Local Notes. ill. q. P. Osborns was a business visitor ht Laura! Hlil Thursday. Mbs Ins Morgan of Bad Springs Is visiting friends in the city. Mr. Jam— C. Morgan and family of Raeford are a ponding several days in and nsar Laurtnburg with friends. Mrs. J. W. Mason and children have gone to Mooresvilte to spend e month with Mrs. Mason’s parents. Mr. and Mrs.' H. M. Eubanks at tended the big Fourth of July celebra tion at Monro* leat week. Miss Mary MeXtnnon left Sunday night tot Lenoir to spend soma time with her sister, Mrs. Lamar Pngram. Mr. John L. McKinnon >* spending the week In Florida, gathering am' shipping hit cantaloupe crop. Mi— Tom Stewart la spending a few days with Mias Ail—n Rsmsaur of La m barton. Mr. Lonnie Hammond left Monday for New York and Other northern eities on • pleasure end business trip. Mile— Margaret and Betsie Mc Neill returned Monday from e ten day*’ clasping trip at Jackson Springs Mi— Annie Bostick has returned from EUerb— Springs where the at tended the annual Fourth of July pic nic. Ml— Lilly May. after speeding some time here with her unde, Mr. J. M. McCormick, left test week for her hots* at Moreen. Mr. and Mrs. J. Maxwell Gregg re turned I—t week from their honey moon trip and are at home at Mrs. Walter McEaehtn's. Lieutenant A. L. James, Jr., of Washington, D. C„ has arrived to the city to viait hit parent*, Mr. sod Mrs. A. L. James. Mrs. Gao. W. Neal left last week to spend some time with her sen at Beaufort. Mrs. W. H. Neal accom panied her a* far aa Wrightsvillo Beach, where she spent several days. Miss Annie Elmore, who has been with Mrs. Boa Brinson aa milliner for the past several seasons, left Tuesday for her home at Waco to spend a month with home folk*. Miss Mary Deaton of Jacksonville, Fla, who spent several days her* with Dr. and Mia. J. L. Gibson, left Thurs day of last weak for Hickory, where ah* will vlsk relative*. Friends of Mrs. W. F Gibson of Gibson will bo glad to loam that ah* has so far recovered from a receipt 'lllnae* that she is able to attend church. Mice Anal* Ooodwyn has returned after a month’s viait to Tyhes island, Ga.. where ah*, attended e boss* party, and a visit with friends at Beaufort, 8 . C Friends of Mr. Arch Currie, who went seven! days ago to fate farm in the Sandhills, will he glad to knew that hie condition is rapidly improv ing' Mrs. J. H. Harrin of Charlotte sod Mrs..M. B. Wilkes, and little son. M. B. Wilkes, Jr., of Bichburg, 8. G, art spending several days In the city with Mrs. R. K. L. Cowell end Mrs. J. T. Fields. As announced in hut week’s paper by Supt. L M. Peels. txaaLhatioos for teachers’ carti flea tee, whit* and colored, will be b*M at the court house Thursday and Friday. July IS and 14. Dr. W. P. lamt, m «< Mr. A. L Junto ef tide dtp, saceoaefuUy paeeed an iraarinatfoa before the board at examiner* ef the Bute Medical So ciety and wee granted Meeeee U prac tice wed trine la Ibis State. Mr. Cecil Sanford, ef tbe Srm of J. D. Sanford * Son, loft last TOoraday far Saif, Va_, to Join Mre. Saafotd, who baa beea mending some time there with her relative*. They ere expet ted to retain home this week. •ta-lp8te in M IM IMU 2MMI Mr. and Mr*. Lamar Peg rale have returned to their heme at Loaolr from Baltimore, where Mr. Pagram under went e eerieas operation. We ere glad to note that he baa euAcicntiy recovered to be retnovod tc Me borne. However, It ie said that It will be mm time before be bee entirely re covered. Among those receiving Heanae to practice medicine at the recant exami nations by tbe State Board ef Medi cal examinera, was Dir. J. 0. Pate of Gibson, who tied wKh Dr. J. C. BraaU lay of Spring Hope fee second place in ben era far highest average*, the grade —da by Dr. Pate beiaf MAS. Phrrt place wee wen by Dr. John W. ■aerie at SeidevUle with e grade at RUB-RRY-TISM . Rl*irtea-Wagraas Data. Y , Speelal to Tha Exchange. Wagrsm, Jaly 11—Rev. J. A. Me MUlao of McCoU, 8. C. with a party of about twenty-five yooag mao and boya, has bean spending a week, samp ing out on one of the moat popular bluffs of the Lumbcc. This communi ty ia always glad to welcome Arch, aa ona of the original “eun-burat" boya. We cordially invite tbs young men to coma again. Such boya would find a welcome anywhere. .Miasas Fay, Xaud and Mary Mem ory of Whltevllle, with their little brother, John Charles, ate visiting el the old McNeill homestead. Their mother, Mra. J. L. Memory, will Jol* them thle week. Miss Kate R. McMillan te spending a wash or two at tha Baptiat Retreat in the Blue Uidge mountains. Mrs. Annie Pattereon of the Laurel !