. v>;. . • \ - ~ ^ MB — VOLUME XXXIV—NUMBER 28 , LAUKINBURQ. N. a. THURSDAY, JULY IE WU tLH^PER VEA^WADvSST MR. SIMEON GIBSON AND SIST ER, MRS. W. T. PATE, OF GIBSON Brother ud Water of Prominent Family Anawer Final Summon. Friday and Saturday of Lam Week—Well Known In Thia Section—Buried Saturday and Sunday In Family Hurylng Ground a. Mr. Simon Gibson died Friday af ternoon, July 7, at about 2 o’clock »l his homo just across th« line, in Marl boro county, South Carolina. He was 07 years of age and had been in poor health for several years. Mr. Gily son suffered a stroke of paralysis about live years ago, from which be never recovered. For the past three year* he had been confined to his bed. An iron constitution and unusual vi tality enabled him to keep up the . fight egainst disease and death for so long. Funeral service* were conducted Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock from tha home end were la charge of his pastor. Rev. G- W. Davis, assisted by Rev. W. H. Brown, Rev. O. W. Mc Manus, Rev. 1. N. Clegg, and l»r. Nash of Hamlet. Tho la term cut waa at the Gibeon family cemetery, Aa unusually large crowd attended the funeral. The flora] offerings were most beautiful and profuse, attesting the high esteem In which Mr. Gibson waa held. Mr. Gibeon was a member of tho Methodist church and of tha Masonic order. In 1886 he represented Marl bore county in the South Caroline legislature. For a number of years he was engaged In business at Gibeon, this county, end waa well and favor ably known throughout this section. Surviving are the widow and five children: Mrs. W. E. Caldwell of Dillon, S. C.; Mrs. C. L. Moody of Nichole, 8. C.; Mrs. C. D. Bain of Dunn, N. C.; J. B. Gibson, an attor ney, of Dfllon, 8. C.; and Mias Jana Gibeon at borne. Mr. Gibeon was a successful farmer and business man, sad held the aa team and friendship of a large ae-, queintanra. Though a cituen of South Carolina, be was wall known in Mile coanty through business and family connections. He waa a pa tient suffer si throughout the long period of his illness. Mr*. W. T. nu. Mr*. W. T. Pate of Cibeoa, a aiatar of Mr. 8imeon Gibson, died Sunday morning about 1 o’clock following a stroke of paralysis. Mrs. Pate had been in poor health for some time, and Her death, while not altogether unex pected, brings a groat sorrow to her family and friends. Mrs. Pate was up and a bis to be about bar boms Saturday and retired Saturday night in her usual health. About 11 o'clock,; her husband, Dt. W. T. PaU, who -was sleeping In an adjoining room, hear, tag a noise in her room, went to her •ad found her lying on the floor by the tide of bar bed. Celling the son. Dr. James Pate, who was steeping up stairs, it waa found that the mother waa In a very serious condition, being ttaaMe to apeak. Death followed In about an hoar. Tho funeral was held from the heme Sunday afternoon at 6 o’clock. Tbs •erriosa wore coadacted by bar pas tor, Bev. W. H. Brown at the Mam Methodist church, assisted by Dr. Nash of Hamlet, a former pastor. The remains were laid to rest la the family burying ground, in the pres ence of a large crowd at Borrowing friends end relatives. Mrs. Pate wm a good woman, a loving wife and mother, and will be sadly mimed by them who knew bar boot. She la survived by a husband mad three ssat: Dr. James Pate of Cheat Md Messrs. William and Thoasas Pate, who are at betas. Lnw far Northern Trip. Mae Cladya Covington aad Mia* lad* Bin* left last weak far a tear of tha New England States aad Can ada. Tha trip will ha eoadnctod by the Gattla Toorieto* Agency and will Ineiade atapa at Beaten, Niagara Falla, Quebec and fcthar Nartharn potato. Mlaa Covington recently wen tlda trip la the Chari otto Ohaarrar aenteet and la taking the trip at tha aapwiaa af that paper and ht aonpay with a party af ■aacaatfal contact •at* at tha State. Mm Blgga pa along with the party la order to enjoy tha pteawiroi af each a trip la aaaa party with friend*. Dr. Baherta an Meat aad MOh la Dr. O. A. Roberto of A. A M. Cel lath BaMgh. waa in tha aity