Local Notes. Mr. J. W. Jackson spool Sunday wtth bsme folks at ■nead's Gcvra. Ur. J. H. PnyWr to spending aorurul day* wtth friends at Ditto*. B. C, Wiiaton aad Charletu. Work ha* bin eommoneod on th* n*w Mtdwcs of Ur. J. Uaa Gragg oa Church street. We regret to note the Ulaea* of Mr*. E. D. Ballard, who to suffering from a kvus case of typhoid fever. Mr. C. P. Osborne, manager of th* Port Barrie* Balm Static*, made * business trip to Aberdeen Tuesday. Mr. Henry Pag*, Jr., of Aberdeen wa* a buaincaa visitor in the city thi* week. Mr. Bentos) O'Brien of Hamlet spent Tuesday, July the Fourth, in th* city with his father. Mr. John O'Brtesv. Mr*. Agnes Myer* left Friday for Clarksburg, W. V*., whore ah* goes to visit her daughter, Mr*. C. J. Gar rett. Rev. J. M. Rosa. Mrs Rose and Miss Annie Roa* toft Monday for Fayetta viito, where they will visit until Sep tember. Rev. H. M. Dixon, pastor of Red Spring* Pr*abyt*rian church, oecu piod th* pulpit at the Laurtnburg Presbyterian church Sunday. “Young" Harhtr, editor of th* Maxtoa Scottish Chief, was a Laurin burg visitor Monday, coming up to witnoaa the ball game between Lau rinburg and Raeford. Rev. A. A. McCeochy, D D, paster of tbs Second Presbyterian church of Charlotte, apent Friday in tha city with his mother. Mrs. N. A. Me Geachy. Postmaster G. H. Russell left Tues day for Hot 8piings, Arkansas, where he will spend a month, taking treat ment far a rheumatic affection which has been giving him trouble for earns time. Mr. end Mrs. C. C. Bullard of Fay •Ueville wore hers to attend the fun eral of Mr. Shelton Monroe. Mr. Bullard returned home today. Mr*. Bullard will remain here for a few days. Mr. Russell Middleton of Jackson ville. Fla, and Mr. Joseph Middleton, of Wilmington, who were called here on account of the death of their aunt, Mrs. Kate Middleton, have returned to their respective homes. Special mention la mads of the ad .vertiaemant, beginning in this issue, of the A. and M. College, Raleigh. examinations foe this col lage will ha hold at tha court house at Laurtnburg Thursday, July IS Mr. Frank Wright, a successful young farmer, of Gibson, was In tha city Monday. Ha states that he and his father, Mr. 8. J. Wright, along with others, will begin shipping can taloupes tha latter part of this weak. . We are glad to note that Mias Emma Bitch, whs underwent an op eration at a Charlotte Hospital one day last week, la rapidly recovering and is expected to return to her home this week. The Men's Union Prayer meeting was held Monday night at tha Pres byterian church, with Mr. H. O. Cov ington leading. The next mooting will ho at the Baptist church Monday night of next week, and Mr. R- D. Phillips win conduct the meeting. Sheriff W. D. McLaurin wont to Charlotte Saturday to meet Ms son, Mr. Angus MeLaurliV whs has boon In school at Kensington, Hi They returned to the city Sunday. Master Angus was accompanied horns by Master Alex Noble, who is also a student at Kensington. Mr. J. L McNair and family. Messi*. J. P. McNair. Connie Ham ■mod, Gilbert McKltmon. T. T. Cov tngtoo, Jr, W. T. Herndon, Mr. D. C. Od«m and (badly, Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Orabb, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Pender and Mr. tad Mra. Mm Cameron, apant Sunder at Jackson Spring*. Mr. a,d Mrs. C. I. Patrick and chil dren of Charlotte arrived in the city Saturdafta vhdt at the home of Mr. and Maa-1. C. Jordan. Mi' Patrick baa retamd to Charlotte, where be I* employ* by the Ford Mater Co. Mr*. Pbtric and children wfll re-, main hate fa aovaral week* Mr. J. local agant