___ HI IU PVRUC HkvaOL Nrti)l yna an tired aad wanted (na a tea* aad Intel trip, or maybe a lata train ha* Rattan aa your nerves. You edit tha parts la of a aahra hnstatery. a aoactaana dark grates you with a Mails aad a aal tritons word aa to how you fool Hastily aad perhaps illegibly you write your noma oa tho register, with hoots he nmds It and ■fdra: “How an you tonight, Nr. Jones ?" And maybs Mr. Jama h on ths ragged edge and ho frankly says so. But tkts goatlsaoanly ottctel pro coeds to auk* Mr. Jeaae feel at homo aad instantly almost you Sad yourself growing into a hotter burner. Tho world in net aa Mae aa you thought it was aad bora la a men who realty want* to make you comfortable. Yes. you say, it** year moan ha i* after. But yOur gness te wrong* Certainly he darn net discount the financial eMo of tha proposition. hut tha chances are nhw te tea that ho te a genuinely good follow aad wants to make yea faal good haagaea ha gets satisfaction out of that aott of thing., it does him good to know that ho oen da yoe a finer. Ha was hired for Ibis job because ho was giwHBsrl for this kind of work. And aa It goo*. The graack has boon eliminated from tha echaam of thiaga. You deal most him any mors at tho hotel, at tike depot, at tha express *Hee ar la tha haak. Be tout boon mlMteted te ths estate of has boon*, aad te Ida pteaa has eoam a ■drill who dees ready cate for your comfort aad convenience. Truly there am aoate natures *0 faahteaad that Aar wiM knposo on this good fsllow. Bet thanks far tha new aider of things. Aad rous mit der graack. AND THEY PRAYED. Th* newspapers ar* carrying a story to to* affect Oat reran tty aa to* grounds of a famous golf cosine oa Loag Island a caddy was suddenly tench down with lightning, end as tbs body of th* dead caddy eras car ried from tb* field all the women In ths party, ischtdlag faamue society leader* aad Mr*. Oscar Lawtooha, for merly Edna May. actress, fell to thair knees aad prayed to tha God of Isaac aad Abraham for deliverance Dorn death. mwtjr witbb bb— b |fooa in* •on. Thooo won on ntjr km boon no* factum od to uying prayers »• do do not know aboot that—bat when broagfet tmo to foco with tho lamp din to pnsa Ability of basing to facn their God, they prayed. And so it la with man. -Ho geeo along tho arm bar of bin way, aotestbaes not eon* oarapd about snob Matters, bat whan bo mm donrn to dontb ho prays to Ida God. trntlaart county ia peculiarly felaaa •d. While n grant portion of tho State ia Buffering from tho off acta of the seat dlsdetnaa rain and fleoda in its Watery, Boot! and ooonty ia ee Jaytag aanahlim. and tho grant dtlaa of tho Health ara psaiinp tfeasuaiic of daBaaa late tho oannty osory day far the faw son Scotland cantaloupes, which ranch ante n Wgh state af per festfsn la thin fadored climate. Every body horn in at work, and tho beedty •i the iking ». aracykcdy W gotting good pay for their snack. ■m.'iux -n;.-!'11 ■ BOJy hater oaye be expects to dgkd natS hell frrarai aosr, and then hen boy a pair ef oketee end techie the* on the lee. Left hope the tee will net creek. sananaovs* MABKKT NEWS AKBVICB FOB CANTALOUPE G BO WEBS. B«»»rt From DwwtnnU of Agrical Ur# Shows Mammaut of lute lewpen Siam OSm Woo b MMUmI st Lmihtart. Aa noted In Th* Exchange.laat wash. the United Slot** Government through the Department of Agricul ture, cooperating with the State De partment of Agriculture, he* nctab unhad a seen awrket ogl:-« at Laaorin hurc under the management of Mr. E. B. Culbmath. This office