Ithe exchange l«wt, m 2T*mwily form that ondor hov. dooo thou <—» that it » tr i ;• • i ■ ibiaUi urn that ha will am *v. ami it !•«« you may ant be awry af K. But H eaanm that do eiaa* of owe *aa • 4a Ikia thin* Hhe theaa his, hawaat fellow. who Mot awt ia Gad*, greet ion-door*. Their terra may ba -a***-1 [ad and tanned, their ha ad* call-meed ' «ed ehooMeea baat from the [weight af hardawa they Hava had to 1 boar, but under their ablrta are thump ing hearts of goM. They nevar heei catr, thay don't warry about th* raok'* batag gone, end ihi.o'a little likelihood that .their wivea wUl "lgue •4M* becau-w they dWn^ let them before that aaaaehody waa com ing to d'npar. Suiely Ihaee err Ood*a oboaan people-_ KEY. It It JOHN NEW HEAD CAKOI.INA COI.LEGB. INmiih ri I’lir* ° K Mercer. Who WIE blm to XMstartal Work. Max ton, N. C, Auk 11.—Es, K. B. John, who wax Wat week Heeled pm Moot ef Carolina Cottece. has accept ed and will take chair* the first of December, when the xeaicnation al Preaidaot 8. E. Mercer takes efface Caroline CoUe*e, Menton end the Methodiat church are te be coneraha la tad oc Mr. Met acceptance of this position, lie seems in every wav pre isai sanely dttad fer tt- Hie early Ufa eras spent not far trees Heston, bis tethy. Capt. J.-rJchaubelafl nttf CONGRESS PASSES FIRST OP NA TION’S DEFENSE MEASURES. Cwmiwmmm ii^rt mm Army M Gtf* . ryfap WIDTMt. A—Swi Ip Emm hr n*% japan. Kwil« or Italy had don* to increase lla navy. “Bat,“ ha added, “la my Miaiea our navy will ha the second hi the world dm w« got the new drift pravMsdIfarjajh* grading meoear*. the hill Is signed an four battle ship*. tour battle cruisers, (oar scoot cruisers, twenty torpedo beat destroy m* thirty coast n^qmixni, tluor of •he Md-tea type, aaa .eenty-eown of gm|sW* ttmpluiigiLr^sttl* crSSn^S am at the dreaghtsTcea'i beads by and that contracts (or tht of tho ships probably will all t by the Ant at Janeary. _ if the proposed Government ar_plat* plant would bo ready to furalsh amor for tho now battleship*, Mr. Denials declared that ao effort would bo made to rush the work oa the 111,000,000 plant or plants pro vided for in the oSh bat private con cerns would be permitted to bid for the armor contracts. The naval architects, said Mr. Den ials, have planned the new dread noughts, the fuel aad hospital ship*, the eeoot cruisers and moot of the submarine*. The dreadnought* will draw about 83,000 tana and be pro pped by electricity. Thera win be sight 19-ineh guns to a ship, with a - piere* armor at a diatom* 17,000 yards. In the re ■oa Aght bits wen mads CHINA PAST BECOMING MIRA CLE OP MISSIONS. Mare Converts ta Loot Fifteen T«n Than la AD tha Tears Before ■ Southern Mice tonary News Korean. “There hare been mate converts made la China in the laat fifteen, years them tn aU the years before." This la too surprising eta 1 sestet of Bishop Wilson S. Lewis, for several years a resident of China, superintending pert [of the work of toe Methodist Episco pal Church in ttet land. “The people hare loot confidence la has then tarn." he continued: "first, hose ace western Weals and school systems have shown them that their religious views wore untenable. Second, tutnm' lb tint : of aaad and under practical strain. I their religions systems have all broken down. President Tuna Shi 'Kai was very friendly to Christianity. He gave liberally to the Union Protee itaat Univeasity la Peking. The uni versity, built aud endowed by the ex Itrn indemnity money which the United States retained, is completely equip ped with Christian teachers, though 'it is a government institution. Pray lev meetings are regularly held, and ordinary instruction is gives a Chris 'tien bant. Recently one of our mie jsionnries went Into a province where i he was visited by the governor, who * reminded the missionary that be had given him hta education aa a boy, aad that ha deal rad ta offer every possible co-oDeration that ha, aa a missionary, might eomasaad. That governor is aam one - af tha owvootv ad Weave of Brc7rtw.nt.'“" — - "Am assay of the officials Chrie ians ?'* ho m «»t»i “While I »u holding a meeting in LfiOB, n splendid young seen profeeanii rooversion," ho replied. “He later ha wses the secretary of President Ynaa Shi Kai, and is now dm secretary of the seventy adviaarm. The mere ihoughtfui people are turning to Christietlty u tha only solution of China's problems Tha war between Christian nations at first staggered them; bat now they eossn tp recognise in It man’s utter helplessness-aud need For a vital religion. Whenever I visit the capital of a province. I asa expect ed to call open the governor. Ha toon returns the call end confers with me aboat many vitgl matters. The vast Importance of oof work in China lies In the fact that the lenders trust Christian missionaries, and coma to them for help in tha aglntion of praa snt government problems." “Do yon look for an nnwsnai revival in China?" “There never was eo orach interest in tha Christian religion ns now. In Hinghwa We are compelled to bold litres meeting* a day In n building which holds So# people, end to rsfuae anyone the