f For \ Boy* and Girts Fountain Pens Ar« Sure to ^ Pta-e J Birthday Presents that are Useful Any girl or boy—any man or woman — would appreciate a good fountain pen. Every day of the year— almost every hour of the day — such a present can ba put to a practical use There are many maKes of fountain pens. And many styles and sizes In the various maKes. So tf we can ba of any service to you In helping you choose the best fountain pan on the mar hot for your particular pur pose. fust drop in and see us. THE MODEL PHARMACY “THE£8TORE THAT SATISFIES.” ThoiM 127 Ltarmbur?, N. C. $33 Left On Deposit Grew To $1,812 ~ ‘The widow of a Norwich, Connecticut, men was set tling up his estate recently. She remembered that he had •pokeo of a little hank account f$33) which was opeaed in hit youth with the Norwich Savings Society. "She went to the Bank and received $1,812 00, almost fifty-five times as much as had been paid la on the ac count "The ($33) was deposited between June 4. 1832, and October 8, 1884. "Tha simple, outstanding fact of this little tale of un frentied finance is that * 1.770 of eighteen hundred odd dollars paid tha widow waa n itbing mere nor lau than tbs quiet accumulation of interest. ^ “Mwal: Interest, if left to its own da»ieas, will turn TEgnBTBm III wyinwmumu, jflmngtwti, tfiuw green with envy." The State Bank Of LAURINBURG, “The Beak Far Tear Sarin**.” Something To Eat This is the question that all the world is eoacsroed about A mao never thinks moeh about it axespt wbeu bo boss to meals. A woman,’.If she be the mlatreea of a boms, is often pat to a great deal of worry and oo little annoyance in ber efforts to find something suitable for her table three times each day and aered days a wank year in and year out ' "I would rtther oook S meal than to plan one.” said a woman recently. This trouble can be reduced greatly by baying groceries from us. We always carry a foil stock of tbs boat and If wo haraa’t got what you want, we’ll try mighty bard to get it Try us and bseome one of the many folks who trade bars all tbs tims. THROWER & McLEAN Successors to L. AJMonroe & Son. Pure Food Products. ’Phone 23. Paurinburg". N. C. Seaboard Air Line]Railway Co. Th« Ptoffreastve Railway of thefSouth ANNOUNCES that eoennumcIngJSaturday.lAujrurt 29th. the Seaboard Air Line Railway Cornpany’e^Paeeenger Train* wtB aa* tb* TERMINAL STATION 3n MtlantaCQa.,* wW*h MMioa I* also ooed by the Southern Ry.. Caatral of Georgia ***** * Wert Point fiy.Vaad A R*A A Ry. JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. ■unman ■BKsnwar Remarkable Reoord Sat Forth la Letter by the PreoWent on Signing BBL NEW LAWS; NEW OUTLOOK Farm Loan Art. Rmrva Bank, Brevisions far Wamhstms and Mar ksUng Basin ties Am Bart af Bra. gram Exeoutsd by Damaarati. Mo administration has mcr done ae much to siivrnrr sjtrteeltur* it* I tarrhts of the United KUlta as that <* President Wilson. The record is art forth rtilctly sad effectively In a let* ter wrlitoc by the President to Oua Brsnsuion A. T. I .ever. Chairman m lha Committee oa Agricaltnre of the House of Beg ream tat tree, as fellows: THE WHITE HOUOO. Washington. Angnst U. ltlE i xjr dear Ur. U?tr; U bat flv«n nw* noth amtlafadloa | to appeuvv today th. MU making ap- I propria tlona for the Depart in ant of Agriculture for tba Bacai yaar ending June SO. 1017. and for other pprpoem. bccaaea tha MU not only make very gmarono prariaton for tha tmprom> mant of farm prod act loo In tha np Hon and for ‘—rnlgailime and decaap ■tratlona In tha Add of tha marketing of farm crops and af tha orgaaiaatkm of rural Ufa. bat aim «—et~ ferae wan conceived meaeares designed U Improve market practice and tha atop tee and floe twin* of atapla craps. A* the paaaaga af title MU marks the practical completion of an Uoportnm part of the program (or the tatter romt of rural Ufa which war mapped ••at at the begtonlag of the iiiMdelia Hon. I faal that I cannot let tha oe carton paaa without uoavoytag to pop • ad yoar aaaactotoa la both houses my apvrvctattoa of Urn service run* deed to tha tattoo la rteopglhanlag Its grant agricultural foandatluna. The record, legislative as well a* •dminlatratlva, U a ramarkahla one It apeak* for Itartf and needs snly to bo set forth. 