nanMj Beautify Your ^>-s‘-',jip rjovyTwTjngv.****^ • *■ -V\ ■ Nat arifcaQy. but peons vgaasdfc-lir driafan ea* m* s| ariCrISiriN'mIT >■; d «..»■—.« w V INI *a« kUMkttakri UatoAoM TUK EAM'.IONO CO. aatrlMm tnUntlabws. HAMMOND COMPANY. LaurUWs. N. C. iVICE! PROTECTION! What you want in Fire ?ia lotto and We fire both. Let us have your busi Moan, then you will be ce* l LAURINBURG AGENCY COMPANY HINTON JAMBQ. Pres. W. & DUNBAR. See. * Trace. SEASHORE ROUND TRIP FARE from Pembroke WEEK END EXCURSION PARES HKJi to Wflndnctoo $6,20 to Into Of Palma _ 16,® taflaflhaw Mead Tickets on sale ft* all trains oc eeeh Saturday and for forenoot trains on each Sunday frnai Maj tt to 8tpt. 11. Inclusive, limited returning to raacti original start lag point prior to mkinicht oi Toeaday next following date oi SOMMER EXCURSION PARES $7.35 to Isle Of Palau ' $7.86 to SoMvana Island $4.10 to Myrtle Beech $10.66 to Norfolk . Tickets on sale from May 15 ta October 15. inclose, limited i» twntn*: on til October 31. Liberal Medals and farther pardon lore cbeerfally furnished open Ticket Agent Pembroke, N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE ' Tha Standard Railroad ’ of the South raHnw rorirr or tu con rucr h uActm General faff re Ml Rto AMh An fiwAg Forward to Amend Tfc MlldlWIWn af the General Staff, ia hiNk A uff. g—Oenerel Jeffiro, MaMai of tit Freoab army aad tha spirit of th* nM way *f th* sataBU olftoo on th* many froaU. they were preaefeg forward to tha eot Jgj h^Mwrif vfctor^ef tha*5 »jWKTaW«lK?£?. maoder. who is the ssnier commander ia the united action by which the mi lls* ere conducting simultaneous cam paigns in th* Russia*. Italian, French aad Balkan theaters. This recent co ordination of the commands on th* many fronts has permitted General Jeffr* to give frill mm to his mill tery talsat which probably baa bean exercised ever more men of the al lied nations thaa ever has fallen to G«s**nl Joffim was in his private office at headquarters when the party of American cerresnoodeate arrived, aad the visit having been arranged for the anniversary of th* sparing of war far*. He pnseatid a striking ple dge as he stood there among th* staff officers. Meet French officer* or* scrupulously well tailored aad groim od, and while Genital Jeffr* wee not lacking ia this yet there was some dung sane* ting General Grant’s disregard if dm little conventionali ties of uniform aad surface appear ances. Hie heavy gray moustache snd bristling hair gave hint sons* sug gestion alto of General Phil Sheridan, urn great cavalry leader. “1 warn to osprom any setisfectlea In meeting yea. gentlimni end through you to erpimi our feeling* toward the America* people," said General ioffice, speaking in an easy conversational tone. "A feeliag «r deep friendship has etwgp* existed between Franc* nod America end it le particularly oppor tune now, after France he* been fighting fsr tee yean for th* Ideals dear to both countries, that this old friendship should be renewed aad strengthened.” Tarn lag to th* actual condition of the campaign General Jaffya contin "Although the fighting ia getting ■sore and more totter, everyone recog nise* la the complete unity of th* al lies that destiny has shap-d 11a coarse end every one out *** what the final outcome ia going tu be. "The unity oa all fronts is a great characteristic off the campaign now going on end the effect to now ap jgyff.'agtt.'srgju ■Mo. pay ^homage to the^aplandid pert our altyae are taking ia tha in creasing efforts along the Somme and *a all ether fronts. The Reaalaa ef fort baa now succeeded ie organising sed putting forward larger snd larger ferae of men, drawn from their ap parently inexhaustible aources of hu man material arifi at the same- dm* rally arming time naiws. The splendid results of their efforts are shown in what they have accomplish ed ia Galicia aad along the entire eastern front. Once men the chance bee fallen to Kogtaad to ebew the vast extent of her reeearete both in seen and ma terial and tha extant