IT? v -Z C O m IN G • - ; • . * . V D. W. Grifflith’i wonderful production “TUB felKTHipF A NATION” wffi appear In the Laurinburg Opera House December 18th and 19th. (This mighty spectacle has . turned the thaetra records of America topsy-turvy. It hotels the long distance runs in Ngii; York. Boston. Chicago, Loe Angelas and Sea Frandeft to date end is making a tri umphant tour whkh la causing more comment than anything ever undertaken In drama of this country heretofore. It is a story of American history showing the rise end fall of slavery in thiaocountry and the terrible suffering that wa^' endured before e solution of this problem wee reached. It is not so much history as it is drama and romance in a •• new Coras of expression with an operatic accompaniment |a the way of a symphonic score whkh shows the power of blending the two in this unique projection. Nothing Hke H was ewer seen before. Netting its equal fie accomplished again until D. W. Griffith hqb time to arise! another theme for his genius of expression. The production to bn seta here is identical in all regpqeta with those of New York and * ‘it1 Chicago. Two baggage cars of equipment and a company-of fifty people are carried ®n tour. The latter inelodee e large symphony orchestra of expert musicians. Others in the party era a stage manager, complete crew, two pfcttfewmachine operators, together with optical experts to readjust the theatre projection, end sittings to the latest scientific focal requirements. No advance will' be charged on the regular metropolitan scale of prices, whkh ere 26 cents to 82 at the evening performances and 26 cents to $1 at the matinees. Seats will be on sale at Model Pharmacy Monday A. M., December 11th: i ■ V* ^ - - m. % r ti I - -— -_ Shoppers Attention . 8it*W frie©da\Inl«ale or Monogram oe your gift*. Umbrella*. Kodak*. Hand Bag*. 8uit Caaaa. and all Wndaof Leather Goad* eaa ba marked with Permanent Lett* ra at a Small Coat HR. AUTOMOBILE OWNER Add individuality to your ear/ Protect it againct theft Will mark your oar with your Initial* or Monogram at the Small Coat of Twenty Five eenta for each letter. Cull Number 192-J or Bee JIM SUTHERLAND You cun leave word with N. Bergman. ------ ■* - _ HORSES! MULES! *. _ , I { W% hare just recchred aa extra floe lot of Toof Hw and Mulct, and hare juct wfaat you will need. Mulct are adtancbtf In Price, but are are in position to tare you tone money if you trill see ua at once. WEILL BROS. ’Phone 124 Laurinburg, N. C. Which Is The Right Road? That Depends on Where You ' Are Going L' two o«4iko KSihokaoij Cloattaui Boot line of GROCERIES, The right food h the one that lends straight to oar store. Toa will And here jast what you are looking for. It ia oar constant endeavor to sopply oar castoatem with the creem ef the market in all linm. DON’T BE SIDE-TRACKED. Come straight to THROWER & McLEAN Pure Fodd Products. ’Phone 23. Laurinburg, N. C. FERTILIZERS FOR 1917 • , _ t Oarodvfa* to you is, BUYTHEBE8T. With eottoa at eighteen mto per pound, you eui not afford to experi neot. The people we represent have been in train mi sinee 1867. over • half century, and every bread sad for mula offered br them has been tested and tried and found to be peculiarly adapted to Southern nolle aad climate. White this ia true, oar prices are just ae low as Inferior goods are offered at. Of all years, thb ia the farmers op portunity. aad it behoove* him to look well into the merits of hie fertilisers. Wa have the goods aad can give ybu prompt aad efficient service. The name of COB-MORTI HER CO. on fertiliser bags ia a guarantee of high stand ard and superior excellence. Wa Invito comparisons with goods on the market and we caa refer you to hundreds of satisfied customers throughout tide territory. * T. T. Covington & Son Mlta* Agents For The Coe-lfertimcr Company !• Scotland Aad Adjoining Counties. Laurinbarg, N. C. ’Phone K *