Local Notes. Mr. F. C McCormick awt Wed nesday M Fayetteville on busioesa. i Mr. T. J. Adams at GIbeon was in the city Tuesday on badness. Mr. H. JL Eubanks want to Char lotte Wednesday on business. Mr. a. L. Cramp of Way ram was In *he city Friday on bnainaaa. Mrs. Sue Brinson and children have returned from Hendersonville, whore they spent several days. Messrs. Lonnie Hammond and J. C. »Jackson were week-end visitors at Jackson Sprinya. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Paylor and little ■on of Dillon, B. C, have been visit ing friends in the county recently. kiss Gladys Rhodes of St Paul has "bson spending several days with her ■later, Mrs. W. T. Crump, at Wayram. Mias May Faryuaon of Jackaon Springs is vis I tiny friends and rela tives In the county. Mr. A. M. Monroe of the county has aa his yuesU a brother and sisters of Troy, Montynmsry county. Mr. Joe McMillan and family spent a few days last week at Jackaon Sprinya Mr. r. Carmichael of the Hasty Merc an till Co. went to Wilmington Wednesday on business Mr. Noah Fields left Wednesday for a short visit to his old home near La Grange, Lsastr county. Mr. O. A. Hamilton of RaMfh. rep xsaentinf the Amariaan Book Co., eras in ths 3tjr Tusaday and Wednesday. Miaa Annie Khnors, asOHnar far sijfsSST^/asrujSi br her* Msg the tall ssasia. let were ths wash and guests of IDas Tom Stewart. , Editor W. E. Dockary of ths Roek lngham Post asms down Monday to witness ths StatasvUle-Lasrinburg ball gams. BKaaaa Martha and Eagania Fairley and Miss Mas Mr Am raturnad Mon day from a week's visit with friends nt TberawaU and Manshastor. Attorney R. C. Lewrcaea and family and Attorney Dteksoe MeLsanrf hum barton wans visitors here a short while Tuesday. Mr. J. C Morgan spent the week and at Jackson Springs, with Mrs. Morgan, who ia talcing a pleasant va cation of several days at this popular Mr. J, G Morgan left Tuesday morning tar New York and Balti more, whore he will visit the big nor thern markets and buy hit fall stock of ladiis. ready-to-wear, etc. Mr. Morgan will b* away asveral days. Mr. and Mrs. G A. Chubb returned Saturday from a pleasant trip to Willard, where they visited at ths home ef Mrs. Chubb’s mother. While mferilbtMHTUhU rTbe regular monthly union pcaysar mooting wffl bo bald at tha Metoedist church this Thursday night at S-JO. Tha eerviom will ba lad by Boo. 8. P. Hawea, who ia supplying for tba Presbyterians during the aumiaar. ' Bays Tmeday'a Bobasoniani Mr. S. B. Spmn and family reared Tit day to Lnurinkirg. wkars they will malm their bourn. Mr. fipurife bad been first trick operator at tha Boo board station boro for some tins, but woo transferred to Laurinborg. Ho Is succeeded horn by Mr. O. bT Har> rfll. Mr. and Mm. C. W. Bitah aad daughters, Mimas Lillian and Letom, ■at Neurons. Mecklenburg county, m ccotlj motored to Laurinborg and spent sevsral days aa guests n Mr. M. M. Bitch aad daughter, Mlm Bur ma Bitch. Joseph Epstein, proprietor at Kp a to la's Department atom, ha# gone to visit the big Dorthom markets aad purchase geode for the fall trade. Mr. Epstein will be away from Aa city nevuml days. Tha Marian's Croat public ■will apm ttn mUIH school . ■Swsftieen^mode'for too. too atooal year, aad all qnaotod to report pm maohg at tha -t—i 11. W. Covington wont up to ‘rrs.’KSB I AttomyO^S l ^rensected atom — --that Bov. A. H. Ma Ara of Chsarnw, 8. C.. will preach at i A Hill Prmbytariau church tola t »y. A large congregatioa. no <1 ; Win bo prmsnt to hoar Mr. McArn, who la evoQ known la tola Mr. D. J. McDuffie ia opetskg up a meat market and grocery supply