THE EXCHANGE IMIMI.IW. •I.SQ Pm Ym Sr:-. ‘sS *• * • m**wt —< n.,^1.. -■ _MAC C.OOOMI KhmHIi Mmmc. IfrwrM At it*« >Wm i« Uirimtmrg. M. C.«« Saa—A CM— M»»c. *•• W^awiJM wr Uh> rM«i *t Cur tte am «r Ufe. vikfa rB_1|t„ »«— »:»«• * U*“ *** . AS 1 SEE MR. VABNER. There are ter candidates for Css «TCM to tbs Seventh district to tab Mr. Papa's place. Either of these mm voekl won rsyresret the district, a fer as I know, if they wen electee Mot when tows ia a preform*.-*, am that preference well rounded, It oupfa to he svprsseud. Trns there are man; voters whs do net core which of than toe* are now tasted. Yst where than is merit, it shsoid be considered. Three of these -teen on loop eta That shsoid not he hold apminat than *a o»T help H now. Though fc *• worth while to note that there an other pro r mi ions worthy of note ar.< rerepniHon as weB as lawyers. Bert ly the nea that counts after nil is thi practical one. The man wbe seel *h.'n«i as they really era, aid ia abh to Utap there to past. A dreamer li •a right provided ha can interpret hit owe dream. Otherwise he ia a fail art. H. B. Vartwr It a droaarer art fhe ictMurciativu tlr.Ti.of can hi found. Mr. Varvar w 4 Mas, Hr possess** those qualifies that pc to auks ap a ataa'af real worth. Hi <• laW. eoamnoo*. Inhve and earn*. *rtic. He knows how to make friecdi «ad haw te keep than. 1 doubt that there could be found in the bounds oi te 7th dbtrirt a man who can sym patUaa with te people Jast se much aa Mr. Varner. Any atoll who io to he a public servant moat of a necessity knew Ida folks. Mot arty know that tey hvo to ths district bs represmts. Mr. VaiMr la aaiqwo to his i of dotoy things. Be doss it his way and far te feed of te ether fallow. H.^trwn.^ tactful and is and cwoetantly sprtoginp sstnothing on tbs ^teh te reaching hllta to He believes to te teas havtag tea paetcBsse. where te city fete have - *'ATt£rz*2r'mh*-m vwMgafstoB te aaada df teTtowte* mrttitades who Hve to the rural dis tricts, aad when Mr. Varner gees te Congtoat tey via asoa ted art tet MIS. O’DANIEL FEELS AS NEW LIFE IAS COME.' Bai)U *1 Ml Hardly Place Oaa Vbat Ahead af Other,” Galea « raawka Oa Tnhc. “My eyetaai waa an run down that 1 could hardly place oo* loot ahead of the othar. I could not Heap much and my appetite waa eery bad bafar* I Started ea ac,” aaya Mrs. J. F. ODuaieh, 6U West Maryan Street, Raleigh. Tor a toeg time I suffered from Indigestion,” she continued. "1 atari. «! taking Taalac only after othar medktow had failed to help me. The Scat dose of thia wonderful medicine latieead aw greatly and tm proved my appctiU and aloep. My <H rcation hec been aided and baaidea fading as If new life has baea injected into ms f have gained ala pounds tram one bottle of Taalac.” Thnlnc is add in Laarfoburg, by Blua's Drug Store; Gibeon, W. Z. Gfoeon Drag Oo.; Lexington, J. B. Smith Drug Co.; Hamlet, Roy's Phar macy.—Adr. HAVE WONMRFUL 1 ENAMELING PLANT * _ The remarkable finish of the nib , steel bodies of Dodge Brothers motor i ear* is always the subject of admira » *!«■» where motor enthusiast* gather . Tor comparisons end this ha* led to t many conjecture# as to how the finiah t *• ■PflW. r The department in which the bodloe , are enameled in the plant of Dodge , Brothers at Detroit was developed within the plant and a portion of the , .process la nacret. Th# steel bodies ex* carefully pre ; pared for the reception of the enamel, i which is applied in a manner devnb I eped in the plant, and are than eerv veywd through a battery of ovens np , proximately 1.000 fast long by a i doable chain system. When they emerge, tho enamel haa been baked on sad haa the high lustre that haa attracted so much attention. The entire installation cost more than SI80,000 and assay papta of it are erchuively Dodge Brothers. The best 1* automatically controlled by “d. *&t temper* tn«-U{ maintained evenly within flv# degrees. The boat loss is bat four per eont, so carefully has insulation besm worked , oat The oven# have a capacity sf 1,800 completely enameled bodies every 24 « hattr*.