VOLUME XXXIV -NUMBER 35 LAuKlNbl'RG. N. C.. I THURsnAV AUGUST 81. Ifiie COLE BLEASE LEADS SOUTH CAROLINA TICKET -. ; I Like Blaaae and Maaalag Win Baa H.reud Race—Blaase Ha. Strong Lead. Colwnbia, 8. C, Aa*. 2*—South Carolina'• Krai primary today brought forth various lurpriMM, In a conUvt odgraat State-wide Interest centering |™Mpelly upon the spirited contest for Governor, In which friend. o< the toetnnbent, Richard I. Manning, of Btuntar, was looked upon aa aa almost *ure winner. Aa tha day waned and the vote, were being counted it bo rne evident that Cole Blease, the former Governor, was again owing to the front with a great amount 3 •treagth “up-BtaUM and otherwise. Shortly after midnight, with practi cally every county in the State hoard from, but the count more or lean in complete, the voting stood aa follows: Manning: »,0»; Cooper: 82.906. Tide indicate, that ex-Governor KS^riCTSkPSCT; 5S •eeond contest for Governor. Just what permmtags ef Mr. Cooper*, fol lowers will awing their etrsngth U Mr. Manning two week, from now ia a matter for conjecture, but la ie openly conceded that the Cooper vote, will not go to Mr. Manning in their entirety, and unless the early morning reenlta are vastly different he will need seventy or eighty per cent of the Coopn votes to pass Blease in the ••cond CGnttst. „ !■ the Third coagreieieaai race thsrt wfl] be a second race between Wyatt Aiken, incumbent, end Fred H Dominick will make a second race. Incomplete returns indicate that Witten Earle incumbent, has been de feated by Proctor A. Bonham for the State Senate. This was one of the warmest races in the State. 8- T. Carter, incumbent, has been re-elected State Treasurer ever D. W. McLaurin. All ether 8tats officials were un opposed. Incomplete reports giva D. B. Finley n safe land over W. F. Stevenaon for Congress in the Fifth district. Governor Manning went to 8*■ ter end voted early Tuesday, re turning to Columbia early in tha af etrnoon. He event the evening in hie office at tha State Capitol. R. A. Cooper spent the 'evening at/his hoaae town, Lavraea, where he received the returns. Ha has not yet amde a state ment. Cooper hatdwmtt— fens net . snrffiiEESrLS nkMJMhauwttA hMUl UWlng Um The mooed primary wfll bo Hold in two weeks aad in the meaatime tha prediction is made that a warm cam paign win be waged. CAM. MOB&IBON WILL 8PRAK. At Roster's Saturday ef This Week— A Great Time Exported—Karm er's Uaiea aad W. 0. W. Wig Held Joiet Pirate— Everybody invited. “The biggest picnic svsr known in Robreon county, is the sort of pic nic the folks say will be at Rotier's church Saturday of this waek. The occasion was planned jointly between the Rosier Local of the Pm raters' Un ion and the W. 0. W. Ledge of that place. Every fanner and W. O. W. member in the county are especially invited to be them. Mr. Cameron Mom son of Charlotte, one ef the spaekingeet men la North Carolina, win ho the principal speaker ef the oocaateu. Other speakers will be there and a great time fat general is expected. If you enjoy an old-time stajss ““1" It will be worth going miles to hser Mr. Moninn speak. He spoke to more them tfiO0 people at Haeford Friday and those who heard him say they* never heard a greater speech. Gei ready am) take your whole family te the picnic.