repcrto M3 cam of caataloupea shipped from Nerth Carolina tinea July 7 up to and including tkipmeata for Monday, July 17. The office alee iaaaee every af ternoon market report*, which show In detail shipment* and priest far th* day before. It alt* nbowo the condi tion in which melon■ roach th* mark ota, and of coon* ahows up those sec tion* of the country whom the canta loup** am harvested toe trees, poorly Eluded and packed. A detaiM state ment from the Department follow*: Ike price* prevailing oa the mark ets have been fairly goad but not st well a* would be if three or four im portant fseta re tint eater into the marketing of cantaloup— were taken mem eericoaly fay the growers and packers. Those Important factor* am fiarms«ng._ (eroding, packing and ffidpptuw. Complaint oa eouunlnt is Jriawiou the markets about Jlertfa tto"— ttMrsa.'"' end of the lino that shipments of can thanwbon they loft Mo parking bourn. The keen eye of tha whole saler, the ntiflir and ths consumer be* no sympathy for tbs grower. And our farmers should wall understand and appreciate th* close inspection n* ham whoa they reach the mrkata. aad should b* put n to weather nil cl tease of If the boot pries Is wanted. _ n little more cam and cl os or in spection before the melons am ship ped will add from M to 30 cents mom to each ante, isn't it worth it? Just the ether day a very bed <*«" taloupe era* wen in n ante that leaked otherwise in good condition. That crate went to market and that decayed melon coat the shipper net lees than 26 cents and mays* more, basauss it miaad a question in th* •Mad of tha boyar on tha market. “How away other crates ham decayed melon* ?“ A little mem pain* ^ proper Inspection will sam the grow er* many dollars Because If by more cam and proper inspection them waa added 20 cents to each crate of can taloupes shipped so far this the hands**** sum of 130,800 would be scattered among th* stolen grow on of the Old North State. Isn't H worth It? **• mi ion* since learned that to surely the dlstaat markets with their ] SWhCfr—i, tnethra whan placed on theee dietaat markets. Ton Very seldom hear 3Bt!SJiSrsius’,4Tfs.t an* growers and shippers, bat instead we aw asked why we do not leant tc pot perishable produce on the Baikal like U eemee from the west. The goyernraswt report yestoaday stated that some of tha North Caro lina Bill]III that arara generally goad ware bringing aa atacb aa fl an th« New York market for the beat, bat that owing to poor packing and grod bkg and the meioqi’ being gathered too green many of tbeB wore much endec this figure. Laurlnburg, N. C., inly U, l»lft. Shipments yesterday: N. C, 3Q Bhfpsssnti preriooshr nmsported: g-nday, Ari^ 07. Saturday, 5L ft, Friday, Cal. 10. Telegraphic Kepart ea Market Candl tfaaalMay. Hoi Everybody!! CaovZn 2dI 5afZu Ztit Tbtcriu> S2djj^.srr “,p M«ke • bw Une to the nnimt grocer men, end |t* a whole packaceful for a nickel NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY item We-1.00; Georgia*, dull, dm. x 1A6-1J0; Nevadaa, dreggy, dem. mod* #»•. »<*»« overripe, atda. Op Sunday-;eblfl*( 18 19 12 12821 . New Yolk: Growing warmer; etaarj Ga. 2, N. C. 26, Cal. 4, Aria. 2, unloaded; Arias, easier, demand good far good stock, green maata, qlty. good. aotiM ant and overripe, atda. jumbos. mostly SAC; ponies. 2A0 2.76; flats. 