teat weak and aado a talk batata the beard •(akknMaWafeaedar night an meat « VIOLATED THE GALLON LAW. T*» North Carolinians Go! I.iquor at McCoH aa4 Beneettarlll*. Last Monday two North Caroli nian*. Huntley and Charles, were ar rested hers by Sheriff Patterson for violating the gallon a month liquor law. They had a gallon each shipp ed to MeColl and a similar eh i pm eat to BeanettsviUc. They came down in an aulomobil* and gut their two gallons here. Rural Policeman Ale brooks and Sheriff Patterson had al ready compared notes and found that I the shipments were waiting for them, 'both at MeColl and BcaoettariU*. When they got the liqUor bare, the sheriff arrested them and seised the automobile and liquor. It happened that court was then j In session, and the men were lot off by paying $100 each, which they se cured frota home by wire. They went heck without their liquor, mi nus $i?00, end sadder but wiser men. They ean get only a quart at a tin* in North Carolina. They were evi dently trying to lay In a supply suf ficient to last them till they got through laying-by their crops— Pee Des Advocate. - l Mr*. Myers Raterlahu. Reported for Tb> Exchange. Taking advantage of the dey, Mrs. Tom Myers gave a moat beautiful Fourth of July entertainment Tues day morning of last week. Mm. Myers, with her mother, Mru. Booth of Warren toe, welcomed her guesta end lad them to the beautiful table where a howl at e pwtment of Agriculture, arrived to Laorinburg Saturday, July t, and will remain here throughout the canta loupe season. Mr. Culbreth-has open ed offlcoe upstairs ever the poatufflea In the First National Bank building and is ready to give whatever aid be can to grower* and shipper* of can i Ulou vs This ia the Aral instance in which the Department of Agriculture has •Wr seat a represenutivb here to coop-nto with farmers and brokers la handling the cantaloupe and water meleu crops. Mr. Culbreth makes it pieto that he Is bare far baatoeea, and that ha ia reedy to serve in any way possible, those who may need information or advice relative to markets, etc. He baa at hand the combined resource* and facilities of the 8tsU and Fed eral Department* and ia ia a position to reader valuable service. It d staled that the Department of Agriculture eenl a man to cooperate •Wi the grower* «l Irish potato** in Eastern Carolina this year and that thn results wan so satisfacotry that it was determined to send a hen for the cantaloupe season. Mr. Calbreth receives every after ahsat 1 o’clock a detailed report of market conditions in aU the prin cipal cMaa of the country, showing shipments and prices that prevailed the previous day. la this way it is ■soosOU to keep in dose toads with maffiat rwports H la no trouble to bar* of crowded or congested mark ets. and also to bam just wham the markets are hungry. Thaat market report* are abaolatdy free to any one iaterestod ia the can taioope situation, and will bo mailed free of charge to those who request ft- Thb may be done by calling to ••• Mr. Calbreth at kb office or by writing'him at Laoriaburg. Wo are publishing In thb boo* the report for Tuesday, as issued by the Dopartasant and presented by Mr. Calbnth. Thb report shows the prog ram that b being mad* in the move-, mmt of the crop and the price* that am being paid. ' Cuulmpc Manamaat. f Uarinbarg, N. C, July 11, MIS. i Shipments yesterday: North Caro lina, 7 ears; South Carolina, nothing;' Georgia, nothing, incomplete; Arkan •as, It; Aiixena, unreportad; Call zomu, uortportsd. supmettta previooaly unreportad: Sunday, Georgia, 1 oar; Ariaoaa, SI; Ariaooa report to date S8 care too! many, dae to railroad dupflcatioa. TriegrapMe Repart a* Market Caadl tiea today, July 11th. Rortoot Weather warn, clearing; i California, I ears; Georgia, 7, arrived;1 California*, steady, good, qaaHty gen-, etaBy good, eonte soft. beat rtnadnria. MMM) pooiee, 2.7SAA0; SaU, 1.00 lAd; softer standards, 1AS-SA0;, pooiee, UMJt. nrvriend: Hot, clear; California, | S wi| Oeorgia, S; CaUforaia, stand alda, UMJO; poaiaa, U04.M; flats,! 