Greatest Care—Lowest Prices We tahe exceptional pride in our prescrto. tion department . The purest drugs—the greatest aKIU and care In compounding them—the honest adherence to every Instruction-ere all abeoluteiy ns res •arjMo^gtve you metty what the doctor ha* Your Ufe may be endangered by the slight, eat ml st she. So go where you Know your ere. handled in an «£eohatai£ scientific and proper manner. We give prompt attention to all prescriptions. . Thua you do away with needless delay. THE MODEL PHARMACY “THE STORE THAT SATISFIES.” *Y%mm 127 , Laiarinbarg, N. C. IT DIDN’T PAY • • I The grasshopper took out a membership card in the “Easy Spenders” lodge and had a fine time sdl summer, but when the wintry winds began to blow there was nothing in sight to sat but snow. It’s a fine thing to drift along joyously with no thought of the morrow—while y>u are young and •everything looks rosy. But the wise ones know that then is the time to pinch out a little by sys tems tie saving a reserve for old age. Don’t be a - grasshopper. We Invite you to open a savings eeoount at oar bank. The State Bank Of LAUHNBUBG, “IV BankJFor Strings.” | . —■ Something TUa ia the question that all the world ia conearned aboot. A man never thinks much about it exoept when he goes to maaie. A woman, if aha be tbs mistreaa of a boms, is often put tea great deal of worry and no little aanoyaaes ia bar efforts ^o. dad something saitabie for bar table three aedi 4ay and aevee daps S weak year fa and year out *1 would rather oook a meal than to plan ooa." said a woman raeanUy. This trouble can ba iwduead *v**ti. k. THROWER & McLEAN Successors to L. A. Monroe & Son. Pure] Food Products. . ’Phone 23. Laurinburg, N. C. Seaboard Air line Railway Co. TIm Profrarirc Railway of the Sooth ANNOUNCES that commencing Saturday, August 29th, the Seaboard Air Line Railway Company's Passsngsr Trains wffl uss the TERMINAL STATION InlAtlaataCGa., which •tatleo to atao oaad by the Southern Ry/, Central of Georgia Atlanta A West Point Ry.. and A. B. A A. Ry. JOHN Y. WB8T, D. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. fire mami CITY DMIEW YORK ■APIO PROD REM MIND MADE UNDER NEW EIRE PREVEN TK>N DEPARTMENT. Ordhnaneaa Paaaad and Ealng Enfaraad Controlling Emeh'ng and Throw. Ing Away Lighted Match*a, Clgara and Clgarattea la Publla Build Inga. York City la amklng rapid progmaa In lira prevention work under tha laadarthlp ot tha dra pravautloa department of tha city government. *°r aota# time aa ordtnanoa ha a baer anforced forbidding aaaoklag In toft building* uf baaardoua occupancy, be eaaaa of fha aumnfoua Brea ruaultlng la loan of life dae to amofelag. Thla haa bean aupplamcntad by a naw or dlnaaea prohibiting tha throwing away of thy lighted matebea. clgara or elgaraUaa In aay balldlog or a true tara or In any public conveyance, aa-' Iota depoaltad la a aulubU container I provided for tha reception thereof Thla ordtnanoa, If enforced, wfll oKaai note one of the moat fruitful cauaaa of Brea.—Inauranca Poet. SOME rOEXST DOHT'S. Dost forgot that caralaaaaeaa canaaa flraa; praeaaUoa praracti thaa. Doat throw kiralni natrhaa ar ta basco wkara thara to tafias HiUrUl. D»at build largar easy traa thaa Dost band (traa again*t traaa, atasya ar larga ar ball aw logs Dost bslid traa ta teaaaa. rwttaa wood, ar otbar plana wkara thay ora Ukaty la apraad. BaMd thaaa oa net* oral aoU. by •rat aeraplag away tha tears* aad dacayad ragatattoa. Dost Ml ta astlnnlih COMPUTE LY all traa bafora lap Mag. arao far a abort time Doat bat Id flraa ta rlaar toad, with oat taking or ary poaalbla praoo* ttoa against tbotr apraadtag. DEFINING PYKOMANIA. Pyrosianla (Ira marinas) to a symp tom rathar than a distinct form of ta ■salty, hot In many easas la wkdah It occur* H to tha first aatdanrs of maa tai daesagamant. U la dtttesK to ooa *bt aack a parson, baoauaa no mot It* tor tha sot of hsmtng ana bo about. BlotaMMaTbM ta thTtstorrn] ho m) aot a number of Iraa Howarar. hi oftosar than any otbar