“Summer? I Don't Dread It!” “/ROOKING will be a real pleasure ^this summer on my New Perfec tion Oil Cook 8tove—for the kitchen will be cooil" Wby cook over a hot range, in a hot kitchen when you can be cool and comfortable. The Nino Perfection Oil Cook Stove, the stove with the long blue chimney, works like a gas stove. The long blue chimney gives a perfect draft, assures a clean, odorless heat and lasting satisfaction. The fuel cost is only two cents for a meal for sue. * Ki ' ; • \ ' /V. • / . ... New Perfection Oil Cook Steves on mgdf in many styles and sizes. They are sold by most good dealers who will gladly show them. Look for Thm Long Bturn Chinumy Um Aladdin Security Oil to obtain the beat re»oits in CHI Stovco, Heaters MU4JwfWl lfT*« I "m ■ > ■ ■* ■ ■ * STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NmtJmmv) VaklMMi D. C. RALT1MORS fUHm., N. C. NwMk. Va. Ml>. (Mhw,V.Vi. WR-ri. V*. /TV CWtMtav, %. C. rnSTHEMtt/ The dairy in dustry of this country is a haK billion-dollar enterprise and it is growing rap idly and con stantly. .The most nutritious qnyr uumt LtuuuRu HilIB mrs Bi6 Are — r •PICUL IMPORT OP THI • NA TIONAL PtRI PROTECTION ASSOCIATION. j Many Lcteoni Learned by Clan Study •f Burned Am* Aseampinisd 'by Map* and Phetsgraphs Should Prevent Plraa In Other i Town* and ClUao. J Tha special rap^t of tha National Fir* Protection A eaor tattoo on.Aha ra ce* t Augusts, Oa.. coning ration giro a Mini plat* description af th* Brb. ac companied wilh aaape aad photograph a ot the burned area, and con oi ad a* with tha loUowiug aa tha Itaanaa id b* learned from the llr*i "Prartlcady Oka only ieasoai to be learned froaa tba conflagration bpaldoe that opan street ooltnn storage hi haw ardotta are thoaa uagiu by arary lather con Bagration of tba peat hatf-ceatur y. Ttoy may ba aammarlsad as toUpwi: 'The vtt*r taahlMty of the Bra $* partaaaf to control a Sr* la a ba tiding at large area and height la which Bra oao apraad (torn caSar la road la a period of time shorter thaa that hi which tbs Sr* department can roe pend and get Into effective ggarwHa. “Tb* aacaaafty tar «imoi<ri frame addhliai to brick baltdfoga. gnMSh| Intartar aad tstartor waO opening*, apeloalag vortical op solo pi. a* wall aa the aecooelty (or proper mil antlin e< ptriyau. akyUgkta aad davmar win TIm deeper ertataf M* of oottoa to tko m oolr apt coda tko «ro. tat *o«i** eoopulM odoawtntwoue peUrti “Tko tooblUtr of t too to net o flr*_Ha ostorior opcnlaf* ora oot protected. “Tko dearer of the waedae ahta*W end tko manner to which ft tptaali kojrtmd the ebflKr of a tie depart oaoot to control. area whew a Mr pro porttoo of tho bundle*, are of brick ottd bate aoB-rombuctlblo roof*, aad or* act coo* anted "T>* further that that wMo street, do act harm « Are break wheat weftden «kla*le roof coontroetiaa to prnepnt" —IbcBiemcc Index. * MAPgfl TH» V Tto nMt actio* at U 3*rotta* Bluo-Bky Lav h Mv caaa from Alanai paatly alt la fraatac it North Carolina throat* Ik* aalo at orwtantt ta *eh< loot aaaearaa vtoao town toad and carafat •Hr aartloaa of iha atata Ito taeraa air tto raart It* (to aevar of (to Itato rf laaaraaaa ta rigidly naata'or tha"w*d°h?^hl»* la Meaaaa thoaa tad to aCaetlTaly | Mh thoaa proaaotai with oat tto total# who ara aapraachri I la aaO thoaa ataeha aa la than atooM toy all •pat ta atov hla Mata ui If It la aat I bora aothlag to 4a vitb tto m to. aiaifar hov aUracthra ft' mi n mi nit utitmi 0M1«| b k* m A«Mt • TWw la m reason why aay dlbM •AmU be Imposed upon by anyone rspreaohtfag himself u so •pout of M lasnraace company. Tbs lav pro TU«a that »T*Ty ear'll shell carry bla license with him and exhibit It on de mand. Kna4 the lav: •wtlos 4701. Agents mast prarnrs Uresse Beery eyent of any tnsur auiw company authorised to do busi ness In this State shall bo required to obtain ChSMUy from the Imturauua Commissioner a license under the seal of this officer, showing that Use company lor which he Is agent la U ear##4 to do boslnaea In this gtats and (bat he Is an spent of such com pany and duly authorised to do beat «ee# for It. And every anch agent, on demand, shall exhibit hla license tc My officer or to aay person from whom he shall solicit limarauce. Sec. IOJ Agent to exhibit license If aay Meat of any Insurance com