of her dfocti ia shown in what has been accomplished on tha Somme front. The Rattans hare had a much harder task and a more limited sphere of action and you knew bow admirably they have fel Wed their pert-of this common action. Aa for tha n»-orren«ed Serbian army, aftStfsaF* - General Jotfre now tamed Ms at tention to the Gorman aide of the cam cxrxrjg Ooattty of their attacks end ia tha number of raearrm they are sbte U ■wi co vuwQi Xrouta. *Tf on the other side we consider dm eandttiaa of oar enemy " General J^«isasvg5rjsgs gsnggsjrsffya; tbeir mate— m aam’poiot to an t^sssSvr* lies era all fronts oor enemy finds such it fStorT0 ftta StfrgSrija! Ian la anything bat sasouragfag to Mr party. Tha tmprc* wha expected aat any valid .. aa far as they can -_ thought# at this time) is that It Mil* »«sck» more strongly o a bally eld scold, bant oa injuring his oppaaaat regardless, than that «! a fall man-else at pi rent, for preaid m tial honors laying claim to ability ■ ■ a constructive statesman. the hop* that the Democratic coo ity chairmen In every county la tha Si st« will he ewcdaltv sealed and jeal >£ fa attending l&Uieir business dm ng th* next three lunnttia maleim fa *£ gwiMPff *ad polling the foil strea [fa of fa* party fa every county, and k el •cm rf each other, to th* seas* *f yen allowing one's self to be oatdoaaffa the eaereiae of vigilance and effeal Ive Party week. , There has been more or face a re lessons among tome of fat local | ir ty managers, precinct chairmen pa parfaliy bfaf "iff tha job" fa so as important respects. Chairman W « rsm regards Oils as a toe risky, not to aTTBJtWSSM! E whan the enemy is most active. 1 -ssri'rT.irjsrs^.Es work of prunesUi polling the voters of eafa precinct, by precincts, la cm ry county fa North Carolina. "Get i be ipnefaeta right end the eeuaty will i «t fight. With the county aai peed! at ^organisations properly looked of or end closely gaarded, the State ca it go wrong." declared the chairman. . “W« w begin at fa* bottom « ad baild up " b* added, “Instead of etc rt ug at the top. I faihk it much i he more effective method. Of course re have nominally a safe majority of be vatare ta tbc Democratic party in North Carolina. Bat oar people a M realise that th* strength of fa* pa ty vet* must bo cast at th* p*Da to » sure continued good gevarnmant i nd pcevaot fa* enemy from capturing he luS1 Ersn y ttaa. / f -EL. WPUKIIt*" attempting"tl^mann^timf 1? litleal capital oat of ao far, hit odbt aa well throw himself into the dp. caH without further ado. If ho expects the taxpayers of the State aa a whole to condemn our Stau Cmporatioo Commission for the splendid work they are doing to make taxation more uniform and Jest to all detect alike in each and every coun ty, Including the equalisation of land yaluoa in the scope of their work, he >* badly off hit base. Aa a matter of faet, we are especially proud of our State Corporation Commission, 1U Mnonnol and iU splendid work, and this writer has never thought it needed to make excuses for anything Mr. Linnoy "charge." it Irith barlni done. Th- sea--l_aa _Li'l a _a* man from Watauga has exploded span bit aeveni aadlsnesa se far, cosens tog the books and acts of the 8tate Treasurer and a pair of “experts" who were employed to audit and in vestigate both, 5. a genuine mare's nest, several years -of ago, which In telligent people hart long sines 4Js missod as bogus ancient history. These are the things aisag with seme cthyr expressaia. ot disgust. Which will posted men who visit Raleigh are my in* about Mr. Limwy whose promise to “shell the woods" had led them to expeet^somcthing worthwhile from Mr. Lino*)fianot doing himself nay credit by continuingto fas tors the re port of the State Board of lateraal Improvements in which criticism was made of the State Treasury Depart rant, based upon infonaatioa given by Ksw York auditors that has ossa eooctusivaty shewn to ho iaaeeamto sod mtaloadlng. It has booa dearly ■hewn that there ware no such bsd sacos of cash carded fas banks ae thsoo auditors reported, or, words, that thoad auditors 4 _ Thiamin instead of the Stats * user by the iasorrest _ every State Institution in the State. Ho forwards a rimttraan to sack sf these banks to covor sxpsnsss they wifi take op for the following mooch. The haak * which ouch aspodl is In to the Treasurer at the'end of the month.