basi nets on north Main street la & store _ room next to Mr. J. C. Birmingham’s w place. Mr. McDudlo has sa ad. in tote week’s paper. Ba states tost be ■expects to have on band in a vary few . days til the Hems meuttonsd fit Me # ad. and will enter to tha best trad,. , Dr. Bulk reports that MS people these ware taking too first treatment, while tha others were on toe second . renod. having received the first treat ment Met week. Up to and Including Tuesday fJW persons have taken Urn Brut treatment. TMs looks as if the 6,000 jnsrk may ba ranched before the It la especially nrged that white people remember to call Saturday ' ■WMSd St toe court house here at 1 the ssrvks they hUS Nm Law.' Corruspeotocc)' ’ mr^KSSrc^^,aZStZ *5£ to A ahaboroSaturday to attead what S~ft^x|!|23£^fc£f ant in praiaa of tha apoaok of our east governor. Aahaboro bote* the horn* town of State Auditor Wood, bo was on hand to aid and enjoy the oeeuaW Tbcr. *» quite a sprinkling" of Ur political cnmny in Randolph and vicinity, and 5®* th«m httard th* ftptichci. Theao Republican* were the only per •«1'* preeent who failed to “enjoy the meeting. Mr. Bickett'e compelling clouoenec drove the truths home Into thoir unwilling minds with such force Uust some of them experienced s very oitfonuorUWt hour or to. /Any one familiar with Casa. Morri *°n n qualities as s campaigner knows advance that neither of the Republi can olactort-at-larga will mount tha same platform with him—If be can avoid It. And as Mr. Sinclair haa tha reputation of being something of a ‘hummer" also, one needn’t expect mueh “joint debate" In North Carolina afraid of R, and many Democrats sea 5? *X#d ™u1u that could follow. If tha Republicans had tha material to moot tha Democrats on even terms, thsy might ask for joint speaking ***—, the purpose of gottiagtho crowds to ktar thorn* ^^!2SSS,Ur«l*. nun Warren la having the aaw 5 tt opens with the Demo era tic State Platform, and Sana ter Stamens' fine ■ dilreaa as rkslimss of tha Dae cragc Stata Cosrvamiea, Apefl ritt, la Sllad.wiU ex client materiel*’” sWjfrigjijMrsrtas »53S%^3S"e fiSK *■**•». Rfw to baaabad and odious —‘T?NSi‘a^i“^7u"S5 hU tot ballot this year should mad R. Tha chanter that follows, “Bix *••*••*■ of Democratic AdmiaiatTa S3SS £?ZLt' ooghly discredited public of the proooot feneration. jj^ih^^jsswrtffuiisr ^n(^P^*n'‘wv 4. at Albemarle. Stan Saint Paul!. _ Shy lair _ Appoint neats. -Burry HUSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRING WIFE BUSINESS LOCALS ' ■' — BOOK-KEEPER. accurate, arntmo. •d. Mm 4 or 8 Mb Mbnlu. Ow *lv« part or all tima to mm. Address P. 0. Bob 484, Laurinbarg, WANTED—It so who desire to sara over 1128.00 per month write aa to day for position as ulssensni every opportunity for advancement. Con tra! Petroleum Co., Cleveland, Ohio, lt-pd SEVERAL f ASMS in Blades county for aale, rent or share crops. Ap plkanl must furnish rtfertnco. As gly to A. G. McDoogald, Elktoo, S. BATE -A nice lot of pigs. R. A. Wllkinaoa, Laarinburg, Ni C. tf ^9* BAf-®—Onr 4 K. p. Fairbanks Gasoline Engine. Now is opera tion avery Ay at Exchange office. Bargain for cash sr audit CANTALOUPE CRATES on hand at Laonnbur*. Can bo deliver ad at ««»F time. See Everett Covington or H. W. McLauria. RLtf ONE aeeofuTWl Ford Tauriag Car for sale. Gibson Bros. *7-tf WANTED—Two single gentlemen boardora to board with private Aiygy to Mrs. W. cT Bait. Save Your Scraps and Old Clothes Drees maker* mod hone keepers, don't sweep jrev •enpn and mgs Into the Are. We will eeO for and weigh nt jour door, scraps of doth, old clothes, mgs etc- Call us over > the 'phone. Gaston & Graham 'Phone 54 COMMISSIONERS' SALS OF LAND NORTH CAROLINA^ SCOTLAND COUNT*. Undar and by virtue of the p md authority conferred deralgnad commission meats rendered by the fd.WUll. C. Cooper and hpr boa wju muyu mu m m m \ fanUats, the said mmmlsstsnsre, •ili, oa Tussday. the fifth day at fapcmaber, 18 Id, at ths oourt house door to Leariehury, M. C, at twelve 0 clock, moon, offer for sals, at pubUs to tha blyWWddarTfor c»«b, to the manner hereinafter stat ed, the following deeeribed real am tate, to-wit: FIRST: That lot at land situated la the town of LanHobuzg, aa the west side of Mala Street, at tke south west corner of Mato aad Fairley Streets, sad beginning at the petal wb«ri the western line of Mala Street Intersects with the -ntr -~r Mae at Fairley Street, aad runs thence with the western Una of Mato Street too southward direstlan to tha ltoe af the lot of lead for: leagtog to the estate «d A. D. {toTrf Zndtotfi* of tha rvaat uSeCiSk'attoeyitot awMaattairs 'Jtrx&srtTaSszrsiV let number three to the center of the SfE&ks&M stsftwrtarwa road; thence south M west 7 chato* to the eantdr at the eld rue of Little Creak; thenoe as aad with Urn various eeunsa sd the run od Little Greek to be seM first. Then a porttee of the •wool tract will be aptd In five acre SWTtSSSSfSt'M 3\JLT3 «t w.a-. h.tt, .a» •loners, la the sale of the five sere parcels the right will be reserved Ho tow them as a whole with the re mainder of the farm lands. After the aaid parcels are exposed to sale tbs remainder of tha farm land* wUl be sold aa a whole with the right re served to sell again immediately With the pereeto aa a whole. After the saM farm lands are espoeed to ieU ae herein stated, the farm lands wffl then be sold as a whole. ' Place of sole: Court House Deer, Lnsrinburg, N. C. Time of Sale: Tuesday, Septem ber fith, 1»1«. . Terms of Hale: Cash. TW» 1st day of August, 1919. Cemmlssleasrs. “aawrBsss^* i 1 f jFALL ] Cotton 15c per pound We have just received our Fall stock of Shoes for Men, Women and Children, since we bought these Shoes the Manufacturers claim they have advanced from 25c to $1.00 per pair, but we are prepared to give you Shoes at old prices as long ks these last and we invite you to call and inspect bur line of New Fall Shoes. Cut prices remain good on all of our Oxfords *nd White Canvas Goods and Summer Dress jSoods throughout the Season. We sail Pictorial Reriew Patens. Since Jaaaary 1, 1919. 98 mer> Junta carrying pattens of the Batteriek Trio replaced them with Pie* <»rial Reriew. 81 OMrchaate carrying Thome dieeontiaaed theta 1m Pie 1 arial Reriew, and daring the eaam peeled am than 799 merchants tarrying earleae Unas of patterns erne pattens at el hare spaaed ^pandae * er Pictorial Reriew. More people crcry month ere bring ceariacad the tied eelliag end amst satisfactory patten ie Pietedal Review. We carry I <180.90 stock of patterns on hand all the time. I -'• ■ • •;;i4 First National | Bank Of Hamlet p WHICH IS 'V Only National Bank of Richmond County” Announces-?* F*!Tr*V pcition to loan FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS tm the purpose ef harvesting their crops. The man of I Interest iriR be six per ceni^ and loans will be allowed to run from three to six months. This Bank being a member of The Federal Steen System, Us policy is to enable Thrifty Farmers te ob tain loans at low rates oi interest. We pay 4 par emit Interest in Nr Savings Depart ment, interest compounded quarterly. The first National Bank | Of Hamlet HAMLET. N. C. X v . N. RHODES, President NOAH g. JENERETTK, CMto