pany shall, on demand of any persor from whets ha shall solicit tnaaranco. fall to exhibit a cerUHcata from the laruraace Oomrelsniotier bearing the •eel of hts office, dated within one year from such demand, he shill be lined Are dollai* or Impriaoaed ten days fur each offense. ouoriuiuuo fiuo. ill innlclaw dro# mb be iimd Bated and proaecotlona Bade where tka arMaara rail* 'tor than. Saettoa till. CoaualaaJonar to taka taatlBnay, eun emeu aad proeeco Heap. aad fanlak laforaottoa to aa Bdtor. H ofcaU ba tka doty of tka la aoraaca Coaaminloaar to eaaalae, ar aaaaa axaanlaattlon ta ba aad a. Into tba caaaa, drcomaltacoi aad ortpta of at] •to occarrtnt vltkla tka atata to »kleh kto attention baa baaa nailed la aoeordeace with tka prartatn— af tka aaat precedta* aartioa, or by later adad parti aa. ty which pcopany la ao -i tan tally or anfewteUy barnad. da atceywd or datoacad. whamarar In bin judnaant tka avtdeace U Baffle too t. aad to a par tally axatalaa and dadda whathar tka lira waa tba raaafc ar care laaaaaaa or tba act of aa taeaodtory. Tka rota tat toaioacr thall. la porwoo. by dapaty or otkerwteo. folly iarodlpoto aM drcaaateneee aorroaadtnc aoeb Bra aad. wbaa in bla aplaloa lack pro reading* ar* aanmary. taka or caaac to bo taken tka UMlatoay on oath of all paraoaa aoppoood ta ba cognlaai* af any facto or to hara —-of kaowtodca In rototlaa to tho owttora aa to wMeh aa axaaalaattoa la karala rooolrrd |p bo mad#, aad akall oum tka aa»a to ba radaoad to writing; aad ahao kaaf tka optotoa that tkoro ymeen with tht crime of trxa. or oftif VttlTul bars Inc. ha than raaea aaeh peraee to ba arreeted and char* a« wlih aaeh ofun. aad proacceted. aad shall terslab to tha soHcftor of the district aD aach asMaooa, topeth* ar with tha name* af ahaiaam aad ai) tha la format toe abUlaad by him. Madiof a copy of all parttaaat aad matavial taattaaooy tahea la tha eat WISDOM OF THE ANCKNTS la tha Daye af Ahsnham haapta Had Clear Ideas af Paraaaal UaMlI Mee far Firs*. In tha days af Abraham, tSSt-ltU B. C, Hammnrabf. kina of Bahyloa, Ealsated a law that thoaa Entity •aa ar tncandlarlam shoaM ba ra Into tha Ira. la tha Md nraraonoH or mi mu. ^Dadmjbo tew^MoteMirtte last ia tba kata aaa laaaa a pottoy conr ta« my pro party la a etty ar tsva ■•tn ba baa k—actad tba paaparty aa ta lta ralaa aad laaarabta ntltln That la a vary important law aad ap pMaa totba taania* of ail pouetaa apoa •Hy or tawa paaparty. Tba teUara ba aamptr wMb tbla law aakM tba pint BaMa ta bars kta Mcaaaa -T-rrtltd Tka tavaattaatloa of aararal raaaat ha has lapraasad apaa tba taaa aaoa fUaMnlaaUaar tba important* aad ralaa of tbla taw. aad ba la aadfy lap tba eatapanlas and apaata la tba kata that It mast ha rtrtptly obayad. MUOKAL LIABTLITT. f. L. Btaiaow. eh tat at tba Bra da partjmmrt *tba ettr^af BMttk laaa of tbla atp. •aM^bat'nka’aaty'aia* bar ta vbtab ka loasaa la (Ms ooaatry oaa ba rsdaaad. aad tba oaty auah Sure?!* Babfon. have some XMuetVGnu™ THT CMAM OF ALL iCS CRIAMC. parfcctty tafc nd whtlwai miy out of ttM fcw mra that art dfeattibla and body buddai*. Tht idaal nunttur dttatrt-ao cootin^. ao pun, to ••tytoanva. Cat a- ooart today boat rtm ntarkgr ^S. -VBLVrr TOOT dtattr. Take Home AQyart ■^Tonight “The Velvet Kind" Ice Cremn sc Id by THE MODEL PHARMACY _ . iortamm Mbtturtil by SAVIN <31 Ui on fomu3?^ nfb «!•” la SAVING! Thim.. SAVINGS ACCOUNT at ttui Bonk.' m Bagin today—maka k tfca tag- I ular duty of your daily lifa to I •arm a little. If yoa cant eave ■ SSLi't&SSESdl SCOTLAND COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Cotton Seed Wanted Planters who hare Cot ^ ton Seed left over from their planting can get the" top of the market for them at PLANTERS TRADING COMPANY PRINCIPLE A Fundamental Principle Controls AH The Operations And Transactions Of BLUE’S DRUG STORE THE PRINCIPLE is wad cxpimacd la Urn Latin tana OPTIMU8: "the best” is our Invariable rule. Sorely no one wiabas leas then the beat in MEDI - CINit The best material, die best asm, the beat attaiameeta. the beat equipment, the beat technique, the best attention; all are combined and ased to se cure, produce and diapenec just what yeqr physician , wants sad exactly what the nuraa Mads. BLUE’S DRUG STORE 4

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