Eat Well-Feel Well Do Well It all depends on what groceries you buy, where you buy them, and what you pay for them. If you buy GOOD groceries yon rat well. If you oat well you feel well. If you feel well you do well in your business affairs. Can we tell you of a better reason why you should buy your groceries from us ? Every one knows of the high standard of our goods. They nil know of the low prices we charge. Most people trade with ns, anyway. Why not you? Our one great effort is to please you, to please each and every one of our customers, and by so do ing to soeure one of the moat valuable of all adver tisements—new customers through the good words they speak of us to their friends. This is a frank statement, possibly n little out of the ordinary, bat it is a feet, and it is bringing os new patrons every day. It pays ns and it pays odr customers—AND BRINGS US NEW ONES. McLaurin & Shaw ’Phone No. 43 Laurinburg, North Carolina ATTRACTIVE SUMMER RIPS 1916 TOURS FROM 10 to 40 DAYS -INCLUDING New York Boston White Mountains The Saguenay Quebec Montreal Lake Champlain Lake George Ausabte Chasm St. Lawrence The Thoosand Island Niagara Falls Alaska Pacific Coast Yoeemite Valley Caaadfan Lake Louise Vancouver Glacier National Park Yellowstone National Park Grand Canyon of Arizona Salt Lake City Colorado Rockies Los Angeles - AND THE - 4 Panama-California International Exposition at Dan Diego, California — 1 —. . Personally Conducted and Chaperoned The vary highest dasa at aerrico, which makes travel for pleasure comfortable sod enjoyable. The Tours cover the moat attractive routes and the principal places of Scenic and Historic Interest throegb* sot the Greatest Country fa the World. GATOS TOURS Tourist Agents, Seabsard Alt line Railway Rakich, North Carolina MORTZ CAROLINA 600. ■ PRE FECT AS MODK §M|kt After by AMrbu Arthto. Washington. Adi. 24.—Mrs. Samaal T. Domett, whom husband came her* from Asheville eereral rear* are, is described ia the Washington Timas of today a* a model for artists. The local paper prints a striking looking picture of Mrs. Domett. “American wumanhood for Ameri can allegorical figure* in art appear* U be the *lo«an nf tbs artist* of the , courtly," aaiJ the Time*. , “Tii* statement ia mad* lo view of the fact that has Just com to the tight revealing the identity of Use model for the Juaoeeque figure* in Paul Harriett’s pediment for the House of Representatives arias of the Capitol building as a North Carolina farmer's daughter who is aot a pro fessional modal. _ _ “Mr*. Domett is the model. She la Use wife of a prosperous Washington real estate broker and make* her hem* in this city. Because of her majestic figure and perfect proportion* she has attracted the attention of many artiste and has posed for (hoes to bo pro ' served in marble or on canvass, as tbs case may be. several times. I “Mrs. Domett ia the daughter at ■ Captain John Milton Thrash, of North Carolina, aad she was reared on a farm oa the aide* of Mt. Mitchell, the highest mountain on the American I continent oast of tho Rockies. I “The section of the country from which Mrs. Domett hails Is called the ‘Ssphire Country,’ because many gems I of that kind are found risers and tbs deep bis* flash of the espphire is re flected In the dear bias eyes of the ! young woman whom artists have call •d a living Bruiahikle—a .’Daughter ■X tha God*.' “Mr*. Doractt it Just an inch short 1 of six fast tan. 8b# atatsa ska kaa two .brother* who are more thaa six fast, six inches. Artist* have said ah* is perfectly proportioned. Her full fig ure adorn* the diploma* of sward bo stowed by th* Panama-Pacific Expo sition as tbs majestic allegorical fig ure of Panama. This was made from a photograph and enmvad by tha head engraver of the Bureau of En graving and Printing here. "Mrs Domett lived in the ‘Sapphire Country' most of her life—and she la still well In her twenties. She grew up on the farm. She knows bow to ride and shoot and ban spent moat of her life in the open. A few years ago she went to Florida for a winter visit end at one of the big hotels eras iatro daeed to a foreign noblemen, an ar tist, who was painting picture* In this I country. He was struck by nor tns ty and her unoaual figure, and re quested her to nose tor him. Bbh complied more as a lark than anything ' else. The picture was s great sue I ceaa. “After her marriage, Mrs. Dorset! met the late Max WeyL the landscape painter, and Mr. Weyl asked her to pose (or him. He was painting a picture of her to prove his ability at figure painting and portraiture. He ms was engaged oa this picture when ho died.1 Paul Bartlett, the sculptor, pant 8<** the figureelo be used eo the House of Representative ye* AuwiBwansnrj fleer mac aminj MB MMBDFMXfMM BLUETS DRUG! STORE wmsm P. A. P«t» MW ftj kto the sport of saokfe! VOU may live to I be 110 and never feel old enough to vote, bat it's oer tain-eure you'll not know the joy and contentment of a friendly old jimmy pipe or a hand rolled cigarette unless you get on taUring-termg with Prince Albert tobnoool P A. com— to you with m real reason for all the gondne— and satisfaction it ofim. It is mads by a patented proce— that rsoaov— bits and parch l You can smoke it long and hard without a come back! Prince Albert has always basn told without coupons or premiums. Ws prefer to give quatttyl ranee AiDert artoras ms kmimh pipe ma dgiivtti eqjoymsntl And that flavor and fragr—tea and I conlns— is — good — that sounds. P. A. just answers the uni versa! demand for tobaooo without bite, parch or kick-backI Introduction to Prince Albert isn't any hardsr than to walk into the nearest place that asfls tobacco and ask for “a supply of P. A." You pay out a little change, to be ears, but ifs the chssr fulleot investment you ever made I N§r n Brothers if. N. C. IW. C CALDWELL {VETERINARIAN Ofljws m. Railroad Street, rear of I ' M. A. McDougalda. ,PbMi 1J2-L Day Thai IU SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY THE PROGRESSIVE RAILWAY OP THE 80UTH Schedule Effective Mar 28th, lflf No. 19—825 A. M. Local for Hamlet. Charlotte and all in* ter media to point*—Through Sleeker Wilmington to Charlotte. Open for passenger* at Wilmington at 10 P. M. No. 18—727 P. M 1>*chI for Hamlet, Charlotte, and ail in termediate points,—Connecting at Hamit* for all points North. South and South Weet. Pullman Parlor Car Wil mington to Charlotte. Through Daily Pullman Service Wilmington to Atlanta. All Steel Cara. On Friday Thrpogb Sleeper. No. 20—8:85 P M. Local for Wilmington and all intermediate p