■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ p . ■ 1 1 . ■ * » Eat Well-Feel Well Do Well i It all depends on what groceries you boy, where you buy them, snd what you pay for them. If you buy GOOD groceries you cat well. If you eat well you feel well. If you feel well you do well in your business affairs. Can we tell you of a better reason why you should buy your groceries from us? Every one knows of the high standard of our goods. lliey all know of the low prices we charge. Most people trade with us, anyway. Why not you? Our one great effort is to please you, to please each and every one of our customers, and by so do ing to secure one of the most valuable of all adver tisements—new customers through the good words they speak of os to their friends. This is a frank statement, possibly a little ont of the ordinary, bat it is a fact, and it b bringing us new patrons every day. It pays ns and it pays our customers—AND BRINGS US NEW ONES. McLaurin & Shaw ’Phone No. 43 Laurinburg, North Carolina ATTRACTIVE SUMMER TRIPS 1916 TOURS FROM 10 to 40 DAYS -INCLUDING New York Boston White Mountains The Saguenay Quebec MomrcEi Lake Champlain Lake George AnaaMe Chasm St. Lawrence The Thonaand Island Niagara Falls Alaska Pacific Coast Yosemite Valley Canadian Lake Louise Vancouver Glacier National Park Yellowstone National Park Grand Canyon of Arizona Salt Lake City Colorado Rockies Los Angeles - AND THE - Panama- California International Exposition at Daa Diego, California The very highest elese of service, which makes travel for pleaeore comfortable and enjoyable. The Touts cover the moet attractive rootsa aad the prtsdpel placet of 8eeoic end Historic Interest through oat the Grenteet Country hi the World. Writ# far rataa, fcsiHgt aad deaerigtirc GATTIS TOURS Touriet Agrnta, Seaboard Air line Railway Raleigh, North Carolina • . •. i. , t . . .. • * . -.*« HEMIN6 THE HNSE FROM CELUIR TB ATTIC — i WHIN YOU CLIAN HOUII OLIAN attic firat and finmh WITH THt CILLAR. • Usually All Oltaardad Mattraaaaa. Raga, Ktc. Art Stared In . Attla Whara Tbay Ara Easy Fray Far •parka And Lights* Matahee. Mrm. Blandaumaera was cleaning baaaa. aaalatad by iba blrad girl. “What shall I do with this maltreat, Mrs. Ulaadtmaieere? It aoaaa aimoat too good to throw away, aad yet It ain’t good enough to uaa.“ "Oli. atuw It a»4iy ap U tha aula toasawhara; It might oooaa la handy soma Uni." | “Aad what about thl a a I all that's sat out bara In tha corner of tha back porch, tbla hot Ml of escalator and sack of rags and that bottle of Una aad j oll’“ Oh. pat them up tn the attic, too, I |MM " And eo It |N< until tha attic tram floor to root le full at boom of eaeet •ter. old ptttmiM. old ctotbce. old ran aad paper aed all maaocr of Otbsr combusiiWe material. Aad Ikon some dork day ecmaooe ooswi up tato tha tutored place to bad tome thing and lights a match to aoc by. end then— • Or a apark from, a crock In the chimney, or one from the top of someone else-* chimney floating In through an open window, dona (be boalnoaa when there le no one around to tend In the alarm Whan you clean home, doaa tha attic drat. Oct fid of all that trash that you are always (string and never nee. It la la the way. anyhow, and It la a menace ta yoar home every hoar that you allow It to clatter up the atttc. . Make your hooec clean from cellar to attic. In elusive — Kansas F. M. Bul letin. AUGUSTAS CONFLAGRATION TMa Big Flee Would Hava Been Pee v anted Had All Build I («s Bean Pea tasted Against tha Flames. Cammantlmg on the A agnate. On, conflagration, ceased by tha tact that the Dyer building In which the Bra broke oat wee an protect ad. tha Orlo nnU AetohsUc Sprinkler BalleUa —I —q "tmr city^hoa hundred* and han dled* of dangerous buildings already standing. What are tha Ire proof con struction advocates going to do about theta bedding*? Wa cannot tsar down what wa hare already hullt Tha erection of a law fire-proof bfind ing* hare and tha re aa older building* burn Id no core at all. because It has aa we think boon pretty well as!sh ushed that a h<X-bla*e conflagraUoD la not seriously deterred by now aad than running up against a fire-proof building. And moreover, tha word “•re proof' I* a wry relative term, because It does not