I NATIONAL A 10c BISCUIT COMPANY Wa*o* far Wlraa. We are glad to aw fair aaladad thinking aeea and aaaaeiaUy married SSsvaKfcS retarded bar darataMaaatmor* than la raallaad am by tarsalf. The fbl adllarial aapaaring In tha KaJ atob Hama aad Otaarrtr is the straw which ladtoataa a ehaaga in tta dl raedaa ad tta wind which is to Mag jay aad yaaea Me tta borne, thnafi a etaarar innaeytlea aad Mar aadar ataadiag ad tha righto of the** who ■■in the home. i “Domestic happiness as between ba^bpod and wif<* says tba Rslelfh editor, "has its financial aide to bo emvsidered for when the vows of wed lock boro boea spoken thora Is a rela tion established fato which the dollar mmt enter. Of coarse when the hus bnnd U a manof great wealth or ef to provide a retinae of servants tha ftaanelaJ .id. ef the home sate matteaHy adjnats itaetf. "Not so, however, when the hoehend is a man of small or of moderate ■aana. for In net caaaa there most ho a mntaal andersiaadlag ef flnaacea —and the Rayo Lamp makes old folks' eyes young again. slow te eclat*. «en»ci Can be without mooring or cbiiuney. tMj »• — — *-«- — an —* | Uaa A Attractive Personally Con ducted Tours OPERATED DURING THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH -TO Jaekaonvtlle St Augustine Pain Beach Miami • Key West Havana Cube M stanza* Panama Oelf Of Mexico Ne# Orleans Mardi Ores And Many Other Reeorta of the West Indies Tame at fifteen, Tweety ted Thirty Days Deration. Cov ering Many Points of Historie Interest Through Beauti ful Tropieel Scenery in Nearby Foreign Lands sad Peace fol Voyages on Southern Sana. Spleaild Itineraries Attractfva Partiea Pareemally Conducted Throughout by Mr. C. H. Oat* and Chaperoned by Mrs. Gettis. Write for Booklet GATTIS TOURS I Tonrtot Agents 8enbonri Air Um Railway • * Raleigh, N. C. “d » *o-op*r«tlo«i of efforta. Shall the hoe band give hie wife erreei to the money be earaa on the same tarma with himoett? That la, If ha have a hank aoooant dull Ka make that «wt eok>et to Ma wife'e chock aa welt aa hie owe? Shall ha —ohr a or enonthly allowance to hto wife for tho revering of u-nnhnkt nx panoop? Shall ho attempt to make hpaeehold purrhaaea and pay the MUa htmealf ? Shall ho dola out to hto wtfo money aa oho calto for H? Shall he demand aa accounting of tho hatp auito? Shall ho pay hla wtfo warn ? moTeToH *1? rtisar wm^* tho wtfo hao dutioo oonaoctad with tho homo to porfona, and tho aimrar moot la a large degree depend upon whether or art there to 7ml ££ aom partaerehip betwaon tho haohaad and wife, and whether tho wife hao that knowledge of knolaem affaire to enable bar to deal with tho matter of pc re ha see and payiaente. If net, than it to tho Srat dirty of the man U rea der aU poootblo tool otanea la ghrfam bio wtfo that knowledge. Whoa aotS tioas ara each that there to a teal hooMhold tooMflilcL Bat ba ultir1 vhBt an Um ia^fMva) rtrf mtiBiM ao buaband haa tho right to make of bio wife a aappUoat tor moony. If Ao haa to make ragueota even for email change for tho homo Ao to pat SoaB always kora It oo that tho wife ha»u tonotdaration aa a partner ia busmens—Exchange. Hard Work 8 pel la gaeceaa. j Following rainbow In tha form aT I iret-neb-quick achetaea U tha >hart cut to fnDur*. Governor Phillip told i tha Common:* Club of Marnnatla | Unhroralty. Ha aaid that for arary plunger who acoraa a brilliant eoe oaaa thara art thouannda of failuraa among aai who bank on tha tan of a (ingle card la tha baatnaaa world. Cooeervativn man an gnat baatnaaa laadan of tha country, ha aaoartad. Had eat what yoa want to do and do it wall. Dm*! ha a plangar^-don’t chaaa rainbow—ba a conaarratlra. Don’t harrow money mtlaaa yoa kaaw bow yon an going to pay H back, m —-= A N« wtpoprr ia Klag ^ A^nawapaj a j, now king of Bug. siasLum m ktatory oT jeeraaltem. IWtlKUWo tamed out A’nuttn re \ **■<***• NorAdUfa * a war council at too. W p?!.? ,*,*** *£• ocop-ed in franca .. Editor John Delano of M?«S3r3 g&arwa !«Ea§^»3s-3* 4.