U&MME JL, CAINE# NMUN#SANBBIUPfY Sfm of Clr*—bora's laftnRrta) hm Inaen mm, after aba suffered fear laora advieed u U taka Tan iwliutM toot docton ond mL ^“•.iiaditasSsSS arrack «fen I fliet took Tanlae. Bat new 1 have ' ‘ generally be side* adding M ta my weight. I had to quit Tanlec because kjsy aa appetite," she _ Tanlae is said in Laartoburg by Blue’s Drag Stare; Gibson, W. Z. Gib son # Co.: Lexington, J. B. Smith Fairmont, r simoon t Drag to.; Man test, Batnas Bros, Adv. ARMENIANS DYING IN PRISON CAMPS. London, Any. *1—The Bee. Harold Buxton, unitary ef the Arneiln refugee* fund, ha* just I Itimal to England after devoting three men the to relief work in Ike devastated vil la gva. la an letarilew the Bar. Mr. Button gave details which entirely contrm Use grave Ratal rote made by »a the be _that the German Mi nothing to atop the During tbe whole busi inftuenee was supreme at Constantinople, and German Censela ware at their paste ia all the chief centres throughout Asia Minor. Be sides, the people were swept away with a methodical thoroughness which mm doM net expect frees the Turk, who, when left to himself, acts rather with sudden teasan of fury. "I have evidence from as American missionary that certain of the German consuls M their best an behalf ef tbe Armenian people.' For instance the German consol at Krseruai wired to vigorously protesting at the onteTof deportation. Ho received a reply la thane words: •We cannot interfere ia vwwvt "M»ww swd^w wetoM , petowrae rassrttvSSffSS gfSSffiSrSfaS *" •«<»• .«wu»»wJrSu^Sin2^ “owntrmtton cm ' Ata*. Md Mwil Md fa „ . ^S* **•"* of MeeopotemU, eMrimiea to be supreme “To thie eenetderahie population we hare no aecoM, and it fa .uflin djutper ™ l» Iwin* nvifid by rick naea. tacUna. priTeOone of alt kinde, S^i&Msy&s; H^ati/'sursSSv1 *»**>*». t5y^f?i^Sow'°ur jrtara a so. 'w»» A TAIaK WITH A LAUKXNj*U'Hf” man. »» D. D. Brava, Tawa Martha] mi *2^r" iabarg. Talk of Aah£wa£”* E»>wUtM. M There Sa nothin* like a imnAOSS “ *D dealers. MUi, K. T^MrT^f MAtrr m nmauBA** fwtt tbotjs akd vaccinated. tmm4 tot VHduttoi to Thi* State. N» Death Se Far aa Krwwa After Raleigh, Aug. 21—North Cara baa's IOOJhKI immimisatlon* age I—t typhoid rever tart year with 11 count!** aa the tforaa canter against the disease, will to easily duplicated by tha record of l»l«, according to tho report* that w«** t* the state board of health. With these figures will also came records that will tail bow fever has treated those who were vaccinated. In tha rarest toataneee have any caaei of ■och nature been reported but a few deferred the treatment too late t* be immunised. Dr. W. S- Rankin, the •acratery of the (tale board af health, is confident that a material redaction to tho typhoid death rate has resulted from last year** treatments and this yaart figure* will bo available for that pnrpoo*. So far aa Is known no eases here died after thorough vaccination. The treatment has been given ia ail to more than 180,000 persons and the vaccination ia nppoaed ta run at per feet protection for three years at the laaat. It may be permanent. This week tha state board ia announcing mate remarkable figures far a single wash, aa easy record-breaker and a general Invitation to the state to taka the doe*: At the close ui toat weak, which waa A* second week of the campaign against typhoid fever ia Catawba. Union and 8tanly counties, over 23, 700 people were vaccinated against typhoid farm. Dr. T. M. Jordan beaded tha list, having vaccinated In roond number* 11,000 people In Ca tawba, white Dr. W. T. Caretsrpben raectoatad 7,400 in Union and Dr. a 8. Man gum, 8300 in Stanty. In such groat demand was this jmsana of preventing typhoid fever that not * few people from Burke county went to aeek the treatment in Catawba. It arill be remembered that “Unit county, itriy in the nunmor failed to provide tor this mmtne^odf F»j»e«grji*r people from typhoid enuf'i *fiy*T**> Uto request eg an afftcial of Burke county the traatment wna given the Burke county appli cants^ along with the Catawba appll wbat will be the last and boat anti-typhoid campaign to be eon ducted this summer started yesterday to Scotland county. Dr. A. C. Balls tothe physician in charge. He ea Pto* to mart in this county tha intar mt and co-operation of th*%onle that will remit u probity tM Wffcit ^typhoid campaig/ conduSTS MRWtofcr tkto puxamor. Make Um of th* Buaggfct. So essentia! i, miMt to etsanli “ad «ood health that the Suu Board ef BealA save open up sad let Hounes that have been closed this rammer or that have iWSufar aasta the cleansing effect of aivl ft**h *i*. AU household furnishings ahoold be exposed to direct sunlight for i number of hours at least crtiy 5™jW Direct sunlight ia the best disinfectant known. It kills germs ia a few hours. Diffused sunlight or daylight may have as good effect but in a much longer time. Shotting the sunlight out of the house is aa unhygienic custom. It mould go a* has gone many of the ideas and matrass belonging to the d**k ages. Genas live and thrive la *■*■■■■: that reason sunshine *