j A 8kM.MMO|4|b8B.S1JO ,'J »**»o.i3^oUimaa.aijMi * *M.aftOO|B B97.S740 X —Um than die plain tr«ad atari** W I or ••vtrd otW standard makes. N 125 F»*k Branch** ln»ur* prompt ■P iHiidoa to dtalar anal uitf. Th* Fine Ruun Company Qtatttl Oflttt Gklttptt PaA* Mmm* *■ »* Jfc» T*— i »« ATTRACTIVE SUMER TRIPS 1916 TOURS FROM 10 to 40 DAYS -INCLUDING — - ■ New York Boston White Mountains The 8aguenajr Quebec Montreal Lake Champlain Lake George A usable Chasm St. Lawrence The Thousand Island --.Niagara Palls Alaska Pacific Coast Yosemite Valley Canadian Rockies Lake Louise Vancouver Glacier National Park Yellowstone National Park Grand Canyon of Arizona Salt Lake City Colorado Rockies Los Angeles I_ .«S - -——— aKd the --- Pan£fna-California International * ; Exposition ^ at Dan piego, California •.* an infant Industry, that of3n-| lac tale or talcum. This valuable' product it obtained hare in very large j quantities and many tana of the white powder are shipped out of than month by month on the Norfolk-' Southern railroad. The term of Prof. Wallace Riddick ae preaident of the A. and if. College commences, (la takas over the nine* of government of the institution as I aucceaaor to Dr. D. H. H1U, whs ieJ signed that ke might accept a com-j mission as historian of North Ckre lina'e port in the War Between the ®tntaa. Preaident Riddick was aaao* I dated with Dr. Hill during the whole! of the letter's term aa president and1 it is believed that his policies will not! differ materially from thou by which Dr. Hill has so successfully guided the1 affairs of the institution. I Monroe reverted to the old form of ■ democratic government when the dti **"* at the town etierabUd at the court house and discussed street im provement. It was like the old time meetings that were held just prior and a few peats after the Rerohsdan arp War, when all ef the dtlseiu ted ■ voice in the proceedings. The Tues day evening gathering was typical of that dkp, aa many short talks wsse mado bp local etUsoao. which will ga far towards shaping tha course at tha gr10 •tp**t **• Brig. Qea. Laurence W. Young and Col. i. T. Gardner, with detachments frcm Company B. Raleigh, and Com P~>y F. FrankUnt^n, North Carolina National Guard, returned this after noon from Scow Hill, Greene county, where they went to escort Will Black, 1« years old, who was In a few abort hoars dolp tried, convicted sad sent •need to be electrocuted July 21 for criminal aaaaalt on a sir-year-old white child aoar Farm rills, lad March They reported a quiet and unevaatfnl trip, The directors of the High Point, Rend Ionian and Astetere Railroad met in High Point ona dap last weak and decided that after July 1, they would operate the road independently. For many years tte rend has basn op the Southern, which own controlling Interest in the branch. The vice-president ef tte Southern, H. W. Millar, of Atlanta, la president of dm Asheboro rood, and R. H. Copeland, gmmrnl manager of the Southern, la gaternl manager ef tha Asheboro rote. The beard ef directors la earn poate af the following: S. Khrood Oox, R. F. Dalton, /. W. Harris, F. M. f' , ' *.-• I Prince Albert gives smokers such delight, because —flmr h m OHmma ^ _ iMffeirulljr fMtff —it can't bite n« m.— •* hard ns you Hke wkho«S amt demeinuA but mn/tSncSTg On the rmm aids at army — ■■ Albert package you win ned: "n*Tf STSO ••*«, »s#r" That mesas te yen • lot sf tebacee an. ZTSJZrziZr'J? “->■ Ptefcr to give evallty I - In goodness and in pipe satiafactiof is aO we or Its enthuai astic friends ever claimed for it f It answers every smoke deain °r any other man ever bad! cool and fragrant and appealing ““dwappetite that you wfll get chummy it in a mighty short time I 17 ™lOTartic «10c *» Pniro out oar ay. so on the national joy smoke? ■ W »*kv kJ. REYNOLDS TOBACCO OCX, Wknla»Sda^ N. C |p *Vv.'V ■ - ~ *-i « TTtn“fd W' H »-■«. <* High p wp;uU- Morr“’w-p Wood , ^*h*boro:TJ p*** * *nd D M. Balia, of R,n *" t™* ** offlcc xuuUl.v 40 ovg? tht preceding year. end ^Wn 100 per ecnt la the ? D*put* Collector N. Uet^Traaford reported that the colw. **■ *F*JOT ***• “k** •* June were tka-LMl.Mh.il. The total ~,i »• Wr war* *U,700,M1 M Lost ** eolUetion. totalod *7,128. afcing aa iacrooao far this ***• pr**din« year „f *4,. »d lagitUthre primary far nomination of one of Waka County member* of the “* *Jw« Bryant H. Pate **ot ta M «f the U products, with 288 for K. p. Johnson, werar, declined to eat,, the on the ground that he had al nominated in the fine pri primary waa by ardor of Boaid of Elections, bat thorn to bo hoard July •••W** to restrain of •lections from *• PH»ary process. Wtaly te be in the court* with tho fight extending Coart. *■ Carlton, one of boot known! widely known aa a Con. 1 at Statesville had boon In n! aoaao months, >tr»ka of paralyala. servfc* took fetace today, by tho pastor of tho de Chas. K. Raynal, of tho *barch. Captain •f this county, I Now Well lift* bm ,mr *HIH J.A. H PtttMvOc.TcaM. TV doctors odd I bad cow* *L RaaUy: tried iKSFOSn BLACK DRAUGHT •ad to nj surprise, | got betas, tad am to-day as well as aoy Tbedlord's Black. Draught la a general, cathartic v*«*table liver media oc, amt k^-.Vover,7o‘^rr C* Vtstoa Ike w Car Load Just Gibson Bros, L* trio hurt?. V C “ I ”‘^-TOS».£1