Local Notes. Mr. L. A. Monroe Made • business trip to LDeevM* Tueaday. Mr. end Mr*. W. L. Plaid* spent Sunday at Jackson Springs. Mr. C. L. McCoy apent the week* end at WrighlaviU* Boa eh. Mr. >. W. North 1* spending eev eral day* at Jaeksoe ppringa. Mias Elisabeth HarrlJl of Charlotte is vial ting Mlaa Mary Field*. Mr. and Mr*. Geo. F. Aring*r were Sunday visitor* at Jackson Springs. Mr. Walter Roper of Charlotte la •ponding a Tew day* here with frleoda Mr. E. D. Currie and alster of Laur inhurrt. Route 1. vlaitad relatives at Park ton last weak. Miaa Haiti* Jam** «*urnad week from a visit to home folk* at Union, S. C. Mrs. L. E. Benton and children left Wednesday for White l-ake, wfiere they will «P«nd a week. Miaa Tom Stewart laft last week to attend a hour* party at Blcwitt a Falls. Miss Mltti* Sanford laft Tuesday for Rocky River Springs for a vaca tion of several days. ' Mr. J. M. Watson of Wagrum Tuesday for Hidden!t*. where he will spend several day*. In the absence BacordarK- H. Gibeon there wWb* no aeeskma of Recorder's eoert this week. sSfiSWEff* Mr. J. W. Jackeaaleavse Mttwd KLmbJfSdNorfo^k. Va. Mr. J«hs F. McNair, Mr. and Mra. J. A. Jeeee aad ddldrec »" yrtto« arraral day* at Jeekeon (ph|t Mias Maad MsOeRough qL.V^g* aad Mias Irma Daria of Elisabeth* town era guests of. Mra. L E Benton. Mr. lyd Sanford la roliswing Clark of tko Oaart C. IX McCormick lor tmi days, while Mr. MoCerwiick to taking a race don Mr ani Mrs. R E. L, Corral 1 aad EtSaSVrLJrvand MU-W* Fame wars week-end vteitori at WrigfattaUto Beach. Mr. and Mra. R. R. Corington aad daughters, Mlsees Beeele and Alien Covfertoa, am spending aeaersl days nt Jackson Springs. Work to progressing m«Jm li-fMtaoma mW residences of Messrs.; Jasper T. Qibeoo and J. Maxwell Gregg ea East Church street. Mr. aad Mrs. J. C. Morgan spent the week-end with Mrs. Morgan's sister, Mrs. W. M- Smith, at Beonatta ▼ille, 8. C, returning home Monday. tor** MelhK'chS* "h5£ sssSsHm cfiwr Ctok JKa'cUm u.U. 1UUII0M to taking a ten dare' jeoattoo. He toft Tuesday for Rocky River Sprtnga ■ where ha expects to spend a part of Us vacation. Mr. J. McN. Patterson of Laura! 52 Si. bU b fbbbc Trisoda in tha Laurel Rill saetton. JnJsrisuriQS SS Mrs. J. T. John and daughter. Mies Alloa John, of Johns Station, toft Tuesday mqrutne for Hendsrosaeitto. They will epn*T some time at this Mr. Aubrey Hammond to now on an extended trip through the North and Xut He win visit Philadelphia, Mew York and other well known points <rf interest. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Gaddy returned last week from a month's vacation which they meat with .friends aad rat stir ea at Union and Spartanburg, Mr. W. P. Covington of lUaford tea boon finding * faw daya to tba Mty. Mr.|i,6oTU«jrtot> ^to ttef Potooentie £o3» fcrom Hok* county. Mr. D. T. Currto of Old Hundred sss&mi Hundred for • fowday*. Mr, i. 8. BIsmU of Ktootonteobote XSgfcl B.1C,g.i!! teUfe a farmer Laartabuig eittate and Ma friend* ore *b**y» glad to tea him on tbo native aodl. Mr. and Mn. Mae Cameron toft Wodaaadar morning tor Mialwaan. when they will Hr* in tba fatnra. Mr. SiShJrSiyTOTis: Smj, Aaguat 14. Mr. W. I. Maaon. of MoCoIl, 8 C., • former dtiwn of Scotland county, ma * riaRor to Laaetobwrg-Friday. Mr. Maaon tea been a raatdeat of Mc Cofl tor abort eight roan bat tea largo farming lataraato to thia eoaaty. Rer. aad Mn. N. H. D. Wilton of Guide boro an »letting frionda bate a; Friendb an dad to bare Mr. aad Mr*. Wftaon bar* for a tea ton. Idv. Lhrtocaton Jotoma and toaUbr a faw weak* grsjjrygaj: Oar>ft.