1. Appreciative of tbo tmportaact «f agrtcoltuc baa bora rtmwa through grretly and lotetllgwuly incruoood ap propria door for Its rapport *. Parti add greatly to tho coo •ad wnmwoic welfare of all i aad atrcoglhea tho njlnanf . . A XU# Act embodlra aouad P1 Ion plea at torn legtalatloo and will . ■ reguard tho expenditure of the fouls « Mag under the Act not only, hut w U ulxo mm It ia the more odideai j 01 * ^ IA* •*!** addition* I >um< aaJi ! at Mtahln by Stale* aad localities i . lI* T',# federal lleeerv* Art hene> 61 > III* farmer, aa It dona all the otb*r J* "P** nt I*1* notion, by guaranteeing ht ttrr Imnklng. safeguarding ibe cred it structure of the country, aad pro* *1 "tins panic*. It taken partleuter . m *e of tbo episfal need* of the fartuei h* making larger proebdna for loaaa tk tNigh aational be aka on farm atort g* :ra and by giving farm paper a mo UMtly period of *tx months. | Ji Wa« eeacndal, however, that badklng machinery he drrloed which , «UpM roach Intimately late the rural d rlcta, that It aton'd opera)e ue M. oulted to the farmre'e needs, * Mahld bo omJer sympathetic man V ‘meat. The aeed woe fee lunchiarrr w leh would lotrod»ce bumlnre* ninth m Into farm Usance, bring eerier oat * «uoa, redace the coat of baurtHag (a m loaon. place upon the market * "NW which would he a Mfe fa I! *???* f** prWW* fanda. attract la •• mtf|)luip| npMNtluW ■ f||r aKffp M the capital of rtta natloe, aad lead *s . redaction of Inter**. The~ aeed. * 1 Mm Meals have been met by Z 1.TT"' r*~ am glad to h*r* had an opportunity part (a the execution of this I bakeve. wilt i-*?* -■"* -^e rwnw » < aad attractive, aad, fhereftii a. In flhe ratendofi la rural district* of ■•^•a* aad enoteoted population. •Ulthfutly ywura. . _ WOODOOW WILSON, A. r. Lever, Chat rams. 'pmualtte* on Agriculture, j *"••• «f R(-per*e#t*tlra*. [WILSON A PROQRCSSIVC WFOM PARTY WAS BORN non the Mere the ! Woodrow Wllaoo. the* Qortr r at Mew Jrcaaj. nn rM. of a Hrogreaatra ead ad blaoeU la aa id > baflara the Kanaaa Society Tort, Jaaaaty », mi: the Praweaal *e Paris boa bee* la«a law. "lavtaBla •eat," which la bow awk pawar under PreetdWit WUaaa’a oWnliilNiaUeu aad wW ha to aa Phwa l4 Waablnetoo aa laae aa ha B la the White Baaaa. — FREE PROTECTION —AGAINST— TYPHOID Every Citizen in Scotland County Should be Immunized. 8S5«B£ jsra*- “ wwtrtdi^ I. mfL and tea rate fall to 282 esaaa and 16 deaths fa MardJlflll tba treatment waa made compulsory sod the rate Ml inm *■“ *°inau bmm *>*** *» •*» Immnnity Lasts for Two to Four Yean, Partisan ^^!!;_T^_Yo” E*“~ **■«* *• aTSS Coiwwdeat Dispensary Paint nod Bo lamonised. JJ^JJ^^towRiiAfoNoesossiytoGIro Complete toteTttxzESZSssr m * DISPENSARY DATES AND PLACES FOR SCOTLAND COUNTY: EE£ir i^LE“^“^,r *(Wnoon' Ao**«2l. 28. 8ap. J°^mbLTA™N"'1Way k**0000- A«*oat »• ScP HASTY—Tuaadar aftarnoon, Au«uat22.29 8eotnWr 19 SPRINGFIELD COTTON MIU^ WadiSSCTfo^!^ Aagmt 28, 80, September A 1& . - CI8A>uTW*dD**dW ***n"m' Awt “• ** September, hnoo°a- Atennt 81 81. Sap* OLD HON PREP— Thnraday aftarnoon. Aaaaat 8L «f g«p. fmdat ^ 8A itaptaaMMr a A A ' - ■ LAURIN BURG—Saturday AH Day, Aetna* 2A September A A 1A Free Health Literature Under Direction of the State •ad Couaty Boaxde of Health. FLOWERS Prompt Attention to p«t>o£Wa ordom. SCHOLTZ, The Florist, Inc. PIMM 441-442. 8 N. Tryon St rWlntH. M. C __ELUn oroq 8T0R1. A—teo FOR THAT HOT, DRY THROAT Oo a be* Sommer day. there’* nothin* that will r«ad> the epot and (rive you "pep” like a bottle of CeeaCalacr acme of the other deBeloae flavor* we menu factor*-just off the tea or m yoa like it ,, ' Yco only need to drink one bottle to know why It teeddln every town hereabooti and by be Meet pMfroarfve me re ban tc. Lanrinburg Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Laurinburg, N. C. FLOWERS! FLOWERS! FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Rmm, ValH**, Orchids and Carnation* a specialty. Wed ding bouquets and decorations arranged in latest art Floral offerings arranged with A east touch. Write ue for prleee on your requirements. AM communication* reeaiave prompt attention by J. L. O’Qainn ft Cw., Raleigh, N. (X, 'Phone 14® “OUR BUSINESS 18 GROWING.” Haee your erdera with our loeal agent it T. FIELDS __ .1 .