—The Robeson iar.. 8*tm Handrail Slaty-Nine. Dr. BaQn reports that urn hnn dnd and alxty-ntna persons were «u <”***! Monday at Wafna and Baaad*a^ Qrcrra. TUa <a nearly tinea tt&ttasiJtlut tiliac more than 2,000 people hare ■o far reeefred the treatment hi the comrtjr. Iwahi so far are ran «. ssss a.axas'w •« * Ml 88 SHOW ALTER WILL HEAD MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Highly Recommended ud Expert feed Yaoag Woau Cmn to Lauriabarg Public School*. Became of the existence of certain conflicting conditions ti\« superinten dent was unable to secure Ut« serv ice* of a first class music teacher for the public school during tha earlier part of the summer. Thee* conditions have been relieved through tho support ami sympathy of those who hast the welfai* of the school at heart, and it has been possi ble to secure Iftsa Pauline Bhowalur of Harrisonburg, Va., to take charge of this department. Mis a Show alter Is an honor graduate or tha Indian apolis Conservatory of Musk, where ah* was assistant In “Tha History ad Music," and upon graduation was of fered a position as associate teacher, “h* comas to ua highly rwooenmended as a teacher in Plano-forte, Pip* Or gan, Harmony and History of Music, and wa fuel fortunate In securing her •arvteaa, especially at this late date. The music department la aa im portant a* any department of the school, sad is an absolute necessity toward tha development of a wad or ganised school. The superintendent earnestly desires to co-operate with tha Patrons in making this tha bast possible, and under the present sys tem is entirely dependent upon the support of the patrons in accomplish ing the desired raaalt. Tour support and interest is greatly appreciated, and your advice trill be heartily re ceived. Monday will be matriculation day. Coma with your children for tha spaa ing exercises; mast tho teacher* and give them a welcome; get acquainted with the location of your child in his room: snow him that you era especi ally interested In his advancement; and than, wa will b? better able to co operate and make this the best year of the school's existence. Pleeae do not forget the matter of cash payment for book*, a list of which i* published la this Isaac foe your convenience. S. W. RABB, Superintendent. Flu* CeCteu Crop. It was stated la Lauriaburg this wash that a farmer, living not more than two or three miles from town, has 160 acres in cotton this rear, which is estimated to make a hale to tha acre. Figuring at prusaat prices and on a basis of average weights, •••d price*, etc., k was estimated that tha money derived from this crop will be somewhere in the neighborhood of IM.OOQ. It is also said that this far ■" «"» » Anally figured oat that he would be ■etna several thousand dollars to the good on this crop, which looks very good. But ss the Rock Hill buggy man would say, “but"-. Spring HUI High School Announcement is made that the Spring HUI High School at Riverton will open (or the 1B16-1B17 session Monday, September A It is specially requested that pupils and patrona bear in mind the opening date and make the necessary arrangements to bo present. Tbs Spring Hill school is one of the boat in tbs county and is doing a splendid work. When Accidents Happen—What to Do As neddanta will happen, every body should know what to do In ease of an emergency, particularly a serious ac cident to the body. Often tames, a (aw minutes’ delay or Ut directed aid may maaa eerioua consequences, prob ably death, wbaruaa a few simple Ant aid remedies will soon bring relief and lead ta recovery. Fainting spalls or lightrtatas of the bruin. Wheat a pence begins ta as tsav^fa bands behind it and forcing it down ward. If be Is not able to do this ho should bo laid flat on his back with Ida fast