for Urn Saahoard, wither*. Wataoa and chil dren, Is epandU a- month'* vacation at Mt. Airy. b;ri*g Mr. Wataoa’a aba nice Mr. G. ' Bowe hea Charge of the Seaboard's-mine*, bssu. Mr. B. M. Blown of C-nyviii, ■„ r,!,,*. hut Mr. Howe m agent. Mr. Whiter Voper ef Chariot* to eptndiag a few da ye hen with heme folks. Mr. a C McCallem, formerly with the Cape Fear News of Fayetteville, wae (n the dty today. AUoraey ,W. H. Woathonpooa left Wedateday morning on a butlacie trip to Wilmington and Whherfllt. Miat Rodney Flack, stenographer for Xueeefl and Weathorepoou, hae glveo up bar work for the prooiot on account of illneea. Mite Flack loft Taoaday for her home at Union MfUa. Mr. J. L. McNair, agont for the Buiek care, reporta a tala Saturday-^ one Buiek tix tearing car to Mr. An gut Blue of the county. Mr. McNair, we unde re land hat other aalea made and will deliver the can Just at aeon at they ran be had from the factory. MISS HAZEL HUSK. Uled at Hamlet Tweeds? Evening— Funeral Here Thla Monrisi. Mil* Hasei Muae, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. M. D. Muse of Hamlot, dtad Tuesday evening at six o’clock at the home ef her parents in that city, fol lowing an illness of about four months The remains war* brought hole via special train this morning and laid to rest in tha Laurinburg cemetery. Punaral services were conducted at the grave and war* in charg* of Rev. M. H. Tuttle, pastor of the Methodist church at Hamlet. Miaa Muae waa a niece of Register of Deads C. K. Muse and Mr. t. B Muse of this city. Her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Musa, are resi dents of this county. 1 On Program. Of much interest to tha people of laurinburg and Scotland county is tha success that is being won by ooo of bar young ladies in the educational work of the State. The young woman in question ia Mias Lula M. Case!dry, daughter ef Mm. H. J. Caseidey. Mia* Cassidey holds an Important position with the board of education of Orange cocmty and has been doing such highly satis factory work that board recently stood by her in a matter ia which ths waa not receiving the full co-operation of the superintendent. In fact he was •■Wed to resign and ret out of the way. In glancing over the program of Country-life institutes in progress at Chapel Hill this weak, w# notice that Mia* Cassidey will today at 10.40 a. m., deliver an address on girls’ club work, and Saturday aha will rilaouau County. Couuasnscmtntl and'setioaT fairs. Strew* Hail Storm. Mr. E. J. Ha*tar of Lower William son township, was a Laurfnburg visi tor Saturday. Mr. Hester told tho Exchange man of • oarers hail and wind storm which visited his section Friday afternoon. At his own farm tha damage was quite servers, oom pistMy destroying about 12 sens of cotton. Just below Mr. Hester tha storm struck tha plantation of Mr. James A Graham audhare the dam. «»• was i. Large stones falling on a_ oaa and a wagon simitar,. smashed both of them. The damage to crops at Mat Graham's was mors extensive than at Mr. Hester’s. TBY IT! SUBSTITUTE FOB NASTY CALOMEL. Starts Tw U*er Without 'Making You Sick aad Caa Net Ballrate. Every druggist in teem' your drutg gtat and everybody's druggist has no tiead a great falling off In tka talc at colonial! Tbay all give the same rea eoe. Dodson’s Liver Tone la taking its place. 