V'lLUME XXXIV -NUMBER 28. _LAUB1NBURG. N. C.. THUB8DAY. JULY SO. 1*16 HOODS IN WEST TAKE HEAVY TOLL Swollen Streams la Wetter* Carolina Do $11.080488 Damage and Taka Many Urea. Thaw oaten portion of North Caro lina has Won since Saturday in the throe* of the moot terrible, daalk drating and property-destroying flood over known in tho history of the State. Prom nows report* gathered from many sources the situation i* sum man ted below: Thirteen persons dead, at least Ur missing and property damage esti mated at around 116.000,000, is the known toll of the floods which have raged la Are Southern States for the past 48 hours Although the water* are recoding in nearly all districts and railroad and telegraph communications are demor alised and reports from towns anti vil lages now Lsolatad may Incraee* the number of deaths sad the property loM. Nortii Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia. Tennessee, and West Vir ginia all suffered heavy damage from the overflowing streams, swollen by torrential rain* which followed last week's hurricane as It swept Inland from tho coast, but the heaviest looses were In North Caroline, where eleven of the 18 deaths are reported and where two-thirds of tho material dam age was done. The list of known dead: Asheville 2. Bittmore 4. Alexander county S. Radford, Va., I. All but one of lb* dead were white. The missing: Ten Southern Railway construction men who wont down with the South ern bridge near Charlotte. The property damage is summar ised from the latest reports as fol lows: North Carolina: As barilla—Twenty five industrial plants destroyed, in cluding cotton and lumber mills, ma chine shops and coal and feed yards . Siaty residence* in the lower part of the city washed away and 400 persons hemaleea with 1880 out of employ ment. Power and gas plants out of commission. ' uus—small hotel, Tamers ware house, three itoree, three machine shops and two livery stables carried Monbo—Monbo Cotton Mills damol ■ 1 East Monbo—Cotton mills damaged end $6,000 worth of cotton destroyed fjtisstsjss&'ss&.sz ton Mills damaged. Buncombe, Henderson end Madison counties—Many mill* damaged and hundred* of person* out of employ ment. Statesville—Brick plant destroyed and Long Island Cotton Mill* nearby dtmiifod. Catawba ' County—Cotton ware house with 1600 bales of ootton car ried away. In this county ns well an in Iredell and Alexander, great dam age waa dene to rropa and small mills. Biltmore—Many persons driven from their homes end mills and crops In surrounding territory damaged. Marshall—Kilty-three homes de stroyed. Jonesville—Many homes flooded. Hendersonville—Two dams washed set, damage to mills and to crops in Henderson county. Lexington—Several lumber mills in surrounding country carried array, stock killed and crops destroyed. Cleveland County- Drevo Power dam near Shelby destroyed; crops in county damaged. Vive highway bridges, three In Mecklenburg county and asm near Statesville and another near Mcores ville, are known to have bemi washed away, while at least six railway bridges were destroyed. The Soothere Bellway lost a bridge near ML Hedy, another near Bock Hill. The See board Air line bridge above Belmont Is gone as Is the Pied mont ami Northern Electric Lina TYPHOID VACCINATION BEGINS VERY SOON. Dr. CM»«r Write* That Work Win PrahaMy Start Monday, Aaguat >1—Win Ba In Charga * Dr. Bulla. "■ * Tha anti-typhoid campaign, which will be wagon in Scotland county this summer, will probably ba started on Monday, August 21, es stated la Dr. Coopers letter below. It ia announced from tha State Board of Health head quarter* at Raleigh that Dr. Balia, who ha* been In charga of this kind of work In Mecklenburg county, will have charge of the campaign her*. Dr. Cooper will come hare, however, and make arrangements far the work. Dr. G. M Cooper of tho Bureau of Rural Sanitation, North Carolina State Board of Health, writ** that he is greatly interested in campaign against typhoid, which will be con ducted here this summer, following the action of tha Beard ef County Commissioners recently when they appropriated >400 with which to carry on Dus work. Dr. Cooper'* Uttar fol lows: Dear Sir: I have just read your admirable presentation ef the proposed cam paign against typhoid ferer In Scot Youx editorial and the part of the subject matter I sent Mr. Peel* was presented on the front page la a strong and convincing manner and ia such a way aa to Wav* no odfvnee I)r. iBullitt reported the situation