1.65; kinks, qlty? fair, con dition good, mkt. active, demand good, flats, jumbos 1.87-1.60; atda L25 1A0; poaiaa, 1.10; Cals. mkt. dull: de jnand^ slpw^cood. fair,^ variable, jam ——* ”**- i—. iar, sew cress, flata, cut. dreggy, Carolines, Scotland County, market active, de amnd good, fancy pack, poor grade, rendition ponerelly good, standards, 1.00-1.76; 86a. 1:25; ft*. 5.20; poni.*, 76c-LOO; Duplin county, mkt dreggy, demand moderate, wide range quality Ad' condition, poorly graded and packed, many overripe, very waaty, standards, best 1A6-1A0; poorer. 60c LM; poaiaa, 75e-*Oc; flata. 40e-4oc. B. fc. Culoreath, Aaat in Marketing N. C. .Office over pootoAeo, First National Bank Budding, Laurinborg, N. CL • 6b — UU^^_ Take A Vacation. _ Jt is famo to taka a vacation. Everybody that work* atthor axntcUy an physically Made a vacation sstns 'SKStekriM a vacation tkia yaar. Tha fact is, in yanoraj you can't afford not to tako ««o. Ton can’t afford not to root par mind and body and yot away into routine work. ’ rmhaso you hava not thought what * boat down ar sped of aieknaaa SKhfe Ton may not ba aUa to afford an "»ndn trip to tho aaaahora or to tho moontaiaa hat yon can afford a mat and a changa of onviroamont for at iaaat a faw days. A faw important poiata not to ba ovsrieokad (a taking your vocation ' first. go wham your health will not ba la Jaopnrdy. Stay at no pine* wham team am Siaa ar mowpritoe*. Basest, know that whamvermo go Ei2i’arti?,ia?-Kssi: tocrw nwr drinking water ia thereby mdntteg your ahnaooa of con tracting typhoid favor M or 1M par Dad ant ia|adirfnaaiy Don’t spend taa maab Don’t forgot teat yarn SSIsgfc— EACXACn ■ DUCOUBAOWO. teat Eat So Bad If Tan Knaar Soar to! ■wakna, pnina piama you whan you b«id ar Uft, K*a hard to work or to mat Backache eftsa fauHostos bad kidaaya, Laurfnbwrg people ratal a msnd Dean’s Kidney Pills. Band this aaant Mite K. Janas, Mlddtoton Haights, Laurfnbarg, anya: “Typhoid favor •aft my khfnayn in awfal ahapa and Iks traahii ana ay ad am day aid sight. I wae aa Umd aeamiage I could boldly *at aat of bad, and I grow weak and had jin ambition. 8U boom, of Doan'. Kidney Hit ewrad aw and I hava not bad a dpi wt tha troabia ataca.” O®^ ^®f®^ N. T/-Air. McCall New* IUm. MeCoD, July iT^Mr. Lather Me LaarU and family spent Sunday with relatives in Rockingham Mils Atlanta Fletcher on last Fri day morning delightfully entertained ■•yeml friends at “A 8ihrer Tea*1 After an hour spent with playing rook, or in doing fancy work, ten nod sandwiches warn served. The offer ing will be used for enclosing the cem etery. Several relative* and friends from here attended the funeral of Mr. Simeon Gibson on Saturday. Also that of Mrs. Dr. Pate on Sunday af ternoon. . ?*r.\ 1- Mason has been on the sick list for several days. Miaaaa Ola and Eva McLaurin have rsturoed from an attended visit to relatives at Raefoed. Their aunts, Mm. Louie Parker, sad Mm. McFad gae, accompanied them home end will visit relatives in this community. Rev. J. B. Willis and family after visiting relatives hem have gone to Hartsville for a few days visit. Misaaa Lillian WilHs and Maggie McLaurin have returned from a visit to Reidaville, K. C. Mm. Jao. Murphy and llttla son, of Laarinburv. visited at the home of Mr. W. R. Fletcher on last Friday. Mr. Jess Adams, who has been very sick of fever, is improving.—Pee Dee Advocate. »H>nd«» Urn From Typhoid nd Malaria. Washington. t>7c7, Jnly 17.