privilege of attending Methodist church 1st Sfwi'sTta putting two bishops into China, for the demands upon Bishop BoaMord and myself are-far beyond what we can ton-fold in tan yean. Wa an putting mush time and thought on tha education* 1 tjrwtwva. Chin* h*a baen too busy and too mock unsettled bn formulate a system. Wo an bsdld tag a school plan reaching from tha kindergarten through tho high school, hoping we may mark oat tho way which China w6l utUmatafy follow. TUa vast empire la certain soma day to bacons Christian, and as man east have a greater psirflaga than to spend kio life In this strategic time la pro posing Chine for that day." Germany Wifi Have Feed Bessgk for AarfherTeap. Berlin, Aug. IOc-TMi year’s crepe will be orach larger than say in the test season of ponce, according to tn formadon now at hand, the Food Beg ilitfrm Hurd ubmmHs hb Gtn** any la assured of supplies of all tbs ns Basse rise of life for another year. Magnolia Balm • f-lh “r -i r .. tsSzJissJzgi-tlzz S?.-4 tt Tr H smeaA. enw to use sad MM KaWIgh New* Letter. ■ ,w; C77W With wy ten week* Intervening between f2* <*•>■; Chelrmen War "?• g* .Democratic State Coramit ®"*t •dttPUd * horry-up, slogan, **“ ,*• endeavoring to Impreea up in »od loader* •*" countie* die neceseity of getting the campaign formally started everywhere without further delay. E.ery intelligent person know* how Oaagerou. delay* are. yet In eom* counties thne ha* been a disposition ,to pttt off thing* that should bclooked after and carefully looked after, at once. Tbe local speakers who hav* h*?*5. to balk at “hot weath er” will cow And the Brat fall mouth peeping at them just around the next rornor—ami they are cxpcctad to get e move on them" without farther parley and proceed to ewat the ene my at every little meeting place avail, ebie—wherever * few max aewmble thciaselvee together. It j* at these ! 4n * x"**^0**1 '"r,icni «>"•'» neighbor i trJb.h>m the truths and developments i wnicn ordinarily would not come to ! hie knewlodgo. that the bed-rock, the IS laid. That is Chauman Warren's opinion, and it certainly sounds like th* **«l *Mpjf. Closely connected with these little meetings it the op portunity that presented for the pro duct committeemen to get in tome good work and paa* it on up to the county chairmen—on* of tha must de slrabie and affeetiv# not to say in ., roautt* being the proper M"W ®£. voUr* every pre cinct. as the State Chairman has been ergtog already. That is the way to »f hje fcoUticaj m*chin,y*r.d J|^“ ■ teoa working and naming * Mtw i««r on mm of the bis KWU tho campaign (who cant be {*^.feokad for Aab£ tasa. Then aeidt from 3a far governor, and praaiden «■» •* Wyge, than wheat tt hard to fad three ■ gjjtada, apeak ere "*• to make every effort's fiLs? y-* ffa>orityja.5* SSB-SSpS *h«r* it U known the fapoblHmce are f*knfr--r**1 •®ort» •“«* toiaJrmoney to captate a new rongreeamon Attorner QeneraJ Bidtett, Demo. for Governor, will •peak at A thebe ro next Saturday, &«“»t Mth. and Bute Chairman Warran anaotmoaa the following ad. diuonal apnolntmenta far Mr. Blekett: At Naahvllte'Monday, August 2*th• UShdby BmptaSSfy eSufaSS; S^>»Mher fi; Albemarle, Stanly eottnty, September 9. Thrwiidi woe accountable error the data of the Aeheboro meeting became “•■fooed. end a number of paper* an flounced H for Augaat 19th, laatoad of Next. Saturday. (89th) wAa date officially eta tad from Dmnacratk headquartare hare, and tfce proapecta axe that H win be a .^. prominent Democrats participating. OttUr Cam. Mnrrfooc’s appoint future are: ** tod Augu»« ss; at Sanford August M; at Lumberton August 19: sTVarottsvai* August M; *t Psals August #1. Appointments for doctor Sinclair will bo snnounced soon. Lika his “*U "““todgn, Mr. Bln. stair is one of tha finest campaigners la will be de 1 '[ * dls flguiea don't 11a, hora axa least avoid tha truth ia “hia»ir i'Ai__ « an attempt to figure out In how tha eMctioa wUl go in Novaubar la rather previous, sod to that extant worthless. But tfafc ini. tt^J^oweaar of tha BapubQaaan, featMd an what they tarn “reasonably *•**■*■' rotes, is as ridiculous as xsrtj&rs tsSi Z2°s who knows no bettor. —the masher ef State* tble prognosticator ladles oat an ev#n MO votes for Hughm or 54-rtiin.,ss%£2£ SErsRtfpB AnpwhHcan States will yiaid fia eandi Juat bow urorthloaa sack caloate tioss oro (except for potribte'ffast oa §S§i£s3s Stotoo. thh okateter teetedes West SSfSlD£^i"?£jr.£S5 sa^a^^avrw'S •oa oaeogh to elect, counting Mary land. Thai there an Mlnpari and ' Iwtoiy left, with several doubtful weataeu States to swell tha Wilson vats ts mm larger proportioa* than Hughes mas an now claiming. The three Roberts brothers, convict ad afi the murder of aa mad couple named Wyman, on Sente Bern sound, la Florid*, a year age, sad whoso easo SsJrtsrjsraafh:!'* arSiS ssa sjhu; --- - — L4J a m—is. 1 w.- - u _ f*mrW ON DMD OVOMB' WW/t nmdo aa oomment except to say that they had art yot gives up tha fight. Oov. Park Troutman Is exported, whhla a abort time, to name tWday gtiawffss. "i.'ia inr; county that white mas lama rndfiafl . the deoth jweslty. Urn mm I 1_ _V