THE EXCHANGE . — c, I nrrr amb CASH IN ADVANCE. 5*4 w fywy. ■*» rt^riwyi <te ttsEjSSHHis tMrlMbM. j it Wo law to that riCifiy and •» ob-io-admam «r* 1a best for peb . It** tho ooly rRall Whig* wut to do the fair thing. The subscriber ha* boon onying all thwi year* to tho l*par oWf tho time ta out.** the pdbjiahor didn't hare the nerve to do tt But, really, io there any reosoa why the rubecriber should not pay tn advance, if he wants the paper? TVn-tt he thWk |a« o Uttle mom of t'.vt paper and I. a editor end wont he read it with o little more scat, if he Boa invested Ms money in it? And Uia adrartlaer! Ha la the heat frlaeJ the pnhlahor hat, and it ought to do hia heart good to know that hU ndooWMon to going Into homo* wham tho paper io tuoBy wanted end eppne It W doo him to know Umt a ^a t ’ imld-ln-ad tr pleaai system W the of*kid°W tiw"arfroo!rdCTnif«fimo It’* I at radical doporlgio Atom tho old way I law a now aad hard one. R to a] praiseworthy step, bat it . twain WWhok. . I ■ WHAT THEY SAT ABOUT IT. a -a- — . - J A a«abv of wkuttin aai: (Hawk of The Kukan* hare « total tbftiKto NfiiAnc the Awn «• too wA to tiKti nyHiw. wktok we are trylnp to Inaugurate with Uw Hew Tear. Maw wa ara zryrjzz,*tr*z tosaai ^ ^ kitoawto too^oot waaTta* LmaWnma^ early drnch far MAO. which paUMinb acHpttoa one year ia advance a ad that of two frtoada to Atotawt dataa. wha pet the paper aD Aw ti me tfcreaph Us 1 oaa Ktoi." ao« to the coan Testday. “that yaa are ikai|h| to the caak-to-adraaca system. H will oaoMo you to kaow exactly what yea are Aoinc sad you ootoiarthira will kaow always that they hare paid for their papers." Aad this man pare ao 3LM far the year M17. One of At mast ainwdnl I The fellow who has nothing would do wall to atari ssrssthlag. Pot your boat foot forward and then cotnc forward with the next beat. ■ ■■■'—' , i The onteato allien have on faith in Germany. It looks as if sbe will have to show them Everybody is wishing everybody a hagpy and prosperous New Year. Will wishing do any good? ft would bo wsil for everybody to fix tt in his aafad that the Christmas spirit never comes in a liquid form. It Is reported that one legislator has wrHtsa a tady da.laisigh that ha ■Tmwti. sliie.hdnw1 n elg, s» ha c«U it II TV do ye of peace (MW to V • afcy bird just bow. Rot it baa bocn clearly demonstrated that tV way to catch H la not with a gun. A aar«M«t has boan launched to hava haabaada pay tboir whrea aal arlaa, If they did, thorn would ba a great clnracr tor ormfhwa. LAFAYETTE BIRTHPLACE BE COMES A MEMORIAL. WataHr Chataaa la Praam Parcbaaid by Aamrtraua far Mmarfal Mu New York Dac. IL—The historic wau ■rmrsmcsd Via tonight, to b» to P^pCtmt^d Aft ft BHMClMf pggggjgg CAR SHORTAGE SERIOUS T. T. OarUfftM af T. T. Coringiaa and Sen, Bnkm Diocweeee fihartaga 4nd ha Dangers. Aa tha a—on advances and tha time approaches far tha atownant of fareUiaan. froaa tha porta ta tha in terior, andi ia anM- and written reia tira to tha ocarrity of freight ear* and at tha probable delay in handlist ahiprr.vntj daring the Spring month*. In an interview with the wide-awake brokora oat Main a treat, Mcaste. X. T. Covington A Son, the settlor moaaber jiltaaaal the matter at ooana length with na and among -other thing*laid: “We fang that ere are on the ova of a eery aarieea condition with all shipper*. While tin railroad* or* no doubt doing everything possible to handle tha situation and to avert coo gaationa at traffic and delay* in ■hip manta, tt appear* that thay have not kept pan* u> line of cmtlpmanta with tha rapid progress of the whole coun try. It moat be remembered (hat the year Just closing ha* boon uphenom teal oat* In many rcppecta. From ev ery standpoint mnntafhcturing, agri cultural, mining and all other inda* trlnl Hneo, tha year 1*1« will go down iji history m m imfh tn^kmjf period. Factories ate taming out