'Calomel is dangeroua and people know H, wkllc Dodson's liver Tone la perfdetly Ufa and give* better re MlU,” said a prominent local drug girt. Dodson’* Liver Ton* la person ally guaranteed by every druggist who (alls It- A large battle costa M easts, and If It fails to give easy re lief 1” every base of liver sluggish ness And constipation, you have only t* ask far your money back. Dodsoa’s Liver Tons is a pleatsnt tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adult*. Taka a spoonful ut night and wake up fasting An*; no bfliouantaa, siA hoedacha, add stomach at constipated bowels. It doaen't gripe or cease tn convanltnefi all the next day like vio lent calomel. Take .a doe* of calomel today and tomorrow you will feci weak, rtek and naueaatwl. Don’t km* a day’s Work! Take Dodson’s Liver Ton* Instead and fwl fine, fuU at vigor and aaabKioo.—Adv. . * * L'~ - - _. _ '■ GREGG-CAMTHEM AT ROCK ” i Mr. J. Muni Gregg Wade HiJ Annie Lynne Carethor* ta South Lynne Cere Users, tha beautiful and accomplished daughter af Dr. and Mis. T. X. Cam this, became tha bride of fames Maxwell Gregg, of Laurinburg, N. C. The suburban residence of Dr. Ce rethera, with its colonial perches and wide sweeping lawns, afforded an ideal setting for the sacred ceremony. The whole Interior eras embowered in greenery, delicate ivy and smile* and tiny white wedding bells being ar tistically combined, the appropriate emblems swaying in rows In the double doorways on either aide of the hallway, and crowning the arching trellis of green before which the 'youthful couple stood to plight their troth end speak tha solemn roars as pronounced in loving tones by the bride's ancle. Rev. J. H. Dixon, of Laurinburg. Banking tha mantels, roars of light ed white candles added to the effect iveness. Aa a prelude to the ceremony, do Mghtfnl music was furnished by Miss Julia Cork, of this city, avtth plane; Hoyt Cook, of Kershaw, with violin; and vocal a umber* by Mias Eve Cov ington, of Laurinburg, and Mrs. J. Barren Steele, of this city. The Lohengrin Bridal Chorus an nounced the arrival at the bridal party which pasted down the stairway and into the Eaet parlor, as follows: First the uehere, the bride’s brother sad un cle. Erwin Carothers and Lae Rnrin, of Charlotte; bridesmaid. Mies Isabel Carothers, sister of the bride, wear ing a gown of white net with tetin bands, end carrying p bouquet of white sweet peas and roses; maid of honor, eldeat sister of the bride, Mies Florins Carothers, guwned in Nile groan taffeta, with silver lace, with arm bouquet of the sweet peaa end roans; ring bearer, a tiny cousin of the bride, Isabel Byars, wearing a white lingerio frock, and carrying the ring in the heart at a gsrdfnia; train bearers, alec cousins of the bride, little Elisabeth and Margaret Byers, in lingerie end white ribbon*. The bride was attended by her father, Dr. Carothers, end the groom by hie best man, Donald Clement, of Salisbury, N. C. The bride made a naver-to-be for gotten picture of youth aad beauty In her gown of shinuaering lUnrc^tk Otany Princeaa lam, the bodies ambroidarad ia peart*. The veil, esaght around the hair with vaUey lUliea, touched the ham of the train. A» alagaot bouquet of Bride rose* aad lerpa showered with Uliaa, completed the toilette. Daring die ceremony soft' mask !wne pUyed on piano aad violin by Mia* Cork aad Mr. Cook, pod daring the reception foUoerfng, theee moot cions, aad another. Miaa Margaret Craig, of this city afforded a pleasing accompaniment to the happy conver sation. Receiving with Dr. and Mra. Cs rothers were the following: • Mrs. S. A. Gragg, of Florence, tha groom’s mother; Rev. and Mr*. J. H. Dixon, Mlasos Eva and Alies Covington, Henry Malloy, A. A. Jamas, and J. Diekeon Phillips, all of Laurie burg; A. Jacluon Bell, of Charlotte; Mias Sadalla Stewart, of Raeford, N. C.; Mias