THE EXCHANGE IMUdlhiltK ■ WJu NYaa ft irmm‘ ■" 1 ■ „ * * J'1 Ml fupimifcU tar YIm nmw% d Car* a... . , tb? 1— <fa**>> * **" ricW* Wh at is MM UJA ••■ W >-•.., 7-v'; CHIVALRY to NOT DEAD. The Cbattotta Ohaarrar of Tuesday aarried aa tha hack HP a aptondid Immm internet ttanr—a pa«a fnae reel Ufa, which aarvaa to tbanda that tba apUt ef tha lathaia la wt daart Tba alary ia aa pod and aa dim that aw npriat H entirely: “She waa old aad —tinkled with tha Miks af tee. A Man of to aa m Cpoa baa ahoaldan waa a faded •bawl aad tha ptaefc at firaaalky. Myba poverty —tah it what yaa will. nbawnd to bar faey and farm. A bane tet hod art been bead to aid •at fed fra* tha Up af ■K»te to imrit*Tryee •taaet.. Attached to H waa a wiathw baa ton ‘ im warped aad teO-aa fnll aa tba bttto aid waaaaa whe bte tha ate with to afbaii *• 7 A« she pibwd tba rate tola baa band aaa af tea allpped from bar Snap and Ml opa» one of the tout Attorney S, to. Pkeetoa waa adaadtos Mtn. Instantly bo naw tha aid w*. attpapt to reach to vain far tba fafianltoa. 8a fed others to tba tittle ■rtwup, bat tbay dM net atir. The man feantodto te sattohand hla bead bar fraahla. wife a CbtewrMd tea another, no watte haw daoaa te crowd. \ K; n WI ran a btue thing to do. So OMa],WMWta|lMi perhaps, to tha! *oak and file, and Am little oW » ■» offered no mark of branding, do •Slum finery, «o clare dlrtinotion, that awt conferring a favor uppn her or| hat* voeM ho worth while. Tot tUa' raw laoUartivaiy, ihJlj. woet oat of the way to 4a this little act of Mud j ■eae To tho little old woaaaa it lirtli op Wg and gald amf—well, tt aaplj proved that tho days of •upcham AMfey have m boon ab ■oohid wHh the >— ilwua of eoea ■orrloltaa, mad that there are thoao —tong 10 who do aot ■ ntna i the spectacular or the showy ride of "Did y— mo ao do it?" whea yafinelg Art Mia (Mage h Itfa that-rfi— «*• the ready Mg things worth while. thaah yoa so Moh, air," dbo said owaody, sad Out tittle old wrinkled fane lit vp with a new light—of other day*, who knew*, whoa Ate may have Mod la a waaaiea, had an— of her own, was coortod, wooed and won. "My I adk year aawt" sad tho law yw aaowwod her vMh aeial piaaa I t & I ■ 5s % '■ I 4 I ->* ta^hjrL zrrjrzssz cMliaatien. ft hae taken Ua teU in tho Mow of k— aad theweada. •J» and yway. WghJ«d JwTtM* Tto time to «* to now, m4 Mi whM yoa or yoar family mo otftokM with tto’ Stomu . VhoeinaOoa' agofaat typhoid too Movoa to to tto Moot effective way in which to light tto ttoma to tto SMatahWUAtrfcM oar tto Amoeinoa troopa wgtwi far greater damage from typhoid than from Spate. Later an aoldiere wore inoculated with tto ygtoid vacotea, aad it to etotad that there toe not ton a tingle death hi 'to United Sum Army tea typhoid earn 19Vi. Thera tore toen a few new of a ndld fan. | Tto typhoid attention in Scotland county to not worn than it to any* whan alee, and there to no eamatoa (eg undue excitement. Bat as long a* there la a tingle oaae in tto county it ia tto imperative doty of all good ottteoas to Uaeo at etonve antumed te effort* u< drive oat tto dlaaaae. Daring tto campaign ton this nun mor every pwein ia tto county will have opportunity to to eaetinatad free of charge. Other eoontte* in tea State art conducting almitar caa paigM and many eoanttoo did tkte wark'laat year, MAYOR LINCKE, NASH VILLE, N. C, BOOSTS TANLAC Writes HR.H. Draw: "Italic Daw AM Thai is dates* fas It* It is largely upon the eras* of tick well knarwn North Carolinians as Mayor BL W. Unck., of KashriHa, (hat TonUc’t great soeciss tea estab lished Itself. Some fser days age the Honorable Mayor Uaste wrote lo E. H