1.1S-1.M; Georgia*, athndaida, pear. 1JS-SA8; piaka, flats, Me-US; meetly, BadTahi: Hot, clear; California, S^ «am; Georgia, 6 earn; unloaded; Cali fornia active, condition generally Read, Sanaa sett, green meats, stand - •ria, S.7S-4.2S; beat, 4JS; ponies, UHJt; two-third*, meetly IAS; flats, IAS-1A0; Georgina, demand mod mate, condition fair, green, beat, •Sa-IAO; poorer, Tie Hi. CinetnaaU; Clear, warn; CaUfor aia, I; Georgia, S; unreported yaetar day 1; California, demand good. Id fa*, ataadarda, SAO-8.76; peniea, S.TS SAS; Seta, US-148; extra fancy Id eas, —wrapped, (two-thirds) MS 1.71; peniea, 8.80; flats, 140-140; acAa, two*third*, 888-844; port!**, MSUt; flats, 1.80-1.18; Georgias, ieiund fair; standards, tarn aa 1.7S; piaka, Rate, low a* M cants. CW*a«Bj Warm, (dear; California. > aaaai Ariaona, i car*; fl holdover; dmRato« darnaad, eaodMea fair, atandaida. moatly SAO; poaiaa, UO S.7B; flats, 1.*8-1.81; Artasnaa. wMp pad, ataadarda, «.78-4.88; pent**, STB SCOTLAND COUNTY WILL FIGHT TYPHOID WITH VACCINATION Caaalj at Moadajr'. Haattag Apprapriata MM Far rarpan# of CmOactlaa Campaign for Fra* VacHnatlea Agalant TrytaU Taa 4Mmm Prrraffiaa in Caaatf. 1 SCOTLAND'S BANK* PKOSPEK OL’S. Oar Kir* Ruki Shorn Rmmnm at Mar* Thaa Ow and Ona-Half Million Dollar.. The Exchange dr.irc* to call fac ial attention to the .pleadId .tawing made by th* banka of Scotland coua ty, aa *31 appear from the published stalament, pbswhei* la thU Imhm. There art lira banka in th* county, which thaw resource* of fi.MMM.s7, and this la the midst of th. itiibh 11 %af*rn the farmers have received say returns from their cantaloup. aad w.term cion shipment*. Th* state, meats aa published are aa follow.: . The Meat* Beak, resources f 1,021, SUM. I Scotland County Savings Bank, re source. «2MdWii. Nstiwul Bank, wowrom 4217,688.76. Bank of Gibooa, mourew 684,611. 06. Bank of Wegraan, rtwuitM 887, 841.81. Scotland la certainly Massed with strong and ably-maaeg.d financial in atltutions, which ar« contributing a. largely a. any other one agency to th* upbuilding of the county. Mn. W. T. Cevlagtaa. Kapford, July 1L—Th* unexpected death of Mrs. W. T. Covington oc curred at S o’clock Monday night. Mrs. Covington before marriage was Visa Margaret Neal of Marion. She ^•a * woman ef rare typo of woman, hood and character and 1 saves many friends throughout th* State. Brfor» marriage Hr*. Covington wa* Ml** Mnggia Naal and taagbt hors in thn Qumkenbush e-boot for a cumber *f yoan. Her death bring* sorrow to many friends h«* who have known her nine* ah. first cam. har* a* a teacher. >.00; flats, Edens, I-SS-1DO; pinks, 125-1.35; Gsorgiss, quality condition, fair, standards Jumbos, 1D0; flats. SSe-TBe. Columbus: Clear, hot; Georgia, 1 ear; Caltfemlas, standards, unwrap ped. 8.75-COO; ponies, 3.2o-*D0; flats, 1.26-1 D6; orer ripe* half dollar less; Georgias pinks, flats, 75c. Washington: Hot, clsaring; Geor gia. 1 car; 1 ear bald; GeorgUadaro llnaa, demsnd good for good stack; quality paer; graea; soft; stsadarfis poor; 126-IDO; flats. 68c-««c; good stand* ids,; ponies, IDO; Plata, flats. 86c-IDO. new zone: u rowing wnnaer, suit-! ry; Georgia, U cm; 8. C., 2 cm; North Co roll no. 2 cm; CaUfoc^, 10; Asiasna. 1; unloaded; Georgina, ■tsudy, quality condition fair; atand anhi, 120-1.76; go's, 126-120; TTm, 120-126; lata, 60-We; pink., 76c20e; North Carolina* quality good; 84’a, 120-1.76; oewtaj Cnrolinan, dwaaod, quality good;' standards, 1.76; hi, 120; 126; California! active, generally good, Jumbo* few __ nrda, 220-2.76; pools*. 8.76220; Bats. 120-1.76; two-third*, 8.15226; yfcka, flata. 120; overrfyea, standards, 820-; 826; yanioa, 2.50; Afiienaa active, i ezmditiea generally good, standards,1 420; goalee, 820; Seta, 1.06-1.T6; pink, flats, 120. Philadelphia: Hot. sultry; Califor nia, 2 cm arrived, 5 unloaded; South ern, S an arrived, 6 unloaded; Ooor giaa, demand moderate, fair quality, green, standards, 1.75220; Jmnkeo, 120-126; ponW, L00-126; pink, flats, 76c-120; CeroHnas, demand moder ate. fiir. standards. 