Local Notes. Mr. H. M. Morgan spent Sunday with Menli near Merton. Mr. W. C. Koeeell spent Sunday with frioods nt Mextern. Mm. Oeo. T. Rhodes It spending a few days nt Jackson Springs. Mian Kva North of Lake City, 8. C-, I* the guest of friends in thin city. Mr. 1. McN. Pate of Laurel 11UI wan n vieltor In the city Saturday. Mr. John O. Wallace li (pending a few daya at Charlotte and Asheville. Mite Nellie Maxwell (a visiting friends for a few days at Lumberton. Mr. Lawrence Everett apent several days last week nt Washington, D. C. Messrs. L. H. McLean and Will L. Thrower apent Sunday with their families at Red Springs. Miss Belli* Thrower returned home Saturday night from a two weeks’ visit with relatives at' Red Spnnga. Mr. Bryant S. Mall apent Wednes day and Thursday at Max ton on busi ness. Miu N*U Young of Ferret City i» tha attractive guest of Mist Anna Stewart. Miss Josephine Bostick and Mine Maggie Muse are spending a few days at Jackson Springs. Mr. T. H. Hunter spent several daya last week at Wrightsville Beach and at Lumbertoa. Mrs W. H. Snailing of Bartow. Fla., la visiting her fether, Mr. Jaa. P. Mc Lean. Mr. Angus Gilchrist of Norfolk, Va.. la ■snwilag a few den here with hit brother, Mr. N. P. Cflchrtot. Mr. J. ghspperd Kassel! at Ihdsra bang. Va, la aaeadtag hi* vasattoa with ala father, fcr. T. B. Burnell • Miaa Mae Smith of Wlnnahoew S, Saw^a^^. ***'* * W ‘tatar' *“ Mrs. M. B. lower U visiting hex daaghtar. Mrs. t. M. Cooper, at Bk. ton. Mr. Sateen F. Farmer aad Mr. X. Jackson returned Benday night from a pleasure trip ta Ooaan View, Va. Miaa Lala Qttwon, Mias Both Bins aad Mr. KBga Gibeeo at Giheon ware visitors la Laariahtsrg Monday. I. H. McDuffie and tittle Man, left Tuesday tar a relatives in Robeson county. Mr. Thomas Guthrie Gibson of Gib son was a Laurinburg visitor Satur day. Mr. aad Mrs H. D. Caldwell of Winston-Salem are visiting at tha boms of Mr. J. 13. Maxwell. Mr. J. F. Bay and Mr. N. P. Gil christ. spent Saturday and Sunday'at WrtghUvtlle Beach. Mias Mary Bethel left Tuesday morning^for a few days’ visit at Boa . rostaaster j. a. u wlen oi Laura Hill m among the visitor* here finkr, nsming down to hear Hon. Comoron Morrison preach Democracy. . Mim. Mary and Lisxl* Ruoooil enter tained quite a number of their frlaads Monday oraning. in bona* af Mlaa Mr. C. W. Graham, who baa bora la tbs employ of the Colonial Screen Company, (a now working at Hander •on. Mm. T. V. Baker and chlldraa have returned from 8miUifUM, where they have bora visiting Mn Baker's ano ther for the past two weeks. Mr. RoUla Hites on of GrowrlBa, S. C., has bora spending tha peat aovaral days with hla father, Mr. C. T. Hud son ad Hast Laortnburg. Bdlm Mattie Brown, who has bean a pending aovaral days at tha boms of ' h«r aunt, Mrs. a H. Russell, returned Tuesday la her home at Hope MOla. Mae era. J. Walter Jackson and Alan MeKanste returned Monday night flunk n row days' visit to Ocean View, Vo., and Atlas lie CKy, N. J. Mm. Hattie Harris aad Ml*. Jamah Ry state and little sen left Tuaadayftr Ridgecrest, where they will spend about a wash or tan days. _Mr. aad Mn. J. C. Morgan left Wadnaaday „fsr Jectaon Springs, wham Mn. Marmn will remain for a penal ad bra days or laager. Or. A. C BA ad Aabbare arrived bam Hand ay afternoon aad tel be la the mania far serosal weeks, having •charge s/ the free vaccination enm Jfr. J, L. Caviagtoa, a farmer rftt TJ&ESXiSVSAS several days ia the county with home folk. Than will ha an tea enaa sapper at Mm cotton platform at John Wed nesday night, August 80. Frnneeds wOT be used far thr benefit of tha Mithtdlit tbiveb. Min EteAMr r free tuition for four years. This Is an