Slavs tad. Never give whiskey or any form of alcohol for fainting spalls It has long sines bosh found to bea nerve, brain and heart depressant In stead at a stimulant. A few whiffs of aromatio ammonia, or a half tea spoonful ta a wineglass of cold water la a good remedy, but to have the hand low, the foot high, the clothing fcwe anod and plenty of fresh air are the 2dlan! It earth has bean foread into ft* wounds they should bo atoda to Meed freely and the services of a physician secured far advice against Mara or lock Jaw. Aa to buna la g eft; WHITE WILL (JET PRELIMINARY SEPTEMBER I. T*~f Chaii* With Violating "hit* Slav* Act Gats Hearing i Friday at Menae. J »!2fvsJS^kt^.aM Wax ton, M. C. Whit*, tha young man, in jail her* charged with contributing to th* d<Ilngu*ncy of Ruth Pitman, i daughter of J. B. Pitman of Laarta burg, will he given a preliminary according to a statement cooing from Wilmington Monday. Hon. John D. Bellamy *nd Bon h»v« be«i employed to defend Whit*. It waa stat-J in new* dispatches early this week that Mr. R. C. Lawrence of Lamberton had been secured for th* &*•*•*• Bui Mr. Lawrence waa in th* city Tuesday and stated *.> White said nothing tTwE or hto, **■*• that of McIntyre, Lawrence A. tToe tor, about the rasa WhiU says he waa born in Ruths*'-' ford ton county near Ployd'a creak t church, some two mile* west of Han- » rietu. In hi* early childhood MrOi patenu moved to Whidnvflla, Mas* ft Here the father, Joe White, died see m ■**£»«*. and about a year la tor th* S3“w. £’&&"■• "■c jsSsagysArwitijE boat ns is. and for th* past several year* have been doing a general busi ness among tha cotton mills of the South, under th* tins name of th* W L. AM. Overhauling Co. WhiU had in his possess ton copies of eon teacu and teeUmonisli frosa a num ber of cotton mills in this section. H* *UU# that be U th* inventor of. a aptndle atrmigbtanlng and repotat uig machine, which he saOa and which baa been built at Greenaboru and at Columbia. S. C. Ha further ataUs that as most of hi* childhood eras spent In the machine shops at Whitts vllle, he did not go to school but very Httle, and u barely able to write hfe name. Ha is 'iMeftigaat looking and say* he is about t7 years of age. the case in which WhiU figures is espMted U come up at tha hast Cans of Federal oourt hate and will a* doubt etUwct math attention. Court convents September 34. " Mr. J. B Mrclu Has Narrow P-wpa Bf; i B. MeCalL a prominent cl torn son of Hasty, mat with an aeeidmstggl John Button Saturday sftsmnitUiE which in nine times out of tea, dfiH perhaps more, wo eld have proeUfl fatal, according to reports of &VH f^r received Here. It seeaaa th* Mfl McCall waa driving his autoaM^I pear the cro«slng_at John the (tattoo. la aa inatan ttfea auto moMla waa thrown aeraml foot beat' the train, and Mr. McCall waa toft [Tint on the ground. He la aaid to hart been In an ancermeieua oondi tion at the time beet the ahock. but otharwiaa received no injury othto than a few acraUhaa and bruUea. The automobile la a complete wrack. It ta aaid that Mr. McCall did wet know the train waa aa near. Uhder the circuraetances It U eonaidered re "“rhabW that he waa not aortoualy hurt. The top waa up on hla ear, ac cording to report, and In aerae he waa thrown from the car and landed at a aafe diatance from the train, and away from hla eutemofcOe. Ke pec ted to Return Wedneeday. A poatal Card received at ?** V?**d*f “*«d at Wa ton, D. C, i neaday evening of'tlda requested to »nnimara KX1;viris.3rs«?s? Stripling ta Settle la to^SS*6bri^ii?