i'-orl Strike? KS2Sf?~ year *■■*• -■*• prcb,*">•>■~>w £ «_these employes, whose efficient service it acknowtedsed the nilrmA t i^TkSk t£r ** COO,d °°‘ * ***** Wtl, decided j utdy by"^ 1 • Railroad* Urge Public Inquiry and Arbitration ' *. ,h* r*aro*,“ “ «"»«*»** •« «b« iwlemenl ... pM|| 4 *“ *■ . • , i ■m-VtM 't| rwk'»it*v •'■ -■••'=••-'•■• •■■ g ... . . '•+"< !hCrlM??‘a4^lhc ,0,nt con,eren«e held in Net/' or Federaf review.Id .fi. ™ i * hc r#Uroi“u *•» «br issue to arbitration > •Mthori^p .hill slW’- “ Ihe fmP,0ye* *re «ow voting on the question whether * , be given these leaders to declare a nation-wide strike. “*t»V . . ... f j *n*Ctstate Commerce Commisiion is proposed bv the railm.Ha .. .kll pobhc bod, to which this issue ought «o be referred for ihe.e reason. ^ “ '*1 . **•* ,h* awi rti»n» i:,* •* lI» l«al> *««i ».i it.,. u, ■ n <»•.•■» alter mum Ibi* Ite im p*,4 0* il.t pmIk r ■ J ,IC •*•««':«* ' ocMKrre Cmmmivm, mth mi m \ • *••** “ »« > v (• mite i romp.rn M=vi>' ,n‘' f"1*' *--rt iIi.vnmi u would pro 1. ‘ * ■<* i»i r~*d . rv ite .>»««•» * '*r **• Stall,it M-d l|i< {luuiic __ . A Question For the Public lo Decide $100OOoS)0*ilr,hcy »‘,i,Ve no r,Kh' *ram * wa8e preferment ofj one-fifth of all the employe*. no>v highly paid and conitituting onldj duall ,1? eml>,.0>cV V’,!houf • c,tar m.tndatc from a public tribunal thiP dull drtermtnc the menu of the ca.e after a review of all the facia D* "" Uu5 t-aaJfrl'*1' tht «"'nln U vhethfr this controversy » ta be settled* am impartial Cvttrumemt«mqairy ar by .ndustnai nt arfart * ** * m i_. ' Nation*! Conference Committee of th» R.;>w._ I r » Vi**!**fI I. » »4M>W| V w'( >t . ’j MHrjilf ■ «■ k *• *.»“"•*" * • • 'I'i’**"*1 »’'■■»'<*••'> »~4— *•**•»■• fc-4U»., •IhOIJIh' (nillw!, • •LC« » 4x I >■ - f^Mwi ’4u> *P V*J; “ • “ H KU>K I. , C ' Wivli, , v«..» r, —*y « U*~ » i.„, * V «• •>!.:■ » -,, M w* Vr«*#tv-i. **- -|| *- *• MH* . '•*» -I H * 'I..U..LI. «-....- * < -. t-.■■■■■yK —^ — -- 4. U UAHfR -- '•'•■Ik I Vmia »*v * I.LM Walter Btehett •* *«* Carolina, Monroe wffl for tho *m time in htetary have the h. poein» Locke Crai* and W. W. Kiteh toy.W nominated ae a 4uk hoann.” Knee that time Mo “• iitartniwlly frown aad hia worth baa boon made known and la Jj|JN*toad by An people ef tbs entir* 7" her that if an har property was bus to iihca, it would bo the cvom na •Mary that he go to college and p an education. This waa not a hoi* hack for Walter, however, as th property was soon ranted and he vrs hack in college. After finishing at Wake Foret, Mr. Blckott studied law at the Ut vcrsity of North Carolina and taugit the Winston-Salem graded school two Fears before taking up his pea* tk-e. it was during the time that h was teaching that while visiting hi people in Monroe during vacation that he triad his first case before Set; M. L. Flow, wbe sutee that Walt* __ »s is usually the case with . Donnner lawyer. Walter has always boas affection. **• ■** **yel to these user to’ hbs hers hi Monroe nod has bean holding ■ warm ptaee to their hearts all flu rmn ho has bean away. He has not forgotten the days whoa ha Mad U ***/ talking •T" *5?, ti*~ ^th those who rftaa «Hd the part of congregation whon he used to “tabs otT the r_ti •to. Monroe is Justly period of her ■oMs mi wto has woa rwogoitioa fWM strangers—Monroe Enquirer. DON'T LKAVB LAU1UNBVB0. N» Wwd to Saak Almr. Tka Bri. 4mm to at Taw Daw. Na oaad to laaaa Lamtobar* to Naw « hmm? ^“T**"**™*** ttotomant ad a 1 Uka tkat ftoaa katow, kaart an tetw ~x 'remmM ~ . i. B. tonfart. krafcw. Main atrrat. aajras -I har. Ummi X*»*t Wla Baa for ktona, ,fln^? * kNWfa aw I wad ward tor tkam. Wkaa my kldaaya ?