%s;£ rtowa Ntut. PWr Dm Advocate. * McColl. Aug..1.—The rain full dar bg Jab waa HAT Inehaa. Aawa duripg Jam and July waa 28.11 inches. The ayeraga yearly taJAfall dar. ta»f *• P»* tea rears was 64.41 inch. WWrpfeEl.’Tb'ft Ost. fi7 In.; Nov. lit In.; Dee. 1A9 in . guvs an laUrssting Isctnra test night at Mala Street Method 1st church, iUuatnating with •tanoptloui loioii pramhlng service at the First Baptist church on Saoday as tbs pastor, accompanied by kte family, Is away an a vacattea. Messrs. Joe. Covington end WU1 Haywood of Rockingham wore visit I ore in town last Thursday. They wars accompanied boms by Miss os Msr faurtnC0VtofU>" and RmC E1U° Mt 1 Mia* Marguerite Fletcher of Beo nrttsville visited relatives hsre !■»-. wc#k. I Miss Elisabeth Haywood of Rock ingham is a guest this wssk, at tbs home of her uncle, Mr. Lather Mc Laurin. Hr. C. W. McLaurin, who had been spending some time at the summer school At Columbia, has returned home Miss Mattie Vaaahn aad Mr. Tolar Oore, both of the Maris mill village, were married at. BenaettsviUe last Wednesday. Oa test Saturday the following gassts dined at thphease of Mr. ss9 Mrs. J. E. Willis of the Rod Bluff hs fly.. from barn Mr. ■orvii daughters. Mlstsa 5k5Sf . ■ ■VTOftCk Off UffonrMd, WM drm Mr. and Mia W. A. WJll|s wt ehUdrja. dined at the km ef *r. and —. anahrmi ^UlSitaU ****** *1" ^adie Easterling ia visiting fniodfl htn. oT^HtS^St^SZ: srsj'SssTEs^0 “ VETERAN WHO FOLLOWED LEE KILLED BT RATTLER. Dock BeUbcr. T* Tears Old. Feeght Deel With Reptile. Receiving Fa tal Stings—-Dr Killed tie Saeke. Danville, Va, Aug. A—Deck Belch er, who fought with Lee's cavalry in the Civil war. fought a battle single handed with a rattlesnake on Toes roads ha received, according to to formation received hare this morn tog Belcher killed the snake. The vet eras, whs waa T* years of MTS, .heart the tattle of the angered inptile ia the grass. He qmkUy lo cated it sad s rising a aid tried to weeaeded to at3dm“hi£%hiMtiIm htowi upon h until he had killed k. He thee started towards his house nearby but fell when he had gone a few yards Two todies posting to the tort saw him lying down and hasten ed to Ua Hem nearly dead but had snfllciset etrtmlli to relate the in*ideate ef his light wkk the snake. Tni two WOBMB hmbtuod to hit tioCOl I tor Belcher’s daughter, the dying man stye teeing:a deem to see her. Upon their return Belcher was dead. A •hort dittaaea away they found the deed make and the stick Belcher had used In kill lug It. Hat enjoy to Tn. Rockbiffhim PoaL « aw to Lauriabirg U a Httla toto in annwmfof tha Caro lina Country Otab and aays: - It to atatad that a mhmat ia on foot tar tha aatobUdunant of a coon erf ofl torn and telhoada. It to far thar Itatod that rfaAntta ptana wttt •atoaUy taka shape to tha near h Pw^to'odfitoSS^'t^to SSd ta am wav at a taw aaya to tha •jantoj^of ttj* «Uakto haa already buUdto?* edthV<lwiralHaina>)oMly, danttac haU, dtoto* win, half a batoff made, now Tor an dghtom kola ffoH cooraa. Tha dob befidine itaatf coat la tha neighborhood of 1*jtoo, to lat bnnt Jdnt& by tha three town* of ILocktarham, Hamlet and Charaw, «. C . and la located an Bverett'a Laba, abaot equal dtouaea between tha thraa tawna. The mambarablp atoo to about MMdy dtddad, thara beta* a boot one bead red In all. Cmpdfi Panda (toinltlM. In a letter «o tbfa paper Mr. 