opportunity fur owns smart, ambitious H/y, Particulars can bo had by writ u„- tu the college. Monday, September 4, is the date o't for the opening uf the next ses ,un of the Laorinburg Public School*. Supt. 0 W. Rabb states that prep arations have been made for the open ing and prospects are encouraging for a successful year's work. It will be well for petrous and students to re member the data of opening and lat nothing oomc In the way of their being present the first days of school. Quests of Mrs. D. A. McDoagaid this weak are Miss Mary McElwvc of Hen derson, and Rev. J. A. Beam of Rox boro. Rev. Mr. Beam wee formerly principal of the InakavfUe-Sprmy In stitute and also of the Bethel Hill In stitute, which la now under the man agement of Mrs. Beam. Mr. Beam Is at peasant the popular caperintendaut at public InetrueQoc of Parson couaty. JOHN NEWS NOTES. Ita— «f IHmat y>»» fwp—lw MM County Town. •postal to Tho tuM* John, August. a.—Thaos attending ths YoderJoned marriage lost Ws£ naeday won Hr. W. N. Oibooo sod family of Bod Springs; Mr. and Mrs. Jasper T. Oibooo, Hr. R. B. Oibooo, Mr. aad Mrs. Jamas A. Jooas, Misaaa Fmnnle Oibooo, Loutao Kina and Jes sie Bigg* of Laartaburot Mr. Paul Yoder of Hickory. Mr. C. C. Carpenter of Gastohla and Mr. Whit lay ofAIbe oarls; Mis* Boyd Thorn of Uttlstoo; Mlaa Janet Weetberspooo of Sanford: Mite Clara Jonas of FayottoriUo. aad Missos Eva sad Mary MeOirt of Max ton. Mrs. J. C. Bay aad family and Mbs Katie MeLaurtn won among those spending the day at Jackson Sprites Sunday. Mr. Lacy HatUr, Mbs Lab Hester aad M1m Elisabeth Bums* wan week-end visitor* at WrightsviDe Bosch. Mr. J. T. Jobs returned Wednesday woak's stay at Jscksio Mbs BUtta BaB Wobotar of Bon VMmwMhMMh uvtm naar Dare. The lint services in the saw Math odist church wOl bo bald by the pea tor, Rev. J. B. Thompson, next Son day morning at 11 o'ctoak. Mr. M. Janas has returned from a trip to Northern attian Klee Mabel Onrrio ef Maxton has returned heme after a pleasant stay hen with relatives and friends. , Mr. WaL Penn Hanley laft Monday night for Rocky Peed, Colorado, where ha epee oa hie annual trip, to gather gaTjcafgaraasrS: On account ef the tllaem ef Mias Pries, oaa of the tea than, the open lag of the schools beta win be peat EXMMa two WWWMA» Mr. J. T. John end V. A. Kendall spent Monday la High Point, aaleet Intr the fall fine of furniture for am J. T, John CoMtav, Mr. Robert F. Stewart meat Sunday and Monday with his Mother, Mr. XTi'Cma., Mr. H. C. Roy meat Sunday with hie parent! at Whhanriiu , MrTW. A. McKay meat Me vaca tion last week out at tie heme of Me MtiE'liSrtm nmrMaxCi.** J.3 T. McNeill and family spent Mat week with friend, in Bladen 'SBrS&g&BSz adtit the crowds at Lumna park at 5SS'w m«, - tertoMed a crowd of her friends at 5STKSMSS...W jKCr£UM&L£r’ w We eeanot boast ef crops' being extra gied throughout this section tide year, but we should be thankful that wu are not vititad by each ruin as has come to aems parts of the 8taCw. v. — * Wagram Sharing Parlor It is hard to find a netdlt in a bap stack. Bat It k still harder to find a ■boo of batter service than E A. EVANS' BARBER SHOP ^nussiseiear At Me sms timr. it .Me ■ t i lli min 111 ‘ fuoctkme ISe. BUSINESS LOCALS GET your auit mA to meamrre FH-j day and Saturday. M and Wth at D. 0. A W. D. Wright. . • 777'. It! _' i SEVERAL FARMS la Blades county I for calc, real or chart crops Ap-1 plicant neat famish reference. Ay gly to A. G MeDougald, Elk ton, N. FOB SALE—A nioa lot of pigs. B. A. Wilkinson, Laurinburg, N. C. tf r . — R -- FOR SALE—One 4 b. p. Fairbanks Gasoline Engine. Now in opera tion every day at Exchange office. Bargain far each or credit. FOUND—Praabytoriaa Sunday school pin Owner can get seme at this office. Charges 60 canto. 