and stated.that he saw no chance for anything to be done about the situa tion > Judging from the action of the Beard Monday I suppose those official* DO thing* Instead of taking official time in talking. I worked about a day in getting up all the definite facta and the comparison which I found be tween Robeson and Richmond was what mad* me present the matter aa I did. for I know that all tha three cnnntie* report about alike—equally good, and that the geographical loca tion nil la about equal. Now. I wrote Mr. Perl* that ws gram t]ip ->n»ui #1 taaq iso opoj etfoq anrraaeful aad you are certainly do ing jroer part. I hope to see yon per eonally within ten days so that I can give you a full outline of the plan we usually follow in this work aad also to gat your advice in several im portant particulars. I want us to do a thorough job ef advartlalng before we begin the vac cinating, which I think we can do by Monday, August flat. The suocaei of tho enterprise from a public stand point will depend on the preliminary ami educational week. " Again thanking you and looking forward with plan sore to seeing you in a few .day*, I am. Tours sinaeretr, . G. M. Cooper. I TKAvHERa AND TUBERCULOSIS. Mar* Teachers Dm of Tuboreuloais Than af An* Other Disease. That teachrra *r* especially prone to tuberculosis la tha statement made by tha Bureau of Educational Hygiene of tbo City of New York. This de partment says that this disanaa is twenty percent more prevalent among teachers than among others of corres ponding sox and age, and that about hdlf of all deaths among woman teach era is caused by tuberculosis, and this in spite of the fact that teachers be long to a bettor hygienic grade than tha general average. Strenuous, nerve-taxing work that eaoaas physical exhaustion and nerve break-down is given as the main cans*. Tenaan states that "four boors of actual teaching represents about sight boars of ordinary oAea work." What is probably tha aooond eanaa Is lack of sufficient mat and regular exercise tn tha open air. Bpeakta* along this tin* the State Beard of Health says: “The wan. tired look that usually marks the teacher, especially about the dose of echoel, la too often a condition of aart "tired rmdm condition," or ion of "worn eat nerve*" or both. bat thoeo ere predlsposln« eaaaee erf tn berenloeU ee modi or koto than oth er*. "Unless tho teacher to wioo," eojre tho Board, “and ae qaiekly ee poedble overcomes this tired feelinr land recoins her aeual eUto of health and vitoor, she subject* hoAolf to eg open risk egaiiut tuberculosis aa wed ae to other diseases. What tho wise toother will do to to avoid o»sr-’os«h and a norrsos strain and eae that the Mmwt awdlUm thafta to, ' tho bo«iimlnc of a lone tad story is 1 e««y to prevent. To prevent H should : Health J3dj£ *** "-"• C MllS ALSTON OF BABTOBD IN AUTO ACCIDENT. Bo. E. Be sum of Cardenas KfUad sad Miaa Alston lajursd la Accident at Raleigh Baaday. Bax B. Saxton, of Cardonas, was killed and Mia. Heroic Alston^? Bam ford, wa* iajaiad Sunday afternoon when Southern Railway passenger train No- 18#, dor in Raleigh ata^OS, ‘frock an auto, in whkb they war* riding at tha Fayetteville street Croat mg and hurled both car and ooea panta 2i yards up the track. Mr. Saxton, unconscious, was picked- up from beneath tha wreckage and died four koura later in Rax Hospital. Miaa Alston teas also unconscious, bat r*l Itod after being taken to tha hospital, and is not considered seriously hurt, a few bruises and savers shack coot, prising tha extant of bar injuria* Hecdleaa of the shouts of waning from Charles H. Card, who eras aaat ad on his porch not far from tha crossing Mr. Saxton and hi* compam son rode across the track but a few faat from tha fast approaching train with practically no crane* of aacapa ranching the track. Tha aflat of tha angina struck the auto (laUks tha midtUa and demolish ad tha ns*, china. Miss Alston was thrown clear ef tha wreckage sad fall on aa em bankment to the right of tha track. Tha auto was also thrown dear of tha track. Gatos Nat Operated. Failure of the gatasaan. Frank Jos tle*, to operate tha gates at tha cron*, lag. is attributed as on* of tha caasaa Madlag to the acrid sat. Ingoiry tram people living near the creasing and also from the gatoaan brought out tha information that tha gates war* upon at the time and at* aat •parat d at this croasing on Sunday. Mayor Johnson staled after the aoc£ dent that the ordinances of the city of Raleigh called for all railroad crossing gates to be operated every day with ao holiday for tha gatosnan on Sanday. U. a-a.