—"The estimated economic lina which oar nation softer* each year from typhoid /aver and malaria atone aggregates mOAUMO, leaving out of sntlS ac count the sorrow, the uahappineaa, the misery, and the lnsfllcier<\« which follow in their train." Senator Jos eph E. Banwtell of Louisiana today raid reseed the Scr.ate on the subject of "Rural Health—America’* First Uuty. ’ ”Tho greatest nsset which our country can have”, said Senator Rsnsd.1l, “is the healthy American tatisen, and valuable c* it mny be to Increase the health of livevwxk end vegetation, it ia of far greu *r Im portance that we Uirow every pussl ole safeguard about the health of the man who ia responsible fur that live stock and vegetation. Over #00 mil lioa dollars lust every year I A sum which ie sufficient to put our country lute a state of preparedness equal to that of any nation in the world, enough money to give us the largest navy afloat and the most efficient army which the world has ever seen, ia annually offered up as a sacrifice to two diseases which are entirely pre ventable Enough money to pay the annual expanses of every ooltogs student in the United Staten ia aV aaluteiy thrown away every year." Senator Ranedell estimates the grand total toes from typhoid fever at IS71, 932JM0 per annum, and the lone from malaria at #884^04.750 per rear; the total par capita lees from thee* two diseases being I9.4S. By compara tive estimates it waa shown that the United State* Government appropri ated (MlLlli for Mm investigation and prevention of the diseases of nnl aJ ied plmt life and only *1J»1V Mfi far the investigation end preven tion ad the diseases of man. G«Hedge Trial at Wedeehere. Wadanbore, Jute 15.—Upon motion at John W. Quito dge’a counsel at the last term at criminal eourt ia this comity, the Judge granted p change of venue to Richmond county, lhera are several counts docketed against Mr. OuOadge, including etnbexxle msat, false pretense and conspiracy to defraud. He was president of the late Southern Savings Bank. The rases are set for trial Wednesday of next week, when It is anticipated that tome sensational evidence will be de ^ iStjBtoto'a case will be presented by Solicitor W. K. Brock and J. A. Lockhart and F. E. Thomas at the Wadceboro bar. Mr. Gulledge will be defended by Robinson. Caudle h Pruetts and H. H. McLendon of Wadeaboro, and John T. Bonnet and John Cameron of Rockingham. D’EXMA Br.W! jgggSSSSSSS-HS BLUSH DRUG STORE. _ _ REVTOL-VCD WE ART HSHINc; POR Bl/5IN&5^ "WTTH • <?ooD\»m/e« ir &tSSw HAVE WW«T*wVfeNT. WE’VC<ajnne4o<ffiS •Sf-Our* _ ~ I ir YOU AJIE TITHING AROUND FOR JU^T WHAT VOU WANT. MST COME TO \JS AND JEE IF WE CAN'T .SHOW YUU i\JST THE VERY THING. OHI WE ARE CONFIDENT WE KNOW WHAT OUR CUS TOMER.? DESIRE, AND WHEN IT CoMEJ To GET TING your Money'S worth we can give YOU THAT. BECAUSE WE KNOW THAT WILL MAKE A FRIEND AND CUSTOMER or YOU. WE CAN'T AFFORD TO GIVE YOU LESS THAN YOUR money *.s worth. PLANTERS TRADINGCO. THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF "agST" CULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS Young men seeking an education which will equip them for P**®*1*®} Hfe In Agriculture, and all ita allied branches; Civil. Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; In Chemi aad Dyeing; in Textile or other industries, end in / turai teaching will Andexaallent pro.mon for their eareara at the State'a great AMhnical Collage TWa Ate men foe Hfa hjr giving practical instruction as thorough seieatlAe education. - *22 In, Af£eaj5«*>‘ Chemistry. In Civil. EWetrical and Mechanical Engineering and in Texti'e Indus ^Pnor yy.. two yaw, one year, and aomraer Normal tom •a to Agrtasltans. Numaroaa practical short eooraaa.

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