Incaodtary b oasa whfla com sitting tha not. for he h*o at tha thaa bo tanr of psalahmaat Tho pyrenaatac to aotaod by on i» pooadro 4a*Ira to ban. White wadto Ada trrotoatiMa hr pa las ha ha* aa a* poaatatloa af tha tact that Ha ant arm Inter* othar* aad may rossll ta psn tshMMBt to himadir. Tbta proposal ty of tea IMA* H moot likely lo day Mop ta tha I near ahta ctoaaaa at lha laaaaa. aad la the Imbarito, and aomotfma* to aaaa la thaa* ofarlai tram opltopoy aad Utowto* Thors arrar nomaa a time whoa It la sola «a society tar oaa wh* haa aaos had aa trraetoUWa Impute* ta taeaodlariam M be at tom Tha tncraaaa ta tha aamhar a* urie Maaa ot bam are ta nrapneMnei to pops todfim has ban aad wm ha groatar yaar. beaaaae tha laoraaaa at tha popstotta* to pmporttoaatefy thaa that ot tha aaaa. Pin B. B. Baoktoy. 9 , _ BAVZHa LIFE AND PROP KKTY. to «»* way at radactag tha satoil IPtertaa da* to tha mm pradartloa aM4^^<STSo"<y^S Til lUXll *IM ^ wt Dw. th* escribes of Ml h UN h PI. to ?>1*- "***• nos-lbtal aeeeMeiti ban •aaa radaood 1a asaahar from MM ta «gg «■ INI) ta l.m fi im«. *"* If |Ni ibI iifltrlif tes •*»** Pint Pbdaraltoa of America ■ad othar bodtoa ta tha diroattoa bdt rstad—Tho Sportator. T*" OOMMAHDJacrt Or SOCIAL. ■CONOflV. , Tnaaranea hu«M baatoeaa. bat K n aaora Oim * baalaaaa. It fc baoe «•«»»•• and topieaRy tta foTbnrara aia benefactor*. Not alwara reoapalaed •ad aeoapted as each, bat to hi a mb wuaaa erary fntaraaca mao knova that aacurfty tad paraaaal Miailai «° wttt “• IWr baalaaaa act a T» CMraawa tba atmap. *U*pa*r<J tba wa«b. pretact tba dependent lamfora (ka paMlo health. pMmor, feapSEt, •aaura bat tar Tuva, aacourapa tba •fifty, atfmalau tba baaNtlaa of ab la fhtatfy aaada. praaant and fatura promote eoaaaaay. proper aar ? <* raapoaalMUty «f rlf aad to atbara rarfly, tba Ti» Cdaamaadaaeata of aacdal aoea •a* rauma-Vaclik'lbqpaa tU«M **' * LMD ASSOCIATION v.(r i> m ' p «H7 Male ctaip to regal red to ndgpt budding and ksam emouleHsm> a* Pbsrsted la this conntry to the m at lka‘ tanner. When organised and worked la the cities end towns the Phi menu are weekly er montbly. gen- * •tally U cento each sreek on nach, •hare at stork. Worked la thle wap • they provide a sands of syMrasaUc •sting lor the iharebutdar, and usual-' ly mature the Mheree. when of the: per value of 9100 In a little lead than ' •lx end a half yostrs. The par value! of stock ran be put at 1100. IMS or) nv«i more, and thise extend tho ttoe; end make the time at maturing about eleesa years, fifteen pare, aad aa on. The association is .made op of and owned bp Me shareholders, who rareive all to the profits thereof. These a see rimtioos are run at the lowest coat at any business la the corns try; and la chlf State, srbero the legal rets of la ttrust U ( per cent. Betterslly make •' profit of C par ront. aad In some esses ovgp 7 per cent. The change necessary to be made to i adorn these associations and their i working to the use or the farmer Is I the mode at payment tor eharsa. The • tormors cannot afford to agree to pap ter thalr shares 'weekly, except m r»em whore they have a variety wf trope, eaeh aa give returns practical ly every mooch tn Ike year, aa dairy 's* trucking- etc., bat the papamatn ae tkeree matt be tolled tor and mada dartag tbwilma la which the farmers hervsst and markat their money crags. Aa example of this Is shown m toe statement nf rondtttooi where the mosey trap Is tobacco or eottom. aa M to l« a large partioa at this IWs. la oaedoao Nko this M to probably better ter tbe pay neats to ha mada during ibe maath of NovraAer. Peoember, aad January, ar possibly beginning a ®ooth earlier. The permeate would bo MM for each of tha thrua months, •r HIM a Te ir on eaeh ahare. Th!a would give the money ready lor loan lag bp tha f rst at February—generally the Dae wheel loaae are desired by termers. A thousand shares ja atjp msodatloo would glrc (ISAM each pear. Tba aaaortacloa eaa be ran tor not more than IMO which would loare h net amount tar loan I eg of 9UA00. This money would be loaned upon real netote mortgages, and this amount for loeakig purpoass could be toerwueed by -islng the notes so eeearod for get tM aa addMlonal turn. If tha addl th U amount obtained should bo aa ■41 ,es, them the maorlartoa w-Lssh have tor lousing each year ar. in five pears, IIOOAOO. Of i-aaedtded problem to tool *** •* •«* i rate at U be -ibhebry to (kt oMibio la tbe work at n.