1 CANTALOUPE CRATES on hand at Laurinburg. Can be delivered at any time. Saa Everett Covington or H. W. KeLaurin. M-tf ONE second-hand Fold Touring Car for sale. Gibson Bros. 17-tf LOST—1 have loaned my copy of Foot's Sketches to some one, but to whom I have forgotten. If the bor rower eaae this, win he kindly re turn ft. Another party desires to see R. W. R McEachra. Laariaborg. N. C. lt-pd i&S£*.Xo1tw ■sftfcss Save Your Scraps and Old Oothes Dress makers and house keepers, don’t sweep your scraps and rags Into the fire. We will call for and weigh at your door, scraps of doth, old clothes, rags etc. Call us orer the ’phone. Gaston & Graham ’Phone 54 COMMISSIONKRT SAL! OF LAND NORTH CARO UNA, 8C0TLAND COUNTT. 22? byrirto# of tho power Md authority conforrod opoa tho oo daraiyaod rnmilirioaoro hr. j£ •“'• rwaUrod bjr tho RsmU Cant of Scotlapd County, ia the action whonto T McNair ia plaintiff arc sLtuz faodaota, tho oaid noanainluaara on Toooday. tho fifth day of —1— r, rn at tha eoart hooao N. CL, at twelve ins aKsiaba-s: La to, to- wit: RSST: That lot of toad oit—cA la Aa torn of " wort side of Mala utoroocto Fa. Hoy Stroot, aad i«aa tha weetera lino of Main ■oathward direction to tW wonown trSS. *z8v?!:u'?££'jrag‘, *“0«u[•surZ&k swcfr* jSAftssxsro&ftft n Mao of lot nutter threi horA llS •Art 48 chain a to aaotfaar Conor of lot number thro* hi th« ooatw of tho Lmhatuw rand; thonoa earth ST 1-4 •art L« chain t* a ataha hi «aM read; thence ooath M 1-t aart 1AM S'-ys^jsiTi’acvsis reads thence south M rat 7 chains to the enter of the oU ten of Little Creek; thonoo aa and with the variewa mien rtth. ran of Little Crack to Thaibet tract above described wiH be aM tot Than a portion of tha ■•eond tract will bo aeG in five acre loto or patrols, according to a riot made by J. C. MeLaurin aad which «»o bo ooon at any time in tfao office of either of tha undor.ifrned commin rioawi- In th* tale of tha five acre porahi tho right will bo reserved to rafi Aort as a whole with Um re 'Anindor of the farm Undo. After tha Mid Mmli are oxpoaod to oalo tho raaiatadoT of tha farm land* wifi Iho aatd u a wholo with tha right ro •arved to rail again immadUuiy with tha parcala aa a whole. After the •aid farm land* era exposed to nolo aa herein stated, tha farm lands win thraba sold ao a whole. Place of eale: Coart Haase Door. Leurtnbarg, N. C. ^ Thne of Sale: Taaaday, fti|Hn • Thto 1 ' Watch This j • _ - From now on, as I am going to talk to you every week about things for our • I ,own mutual benefit .AUGUST S P E CIA LS 6c Lawn* 4e 12 l-2« Lawns 9c 17 l-2c Organdies 12 l-2c 25c Organdies 19c 50c Men’s and Bsjs’ Sport Shirts 39c 51.00 Monarch Shirts S9c 91.50 Arrow Shirts $L19 Man’s Paha Beach 8afta $1.98 $1.55 Ladies’ White Canvas Oxfords 98c $1-25 Children’s White Canvas Oxfords 89c *L25 Men’s White Canvas Oxfords 98c $8.00 Man's Tan and Black Oxford* ' $2.49 $1*56 Men’s Bostonian Oxford* $2.08 $5.00 Men’* Bostonian Oxforda $3.98 $1.25 Sait Cum 89c $1.66 Salt Cuu $|.lf $2.50 Sait Cue fl.$8 $12.50 Mohair 8ait« $9.98 815.00 Mohair Salto $10.98 $7.50 Palm Beaches $4.96 $1.50 to $2.00 Straw Hate 96c $1.25 Best Bine Denim Overalls 96c $1.00 Men’s and Boys' Caps 89c $4.50 Boys’ Cool Cloth Baits $2.96 $1.25 Men’s Pahs Beach Fonts 96c $2 JO Men’s Palm Beach Puts |U6 $L26 Men’s Work Panto 96c $2.50 Henderson's Front Law Corsets $L96 $2 JO Ladies’ Patent Luther Oxfords $1.96 $2.99 Ladies' Patent Leather J. W. II j Laurinburg, North Carolina The First N Bank Of Hs WHICH IS , * The Only National Bank of Richmond County” - Announces £ ■* • fti