Drum, State Distributor of Tan lac: "After a fair Mai of Tanlae I have no hesitancy in pronouncing It on* of tin vary boat toaiea. aad remedies on the market. It la all yea claim for it aad tea molted ooeh a wonderful change hi my phyaica) condition wkh la the past few weeks aa to warrant ay departure from an aatabllsbad rale and I heartily recommend it -to theae who suTar with indigcition. aarrouaneea and a general run-down condition. I unhesitatingly pronounae Tanlae one of the beat Timailliia of fered the public aad will con vim-, the moat akaptioal of its troa worth. Yours very sincerely, (Signed) M. W. Lincke. Nervosa, waak sad run-down man Uvar aad kid nay Ula, indigestion, dya papote, alaepliaaaam, loan of weight, atuggiibaess, haadaahaa, rheumatism and catarrh wUl Pod Tanlae tha Mai reoaaatTWiiUre tonic. Tanlae is sold la Lauriaterg by Mae’s Drug Store; Gibaeu, W. X. Gib oaa Drag Co.; Lexiagton, J. B. Smith Drag Ca.; Hamlat, Roy's Pharmacy; •Patomaiil, Fairmont Drug Co.; Mas tea, Sanaa teas-—Adr. FIRST EXCURSION OF THE SEASON TO WRIGHTS VII.LE BEACH. Vl» Seaboard Air Urn Railway Tasaday. Jaly 25. . | ^Fraah CtegfaiU. Madras. Laa —< JRtomwIliU1 Misty sla IteL T Tick eta will be o* teh far all traiaa July 25 arttll final ratora Itett te laara WSMactaa «■ aay Intel agp aatil No. 18 baring Wil -w cal afuat «r addreaa. EL B. Plsawsl s. T. P. A. *tete A, Ti Wdtf A A* am WUKE ALT. A Mink AGBBB. AH V«M Armise Aim An Tud Mlivi rnum Ttcdottlan coafvImif ■ for liar Onoy, all tho groat armiaa of tha world aro'tgxood apoa mm point ! that vaoctoatkm ao a maani of pro* venting typhoid favor it eff riant and indispensable. Aa a too ok of thoao o—ohiaod force* agaiaat typhoid, tho whole conHnoat of Baropo has boon mada almost fres from tho lilssaoa, It ia hy no cleans tho loovip to army Hfe that tt wood to be. F«r i Ioojt tlmt Bntta wmm cal aa to tho uaa of anti-typhoid vac citm for hor army and not antU-taat year did ibo ahow oigna of raise ting. Baity this year aha took the matter into conalderetioa and makaa tha statamant that far flv« month a aha re catrad each an array of favocaMo too tiamay from other countries aa to tha effort of tMa prsvoudro limlmnil that the aathoritiaa immediately made It compulsory ia tha 'Boariaa army. Stnaa odoptiag tho vocciao tioolmanl agahmt typhoid with such caavlaeUg results, aha has boss sacoorngod to maka vaccination agaiaat ■—*|— oad cholera rampnlaacy alas. Be oaotiy ana entire army in tha Ceo caamt waa voaeinatad agemat typhoid, wwlhm aad cholera In one day, with aa amiaaa i vaults. « » »• vahto of a art typhoid vaccina. the war fa Easopa has aap thm hao been ne divergenea of apin loa. ee to Its um or sffieacy at any tea Aa a matter at fact, its effi cacy has been se well established. to Europe that saany states or eoantries, GoUieis, for instance, has Hade its aae oMapniaocy far her ante popu lation. Germany says aba baa given It to asHlions with no aorsotie conse quences.—Health Bulletin. aevueeor Tssoosoittoa or m STATI IMS v. * . .' ■ er Lsaaiaeoao. to ia> Sen of Xortb CstuOas at On Mom of MuMboss. Jose to iota RESOURCES. Oh* say! I say! You MJ ZuZu to your grocer mat and you'll get snappy, spicy ginger snaps. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 8 8 -# 8 8 • 8 8 • 8 8 BvSo* SvEo* THE RECORD FOR ECONOMY. Democrat* Hare Speat Leaa Thaa the Repablkana. Senator Simmons, in askiag the Senate for permission to hare certain statements printed pertaining te ap propriations during the past it roan, mad* the foUoeriag itstomont recent ly. "Hr. President: «J with to submit certain fable* and explanatory state ment*. relating to appropriations and expenditures of tit* government duN In* the fiscal years 1907 u> 1916. in clusive, which 1 aak printed withoat reading. “The first of the** ublcs contains a statement of total appropriations. Including postal service and slaking fund requirements, covering the pw riod I have named. "All these appropriations and the estimates therefor were made under Republican administration, except thee* for the fiscal yean 1916 and 1911 An examination of these ap propriations will shew there has beam *} increase In appropriations during m per,~L ^*Aa • analysis of these tables will show that from 1907 to 191S, under * RepubUcan President, Senate and House, there was an annual average increase of $28,161461, aa incxwaa* of At par cant It win show that from 1911 to 1914, under ■ Republican President aad Senate, and Democratic House, the annuel average increase was 669,921,068, so increase of S.7 per cent; and it will show from 1914 to 1918, under a Democratic Prsalilwil Senate aad House, the ensue! average IncrenM was 67.94441®, an lecterns ef only A7 par cent. i -ia passut* i cad attention to the fket that whfle the money appropriat ed fer the flaea] year 1114 was ax pended under the Wfleea admiaistm tom, the estimates therefor and the appropriation were made daring the Taft adsafeistmtica. The amount actually erpended ia that year was $84,000,000 lane than the ameant ap propriated. The next table I wish to prmsnt ia a table mi the total appropriations, not ine lading tho postal sendee and ■tektn* faad regutosmmt. • far the •we fiscal years, embrmoad la the Ant table. An eramlnetion of this table will shew that dark* the Aaaal yearn from MtT to toll, under a Be fit,1MA94. the panantega being 14 Percent- It wfl] show that fram 1911 to 1*14. under a BepabHeaa President 1914 to 1919, under a Democratic Presides t, Senate and House, Instead of an lainaii; than wae an waap ammal diermn of to/WTJMfl, being a d ureses ef 94 psr seat. "The annual hnrrense la oar pspeda tom Is Jaes than 1 psr sent, which ia laetOBM of oar appropriation* under tha precent administration, and ooa ■Merablp smaller than that for tho Republican years shown ia these tahiaa. “Ths nan tahia 1 present embraces tha Iota) ordinary disbursements of tha govsraascnt. exclusive of postal expenditures, from the year 1047 to me This table will show that for the fiscal years from 1907 to 1913, when the RepabHeans bad control of all branches of the goveramcat, thara waa aa average annual increase in disbursements of $81,783,006, er an in crease of 4 per cent. Jt will show that from 1913 ta 1914, with a Re public an President aad SenaU, aad a Democratic House, there was an av erage annua) increase of (33,434,840. or aa increase of 3.43 per cent. It will show that from 1414 to 1916, under a Democratic President, House aad Sonata, there eras an average an nual increase ef only (13,373,756, or an increase oTl.76 per cent “One of the tables submitted con tains a statement ef the Increase aad ilarreassa, respectively. In the ex penditures for the ftaeal year of 1916, as compared with those of 1918 and Ifilfi, and shows the Incseaas for tho fiscal year 1915 over* 1918 and 1812.