—Report at Ueoreaee Ten|. OMX SiTITT "DON’TS" FO» MOTHX18. i __ £ sat dry-clean ta the kMN. E »«t Vt of i ow bukavit. hat tom* ea «IMHe I heads. wit loch on the children eleae la 0 the boots. broksa (Isos, crooktfr t nor tin scattered ere-ud. eat allow ehlMrsa u coast down tn £ ctlaos late the street. °at atlen1 children to hold note r Bovtoff vehicles ’•** How children te oa moo I JULWDUBT AB A 71X1 XX i TmaxnasMM. l) Bawdest «n acting otafc ■■■II firoa fl*MM •** JU nlw la graatiy W Jknnt byth. addiua. or JZZZZ J* ao4a (baking powdsr). (3 Tha n«4mi floats aad fonaa a 'Peaks* «t« tts baraiag ofl. lUb itasrhanal. of soda, when expoaed to bn*, film odt carbon dioxide gas. *• osabostlon by 4 oC aoem of air. A nttere i V »— •«"*» <*r bicarbonate te ona a nsbol of sawdust has baas round to W aatlothetnry J. ___ UQSTXnO FI&B& / Tbs report of tko Kaaeas.firo nar Jtoal «n Hgbtalog Area aad kosaae la pajdty teas striking than that of tbs bto report far ptlk. Marshal L. T. Hussy raporte a tan at tot light*lag fires, with Waragnte loans of MM.4M pun fasti i- . ' .• FREE PROTECTION — AGAINST — TYPHOID FEVER • i Every Citizen in Scotland County Should be Immunized. • j " j It Cmm No Bona, No Leas of Thao. It ie Sofa, Almost Certain Protection, Convenient, Practically Ptinlcee and Free. Typhoid Has Been Eradicated Wherever Vaccine Has Boaa Used. Tho a venae annual toll of typhoid fever to our army be fore vtcdngtioo wm begun waa 686 enow and 87 death* nar 100,000 ooidle.m. In 1810 the treat meal waa made tmfmial i and the rate fell to 2S2 eaaea and 16 deaths. la March. 181L the treatment waa made eompubory and tbs fata fall to 80 mao* and 11 deaths. In 1812 there ware only 86 eases and 8 dvatha There have been so death* from typhoid to tbs army sin* 1814 wr—~ Immaaity Lasts for Too to Foot Years, Pevhape longer. TakoYonr Entire Famfly to the Meat Convenient Dispensary Point and Bo *-ntnil Three Treohnanto Are Narawary to Cbo famphti) Immaaity. ’ Therefore bo aura to visit a dispensary oa the ‘T~Umg date to secure all throe h eat nun! * free. * ‘t DISPENSARY DATES AND PLACES FOR SCOTLAND COUNTY: WAGRAM—Monday foranooa. August 21,28, September 4.11 SNEED-8 GROVE—Monday afternoon. Au*u*t*L». Se£ t ember A 11. JOHN^SSTATION-Tueeday forenoon. Aagaat24 28. Sep HASTY—Tuesday afternoon, August 24 28. September6.14 SPRINGFIELD COTTON MILL8-Wednesday forenoon Aueust 28. 80. September C, 14 " GIBSON-Wednesday afternoon. Aopust 22, 80, 8aptrmbw, 6, 13* LAUREL HILL—Thuroday forenoon, Aapuat 24 8L Sep tember 7, 14 OUMfUNDRED-Tburaday afternoon. Aoaaat 24 81, Sap -<Maui n'l^WwiJ WAmin.^ nmiV A__ ** September \ 8. 1& LAU RIN BURG—Saturday AH Day, Ri 18. Free Health Literature Under Direction of the State and County Board* of Health. ^33 - * % ■ I 9 FOR THAT HOT, DRY THROAT Ob a hoi Summer day, thura’a nothing that will M“* ■* manufacture-juat off tta laa er medium"aaT am liko it. ———. — r— Ymu.Unmalmrimmmlmttl.toltm. art, ft l* mid in avury town heraaboata and by Dm amt . aMMM)aaaaMA ™ 'i1 nwrcniotc. Laurinburg Coca-Cola Bottling Co. IrMri-IVf. N. C. FLOWERS! FLOWERS! FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Roeea, ValHaa. Orchid* and Carnation* a specialty. Wed din» bouquet* and decoration* arransed is lat**t art Floral offering* arranged with flaact tooeh. Writ* o* for pvtoa* oa your requirement*. AO OMMQuii(cation* fed*** prompt attention be J. L. O'Quinn A Co., RaW»h, N. C.. Tile 149 "OUR BUSINESS 18 GROWING." PWtea your order* with our local agent. J> T. FIELDS

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