<11 section, with her sisters. Misers .'Jery end Kate McNeill of WoodvIUe, made short call* among their many friends at Riverton recently. These changing sisters have learned the an of growing old gracefully. While they must have had their share of trouble—their only thought seems to be to scatter happiness wherever they go. Mr. Sib NcLmd and family and Mr*. Kirkpatrick have returned to their home at Merton after spending ten days at Riverton. It is jast this kind of felka that ear people would like to fee own cottages end spend their simmer* among a*. Mr. K. C. Smith end hie wife err visiting at St. Paul this weak. Mrs. John A. Natron and son of SmithIIeld are speeding the summer at tha horns of Dr. W. C. Shaw. Mm. Alex McKenzie of Chad bourn has returned' hetne after spending a week with her mother, Mr*. A.*A. McMillan. , Mm. Charles Beeves of Loris is visiting relatives at Riverton. The boy scout* who hav* been tent ing on the 1 .umbos, entertained a number of young ladles at a chicken stew. The young ladles report a most delightful evening. Thanks to the gallant young South Carolinians. Cera are being loaded dally with cantaloupes for the Northern mark ets. Misses Jannell end Mery Patterson Livingston entertained the Csrpe Dims clab on the night of July the Fourth. The national colors wars used in the decorations. Master Phil lip McNeill, dressed to represent a firecracker, served a delicious fruit punch. In the progressive games Mias Kate Watson sn first prise. Miss SaUie Smith the booby. After a salad course mad much sweet music end patriotic songs, the gueete de parted. wmr it IB comforting. What It Means to Haro tha PabUc Health Cared far. Bulletin State Board of Health. “There's ae little comfort," said -a man reoaatly, “la living in a county where the health of He dtisona is weQ looked after. 1 weed to live," ho, “la a county where there wee ao attention whatever given to health matters and tha people themselves bettered la those old fogy supersti tions about keeping o* (Resales that are almost as bad ae witchcraft, and what is worse, they practiced than, and are still at It, from what I hear. How are they to help ItT That ectas ty doesn't spend one cent to teach after their health aad keep them wstL As a matter of fart," said Ae ■panbar, “those people, meet of than, are still afraid of sight air to tha ax teat that they believe H cause* sick aaaa instead of pres wets it, end ft is* ara tlm tame oeagmdal tampan ions to aura aa _ as la a county where snek la not tha ease. Why, tha whole-time health of ficer of the nuaty hi which I new live hae vaccinated everybody who would he, free of charge, agalaet smallpox and typhoid favor, and bas shewn us hew te get rid of meUrie, ao what have we to worry over If we do oar part to keep well 7 I'd tike to knew that 1 would always live ht a Wife Awake. The Derby Memorial School in Rich mood County <• wide awake to the yoeeibiUtki of the public school la a country community. , The pupils ere ratting out a school SKat T wUrrMI. HUB uViiT ll'c InWTMt Ins sheet. The artieiee shew tha ra aisuf how the viewpoint end botUon of the country child may he broadened.