SHOP r A LX. • tw ywMhW of Th« Terhsags r* icrets U giro op Mr. Mac Cameron from the naff of Ak paper, » rwilifnt of which appeared la our last iaaae. At Uw mm tbae A giro* H pleasure to announce that wa have •ararad the services of Mr. Odom L. Moore of Qwihaf County, who will All Am Doaitkm ber*tofort occopitd Vy Mr. Oaitroa that of associate MhaiA Mr. Cassoreri 1 seres « to taka a position oe the Henderson Gold leaf, end the my hast wishes at tins cdBeafaBatrhfaa. Ths poopie s< Hce jam wig Sad la Mr. Csmoroc a H^SMrtsIrOhaakagMd tahL saw Said, if given tho opportmrittr parlance In the ocwspoper work, her tag dons service with the Csatooia we foal sore the people of Lssriabstrr •ad Scotland County will ted Mm shown hta win ha appreciated by The W HERE SCOTLAND LEADS. In th« Mtk aaatavcaarj edition of 4m Trrhanpo look «wk wc presented an array of ftpares and fart# nMt* to tha county, which will be an eye opener to people not already acquaint ed with the merit# of Scotlaad. In addition to a loaf Eat of tnsUnc ca. Which aa ahowo last week, places Scotland in the front tanka era wuh here to drive heme another fact, which tma peekmpe act keen realised by Eeattand rank* aacead la crop pre coaoUcs of North CaraUna, the per capita pwdmdiia bedny 1604 for every person la farm track in Um eoanty. The farm me of thU eoonty know how to eon the soft Into pro A fertile and rasp cartas aaO aad the application of Madera aaicatthc patadplaa la * cnahttotim that ia hard te hart aad In this caapaat Scotland la aacand to mas. Once ten* was aa oM codyer who aaid i Mirth Ms to the effect that yon caa net feel aB the people all the thaa. We sip art tea ia one T. Dmeavrt^ taiTif^Mty^wptrinui to A WORD non ML MOORE. • *r —- ■ • ;,::IvR*Rnl ; ^ _ .| lun wrought nobly la Out mum •< the common gaud. A* we Mi sheet we *m evidences of thrift, enterprise, ladmtijf aad foresight. W* am young men in the first power* *f manhood taking their piece* la the make of workers, men hi middle life engaged hi the eternal •tmggle for primacy ta business end ta the prof>miuni, aad older atm hi whom bosoms the fires iTiilleiieiil aad whom hearts am tree. Scotland, with Its breed acres of cotton, oora, cental on pen aad water melons, It* school*. ckMikee, *ad kingly people sad hospitable homes. I* the peer «t any county la tha I am glad that my eye* have come ta a knowledge of the glory of this fair section, upon which the gods fhemeetve* are went to emtte. Aad I am thankful for the larky stare that have brought my feet ta press the fertile soil of Ceuaty Scotland. ODUS Is MOORE. COMMISSIONERS MEET. crs^rssrMX8rr T weaday. The county commissioners, Mmn. D. C McNaill. chairman. W. G. Buia anti W. F. Parker, mat in regular monthly a melon at tha court house Monday. The only hnelnase of Im portance, outside of regular matins matters, transacted, wee the appoint ment of Mr. U B. Ciheon of Gibson as rami policeman foe WHHsmson township. Tide township has been artthout such an eCctr for about four Tnsedsy tbs rammleaiemn mot egnia and the principal hneinem of this session was the settlement with Sheriff W. D. McLeurta for taxes for the year 1BU. Sheriff McLeano'e report foe the year area a splendid one and in tewing with records of other yonrs made by this highly oapahle social. Mwy Thanks. The editor is Indebted to Mr. Jama M- Gibson of Qibsen. knots 1, for fee •ret of fee new crop of cantaloupes. Mr. Gibson btoapht two of fee Scot land Gem variety to tide oOce Friday of last weak. He states feat he had cantaloupes for Ms ova table see aU of last week and will be«ia mslrfn* shipments this Week. k« fee editor fee fast iwntelnnm of fee swansi is worthy of our cam man dattoa and always pets ear hearty Notice to CerrsapendeeU. ___ Tito Kachmage waste a live-wire rorrsapsadiat