—Adv. “ HAIL! Mr. Farmer you insure imtt fertilizer before you Vat it in the ground, why at fiftwwinb? Sm as stoat your Hail Insurance before it is too Uto. LAURINBURG AGENCY COMPANY HINTON JAMBS. Pm. W. 8. DUNBAR Bee. 4 Tnu THE IKON CLAW •- . Featuring Pear! White, Creighton Hale and Sheldon LMrfe. Paths’* Greatest Serial Picture. First chapter Monday, May 29th. Matinee >ad Night No charge for Bnt Matinee, 2:30 P. M. Monday. Night ahesr bo lino at 7:M P. It^Idnila ilon 5 and 10c. WHO’S GUILTY? Featuring Anna Nllaon tad Ton Moore. Each Episode Complete. Begin ainf Saturday, Jane tnL Matinee 8:29 P. M. Night 7:29 P.M. Don’t aim either of Uses ,MiluC ' '■ >t%'} • GEM THEATRE. ' •■ * *;-<**•£* *\ .* • I The Task t» the Housewife 4■ (' r have for hrvakfast 1 hone ua your order in Leaders feat Bacon. «Tc«. I White Croat Floor, at ail times give you the Company Laurinburs, N. C. • t • • Save Yoar Money • •• .4 V, And Spare Your Mind ' , ♦ • Tomorrow » • 4 Per Cent On Savings * / , The State Bank i . * \. • • .—;— _.— ‘‘The Bank For Your Savings.” I i L I 1 Announcements. U N. BLUB FOB SEN ATS. Tha utufarsiraed eitltena of the County aCT Scotland will meant the Mme of Honorable L. M. Blue to rep resent ilji Senatorial Diatrict hi the •ad we think mat ha wilt male* ua a awful and valuable Senator. March 17th, 1#1«. Goo. T. Fata, Harris Gibson, A. P. Gibson, D. O. Wrlfht, W. V. McKenxla, W. F. Parker. Henry F. Gttawat, L. M. Paata. R. D. Gibaon, II. H. MeTheraon, J. A. McNeill, J. B. Maaon, •. D. A. Pate, I FOR HOUSE OF REPRKSKM A ,,_. txtks. I hereby announce myself a candi data for the Hooae of ReymentatWaa from Scotland County, aubieet to the action of the Democratic Primary. T. C EVERETT. "M" ■ ■ — FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTA TIVES. I hereby announce myself a candi data for the Rouaa of Bacraeaptatiraa from Scotland County, eahject to the action of the Democratic Primary. I believe la a Juat Taxation. Taxes <n its last analyiua la joat what the law cenSseatae of your property and »lce and should be Just. We must etay the withertac hand to a Judicious paint. A. D. CURRIE. FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CON GRESS. I hereby announce to the Demo cratic voters erf 8eotlend County that I am a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the Roane of Reprv eeoUtivee in Concrete from thle, the Seventh Congressional District, sub ject to tha action of the Democratic Primary to ho bald on the 3rd day of Jana, 1918. LEE D. ROBINSON. FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTA TIVES. I hereby announce to the Demo cratic voters of the Seventh Congres sional District that 1 will be a candi date in the Democratic primary for member of the House of Rcoresenta threa in Congress from this district. If nominated and elected, I will use •very endeavor to discharge the dut ies of the office with fidelity to the people. U. L. SPENCE. FOR BOUSE OF REPRESENTA TIVES. We, the undersigned citizens of Scotland County and friends and neif’hbora of A. E. Shaw, present h*z 1 warn* to-Or* voters of Scotland County as a candidate to represent the county in the Lower House of the next Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina, sub ject to the action of the Democratic Primary. He ie well equipped for the posi tion. ' He has filled the office of Jus t tics of the Pence continuously for twenty-eight yean, and la, therefore, acquainted with the need of all rlaaaee of our people. He believes in just end fair taxa tion and is utterly opposed to any law delegating powers to‘throe men in Raleigh to say what ear tax stsees meot shall be. . He stands squarely upon the time honored Democratic doctrine of "Equal Rights to all and Special Priv ileges to Nona.” This 6th day of April 1918. John A. McKay, W. O. Buie. C. C. Birmingham, X R. Bundy, R. X Jones, W. T. Cramp, f. W.%mtM, E. C. Smith, W. W.MeGirt, S. X Worn bin, 8. T. Thrower, Allan McLean, R. E. Cooley, D. 8. Alderman, M. Monroe, Don MeUuehlln. Neill McKay, f. L. McNair, X W. McIntosh. 90S PROSECUTING -ATTORNEY. 