flat abed preduct* at a rate unprecedented, while from the field* and mines and force ts^tnereaiaad ^ hmagai are ^«f fbr qteek. ^movement. Just J*tUa time we axe facing tha problem of fertiliser transportation. Kean ember, If yea pleeee. Diet the South plants approximately thirty-three millions of •erw to wi aloe*; that In lie* tiee ta this acreage, other crops like com, tobacco, truck, etc., are planted about un earn* cutes, ncmnntcr al as that the ferti biers to be applied to this cotton, corn, tobacco, ns, Is ■weed team the porta and factories within about ninety days. Grasp this idea and you will at ones eea tbe enormity of tbe fertiliser movement daring the Spring months. In our opinion, It would S* far better if tha farmer would lag in his fertilisar re quirements earlier in the season and tan* stretch the delivery season over a lon.jr period. Usually tha farmer does not place hie orders for shipment earlier than February or March, whereas be should begin to receive his supplies oae to two months soon er. ’rills distribution of shipment* would greatly facilitate the handling of farutiaeia both by the railroads and factories. We believa la co-op eration. As a proof of this, wc have already at this dsta made actual de livery of over 600 ton* mixed fertil isers, which is something unusual if not unheard of thin early in the sea son. Besides, we have shipping in struction* for immediate movement for over 1000 ton* good*. It i* our to co-operate with the rail md Importer* and factories at tbe sum* time urge our friends customer* to co-operste with us an extent that tha bulk of ear an will bo made before the of the season is on. In this way to avert disappoint PIN-MONEY SAVINGS FOR HOLIDAYS EVERY YEAR yoo promise you reelf ths.t you are going to save up some money for nex» Xra&s. Do you do It ? Most of us do not, or at least we put it off till we have to *’enn" 'Doraelves and then do not have enough. We are now organising a Pin-Money Club for this purpose, which will start the first Monday in Jarusry nrd continue fifty weeks. By saving lOo ssch week you will save % 5.00 26c each week you will save 812 60 GOe each weeh you will eave $26.00 $1.00 each week you will save $50.00 Ask us about thif Club. It Is a great plan to learn tp SAVE; it is a great plan to learn to become acquainted with this Bank and our methods —which will do you Iota of good in after years; and it la a great plan to have some mney for NEXT XMAS. Money that you RAVE that otherwise you would have thrown away. You doo’t have to etiot for it. • You will have this Money and NOT MISS A CENT, and you will enjoy it so much. If you are dependent, you do not have to aak anybody for MONEY for Xmas, and when you spend it, you can eay “I an spending my own money." How good it will make you feel. Come In Now! The First National Bank HAMLET, NORTH CAROLINA A Happy and Prosperous New Year We wish to thank ouk Friends and Customer* for their liberal patronage during the put yea**. We appreciate your business and assure you our every effort has been to give thorough satisfaction. f ‘ We solicit a continuance of your trade and influence. And to those or our friends who have not been our customers we only ask that you give us a trial during 1917, We eolicit j business. And if you Still allow us the privilege we will take care of your wants in our line. THE IVtODEL PHARMACY • ‘^The Store That Satisfies.” Thone 127. j A. H. JAMES, Mfr. Hie Quality Hard ware Shop i ' Huwb you for your Hnfarri during tbe past year and aottdts yoer patron* ace for 1917. We well for cash omij, which aw>n bad debts, which means lowest prices. It Pays To Pay Cash. • * Bay jenr HAROWARB frosa as, save the dttfaeaeo and pat it la the bank for year Christmas Savings Ctab. J. D. Sanford & Son “The Quality Hardware Shop.”

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