in every section of the cownty. We want to poMUh the newt of Scotland county tad in order to give ail the new* tr* mart hare geed eerreepondenta tn A* rarioue teetlone and at the different towns tkreagheut the eeaatp- V you think you weald like this work, ws shall be pleaeed to hare ye* call te sea ua, er write oe a letter, and we that I be glad to teaks arrangements to cooperate with yea hi gettiag the aa**» AM About BcolUad Count j. Wb now knbw more about Scotland county than wa over knew before, be cause wa have had aa opportunity to tat better acquainted with that splen did North Carolina county through the anniversary edition of the Leu tiabum Exchange, published at I the thriving eonnty scat. Editor J. P. Wiggins and Associate Editor Mac Cameron got a move an thee* because of the 34th anniversary of The Ex change and the ldth birthday of the caauty, but they mods of It the oeee ohm of Winging the county of Scot land and the youag cKy of Lanrin burg ta public notice In a way to foweftdly taiprea* every oaa who has read the paper. The edition was a 20-page paper containing matter emphasising the Importance^ achievements and pros pects of the county and the county •eat. County and town history here tofore unwritten was published In at tractive form, and certainly everybody who has read the paper net only ap preciates the enterprise of the pub Ushers but places high valaa upon •*•<7 feature of the publication. The Publicity given to Scotland to Inesti mable, and aa the means of dalag the work ao effectually, The Exchange proves iU own great value to its city and eonnty. The Star prof oases to partiality Car both the people and the potentialities of Scotland county, a sweet riTtoinaT that has put many an elder eonnty to the blush- The Exchange claims that Scotland to “flrut" in a whole lot of things and wa are ready to believe whatever to said of a section of sueh exceptionsbla adoptabilities and ad vantages. Indeed, there to so much that can be said about thia inoom pemblo portion of the State that wa hero to resist the tnaptatisa te flU op 35jaarj,'»^se5!i The Uwtafcerf eomee to ■a this moroing with twenty page* of interesting matter concerning the past aad presort of Lsurtnbuig and Scot bad county, in celebration of the thirty-fourth aanfreraaiy of tbs feeeuUng of that excellent paper. The owner. Mr.'J. P. Wiggins, of Maxfioa, and assistant editor, Mr. Mae Cam ecen. and an occnerted with this Sae written are to be congratulated open Ma aeat appearance aad ralaabte con tents. There ie one eed note eeaaeetad with this buna—the eeeeiini sffstil that Mr. Cameron severe his Benaei Uon with the paper to take a position with the Henderson Gold Leaf and TImm papers ara to will ho succeeded by L. Moora, of Moots*boro, county. W« welcome Mr. local journalism. is dsad. Long 11 vs tbs Scottish Chief. Laurinburg Exchange, one at sprightly weeklies hi Ihs Old Stats apd one whose aim is for tbs progress of its communi sat this week with a special rhich Is a corker in every is an anniversary issue and etioo is complete, with glory and with big benefit to and Scotland county, aa it tha song ef these spats, • mess of moot interest information. It paints bright tbs of future development and K In a frame of optimism.