__S LI _ • _ «n route to the city from the hoM ad Mr. Brack Gunter, 14 miles south of Raleigh, where Mias A la toe was slo tting. According to witnesses the auto waa traveling at a moderate speed but that the young man and girt seemed busily engs/erf la omiT venation and were aonarantiy us. ”i?{Wkias'^Cs5S Lana Saaton and the lata Rufus lad ten. He waa 24 Mara old and waa regarded aa one ol the i r^y^ ta stem at _ __ •*dee bis mother he is rurrlved sisters, Mrs. Lana Back £■**• *«**«•. n«d »• baud__ 8exten. His mother. sisters and brother were notified shortly after the accident and reached the hospital •bout an hour afterwards.—News and Observer. FOUR MORE COUNTIES FIGHT TYPHOID. Union. Catawba. Stanly and fUrttand Apply far Aatl-TyyhaU Cam PflfM. .. July 17.—Foot new c«o» tim. Union, Catawba, Stanly and Soot Wna. hara each made application ta tha State Board at Health for tha 5°«'d'» Pl*« af typhoid praranti« work which it doe* fa eo-opmt <i 5**. *0? too to the people. Bach of thaao countie* appropriated WOO for thfa work and, accordingly. rigorona anti-typhoid caaspalgns will •oon atart in all foor count fee. P7-Of. T. Carat*rphen of tha Madt 2*„ «d "Wake Forest Collar* wlU ho In charge of tha work fa On fc'SsMtafcar&a; of tha work in Catawba atartfaklSon July 31. Dr. Chao. 8. Haagaas •J . r, Ptgftoont of tha 8tata UnirnraKy will taka charge fa gfeawffnvsSs wort ln"aa*SSTwm ge^tTlfafa? Uad torn Charlotte probably Aagnet I7. <* take charge of the work dwt Nine count!** fa all have ■ iionaof *WwMAt>c«5^eMe^fb*S5»"ta k k ► DEUTSCHLAND IE BEADY TO I LEAVE. i • hSwUni Are That * —**nf Is } A hast Cmpktri; Ns On Al | , lowed On BaaL ••Hbwt, July IT—Thar* wen mmyr indwatjoos tonight that (be sub ■autae merchant ship Deacsehlaad wiE be ready to sail tomorrow. T*1* b{* Thomas F Timmins, which towed tbs submersible to Baltimore the capes, caaled this afternoon. CapUm Hinson, of the intoned North Oormoa Howl stammer Mocker, who had charge of tbs Timmins when she DeuUehlaad, was assn w the Timmins just befors she left the pier to take on coal. Several coi •rsu stevedores, answering questions aa to bow their work was going sail . thay exported to finish landing by 11 0 dock tomorrow morning. They ware palled away from their question i sea by other workmen who cautioned I them to stop talking. ! Sbortly before S o'clock this eftor a*0*1.Theodore Motto, foreman of tbs Pp* Jcv. accompanied by the air igasaar s&fys: .srjaf V£“Mar-ass: Binaoa said ha regrettad that ha eonld >Mt issue a pass to ga aboard the P^***Maad, *>« «t had been decided • Betty allow any more visiting. ’ Officers of the Eastern Forwarding ; Company would rive ao information concerning the sailing of tho Deatsoh : land, or as to bow far ths stowing of I tho cargo had programed. It Is known however that a quantity of aiekei, which will do doty as ballast. •* well as form part of the cargo has •bean taken aboard. Moat of the rub 1 box that is to be taken to Germany • Is thought to be in the vessel's hold. | The painting of tha DaataehUnd'a .hut] so that it harmonises with the I1*!*" *}*• Atlantic even no the fwWto cape, has been completed. Tonight the tag Timmins and the kfro are patrolling the river j la ths vicinity of tho submarine and |F*tX*a« their searchlights in all di tucfiian Vessels that approach too usaar the pier are warned cfT. Amhore there la a constant patrol of .fmmjpma and special watchmen of !“*• Eastern Forwarding Company. Jmbo keep all persons at a distance of • aevmal hundred yards from tho sub marine and permit no loitering. L- may ua out BrtKtpt j'WMhtagtoo, Jaly 1T.—Aakad today iftrtWr iT would be a violation of tbo lntematiopal law if tba Deutachland 'fT°—id tba thraa mil# limit on ha* Irinas movement* ware act aoeh aa to reoaUtala a manaea to navigation. Tbay nm inclined to baliavo how 25* $** **F attempt U go a con udarmbla diataaca beneath tba mrf aoa in the territorial water* of tba i Unit**! SutM would in its nature | menace navigation and therefore wouid not be penaiaaible. SECOND HALF BALL SEASON STARTS WEDNESDAY. II. Ffcnt Game With Lamb art an at Lam bertno—Play Raafard Her* Thursday and Friday. ! Tba aaeond half of the riaann far i Can* Fear League begins Wadnaa ,day of thta waek. Laurinbory'i flrat Earn* Ja with Lombaiton at Lombar • ton-. Thursday and Friday of tbii [weak a two gam* eerie* with Raefocd ! Sorts'. jJWatnss ffisnJ.tSASSli'a gfyn of tha boma tanas arc ba Unlfh* team with high apirfta. The local* have bean oanaidarably Uraagthaaad by tba addition of now playara and may ba expected to make a record during the Uttar part of tha aaaaoo. H is ukaly that unprecedent ed crowd* will go oat to aoa tba two game* thia weak. i sssrsaass-Li-i a PROTECTING PLANT AT BLEW. rrr palls. I aariahecg Resolving UateUrrupted | U|N and Fewer Service Fellow- I la« Hoods of Lest Wee*. It la stated that as a precautionary ■ay; »«!