1 hereby announce nyeelf a eandi date for the oAee of Pmsccuthnff At torney in the Trial Justice'* Court of Scotland County, subject to tha action of tha Democratic Primary. GEORGE T. GOODWYN. FOB CLKKK OP SUPERIOR COURT I hereby announce that I am a can didate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court ef Scotland County, subject to the action ef tho Demo cratic Primary. Colin D. McCormick. Kvrennut-'i / * .9 SgJ!U._ i . . . FOR UORONBR. 1 oi* *!**** annwara to my friends tt»t I am a candidate for re-otoetio* to tlm offleo of Coroner for Scotland J. R. JORDAN. . . FOR 8HXR1FF. I botob* announce myself aa a tandUaU for election to Uio olUco of Mf justs {ssmt® ■mry. J. W. ODOM. . for cokg'-bss. 1 hereby announce mvelf a eatidi iato for l^nmn i~> tho Seventh Con nwuuonal District, subject to tho jotiQB of the DetawaUr primaries to be hold on Jum 8rd, 1B1A. T. B. FINLEY. _ ' FOR 8HKRIPF. I hereby announce myself s eandi |Ut« for the office of Sheriff of Boot laad Coanty, subject to the action of too Democratic Primary to be bald Juno Srd. F. M. HUBBARD. D1 LBOYD Democratic Candidate for Corpora tton Caamioalonor of North Cor ottaa. Aral net W. T. Lae. One of the Preeeat Com. mlaaionen. D. L. Boyd, of Haywood Coanty, tho a an who presents himself as tho Democratic candidate for Corporation Doouaiasionor for the consideration of iha Democratic voter* of the State ioes so upon his experiaoca and abil ity and peculiar knowledge of the dut ioo of a Corporation Commissioner. Be has had more than twenty-fiva rear* experience in actually building railroads, and has an intimate knowl rdga of the vatu* of land, public utH ity properties, and theorise of taxa tion. HU candidacy is against W. T. Lee, one of the present ConwnUaionem who made the order increasing tax ralua tiona in Scotland and other counties. Adv. COMMISSIONER'S SALK or REAL estatb. VALUABLE WATER POWER ROLLER MILLS. Tm oiMlenirned Commissioner aa. B“"**d Superior Court of Scotliind County under a decree made in the caui* therein pending wherein end othera arc plaintiffs Mid MUdradaLyteh is defendant, by virtue of taut decree and under the powers vested in him thereby, will sell st public suction to the highest bid den for cash, on Monday, the Wth for* Kay, 1916, at 12 o'clock. Neon) S' premise*, to-wit: at the Daniel |iTc*KSi iS. £52; described rcnl property, to-wit: Being that tract of Land and lm. prowamanti thereoo described in the petit)oa filed by the plaintiff* In the »kove stated cause as Seventh Tract, and beta* more particularly defined, deaciibed and bounded aa follows: Wmning at a point in the center of the old run off Gum Bwamp 8 ritaine and 60 link* below the center of the Public Road where the said nmd crosses Mid ran at the old aaw ?322fVti[n,?Co’'i MiU* *** **»■ thence North 60 1-2 degrees East 11 chains Md SO lisks to a stake; thence North 40 degree* West 8 chains and 60 links tothe Motor of the public road: thence North 40 degreee West ltf chains to a staka at the edge of a ehains and 60 links toaartaka te the *d— °f ra|d swamp; thence Sooth 62 degrees Wsat 6 chains and £6 links SSiT^.”£,.s’£WJ‘'‘£S North 8 degrees West 8 chain and 10 links to * staks; thence North » de West 4 chains and 60 links te a £i?s «Sb"!e*. North g 1-2 degrees T**. h ,eW** *° ■ «tok»; ifay North 88 1-2 derraae West to a staka tetea old line of the original tract derisad to Daniel C. Lyteh by the last y01 and testament of his father, ***** A. Lyteh, deceased; thence South 2 chains and 60 links te a 'J™*- *? thence Wert 8 chains and 60 links with another line t* the.conw, Blurt Une; these* Booth 88 degress East 88 chstaa to a eonrar in the run of Gum Swamp; thence Boeth 46 degreee West 7 eha£s end 60 llsks to the high water mark; te the center of the public road lead chatae and 60 links te a corner II <m!m from thi b*frinninfc corner: safiris.'sjias’siias: SS-Sf C i!^'1 "XX -of Bale:' fish Time of Bale: 12 o'riock, Noon, Monday, Nay 28, 1818. This 28th day of April. 1916. E. H. dlBBON, Ocesmtsaioper. 18-81 Gibson Brothers . Lurfaitarf, N. C. *

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