At MM* HI*. I MS* 4. BfVI AIM ABIE TB EAT BEB BEETS _ Vm HA, Tank Tania*. Gained On It. la Mappy and Waste Others W to ftaaaa Fty* ail manta. A lump fanned in my etemneh enahc » grant deal of un frata th* atwnaaaai Almost every thing X ate, particularly vegetables, “BUte taking tkrna bottlaa of Tan lac I am dealing to mack batter. I am aa longer troabiad with indiges tion—can agt anything I earn to; thoaa bad naraana apalla have caaaad aa kaa* the aide has dachas." Tanlac la sold In Laarinkurg W Blue'* Drag Stars; Gibson, W. Z. Gib son; Laxiogton, J. ft. Smith Drag Co.; Haatiat, Sag’s Pharmacy; Fairmont, Fairmont Drag Co.; Max tea, Barons Bra*—Ada. _ ^^iL^BaaB^aa, prtw^of tfaa I " Mr*. Bomp*»'will rlalt th* Mr. Bunnas slate* that ha hose* to ratara to liaartnburg by Sunday, bat thi* will dapend entirely, however, Elba decision of the conference. >p John C. Kilgo will pmaM* over taaHaga of th* conference. Twenty Take Knl—tt— Supt. L. M. Petit iut« that twenty applicant! took omkitlm at tha court hull bote Thursday and Fri day of last With for county teachers’ certificate*. Of this number' sixteen successfully passed and wera 'given eert&catee. There were no appli cants for the State high school of the Supt^Pnele states that trathara have bean new id for nearly all sthosla,ia the ooanty and prospects are good for a aplcudid year*' work in the public arhaota. Ta OarluMo far Optrationi Chief of FoMaa P. M. Hubbard and bn. Hubbard rat ta Charlotte Wed nesday of teat weak with their little daughter, France* Marion, who radar want an sparatica at the Charlotte Sanitarium under the haada, of Dr. Whisnaat for adenoidi. They return ed to the city Thursday night and tha little girt la getting along nicely. _nfthis 17 ** t‘*** **' fatally w prsissfn to p mmaneiil pn> falyma ar aalfawiaUia. Tha by which tt ia spend to from tha way ia wt oeawred In Maw York tt ia highly probable that contact!* the prevailing mm that adslta, parents or rtlaticaa who have no outward manna of affection any ho canter* aa ad acuta, mild or dismissed cases. The bouse «y la aasysetod aa a carriar, also. It mast aot ha forgotten that Infantile paraly sis is a more dangerous diaaaaa than diatheria for tha mason that no spac in' organism hna haon isolated aa a oauao of tha diaoaaa and wa cannot tell whan a parson ia Inf sated. “Persons will recognise however, where there are reported cases, the importance of kaapiog thalr children '£S%stA#SZi*XiSi of eueceptibia ago. which is wider tan years. “A few poiate to ha remembered hi enter to prevent tha spread of this slamse are: I mined ia to medical at tention should he obtained for chil dren with unusual few, symptoms of headache, vomiting, intestinal irota children complain of pain In their Hash* or inability to w them, thia •heuld causa suayicioa and net that they are hurt or have met a alight : accident, rsrnateg and hisatng chil dren by friends or strangers it proh iebly a factor ia spreading thia dieeeee aa la the exchanging of toys, candies . and fruits with obrnr children.'’ Appropnaueoa far Pdli Baildiage in Marti Cantina. Tba Boom Committee aa Hsus* BoHdingt aod Grounds in a bill sub mitted recommended that tba follow Jug Marti Carolina towns be allowed apwoociaUoaa for buildings or sites: Rodtlnrham, *6,000; Wade,boro, So.OOO; Wilson, $76jW0. Vor enlargement or repairing: Edenton, *46,000; Lenoir, WO,000; l<umberton, *30.000; lit. Airy, *66, 000; with tba provision that the limit of earn heretofore fixed far a ahe shall not exceed 16,000 of (hi* amount; lit Olive, *30.000; If organ ton, $86^)00; Albemarle, -for etts, *6,000; Clinton, •00; WUllamatea. for alto, ttfiOO. Tba editor la indebted-to M* L,|. Odosp for a bunch of Wtoma&a. There wars aavsa larva, well develop ed tomatoes la a dnJa chaator of the Re rI iane variety, - - — gathered from Us _ graciously prsasatsd to the editor cd the Exchange. The fruit was faBy matured smiths cluster of aorse large Stxa tomatoes waa sum silling so man eat ef the ordinary that wa hare sever seen its equal before. FLOWERS ———■■■■■ —————a— 8 a—onsble cut flowers. Palms, Ferns. Flotnl arrans catena-for any occasion. Prompt attention to out-of-town orders. SCHOLTZ, The Florist, Inc. Phone 441-442. - 8 N. Tryon 8t. Charlotte, N. C. BLUE'S DRUG STORE, Aperts THE HAMLET HOSPITAL OH w. aJAinaMnniioMm Hamlet, N. C. A thoroughly oqalpped institation for tluf MfMdSe treatment of X4bqrf Medical aad Surgi cal Case*. Trained Nanai fnminhed. Sped el attention given to the Surgical Condition of the Ear. Nom and Throat. __■ P. A. pots iev joy into the sport of snokinf! YOU may live to be 110 and never leal old enough to vote, but it’s cer tain-eure you’ll not know tiie joy and contentment of a friendly old jimmy pipeorahand rolled ogsrera urueaa you get on taiKing-terma with Prince Albert tobacco I P. A. comes to you with s real reason for ell the goodness and satisfaction it offers. It is mads by a patented process that removes bite and parch/ You can smoke it long and hard without a come back I Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality! Prince Albert affords the keenest pipe and cigarette enjoyment! And that flavor and fragrance and 1 coolness is as good as that sounds. P. A. just answers the universal demand for tobacco without bitv, parch or kick-bach I Introduction to Prince Albert isn’t any harder l than to walk into the nearest place that aells tobacco and ask for “a supply of P. A." You pay oat a little change, to be sure, but it’s the cheer fullest investment you ever made! fyuNGEir Albert T«S—— C>,Wla>M l.l.alt c IttS fcy tL X lUy—M. T«S— Ca. 1904 1916 GIBSON BROTHERS CANTALOUPES AND WATERMELONS ’Phone us when you have cars for sale or consignment 1904 1916 Ynil Should Take Your X vf la Vacation in August __ • Niagara Falla, Thousand Istlands, St Lawreuee, Montreal, Quebec, Saguenay, AnaaMe Chasm, Lake. Champlain, Lake George, Saratoga Springs, Hudson Hirer, New York City by rail and at earner. AH these points in the mention land art included in The Gattis Tour No. 4 August 2-24,1916 and Mrs. C. ». Gattis orer ths entire trip. Very low rates fndadlag All Expenses from any point * i :*.* . I t Writs for Itinerary and other particulars GATTIS TOURS Tourist Agents, Seaboard Air Line Railway Raleigh, North Carolina

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