“• *** *W traaUa, a far Joaaa ad Daaa’g KIdaay nb nlliu aw" ■ «». « - **W*IWt Daaa’a Xidaay MnStfcTliSriE £ iSwTltoSS M.lT^A4^f,,m, mm Ottawa, Kan., cava away Me faithful watchdog ooa day and the next eight thieves mitered hW bean aad stole tit chick* (nan aa Iru-abator la which they had bean hatched. MIm KUaabeth Huber, atadoat ef anciniagy, a graduate ef RadrliE uni versity and daughter ad a wealthy Maaudactarer ed Taunton, C&L, was billed by a train while "hemming her way" to the desert to obtain magnates* data. w. A. della nd, a farmer residing near Manton. Cal.. hid 832 U $20 geld pieces in n potato bin and then sold tiie potatoes. Later search for lb* coins failed to reveal thorn. Now CUIIand regards banka ft safer than potato bins. Isaac Williams, aged 12, and'Wil lard Hobbs, 18, war* seriously wound ed by the discharge of a spring gun ’set for robbers who had runiackod the ‘Bin-ford store In Laurel, Del. The beys were seriously wounded. Giovanni Silvia, an Italian residing in Walton, Mass., was robbed of $2, 600 in the subway in New York city while on Us way ta a steamship to take paaaage for home. Silvia bad worked 37 yearn to accumulate his if national banks tat the i eentina* to increase rapidly. Their growth la the period between Morph 7 and May 1, Comp troller Williams announces, amounted ta $2MjOOO,0OO, pushing the total up ta more than 314,000,000,000. Mi*. Bertha Karmen, of Union town. Pa-, waa seriously injured and her year-old baby killed, when aa auto mobile in which they were riding col lided with a telephone pole. The ac eideat waa caused by the driver tam ing the ear suddenly in order to avoid kitting a dog In tho street. I Thirty U. S. marines ware landed in jail in New Orleans, l^a.. during a riot in'which policemen got the better at the visitors. Tho trouble occurred in the restricted district. Later all the *e*a ware turned over to the Govern ■eat for punishment. They were on routs to Santo Domingo. Two innocent little mice huddled In the earner of n street car running to ward Portland, Ore., created a panic among 40 high school girts, stenogra phers and other woman on their way |Q the city. During the excitement two several ^attained «t*aapt£n* to Uep from the car. * )U> AJWcent corncob pipe coot the life of Ferdinand Breeds, aged 20, an Italian who waa crushed to death in a coke conveyor at Brownsville, Pa. Brecdi had left bit pipe on the eon* veyor and, returning to get it, dis covered the pipe bad fallen into the •»»«nuia When he crawled in for the pipe the operator, who failed to •as him, started the machinery. Seeking a marvelous emerald neck Mee and ether jewels valued at f 100^. 000, ghouls violated for the cucund ***• the tomb of Ginertte Lan trims, the feacoae Parisian beauty, who was *wmud in 1»10. Although the solid Hd of the iaadeu shell wee ripped robbers left empty handed, the Jowria having hem removed from tha master, fat Paris after the ftret st t**S‘ to rob thu gem-adorned re* “*Ms of tha woman. Jamas Cronin, of Hartford City, 'wir fouod Mo ecu, agsd six, OWf m a limp heap at tha foot of a large ahade traa near their »*—— ]^c t1,d, kud fallen 20 feat whan a Hmb Malta with him. "Don't touch me; rm daud," waa tha cemmanTef^ vutoa aa tha father baot ovur tha child. Tha hoy had beau-marluui ~Cm*" “teUt“’ bot ** honm were Clttaa af tha naaa, accord!** to a *• Saprana court o11 tppMaaHoc of thi»a )m far a writ of i ptl tha aitjr to ■fcaala attaodad tqr VHAT J>0"*>U NttD? WE VE QOT ITjj J DONT k LOOK 'AROUND RESOLVED You DCNT HAVE TO WASTE ANY TIME LOOKING AROUND Come straight to us-we’ve got it, AND THE PRICE .WILL BE RIGHT. WHAT'S THE U.SE or YOU WAITING YOUR TIME Looking around when we've cot ju.st ex actly what you WANT f WHAT'^S THE U.SE or YOU WAITING YOUR TIME LOOKING FoR ANY 6ETTER PRICED WHEN WE’VE GOT J{1ST THE PRICE THAT YOU WANT T WE WON'T WA.STE any time Looking around our .store for WHAT YOU WANT. WE HAVE A .SPLENDID .STOCK AND WE CAN WAIT UPON YOU QUICKLY, AND WILL 6E PLEADED TO .SHOW YOU JU.ST WHAT WE HAVE WHETHER YOU 6UY IT OR NOT. PLANTERS TRADING CO. The Next Issue of The Bell Directory GOES TO PRESS SOON F.Ytry Boll ■uSacritwr. atrooat without (ictpOoa, W abla It buy «h« iooui nd'wtid la tl'U illrtctoty. F«a»c i» your apaca toll?. A/ Miufir for raw*. Supplements your other advertising but does not <-!•“— with other mediums. Change* and correction* in listing* should be _ made at once for the now book. BOX III, RALBKm, N. C. Cotton Seed Wanted Planters who have Cot ton Seed left over from their planting can get the "top of the market for them at PLANTERS TRADING COMPANY FLOWERS! FLOWERS! FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS OreMtfaaadCanuKtloaaaapaeialtj* Wad* tzjrzr**** d—r*t?T*. •**■•*•* *• «*. FMtal offarfaf err—red wltfc floret teach. Write ue for Prieed