MMkp w«r» net Mir thsa sgelppsd. lew wtekiw b«M small 1( STSO tte tea'abawsd^LrwMrefTte'Sra^M tan war* opaa pad tte iUuustMt proparty taaida of tte buQdtec axpoa ad «0 sparks. Tte fnauraao# Deperterat ta dofn* an It eaa ta tte way ef helping dtlee aad towM aa wail aa tadtsMwal prop-1 party owoara bp laapactions aad ad-' rtna aa ta tte teat wains of protac i ttan. * Tba OaaalMloasr says that te ‘ i win bora any teUdtag ta the Mata la-1 apactad aad a fan datan iMda of what! la aacassary to da tar this protaottaa. H tte nwaar will oaty asaura him that! ha la anxloaa aad wflUap to do what- > •aar ha eaa tor tha protection at hia j own property aa wan aa that of hie neighbors. CHILD IS FATALLY BURNED Mather Had Loft Him la Haem WMb Opaa Flr« par Oaty little WMte. Goldsboro. April 1.—KeUttrea ta tala city hare teen aottaad of tte death ef tte roue soa of Mr. aad Mrs. SylrasLrr Odom, which Oct erred at thalr country home la this county aa a result of being bemad. Tha Mother bad loft tte Iwuse for Mir a taw Blaatao to atake some pur abaaas, aad wtea ate rammed to tte house aba was horrlflsd ta find bar bui* no •nvalop*'! la llamas aad try tag to crawl on the bed. his clothing having caught, it i* supposed, frqm s Are tn the treplsce. The aaothar was badly bunted about the hands sad fare while extinguish lug the fiaaaee. Though a doctor was ramraooed. hie old proved of no avail, sod the child died In • few mlnataa*— Nows and Observer. HOW INSURANCE COMPANIES DIVIDED EACH DOLLAR For the year 1916, the tollowtag rap-* resents the diatribotioa of each dollar af premium fniisms taken la by the Coottaratal of New York: Paid la ; all agents* SOM i (Ms. I.4H of an eat , s-m Peatage, maps. etc. 3.399 . uaearued reserve. 3.301 cesu; hnderwrttlng pnstt. »6il cents; under wrttsrs* boerda. etc. l.m cants; paid tor Avid supenrialon. Stats sod special agnnts. 5-1*1 cents; and printing, ad verilslag. supplies. sod legal axpenssa. L166 ceatrf. 7IJB cants on sack dot lar worn paid out In the States from which premiums ware collected. In tbs year 1516 th* Comloentsl's under wrttlug profit was greater ihsu for say of the preceding flv*. Kor the operations of the FhJeilty Pbenlx for 1916. 77.9*9 cents for oeoh dollar ware paid in the Bute* from which premiums were collected, st toR^ws: Paid in loss claims, *7.979 cents; agents’ commissions brokar ags. utc. 9916* rests; lor Said super vision, State aad spa rial agents. 3.991 9HM; underwriters' boards. ate. cents; taxes. Hcsneea sad fees. STS* ceuta. The assented reserve required UM cent* af sack dollar vramlem tahra la; rants, postage ■tape. eta. 1JT1; compensation of all employees other than Sold men. 9.139 orates and printing. advertising, end (•«*1 srpmnse. LMl cents; laavtag underwriting pradt ef 1714 ceuta an sack dollar, the greatest ef any of the paet Ave years.—Hsrald Argus. -— ! ■UST PAY FIRES PtnmylvMilt Miklni Property C ^ ■« Pnwirlmla kw tor to or 9vr TlO th* PWMB on car*, da* to a*sUc*ae», or th* law* sad Mahla hr*. ctty A tlmllar law •4 la Germany, do with tor th* coat 4r* wat da* th* requirement* ot raotlon ala tm ar* duo omapltaac* with Th* *atorc*s*at INFANTILE PARALYSIS. ti« ly»n and Monas of AvaW H. -as sa.-eivsrai.ttS; £j>in.gHSS aitUnrbtne+t of *lmo«t ay kind are Maodutod wtth ajrtUT auk, drow*i. ast^no^usf°^l5 tS^sr** h* v5^u awarml irapcrtaat thing, fc» ba dona to prevent tha diaaoae. Ft* of all, ana ahotild avoid all Known or auapectad caaaa of the ilia oaaa. Flloa of ,11 kind, .hoald be ab toMely_ cxehidod from the houee and neat alt food. Paraono. cats, dor. *®d pat* who hava bean in any way •-“PV^d *® *h* dtaaaie should be •»oldad. Sick cats .HobId be aapec Tho mouth, tooth and Laurtnburg Take* Second Gama. Friday afternoon in the second some of tha aaeond half aaaaon Laur kxtf£?&St?2Sj>; £T feagf.s.a.rh.te SfrJSg.y.e’g: t. uw Jj«ary with the ample acore recorded Score by Inalnfii R. H. E.' lUaford lftO 000 000—1 2 3 Laurtnburg 1*0 ItO 000—« 7 1 C"*****". Horn, ruu. Suith.IL Struck out, by Lamb, 19; t>7 "nydtiaon, 10. BatUriae' Murchison and McXsithan; Lamb and Covtagtoo and Smith. Umpire LUb tar. , Nagiw Omni ration Meets la Special Tb*. ColoredCivic League, a Negro mrgaalaaUon. will mm* in special ses •*°° ** U»ai Bright Hopewell Baptist church on Sunday and Monday, July *0 sod 31. Sunday morning at 9:80 a Sunday •choo mans nesting of nil Sunday *cb°ob» in Otm city will b# held, con by Dr. IL H. Brown. At 11 e'clock there will be a preaching serv ISi At 3:30 m the afternoon Rev. n°m fc ^ wi” *}*• • Uetara and at fimiiMiig0* •v*a"« U**p* wi*1 be girls and two boys will speak oa the subject, “The Essentials of a Com munity.” Tbo girl or boy who delhr ers the best oration will be given $6 In gold. The public is cordially invited to attend these exercises. Special seats for white visitors. Offers H.5M to Aid Flood Victims. Richmond. Va., July 21.