Gladys Twitty., of Heath Springs; Mias Ivor Brown, of Ssnaea; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Byars, #f Bethea da; Mrs. J. R. Sburlay. of Beak Hill. In the west parlor war* tha wad ding gifts, a beautiful display, and entertaining here and presiding ovsr *ke bride's register was Miaa Ivor Broom, of Kanawa The dining room was most attract hm h. He odonuaeat of giaen and piak, in rests and hydrangeas. Sus pended over the table the centra] Hght abene through the eoft mist of a wad. ding heH of whit# mailae, outlined with tiny rosebuds. Delieiooe cake ■»d block cream in pink and white ware served by Miee Elisabeth Paris, Irimlaa Carothars, Jessie Rabb, Re beoea Hieklln, Virginia Cork and Mary Evelyn Byers. Pavers—tiny whits ribbon bows—'wsre pinned <m by Mlsaoa Mary Oral* and Aanis Barron. • On the front porch, punch was mured, by Misses Gladys Twitty, of Heath Spring*, and Alice Covington, of lmurinbur*. The pum-b-bowl was »o«t unique and attractive, bring fashion sd freen a huge block of ice, in a bed of ferns. Mr. and Mrs. Gregg motored to Charlotte, whence they proceeded on a bridal trip of a fortnight to At lantic CHy and other points north. They will be at home to their friends in Lauriaburg, wham the ■Mom^s a prominent young business man and mast popular to society dr eles, wham a cordial -ilrnmi awaits Ms^jlalaty bride,—Roek HOI, 9. a, i Boaster Vance's states was unvsOad to Washington Thnmday wMh ay pm BUSINESS LOCALS ” psmgr < - **~ C”V5 i i W* will far tha market priea tor • tan ami dow wheat. If you have 1 ***’ »«« «■iVhoaa er coma ta tea aa. McNair kJHSg Co, Laarin hur*, N. C. 14-17 pammam^^nrnnmmmmmmmmmmm ? *011 BALK—Two abc room bouaaa; two vacant building lata, aU on mrSSV PSS? | l* •lu* puicusBgf, D9t *. 4. A/fil. * (OUND—Presbyterian Sunday achaol • pin. Ownar can gat aama at Uila o®ta. Charger SO eanta ’• mM^mmmm— C. tANTALOUPC CRATK8 aa band at . Can be dalivarad at _ ..Saa Kvaratt Covington H. W. MeLaurin. BMf —Sterling silver pencil, coming ■ ball ground Saturday after Reward If returned to Cbet HoteLW-pd Caring your junk #TO THE WOOD YARD 7a At Lmrinborv. N. C. | «in bay jraar ■Us tap*. Diy, w. Bboot Burlap or tar par. Capper. Mixed maa, Zinc, Load, tar. Bom and Hhoaa ytU Tiro*. 8*14 •MW. Mixed la ta. clean alack, k. far Tailoring | N A GRAHAM VICE! ROTECTION! you want in Fire tS ferrice and We" »lre botk. Let*! oa hare your bu*i awe. I [then joe will be eon* fLAUH IN BURG AGENCY j COMPANY Inaj ermnce and Loaaa HIN-J rON JAMES, Pm W. a* DUNBAR, Sec. & Tran. EVERY TIME YOU EAT • • v *' if. You realize the importance of the “quality” of your groceries. That our specialty is “QUALITY.” It costs us a little more, and we have to meet the same price as other dealers, but we find from exper ience that it pays in the long run, because we never lose our custo mers and are always gaining new opes. It’s the quality that does it. Buy your groceries here and your wife can prepare a dinner fit for a king—Yes, even better than that—one fit for an American citi zen. ■ 'Phone No. 43 Laurinburg, North Carolina ’ Cornelius Vanderbilt SAID — “Bare what you can--always Ihro within year income—avoid all oporalothm If yon will always do this, yon are me to • Try it. Select a strong, conservative Bank* Open an account, however small. Dopooit ngulaiiy and see how your amiey works day and night—and grows. ... ' The State Bank Of LAURDfBURG, “The Bank For Tear Savinfe.” n I $- ■ I * ArUfc J. F. McNAIR, Laurinburg, N. C. ■■----- -■ -.. . Patronize Our Job Department

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