taka Into account the tons aad toon ot Inflammable con tents that are contained within fire proof building*. “Wa are facing a ooadklea of burn, able buildings, but w* are also facing a far greater thing la burnable con tents. We b*H*v* that It la more Im portant to safeguard agisting bslid ing* aad practically dro-proof their eon tanta tbs* H Is to put ear trait la replacing burned building* with ooa burnable building* tan of burnable contents Every Ire iwtidli* aagt naar brews tha bast way to wish* the contents at a building aa burnable, aad It to not by putting those con tanta to a stove.' MISftKPRISKHTATXON OR TWISTING. TJndar tba following lav Mta latar ataea agaart* art forbidden to Blirapre aaat pollr oootracta or twlnt than: Becdtoa 4TT5b. "ifc Ufa lanquua mnptar de^if bnnlaeee to tbla State, IM no oBtr. I tractor. aollcMar nr other agaat thereof, than aaaka, laaaa ar rtrenlata, or eaaao to ba anda. la aaad ar dreOlatad aay eettmate ffiaa traftoa. ofreeiar ar atatotooat at may mart naWreprtainting «ha toai at tba policy taawed by H or tha fhWaafa or abaraa of aarptaa to bo raoalrad tboro •a. or ohall uta aay aaato ar tttlo of aay policy or daaa of poUotoa toto-tp rtatatlag aay qd toapaar. agaaat or brrttaraaafco aay adarapramantotna to ar la aay other company tor tba par peat af inducing ar tending to tadaoa aacb paraoa to Upaa. fartoK ar was reader hta paid loaaraaaa.' tom* ta'anw a pea* atoar'd j*r e<r pto* 9) yaan! I auflertd *M Manly trouble. I had tar* I would die. I auliered to. At tad. I decided totry Carted. helped na right away. The hd treatment aot only helped .ae, hut it cwad m.” TAXX Cardui i Tta Wtau'i Tide Cdrted hetpe wom to tlaaa at greatest aeed, tiawa It eeatotoe ingrediMia wtucfc act wadMad7' "* ** Sac d you tad durearagad, Mae, oid-of-aaeti unable to la your heu*«t)04d work, cm ecouat o( your coudlhou. toop •orrytog aad rvi Carted a 1M. H ha* helped dtouaaada I wewm.—why net you 7 Try Cardui. Ml ^cation excursion I EASTERN RESORTS via Um I ATLANTIC COAST LINE 1 r allow tor law rowad tri» firw PROM PEMBROKE NT1C CITY, N, J-IUS ORE. XL.1US IGTON, dTc_IIS ONU.TA. UJ juc, Va. LS INIA REACH. VA. US TUfata win to a)M far an tratoa an THURSDAY, AUGUST 17th Urol at ntnito to roach ortgtaal atari ac phat to or tofan midnight «f F XgjMpJwtorhl, Hit j anew adattaaa aal any toSndTLiW'! Matt a, caB oa J. O^FOWLER^^ j ATLANTIC COAST LINE*' C'| Um Xaadard Railroad mi tho Booth. Gibson Brothers i % Lurinburr* N. C. W. C CALDWELL VETERINARIAN OAc * on Bailroad Street, rear at U. A. MeDoogakJe. Aw Day Asm IK FI US INSURANCE 4A L L MONAIR, AgaaU T. 1 L HUNTER, MMagar. Tull la* bast aaaapnU.a. Tear bad >»•••' rtn ha apyracfatad aad eaiefUBy haadi «L H CHESTER SHU I OUE SHOES LOOK, FIT, FT:, AND WEAR .WELL AND WE "PJUCE” OUR JHoEJ LOW WHEN WE ' MARK THEM. JHoE.5 MAY "LOOK” THE JAMC AND YET NOT *E THE .SAME—NOT bY A WHOLE HIDE TULL. THE LEATHERS U.5ED IN MAKING THEM AND THE WAY THEY ARE MADE HAJ ALL TO Do WITH THE WEARING QUALITY OT JHOEJ. WE .STAND 5EHIND EVERY PAIR or £HoE£ WE .SELL, PLANTERS TRADINGCO. s eTboard AIR LINE RAILWAY THE PROGRESSIVE RAILWAY Of THE SOUTH Schedule Effective May 28th, 1918 Trains Leaving Lsnrinborg No. U-8* A. M. Loss) for Hamlet. Charlotte and all in termediate point*—Through Sleeper Wilmington to Charlotte. Opm for pa— unit Wilmington at 10 P. M. No. IS-7:27 P. M Local for Hamlet, Charlotte, asd ait Jo> termed tale point*,— Connecting at Hamlet for al potato North, South and South Want Pullman Parlor Car WB* rotation to Charlotte. Th.'wwh Puling 8enrtea Wilmington to Atlanta. All StaalCare. On Friday Through Btaapar. No. 20—8:86 P. M. Local for Wilmiagtoo and all intoraadhto -T«. 1. r..- --- —— . -- ■ (SpSSML No. 14—9.07 A. M. Local for Wilmington ind all iotarmsdists points,-Pullman Parlor Car Char lotto to Wilmington. Through Dully Pullman Service Atlanta to Wilmington. All 8teel Care. Through Sleeper tom Birmingham Sat urday. F<* additional information, aa to ratio, schedule*, or ra serrations, call on local agent or write the undersigned. J. Watson, Agent H. E. Pleasants, T. P. A. Uuninlmrg. N. C. Wilmington, N. C. ' John T. Want, D. P. A. Raleigh, N.C. ^_ I NEVER NEEDRERURS S’!

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