mi . -: T° clear out the balance of our Big Stock of Summer Merchandise we have re duced prices lower than the raw material can be bought. Our season is practical * ly ended—Yours only commences. • ^ . Get Such Bargains? July 14 and Lasts 15 Days, ♦ ITJi Dark Pain Bench Salta *2.00 Men’s White Oxfords $1.15 50c. Indies' Fancy Shirt Waists 39c 10c . . . 11.00 Lyen Brand Shirts igft 03C *2.56 Ladles’ Oxfords $1.28 # »•«. Z Ladies’ Whit* Dresses $1.18 ■$240 Ladies’ Bathing Saits $1.15 - 8c. SC inch Bleaching 5c . i 25c. and SSe. Fancy Vote 19c < ILM Men’s Pants 98c * ^_ 9LM BhM Silt, U inch Wide—yard 98c 25c. e Boys' Work Shirts 19c i tSJM Ladies’ Red Cross Oxfords $2.68 50c. \ Children Dresses 22c 8c. IWels 4c 8c. Ti£7 9AM Men's Bine Seem Paata $2.89 % 75c. Ladles' Black or Whits Para sols 48c r-';!" ^ • ■? I I u I & g 9