—S. T. Mor gan, president of the Virginia-Caro lina Chemical Company, today sent telegrams to Gov. Locke Craig of North Carolina authorising him if there it say real suffering and need for outside contributions for Rood suf ferers in North Carolina to draw on him for 8M0 personally sad 8600 for the company. He also sent a tele gram to Governor Richard L Man ning of South Carolina offering 9900 on behalf of the company to earn of aead to that State. AIGN8 no. JW - Nil tM allotted. •tortad the treat* _The saoond week ■tarted the treatment. — JO treatment* about a I to confer Immunity to ty fact eo much Intirml has •d In Alamance that it to. -1 dacidsd to continue the earn > on# week longer la that county . order ta accomodate those who felled to avail themselves of their opportunity. the first two week* Mecktoiburg county 5,120 atoit Br»l week while MTbmMtttamd P**00* for the treatment the eecond week. According to the Stole Board at Health, tha reason eo many people la I the various counties fall to avail I themselves of their opportunity to to immunised against typhoid free is •hat (hoy art afraid the treatment will hurt, that it will make them sick or cause a big open sore. When ones they see that no serious results fok low they, too, will avail thsmsalvaa of the free offer—N. C. Health Bulletin. LAURINBITKC PEOPLE GET IN. HTANT ACTION. Ttoae who have used it in Laurin burg are astonished at tha INSTANT action at simple buckthorn bade, glycerins, etc., as mixed in Adlsr-i-ka. Because It act* on BOTH lower and uppm bowel, ONE SPOONFUL Ad ler-i-ka relieves almost ANY CASE •oaaflpation. sour stomach or gas. It xumevaa such surprising foul matter that a few doses often relieve or pre vent appendicitis. A short treatment helns chronic stomach trouble.—Ever lagton's Drug Store. .MW CONCUNAT WACRAM. *• L. Cramp amd Company Mim af Now Vim ftarnaadlag Cramp and Maras. R. L. Crump A Co. is the maw of • »•* oiorahamlialn* concern at Wag ra*a. onncaodlng At Ana of Cramp mR Nonroo. Tfco owners and pro prietora of tfco now buatnosa art Mr. W. T. Cramp, enabler of tfco Bonk of Wagn, ami brother, Mr. R. L. Cramp, who haa boom engaged In the merchandise business in the great North vreet for a neaabot of yoere. A now brick building la now In coorao •V'™’?"1' wUl carry a complete atock of dry goods, thorn. etc., and and, eupplloa. Nr- R. I- Crump camo to Wagram about three wooke ago to tieit nli ga» andttaee ‘Sa‘ time ho and his brother. Mr. W. T. Crump, have de cided to go into buaineis, ae atatod ■*><"«• Mr B. I. Cramp left Monday night for. Baltimore Philadelphia and N«w York, where he will buy t new stock of merchandise for Wagram'a now store. CHICHESTER SPILLS _ EVERYWHERE ?&& THE CRISIS IS PASSED and it looks more like PEACE Bat, REMEMBER J when you’re tick, there’s soothe.* crisis to be passed. Let us help you to pass it by filling you prescriptions CAREFULLY snd PROMPTLY with drugs of the HIGH EST QUALITY and GREATEST EFFICIENCY. Oor*PRESCRIPTION ^DEPARTMENT exclusively at yoor service. ^BLUE’S {DRUG STORE ’Phone 13 Laurinburg, N. C. EAST CAROLINA [TEACHERS’ TRAINING SCHOOL A State school to train teachers for the pnblic schools of North Carotins. Every energy is direct ed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who . agree to teach. Fall tom begins September 26, 1916. For catalogue and other information address, - BOOT. H. WRIGHT. Pres. Greenville, N. C. 25-30 V An S h o u 1 dgT ajk e"Y our J. UII Vjacationgn August Niagara Falk, Thousand Istlands, St. Lawrence, Montreal, Quebec, Saguenay, AueaMe Chasm, Lake Champlain, Lake George, Saratoga Springs, Hudson Hirer, Near York City by rail aad steamer. AH these paints in thcCvacatien land are included in The Gattis Tour No. 4 August 2-24,1916 Personally condnried and chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gattis orer the fcntire trip. Very low rates including AH Fry Basis from any pefait i — Write for Itinerary and other pertiealars GATTIS TOURS Tourist Agents, Seaboard Air line Railway I Raleigh, North Carolina |

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