“ CALOMEL DYNAMITES A SLUG GISH LIVER. I Craabca lata Soar Bile. Making Tow Sick aad You Lem a Day's Work. Ohio—1 saHvatea! It's mercury. Calomel acts like dyaaarito on a dog gish I hr at. Whoa rolewil oomea late contact with sour hOa it craahm late it, causing cramping sad nausea. M you foal bilious, headachy, eoasti. hated and all knocked out,'last go to your druggist and get a M cant bottle *t Dodson’s Liver Too#, which is a harmless vegetable substitute for ductrovi ctkmL Tikt i iiionfiJ •ad If It doMn*ft atm ytmt lhrar ud straighten you up bettor and quicker than nasty faioiaal and without task ing yoa seek, you just go bask and got if you take calomel today you’ll bo dek and aaaooatod tomorrow; bo ■Mao, It may salivate yoa, wkda If you taka Dodson's Liver Tone ydu will waits ap fooling groat, fall at amhi tfen aad ready for work or play. U’a to aMMrsn; they Hke H^-oAdv. Mr. A l Overby baa rsedvad a •otter from Mo ooa, Trsdi 8. Overby, who has boon a student at ktrtval# CoOogo, Ta—mooe, atattog that ha haa joined tho amahtoa oorpe of the third wgHsscit Ti—imec National Oaard, sad haa g— to too border, whqra hU rsghasnt has boon detailed to do patrol duly. JUST RECEIVED t - A new Hoe of Bathing Capa, show ing the Jateet creation* in headgear far the Beach. Yoa are eerdiaDjr invited to earn and see them at , EVERINGTON’S DRUG STORE __THE 8AN-TOX STORE - i I. i I CANTALOUPE 8UITMKNT8 GET- • TlNfc IN FULL SWING. Kip— gMpnnti Br—king All Reo —* of F—imt 8—m asi Rail roads Mevtag Car l.aads Tbs shipping Mason for cantaloopaa is now — in fail blast. Mr. J. F. Ray of tho Southern Rxpress Co. itst— express shipments are going far above all records lor previous mi tons, and it It also stated that Wla graph amiuinsa and orders are break ing record* this season, it wo old seem that tho country is hungry for cantaloup** and waiting for the Scot land county product. Pgto— ara exceptionally good and prospect* are that they will remain se throughout the Mason. This is ac counted for by the fact that there Is plenty of money in the country and people ar* spending It for something to eat. ' The lint aoltd ear of express ship menu goat away Wednesday even ing on train No. IS- The Laurinburg and Southern offices report nine re frigerator ears moved Monday, 10 cats Tuesday aad 30 cars are being loaded Wednesday. July 13 last year this read had moved 107 care. This is accounted for by the fact that the season opened earlier lest year. It la Ukeiy that the crop this year will exeasd ia large massure that ef last The Seaboard Air Ltae read reports three can moved Monday, five Tun day aad eleven Wednesday. The sea- . sou Is just getting la full swing and will continue et its height for several days. Prices as high as 31.25 psr crate have been paid. And prices generally are ranging from |1 to $1.25. HOUSEWORK 18 A BURDEN. — Woman’s lot Is s weary one at beat. But with backache and other distress ing kidney ills life indeed becomes a burden Doan's Kidney Pills have made lift brighter for many suffer ing women. Read what Mrs. Baldwin aaym: Mrs. J. C. Baldwin, Rockingham, N. C.. says: ”1 was so miserable with my back that T could hardly do my housework After being on my feet a little while, my back began to ache. My kidnoya wars sluggish and irreg ular in action and caused me no end of annoyance. The kidney secre tions wore scanty and too frequent in Passers. Doan’s Kidney Pills regu lated the action of my kidneys and strengthened my back.” Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney MBs—the same that Mrs. Baldwin had. . Foe ter-Mil bum Co* Props* Buffalo, N. Y.—Adv. BBPOBT OK THK COHDTTION OP Iktatttftfem atontaoH. ■KtaSlila j*^ tyta^catotiaa. it m-r uaoracB*. {SaStfSSS »«««_ ■""» dSS.erwasrsr *,ss jg-tSp^iw „’5?S IferiSl.MMa au Mot Mi **° ** MmUmiUbk aetaa iM atkar O. a. n n ***** I An m Total bmiib UABIUTlKa. Capita! Pack paM la liynio op Mrac-- 5 _ Tom tMjii at ••i of H*«l CtraHpt, Coviy of funut at: m n m M •I t / • ,

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