■ Kile on the marhet. a«ble, most economical *“^JdimiteA means. s^CSSsJ-rSsS'*- *•"" 'I”” -itr—- rd~~ Car Co. Carolina RESOWED THAT there Are DOLLARS AND DOLLARS WORTH or POOD VALUES IN OUR STORE NOW. LOTS’ OT PICKING Tb ENTICE THOSE * VHo WISH TO SAVE . Mo ncv-attractive: MONEY SAVERS FOR careful buyers. DON'T THINK THAT EVERYTHING HAG DEEM PICKED AND CKOGEN OUT Of* OUR GToCK.' WE HAVE LOTG OF FREGH, NEW THINGG. WE NEVER LET OUR GTOCK GROW OLD. WE ARE NOT OLD ToGIEG. WE WILL TAKE PLEAGURE IN GERVING YOU AND DELIGHT IN GENDING YOU AWAY PLEAGED AND GATIGriED. IT YOU ARE LOOKING ToR MONEY GAVERG YOU WON'T HAVE To LOOK ANY FURTHER THAN OUR GTORE. PLANTERS TRADING CO. ...... i — S' MJ , OUR ANNUAL REPORT According to our usual custom, we have had the second annual examination of our Dairy Herd, the report of which follows. This examination was made by Dr. Alexander of Wadesboro, N. C., a graduate of Ohio State University and a liscened Veterinarian. August 1,1916 To whom it may concern: I, S. A. Alexander, (D. V. M.) have tested for tuberculosis the dairy cattle of the Oakland Dairy, and find them to be free from this disease with two exceptions, only one ofwhich was being milked. S. A. ALEXANDER, D. V. M. We wish to state that the two animals referred to were young cows that had not been previously subjected to the tuberculin test, one of which was not in lactation at present and the other only about ten days* These two of course have been f climated, as is customary. This is considered a remarkably good health record for a herd of this size. ' OAKLAND DAIRY ± JAUKINBUBO^. c .