiss lag hasaasa of gems, aad > that htodag east tew people to the

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