— L'niTcmlty News Letter. With tha 8kk. Mist Martha Newton of Oibeon an ferweat an operation at the Hamlet llenyiul Thursday of lest week. Her condition is rery favorable. Mrs. 8. Y. Bridges* of Laurel HIR, who anderwent pa operation at tha Haaokit Hospital asm* Urns ape, hat fnHy ^raaersrsd and was abta te rs * HiCO-UpMMto -. J* ' Ear. and Mrs. Frauds Inn Ma Can of ML oily, aaaaaata tto mi xfaga ad ttoir dsagktar. Mina Wood, ta Mr. William Faaataln Ltyaaamk, wkitfe amt »aa aatanadaad aa tto mmatag of Wada today, July Sftk. Mr. and Mra. Upaaamfc wSl to at boats, altar Jaly U, at T17 Calaatal Avaooe. Norfolk. Ta. to. Mr. MoCaA and family art farmor raaldaata ad Scotland eatmty aad tto aaaanni—at ad tto mar rlagw of Ma daughter will to raarlrad with intaraat hara. NOTICE or DttSOLL’TIOK. Thia ia to aartlfy that tto Inn of Byrd A Kaarni, doing baaloaao at Wagram, kaa boon diaadasd aad that J. W. Koama la no longar aonoaafad with tha kuatnaa*. W. J. Byrd taka* over tha buainaaa and iiaamn ra aponaibility for obligations. I. W. KEARNS. July II. 19H. A man* the many other Into footing faataroo that Manager Dilkm hat gathered for th* Foarth ed Jaly cele bration at Monro* la a yorferaware by a do* of the county that rail* beep* and perform* ether iataroetin* atunt*. Th# do* era* trained and 1* owned by C. F. Yandlo ed Monro* Townabip sad is named Taft. SEASHORE BOUND TRIP FARR From Pembroke WEEK END EXCURSION PARES SR 26 to Wilmington $6.20 to III* Of Palma $6.20 to Sullivan# Island Tickets on sale for all trsinsoo each Saturday and for forenoon train* on each Sunday from May 27 to Sept. 11, inelusice, limited returning to roach origins] start ing point prior to midnight of Tuesday next following date of aalo. SUMMER EXCURSION FARES $7 35 to ule Of Palma $7.35 to Sullirana Island $410 to Myrtle Reach $10.66 to Norfolk Tickets on tale from May 15 to October 15, Indus#, limited re* turning until October 81. Liberal stop-over privileges. > Schedule and further particu lars cheerfully furnished upon application to, • O. P. FOWLER, Ticket Agent Pembroke. N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South Littleton College A well established, well eqsip ped, and vary prosperous school for girls and young women. Fail term begins September 20, 1916. For catalogue, address J.-M. Rhodes, Littleton, N.C. 1 _2640 w. c CALDWELL VITIKINilUM Office oo Isilroad Street, rear of M. A. McDougalds. Might .Phaae lJJ.L Day TKom l&t FIRE INSURANCE JAB 1 MeNAIR, Agent. T. H. MONTS R, Maaegor. FoM Bn# bast eampani**. Yam bed •am will b* appreciated and amefufiy tondhd.M Gibson Brothers Ltiirinburr, N. C. Magnolia Balm rimm ubni ms* /WRW. SAMPLE FRBEl Business locals SSr'gA.-tt ... ^VS ■**£* wul*bT^id"to* iffi mr. A. P. Hawawwd.It-ad FOR SALE—Two alx room boaaat: two rmam botidin* lota, all aa FOUND—Praabytariaa Sonday aehoe) sfc. °ss^a/i^r* •* <wnc*- WMffl «• MllU. CANTALOUPE CBATEE so taal ,t LmMee. Cm b. MbaN at svrii&j£ru u"‘nK °garaaLtta.T~-«„t!5 BT “ 3 YOUR JUNK TO THE WOOD YARD At Lnriabanr, N. C OM Arctic SImm. HWreU IVn, bU V^Ttm. AfnMI.., Mixed I BAGS—Gum Beck*. (hu «tadb W« p*7 k nr A far Ti1lirii| Suiplti. GA8TON A GRAHAM rr-t* SERVICE! PROTECTION! What you want la Fir* Insurance is service and protection. We gt*e both. bare yoar busi ness, then yea will be con vinced. LAURINBURG AGENCY COMPANY HINTON JAMES, Pres. W.& DUNBAR. 8**. 4 Tims. ADMnOBTBATOe'S NOT1CB. AT THIS STORE QUALITY will please you and our SERVICE will not get on' your Nerves • . • r % • The BEST of what yea want when yea want it. That’s ear style. ■ Maybe you are “creaky" about what yea eat. Mast people are. If yea are particalar la this ie» •pert, we can please yea. Grocery Buying Is Easy Hen Too don’t have to take rkaarae oa the %aaUty —for we sell only one Mad Tilth Grade. The Mnd that pleases yea and caoars yon. to Imp right oa coming here, month after nsentfc and year after yew. We are in business to please yen and we knew that SERVICE means soccem. ^_. McLaurin & Shaw ’Phone No. 43 Laurinburg, North Carolina A Wise Man Pro tects His Future It mom coaifart b aid aft. It mmma frectoa froa the kanvwiaf car** of parertj in tbe decline of life. Let a tarings account in thia bank ha the FIRST step. The athan will com The State Bank OfL4UBINBUBG» “The Bank For Year Soring*." 9 metal shingles J. F. McNAIR, I'jbqrt, W. C. Patronize Our Job Deportment

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