126220; Csm Ihu, steady, quality fair, stsmlarils. 8.60-420; yonks, 8.00; flats, 120-120; Plttaborg: Hot, sultry; Ariaoea, l ear; California, 1; Georgia, 6; South Carolina, 1; 86 cm hsldewr; Art aoua. Arm. demand Tight, good, same soft, standards, 8.762X0; psalm, 8 00 220| flats, 140-120; CsWtntfaa, steady, qaaflty ooadttion varlaMo, standards. 8.80-peaks, 2262X0; flats. 1.16-1.14; Oeorgko, nsssttlll, gcswraliy good, grsoe, standards, 128 120; yauy sUnd.rds, 1.00-8.16; pinks, flats, OOo-LOO; Sooth Carolines, stow, gonosafly good, standards. 1.76-8.00; flats, 0Sc-76c.. V you ere not ca our mailing ikt saod hi aaaaa if you want this deny ST ^ * UuHabwg. E.*. OsJVroth, Asst. Marketing, N. C. I Oflkn over psrtsflln, First Katfcmsl I Bank Budding. Following an investigation cooduci ad In the county lnat week by Dr. Bad Ut of the Sam Board ad HeaHh. Mr. U X. Praia, supeatetandeet of county ecfcooU, racafvwJ a latter from George X. Cooper, chief of the Burma of Kunl Sanitation, netting forth eeaae feet* and conditions, which accord ing to Dr. Bullit, prevail in thte lea tg It la not always a pirn aunt task to pubtiah Information riwhi| to thia •Am Oat in thia eaaa daty and tea IrigfaD of tea people compd a. to gtm tea facto as they have bam givm, fat order that tea paaple map familiar!»* i teamaatvaa with mudihian which all •f as auac deal with. The inrrstigadaa by a -rrrrtnaia Uva of the BUto Board of Health was mads at the request of ritiaens of tea CUUitjf. In Dli hwwUHl county hurl ana dmtfa fnaa typteetd fever to avaey : one aide bad ana death to every ZJOOO I'TfiLEfSST ™mty- •**»*»* I on another aMrfand caa death to every 12,200 paaple. XMa Comparison shows I how the county stands in tela rmpacc (with Its nearest neighbors ■ Babaaon hna a whole time health offcer and Richmond has «hia ymr conductod a campaign against typhoid. The reoar a I average m North Caro lina ia ana death to every 2,900 pap. pie, and tea average ter the United Btntaa la only one hath to avaey W P*°Ple- The rata la the city sf Seattle, Washington, has bean brought dovnMto only ana daate to every »j$09 » the report of Dr. hoe from U to M per coot And it has abeot twice ae amth as the State et Ary* and more tkaa fear time* ae maA as the tioo area ed Ac Unilad Stataa The County Board ed HealA de cided to- a* the County Ceanaiaeton en to make Aa appropriate of MM neoeeaary to carry o* a c— p»«fr ed raocinatioa ayaAat typhoid, which win fao (riven free of chary* to every pone In tbo eouaty who wants it. Th# action cd tho county coanr.ia^ic.^ ere at their Monday's noetin* in ap propriatlat A* money to conduct this eampaiya is hiyhly comaoadabU aad wm no doubt moot wfA Ae approval of the rood people ed r ‘ Vaccine tioo kmn found to be Ac : _ aad foraibabi* meaaa ed flyhthir Aa dieeaae. It io eocapalcery in *n Ae ereeie* of the world. Last year theca wm only •caaaeia the VnKad Stataa army. A* lowest record A tho Matey led aay madam army. Thar* haa base but BttU A th* main «f Borupc «a It A eapeetad 1 mpkaftha eomety wll Aha | portanity to i IMhAA ffci* .. ___, A » Helms psmisslea and it i a up to m to taka ear* of oarmtvoe aad those dependent upon as for protection. Viatton rm, Alabama. Mr. aad Mra. B. C. Adama of Mm Broektwn. Ala, with daughter*. Miaaes Mary aad Martha, and little mam, B^C. Adams, Jr, arrirad Saturday tha trip frost Maw IndMaowi aoaoMy la utawMb, tearing tha roots of tha DU# and Natiaaal hjgfc. way. a dMaaas ad MS mitaa. Iky ***** *ih AahaaOU*a«d AtlMte! ***' Mr. rid Mb' I if art tiaMwi at this aactlea aad thair friend ■ an da Nghtad to aoo thaat aad thair attMMk Mr. Adama is a wiuaftl hrtwn aJh and it maUac good la hto adapt ad (tat*. tha following I tarn trim from too BoyMn romapaadwMO «t tha Fife Dm Atoraoat*. wW ho #d iatmat to too at Mr. BrtatOliWtaai r—,ftiao “Mr. II oh art L. N*wton’« condition has not hapmood. Dra. LWingotaa ad Gitas*, aad Tawa.and *f “mnatla trOa, hold a eanaaHatian and It was datanataad to plaao Mr. Mowtaa to too Hnmlat Unapt til, what* ho ta at poaaant His family and frier*!, an *MM»ah atartail imwnfaf hto