^Afl the Ums^heJTiuoourirt daaosM^aatfT *■*-- lf<uTvssn jy*vua£ra ■if |Qi|)« uni |n. By Um iSim ifMMi •! ivnw3ii|. mm SBm Km MiliM fMw * nftUkam Umsy therrtWhJy^uadecetamS *Hs Hot pyE^tsCt to miklKtf MKV IfeMkdWSy h^bmiMjaj^n ^jtrorgt^i sprsfcM ma RUB-MY-TISM if* '/ '0: V-.-^/ • • mm Sale-Small Pro® Q,W*e Car Load Boat I— One Car Load Bncka One Car Load Sh'ng’“ ,n Largo or Small ^ p. Evan’s INood and ^ cakOUS* Crops Look Good! Lumbvrton Robasonian. .Mr. J. t Carlyle of Raft Swamp, who waa a Lambert cm visitor yester day. Mys that in a three-mile stretch beyond McNeill’* bridge the corn la leohiac flat, like it haa not boon dam aged much, and that he haa aeon cot ton In about aa bod Ox before. The •ooaon ia only about half over, he coll* to mind, and favorable conditions dor ies this month may change things considerably. Ha thinks that farm art ought to pay particular attention to peas just now. Ko never knew any body to stsorve who had plenty of peas to eat, ho aaya. Also it ia profitable to pay attention to canning every thing that can bo caused. Ifr. Car lyle lightly thinks that now la n good time to onvo nod use everything that can bo need. COMMISSIONERS’ SALK OF LAND NORTH CAROLINA, SCOTLAND COUNTV. Under end by virtue of the power end authority conferred upon the i in- I dersiyncd commissioners by iudy “•■t* rendered by the Superior Court ef Sootland County, tn the action •hervin Jobn F. McNair is plaintiff •°d _ Willie C. Cooper and her hus band J. X. Cooper and others are de ftiydaata, the said commissioners. wtH^aw^Tn*adty, ^the^Mth day ^of eurtioa, the hicfceatHMe^fcr *“*;.*“ mf'mar. Hereinafter ,ut ed, ty foUpwlny dewribed real at wiWjto-wtt: • T: That lot of land situated **Ha town of Laurinbury on the wart tide of Main Street, at tie south wart comer of Main and Fairley Streets, and bsyiuniny at the point where the western line of Main 8trast mturaecMwith the southern line of Fair ley Street, and runs thence with the western line of Main Street in a J^'Hward direction lu the northern Hue ef the lot of land formerly be ljnffiny to the estate of A. D. McCall; tiienee westward]? with tha northenl line of said let 141 feet to oak alley; Omuco with Oak Alley to Fairley Street; thence with Fairley Street to CMNNESTaSnUJI —_; Money Is Power! Money is Power and Commands Influence • Opportunity! The best way to get money is to save it! And the beat time to start is right now! So the best way to start ia with a Bank Account! This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both women and men! , Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interest from date at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. Cheeking accounts, either large or smill, cordially invited. We want your business I The State Bank I Of LAURINBURG, “The Bank For Your Savings.” Prescriptions Accurately Compounded Here ***** r®*- prescriptions to os and they win be filled promptly and accurately. We devote utmost «tttrv thm to prescription work and have succeeded fowls* nin* the confidence of the majority, of the u~n«g physicians and the general public to such an extent that we have a large percentage of the prescription business of the dty. % BLUE’S DRUG STORE ’Phone 13 Laurinburg, N. C. We Welcome Small Deposits It Matters not what amooat of Money jon hare to deposit—we will accept it at this Ink. We welcome the small depositor, ws extend to Mm the sum rnnteinatlun l . and conrtaalee aceocdsd aD oar patrons. Onr enateMsrs aB know this. First National Bank i j i Laariaborr. N. C. . ' i , friHfVWWiink/ ,■ 4' . * ; •/ % . . ' •; < V* .v •7.. ■ .h* v

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