^rffl'toSrinTBSbl Mivsd May best the former chief ofpoUee bj JefaniH. Cook, clerk «f toe circuit eowrt. Stripling to at mm' at HopeweU viritng* bla toagrtod dsa^tar and lays that hs to anzlauo to^get beck to DaaviDe la the nsarj Ora f“,,»SS“cSaB8S,™“ r. Left Field. ^ I Local fans and base ball enthoai W** yMMaUy. in thaao parte wer« «■ PUtUay >t mild K!> s?s» aaa ss bare B'VT^'L' ^ iuitoonno toaai puli BL “S ^uit- Thlo action W»* to tho fact that a BaXST to**® toom Vmalo of tho Western CaroUaa g^si, ordaeod them to report port EerJSftS* ima Ksnicsateat of tho local club has dis •“¥•***? aad is windier EB£tt erta °» ®*a“tlsfaetioa In aMny qaar frs. The Capo roar louae, of which *yran on th« 'From tho CjrSt<gLT7t ST2S225 5S; ^111 In burg eiotatad the roloo, and the ■»» JWT the other clubs did tho ssTisr: kt3S~ jys.**"™ cm I IAPB TO OPKN SCHOOLS. fc-f*- •"•»« to Ml inquiry as to fMMr or M It win bo safe tor Um igwo^o *o opon in SrptoaHmi on ae jrs,„y »» swrolf of infantile 1^4? a4?gdt .•La ■2oL'«Nm*iod«rtU»«*im»TU ^ t*** fjiTiiiHtoipoc^r. ■*!>*■ WJrtMeo <* proridto* IT ■J*"1 °{ wfity and prrrention K'y yllyt tafantflo jMiaiyai. ■•etioa tbs Board nyi that thara’i ■aro dancer of an outbreak or Kc <rf "Maaali, acarWt (ct*t or Wf* t^oo of Infantile paralysis ■■***• ,*ul,ty u wallaa tho ^koftar-affects of then* diaooaao SruLE£a3r "• GOES TO GONGEE88 STRIKE issue. Wttk Special Ai|. N.—President the railway strike ait Congreae today with for legislation, ad raiaoad th ta a stage where the ■agt^jiew depend spon two Wheths He proposes ■akep rant a at ysc wogMpn The re to Preaid think it i shrike to Mepotlati and men SSi SJTT, wUsh to tsttaU rf tt* n a? snj £££ i OVE* “".JSW^eoATED l-£’'£L*Zk£X,‘32lt?. SSUSg-A? SbHsi straaraw-s s® s^rruR* •*-“»| .w*^t w*.1 racord-braakar at! *7^,*"”*/'"*** *•*«. ••« pcmont rt- J s& s: ssf^snffijas^s ssa •ran and ottarad wurdiof wwnn. ***"t to tha /alnt-kaartad. and in km {S*e^W^.*da,lni,Ur,d “■**?* Thu it tontidirad a tMd boeirmlat Mp bavt made dforti U nt tka mm* y** *■• wprk wfU continue annthar ^nhm'vt**' "><tln* *atu*<Ur, Sap . h '* MlMated tkat nazt Saturday NratorritkT,SlS^ **!_?• t*”j*Jr* * ^wlnC. Un wktta people call at tka •STSSsM” srstiraj! 7oii3S’rX‘t,u.,^3?SSr“!1 rummcrnci m thoy caa cam a the aorniag* H will facilitate matters W dw tawmn gpSEiaHsS Uio Icor week* of die niiMkii Bo "w^jSlxrss^ A. John’* Station—Tuesday —_■_ Aufmt 22 and S», and fto*t*»beri ^.*!r3sfa.aBastjs SpHagflold Cotton Mill*—WodnoO &.s2T„&'ira“-*3 Oibooa—Wednesday afternoons Ay-1 II - A, Ad Sap—bef t ^y—i U mad Se^ad’Ujw iw j’lT^ ' ■■■mwto >t-i *—i that Dr. Polar Mr! ear om of the bait knows physicians af tha county • nd county physician, and Dr. F. P. James, a Meant graduate of tha Uni versity of Pennsylvania who will k eats bars for thi practice of Ms pro fession, hart formed a crofooatoaal partnaraMo, McLean A Jama, Phy sicians. ‘niis smiiiuiv siasnl wlU be Dr- James ip a sen ef Mr. A. L. James awl a yoang man of promise. Hia friends aro Mad that ho will looato at Laurtabunr. Dr. Mclaon will have hia oAke at ur. Jtnra win niT« offjet no Mtd* quartan at tha Medal Pharmacy. The Sandhill Philosopher. Written far Ik FuMmgs wsus?*® placn. Soma of the “root" Mat hap Uncle John, what do you think of this aow cotton tha Gknmna brought over hare? don't suit Boot “T Y**’ U>* fob-wm Una. Say, do you rschon Aunt Becky haa easily gone to Mexieo? Wo wore Mad to soa as many visK M&Tckidl v t fki § fe *V g? v:s s pg.

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