— Dispatch. Jane 29 the Laurlnburg Kv ch^Pm*« issued an anniversary edition _^Btha occasion of iu thirty-fourth i^PltUsjr. The edition ia a handsome gX.u at twenty pares, 6Ued with good j^Hsd interesting matter, and the editor. iTM^fshiug and Scotland County Kara "'111 of this fine show of ■BP^T>%^baeK and —vefai ^u<»» ■pttrpriae and progress. ■ ' Stotland ia a young county, having ‘3wi formed In 1900. It repreeenta t"®fo distinct sections—the sandhill and flf^kwood regions, which bear a strife int^B contrast to each ocher, and the fflh of separation is distinct—Fey ffiBjwflh Observer. ' *> Wane ter Overman, at the request of -*r•Kerry Oewford, eon ef the lata nJrnh|ieeeiaaii Crawford »f Waynaa wnrtDe, for admiaaion to the Military •*:x> Meadses y at Waat Point July 10. This a rault qf the exam tnatiaa bald ** law • last, at which there was not a • ^Wliliut of eiigihlm to ill the •tlobriatlng Young Crawford *Ma aaalor at the A. and M. Collage. JACKSON SPI i JACKSON SF Rates $10.00 Week and $i "... ^ Mask tad Duch|, 9 and 1 Goad Aato—bfla Row MRS. E. a I KINGS HOTEL i BRINGS, N. C. to $12.00 per 2.00 per Day. viuiiif, Pool, TtBik 'wda*. b la Every Direction. : BLISS, Mgr. ; c - f ■ VERS i *. Paha*, F«ni. jt-of-town ord*r». .* SCHOLTZ, X. lie Florist, Inc. PboO* 441-4M. S M. It CWlottt, M. C. /_ «*»» not*. Ammu yi Take a Jitney Joy Ride Here's a trip you witt oqky. The spicy road leads straight to the . grocer mart—and Zu Zu, the spicy little snaps that please everybody. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY « « » I • 8 8 9 if V 8 9 8 9 9 G*™*ny up to Juna l, according to British tabulation, has lost a total of 2,914,586 soldiers, of whoa 784312 wars killed; 1351,662 wounded, and &58.GIS Missing or taken prisoner*. Lauwnbvm splits with I PAR* TON. “ Laurtnburg took om gam, ,f . twia "W««> Pkrittan here Thars day and Baiurdhy «f last wwk. The Saturday game was tarried over from rriday on aoeuant of rain. Laarinbury took the opening game by a Mon of 4 to t McNeill was on th# mound for the locals and waa op P«Md by Rogers McNeill had the beat of the bout and wa« given loyal support by hie team males, both in tbs defensive and oa tbs offensive. in the second engagement Lamb •hot ’em ever for the locals and gave splendid account of himself, and bad lbs locals found Kiaharr'a deliveries M often as tbs visitors bit Lamb, here would doubtless have been a different tale to tell. But It was simply too much Fisher. The locals sn counted some hitters sad usually get a goodly bunch out of ovary game, but in this particular engage ment not a man succeedsd in pulling down anything that looked like a hit. The gams was one of tha prettiest seen hors this season. The scon was 4 to t. RUB-MY-TISM WHI cun SheoaadnL Nm ELECTRIC IRONS Are convenient at all seasons, but during the COOD OLD SUMMER TIME i th« y fairly shine. Because: Nothing Gets Hot But the Iron—the room, the temper, the operator, all stay cool—and ^tteifSfi kt&pg'-on staying hot, just the right temperature—as long as it may be used. And the price is only ^3.50 J. D. Sanford & Son “The Quality Hardware Shop.” THE NORTH CAROLINA C0IXJB6E OF AGRI CULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS Yoon* men melting an education which will equip then for practical life in Agriculture, end all Its allied branches; ip Civil Electrical and Mechanical Engineering; in C and Dyeing; ia Texttepr other Industries, and in total teaching will findcxeelleat pro. Moo for their earewa at the State's greet technical College. This flta men forHfsby giving firaetieal inatroction as won as thorough idratnle odocmtfon. Foot year courses to Agriculture. hi Chemistry, to Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering sad to Texti'e Indus trie*. Four year, two yehr. one year, and summer Normal cours es to Agriculture. Numerous practical short courses. Entrance examinations held at each oounty seat on July 18. ^y^^ggea^irtSawfc.N.c. , REX TYPEWRITERS Brand New From Factory To Too* I CM mv# you mo 00 on a Typewriter and tell yc °oe ee pood or better than the other fellow. A tlM.00 Machine For $6?.M Guaranteed for 10 yearn, and yon can pay for It at f*® Hr ■Math. lee me or writ* me before yea buy, D. J. EVERETf Tfcu lypawrtter Man, UaHHM* N, C. |

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