'TIoah apoon and U. H. MeBiyda hare bam daatonntmi ai n eenwiftteefar Scot Mldn?tanL%rj£» fSmemtto nt i?it£:’£rf$a’Z'n2’j£ any to tore wdlitol fanda to aarry unpreeadsnted pobtidty cam ill ordar tojd hn^jifl tba a MEMORIES or TB OLD CHINA. Wilmington Dispatch. Robert T. Bryan. Jr, Esq.. eoe ef the promil in* yosng lawyer* of WU minffton. Kmi ortDiftd aa intar—tfni •KSedesIing with aa lucid eaYwhkf reSoeta vividly conditions which ax ieted la China away years age. In this Incident Mr. Bryan’* father es caped as if by a miracle Ina a heathen mob which considered him a “foreign devil." and set shoot to kUl him. The article: “When Dr. S. T. Bryns first went to China aa a Baptist missionary he arse sent up into the Interior at a place called Chingkiang to further the good work. Dr. Bryan and hi* fam- ■ fly arrived at tha gates of the city and started tu go in, bat were stopped by the man who 'kept the gate. The gatekeeper asked what the foreign devil’ was going to do in thoir felr city. The answer was that he had come to pesaefc the gospel. The gate keeper went in search ef the mayor of ike city, who, altar some negoti ating, allowed the missionary and his family to enter. "The little oompeny enured the city and proceeded to a hone* that had been ranted for them by soma faith ful Chinese Christiana. The Chinese are a very curies* raea sad in this instance they were not loth to Uva aa to their reputations They crowded exceed the little house, peeping rkmagk the cracks in tha srall and through the tiny. Mhidlses windows. It wet several days before tha crowd ceased to try to get a glimpse of the hated loreign devil sad his family. Wbecvr.er U»e good missionary want mat the peepis would gas* at him aa if he utra one ef the seven winders ef the world. "A little chapel was soon rented and the week ed preaching began. Hm what the white man had ta nj. Aftsr* the novelty ef Ue sermons hod worn «df a few conversions teak plan. Oae day a Chinese ha i parents lived right ecroee-from the chapel was taken suddenly IQ and died in a very few hoars of tease “•Indy which the Oilmen* were not familiar with. The father of the hahy said that *the death at ha child was due In the wicked wiles ad the foreign devil, who was always talk ing •*»••• the way.’ Thie passed on to mouth until Anally a to gather. As the crowd grew and increased it be am* turbulent, violent, and Suddenly seme one in the crowd shouted, ’Sety waug gsr yang guay tie,’ which mease ‘bet’s kill the bad fpreign devils.’ The cry was tak en up and repeated by thousands at throat*. AH that the meh needed waa a leader and thti leader soon put in hie appearance in the guise of a tall, strong Manchu soldier. This wicked htrculoan giant got as immense log ef wood and with the old ef the moo started to batter down the gate to the yard of the missionary*! homo and aa they battered they all shouted in uni sen, ova and over agate, "Saty waug protection within ha encircling ma ternal arms, weeping all the while aa If their little heart* would break. The mlaaionary was at a lose what to da, and ever end anon ha hoard the bat tertng of teat mighty ram upon the gate. Realising that the end waa aenr ha get down upon his knees and taking Ms wife and children in bis arms, prayed, prayed that the Al AUghty. Omnipotent, Omniscient Cbd carry them safety to that land beyond the skies Right at thte point la the ’gMcaadlage & faithful cook at the saraz tst&svsr, and beckoning