“*"y “jHiapar van on Uii* aide af KorthclHTa, and i£Zi.k22TtiN* *® ba tba moat dy. *• »o*t of m*n they arar jncoortarad.1,, England. A “iWer from Flghta^niyt bat not tSakind tibcJhm Ground in a circle waring Hia course u *ie boomerang ioornaliat ia doing mom ar ooa man.jg Korop, < «r*rtera«»*J»akaiaar ***• ™ Arrest uy in "*** «* w%.S» mud fl»oU_4 5!** *n %nperor and an PIN-MONEY s FOR HOLIDAYS EVERY YEAR yoa promise yowrsslf that you ara coins to aavau«aocaomoneyforsaxtXmas. Dim do It? Mom of oa do not, or at hast we put it a* t»wa ba*e to , oavaatvaa ana toon do sot have aaooth. • Wo aio aow organMag a Pio-Money <&ab for tfaisoumaaa. whieh will atart the first Monday in January and continue nrty weeks. By saving • '* * aoo aSeoaA wam yuo wiM aaoa $tzsO , 00a snob week you will aava |M.Q0 W 00 each waak yoa will tars MO 00 Ask as about this Club.' *• It la a graat plan to laarn to SAVE; it u » mi wj-. to laaro to beams aeqaaiatad with thk and mt matboda -wWobwil! d« you lots of toodm^taryaara; and It Is a Afoot plan to knvs aoaaa moony far NEXT tmak Moony that yon SAVE that o&erwL ^ would throws away. Yau don't bars to atist 7L it Y^Tn,i!LTtW*,!Ty!!dK0Tl^ A CENT, and you nrM enjoy it so musk. H yon aredsUndaot, you do sot bavo to ask anybody far MONEY for JmdmA whan yoa Voodit, yoa ana any *1 am spending fa, m mom9 » How good It will make you faoL | 1 Coaao la Now I SCOTLAND COUNTY SAVINGS DANK LAUMNgUBQ, N. cj BEAR IN MIND i ’ ■*, That than ia aaaea to a fertiliser than nnnHrain. Ftr in- • Maaen, all 8 8 8 good* ana not of the earns value: tnoeh dependa upon the value of the eonatit—»t part*, tile aw nar of compounding. the age and the mechanical condl- . *k». To explain further, ammonia from Nitrata of anda just at this time ia mupfa ebeeper than the tame percen ts* obtained from either C- 8. Heel. Blood. Fish or Tank ago. And then, different ammonias am entirely different in nature; some are more valuable to certain eroge than other forma of ammonia. To# COE MORTIMER CO. have, for more than half a oratory, made a study of the fertiliser buaine«e; every brand or formula offered by them to the trade is placed oi the market only after it hae bean thoroughly tented and found to be peculiarly -ihfVH to Southern *oiia end climate and t*i the crops grown in the South. We make no extravagant elaima. No fertiliser will take the place of Work. Rain, 8uoehine or Common 8*n#e; but we can offer you the COE MORTIMER CO*8. goods with implicit confidence in their Reliability. Effect iveness and Adaptability to your oeeda. T. T. Covington & Son Wholesale sad Retell Dbtrftston of FtetUsen and Fertiliser Material*. TkiMK P.O.Box 429 SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY THE PROGRESSIVE RAILWAY OP TBB SOUTH ScMrte Effective Not. 12th, Itlft Trains No. 18-8:88 A. tL Local for fa. C arlotto. Opan for j£ No. 18-757 P. It. Local for j*. toroMdlato potato,—Cool._ North. Sooth and South Wool, ntagten to Char lotto. No. 846P, IL Local far Wilmington oad all iatanaadtote ' nwStahT8tMpto^tR7A.^L' '“ No. 14—8*67 A. IL Loco) for WOariagtoB tad afl hlamdhti potato,—Pullman Parlor Car Charlotte to Wtafcftoa. For additional lofomatioc, aa to ratoo, aehaduloa, or to* .mrratkma, call on local agant or write tho oadoraigaod. J. Wataoa, Agent H. E. Plaaaanta, T. P. A. Lnurinburg, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. Mui T. Weet, D. P. A. *_Rslrigfc, M.C. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA EASTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE DISTRICT COURT. In compliance with Section 61, Act at My 1st. 1896, entitled “An act to oiaMUia niffani gjal Um nf bankruptcy thna^tf the UNITED STATES,” it fe ordered If Ike Conrt tint tie First National Bank, Of Lmtabns, North Carolina, be and the same ta hereby M fnatod u a depodtnry for the money of Bank* (Signed) H. G. CONNOR U. S. District lodge OCCASIONS Patronize Our Job Department

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