• the aiactrie power works at Blewitt Palls were forced ,ta close down «a aecoaat of tko heavy ■o*1* i" the valleys of the Yadkin other river* in Oit vssttm part I®* tba ®t*u> the company emu a I number of engineers to tha plant to I do everything possible to prevent any fence to the plant. It is reported that ao far ne femaxe has bean dona to the plant, hut that the company emit tba anxinaars to make aura that there would bs no interruption of •ffrifli. Laurtnburg through tha local paw* «■ ■«d lifht company gets He Hghu sad electric power from Blewitt FaBe. and has enjoyed tba same good aerv ics fotlowtow tha floods chat is gives in normal times. Tha local com parr been able to tundar, and baa rend* mwd. at a time whan many towns and eHJas of tba Btata art groping in darkness and doing withost power. STORM DEATH LIST » IN MOUN TAINS. Many Femme Resorts la Wentera ^ Haw Ajterfflo July 1*—The list of dmtlM la tkia section reacted a total of tHI tonight whan raporta from tho Bat Cava section of North Carolina stated that eight persons have been drowned there Sunday, and that taro *>" Buaie doltia* and Mlu Poll Collins, slaters, met death at Volga. Seceding water* In this section at tends has revealed seven other rtsaihi ant known before today, according to reports reaching hers tonight. Tow of these were near Brevord and three '(*> the Hickory Nut Gap section near hero. Bogarts that eight persons ware drowned Sunday at Rkt Care a I MB in fly were confirmed tonight h>- a tel •phoae message from John Patrick at Kairview, who wid he heard that *1* women and two children were «*«hod »*»T at Bat Cave and that more than half tho hswsse in tho village had teen destroyed. Patrick's information, if correct would add two ■ore deaths to tho Bat Chra district, ft* having teen previously reported. He oouM not give any names of nc SWfe j^tf.suTara.'ussi •J* **•*• *" *° I tomedisto prospect of getting relief to them. BatCsvo “ within two miles of Chimaoy Rock. rl. C. I Efforts also art being made to re lieve persons marooned la isolated sections around here, and tonight it waa said that all the 26S paatengcr* marooned sines Sunday on a Southern Railway train near Marshall had hern taken in automobiles to Marshall. Passengers who had been marooned on other trains at Tiyon. Saluda, Marian and Connolly Springs q»sq have teen taken off. according to rail road officials. It waa said there was much suf fering among the passengers on the train near MarshalCbobica in partic ular lacking milk and it was feared for a time teat tea water would ranch the rails. AH Chimney ltock Gone. CANTALOUPE SEASON now at ns oaanr Mw af UKWto with toww are fally spprscifltirs at tha sSurta^aH^atts: ZZ&“*£&.t£1SS & E«s5Jr» iisrsts; At $JOQ per Mr Dus would rrorvunc * s?*aAKrfi'^S BgdsdCneS Wyiargirasc ah>t^s?ag&gjfc ton woek rupt irtnd^M doUar Ei^fS&JS standard crate. ** Tha aressahro raiaa m daabt offset th^q^lty of eantalaapai at roh i^^^rar^sraa Plenty rtfSashtCT’fur tho'lMs/^W toy* will ha of tnaorliaal la «3n J* to tmmnrUhdj estimated that snsSSrjs “ « Sre^dCSi'Srr"*' ■bc about RSOXOA. Then an fat 1 aarlalaaa and cjoaty. Thto yaar it la «p... thf tolaate of ihtyamtawill ha mb sMcrably ere* ter than last year and Wtun are much batter up to thto date. AJ! of which moans tha county to an ivyiiur a splendid staso-L notwlik «tan<fln» heavy rain* and short crops » »«J*a instances. Calcatottac ansa a hacto of proa Sjpa.-XRr&fS ooo. Hi is mas as that aotaathte Oto ssa s&ga£F a ojltoopja wb* chart its benaAta ahma. From tna uxllift boy bi tha «b«l, to the b,gfr,tbon»,». SnStS, ttos money find* fto fur. And- all fn*l it* magic looch. ifd* lm •mo come* at a xawe of the year arban moat town* and countia# ara •npcrionclng a painfully dull miiin The oOca of tin Ijmnrilmrf and South#™ report* MO nfripnto car* placed up to Wedneeday. July ii’psss&csi,j^tsrs available at tile tima. But it ie like XXaWlSK«yirSS Hundred for the 8aaboard.

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