to the missionary and hte wife to follow, started towards the hack wall at the compound. The faithful Chinamen had alrandy placed • ladder against the well and ewr this he climbed to the other aid* with the little babes la his arms. After getting upon the opposite aids at the wall ha placed the children open the ground and returned to help the mis sionary and hia wife negotiate the _ ^ . orar th* wall tk« front gat* was ahot> torod and Woken mg and tba mob raahad in. They Vtill thoaght that S'^wC' ssaiEEje: ^“MwSSJSrg taf i§Dad for BkMtktl. hmi again. Th* Cbitww aQ fhongfct that M *M a gbo*t at first, bat anon earn* to faalia* that ha was fioah and Mood. tpislp SrrwoSaar: ftd* hrlck odiflco, which ia a mmament and memorial to this aian of God.” ^JMeordm^EdwIrd *H °5Iboo!a7' Mr*. Gibooa and Httl* dnagbtar, Edith Moor* Glboon. loft Sunday arming for Baltimore, where th* little girt will bar* an operation at th* famon* John* Hoaidna University hoapiul. Th* kind wiehea of a boat of fHonda-bor* fallow thi* ootimaM* family to tb* far-away institution of rrliefi Mayor Beall, of Alton, IU., haa In atmmfed the polk* of th* town that women and girl* an not-to woar ahnd. M?asrVE&?&sd ia snoot.' Oonaan mbenarlnee bar* atortod a war agahmt tfcabfrtaden voaaals la tfm Nmth Mo. Four ship*, all Nor. WMtaa. war* reported to bam* bam si; *• TMHaty do tM,” mldth* SIBffiijG # IpMjNMtlWri. s&rjs fiitzizsssr" »*S^S£,K!e2;JftS: r.aaara»«??^ga wata^jd MlaaeliolU. emu**) by tbo luw.T-i^ ”-y*r.‘*nc* *• B» was pnurScSfy^* ■liKlllity, Tht young couple war# WWTSl!!V‘ Tl/SS ,* '" M*reh 01 Wow Inf Jwi. — ‘ BUSINESS LOCALS ^5 SidiirSsissir'isj's uSSiVSTc? ”%S &sr&5&xsr —• ropwp rmkjruri— Tinilaj kJmoJ *miL 0ZZirnc‘'t,.r” ** *“• • 4 ‘ - ■■«■ Mood*lMB4 Ford Trartav Wagram Sharing Parlor Ft le hard to And a needle la • hay •tack. Bat It la atill harder to And a •hop of better eerviee than B. A. EVANS* BARBER SHOP SMI _ i TURNIP SEED** Wt hue* in stock now all kinds of Prvab Turnip ds fr- m the famous asod farms of T. W. Wood * >••«. Hi.-ttm-.nd, Come in end get your supply th# stock is fresh aod complete. PRESCRIPTIONS O.ir proscription department is ready at all times to serve you promptly and accurately. The greatest cars is exercised in corapottadki* pea. acrfptions at this store aod you are always sore to gat what you want when you want it. Everington’s Drug Store THE SAN-TOX STORE The Very Latest Styles And there to a great deal at truth fle the fact the etodonenr can be mo choan ae to reflect the beet or judgment and taste. Stationery euitable far one may be entirely out of piece far another. Then, too, the styles in stationary chaagethe nm ae atyftae in mottling. To be cure that ymr stationery to right far all purposes, always buy it hera. THE MODEL PHARMACY “THE STORE THAT SAT18F1E8.’* 'fZtep* 127 Lawtatottg, N. (V : ^_ . • The First j Bank Of Hamlet WHICH IS “The Only National Bank of Richmond County” . • . • . Announces position to loan FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS for tho purpose of hanwUif tkdr crops. The rnio of | interest will be six per coat, nod loons nrffl to allowed to run from three to six months. This Bank bein* a member of The Fedoral Rsasrro System, its policy is to enable Thrifty Fanners to ob tain loans at low rates ot interest. • ¥ We pay 4 par cat Interest k our Serines Depart MMtf istcrat compounded fwteif. .-I 1 ( 1 I I *

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