NO EXTRA SESSION IS GENERAL OPINION It b Net Urn Premat Intention sf the PrmUeet te Can leuien After March 4. Washington, Fab. II.—It ia not tba present intention of President Wilson to call an extra session af the 44th Coagrme solely for the parpooe af having his legislative program, lo cloding his recommendation far ad ditional railroad legislation, snactsd into law. Unless the foreign situation ■hall have reached a more acuta stage than at present Mr. Wilson will not call the Congress together to con vene immediately after March A Thera b. not e member of the house who believes Mr. Wilson can pot through his railroad legislation before March A There are few, if any, who believe he will call Congress together la aider that Us program may be car ried through. Majority Leader Clauds Kitchin told the Daily News corres pondent today that he dose not expect ■ extra see bee nor does he believe the railroad legislation can be pamad by the present Congress, Thu view is shared by Beprseeatative Foster, of niiaoisi Frank Do ran us, shaiimaa of tba Democratic congressional com mittee, sad others. Beam of the friends at Postmaster General Burleson did their utmost te whip smotors aad Has to vote for hb pet prevbisa for aa Increase ia tba second stem postal rata which b aimed dlrsetiy at the newspapers sf tbs oounuy. but they failed. The senate by e vets of 17 to *4 refused te attach the ns in tweet Jobe W. Weeks, of Masse of ability sad ona af the aU b the state ta, very prep the matter ap today wbmt nuy'otb. 1 ■would be very glad to am a i ia carrying but I da net to piece additional Industry which bl ering its share sf the aai-1 in the oast af metsrieb' af offsetting I TMnt paper has advanced by Uaps and bounds daring the past year to •adi a dsgrsa that where contracts haw not bass mads which go over for tha next year, or whers the prod seers' of print paper ere not willing to pro. vide on substantially tha terms at the peat far their regular customers, tha Iticreaasd coat to the publisher is go lag to be enormous. “In many eases H will be month to wipe eat tha profits at what haw boon ' very profitable publications; and as to thee* which haw not bean profitable, in many cases, la my lodgment, it will practically rain them. At such a time sc this, without giving them a bearing, for the aenate to increase a coat which may bring a beet rubs at man or last publishers, seems to me to be unfair and ill-advised. “I haw dl aniseed this subject with a great many pubBshara during the last year, and almost an of them agree that they ahoetd, under normal condi tions, pay a higher rate of postage for thefr pubUoetiana. But this is net tha right tone, and far that imam I haw igpaail tha department's plan." MACHINE OCHS AND AMMUNI TION FOUND. .» ;V UBirr. A. L. JAMBS, JR., TO WBD C1RL or COLD BN WEST. Win Be Married to Miea Viola Borden at Lae Angelas Wednesday, Feb ruary 28. Laurinburg friends of Lieut. A. L. James. eon af Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Janies of this elty, will be interested In tbs announcement that he will be married Wednesday, February 28, at Los Angeles, California, to Mies Viola Burden. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. James, father and mother of the groom-to be, win leave Friday at thii week for an extended trip to the West and will attend the marriage at Lot Angeles. Lieut. A. L. Jamee, Jr., recently re turned from the Philippine Islands and has been stationed et Rochester, Mhui., for some time. He is now at Loa Angelos. Miea Burden, the bride to-be, is a native of Dubuque. Iowa, aed la spending the winter with rela tives at Los Angeles, where the mar ring* will bo so!Mislead. She 1* de scribed as a typical girl of the Golden West, a lover of the great outdoors *“d a most attractive young woman. She belongs to a prominent family in her state and Is said to awn modi valuable real estate to the west Mr. and Mfs. A. L. Jamee will go from bars to New Orleans and will epead a few days there attending tto Mardi Gras festival. From there they will go over the Southern Pacific Unas to Pasadena, Cat, and wiU be guests there of Dr. j. A. Sheerer, president of Ttoaop Collage, and a half brother of Mr. A. L Jamee. Mr. and Mrs. Jamee will he away about a month. Mara Cradk far England. London. Pah. IS—Tba House erf Cocaisaa* will b* oeeapiad this weak witk financial affairs Tb* faatare ad today1! program waa tb* introduction of two now veto* of credit aggregat ing MO^OOAOO poood* starting, m for 200,000,000 poanda to Mm *x ’ pwim to March SI, tba cad of tba prsasnt financial year, and tha atbar ifav *80,000,000 pa—da starling to | start the next **«»*|«i year. tba chief apse hare war* A. Boaar Law, Chancellor at tbs Exchequer, who rariawad the financial position of tha Nation, and Reginald McKen na, who was called on to support the •notion as Chancellor erf tha Ex chequer of the Asquith Government. | “W« have a superiority not only m caen hut in equipment," said Mr. Law. He aaaerted that the inrtan in tb* production of munitions waa going on »H the time, being aa marked now ; na nt any previous period. Tbs msQ last increase in say kind of shoB. aa compared with tba average of tb* fine year of war, was S* times that ontpat. In making advance* to bar Allien, the Chancellor continued. Grant Brit ain considered be* thing only—wheth er It would ba m tba geaerai interest H# emphasised the importance of co ordination la ovary field, and aald tbs *oaf*T*noa at Kama bad rasaltad in a decision ta regard to tba policy to bo adopted toward Groeoo, which policy waa new being followed. Tba •bjast of' that policy, said tb* Chan cellor, waa to pres «art tb* Entente force* from baidg attacked from the rear in tb* event ef n German-Sal gariao invasion. Tha Intent* assn that tb* danger tan that q—star to m—h lea*,than it wn* a few weeks dgk MEASLES 18 A DANOEBOUS DISEASE. Baa 8*Hoas Aftor-MTecto Banal to Infantile Paralysis aad PaUICy aa Graal aa Scarlet Fnar. Thart used to ba a deeply cherished noUen among old fashioned mother* that every child had to have meeoUs, •“““to ami whooping cough Hint time, anyway, and when any of (fame diacaaea prevailed in the community, and they were not ao rushed with other affaire, they thought it a good time for the children to have 'em aad ba dona with 'em. So they practically Invited measles Into their homes and took a week or two, sometimes a month or longer, to nurse the inno eant patients through tha malady. IPs just this earn* old fashioned no tion about measles, nays the State Beard of Health, that is responsible] for its wide spread throughout the State just at this time. Hardly a town, echool or neighborhood is aa-! coping an epidemic at masalas. It ia causing scares of eeheela to dose for weeks at a time which ia wasting time aad money and ia a drawback to the progress at the school, to say nothing at tha deaths it ia causing. And yet Uli la net tha most earl-, ia a community. According to The Survey ef August. ISIS, -Measles rank* with sms Upon In communica bility, with scarlet fever hi mortality, and has serious after-effect* ef poeo monia, tuberculosis and defective ears and cyan.|* It la the sort am after-ef fects that makes measles such a eeri one disease. It leave* weaklings la Ms wake aad a community that re ■igaodly given itself oeur to an *gL; domic live* to regret the day. Some body ia laft to suffer Hfa-Ioag defects. And yet measles is a preventable disease, at least tha spread ef K is preventable. Only the rueogaMoa of early symptom* aad strict (gsnstis* ia affective in pcevautiag Ka agreed. Per every mother or guardian to da bar dnty by her chUd as w*(] as by her neighbor's child weald b*. the ideal pins of checking epidemics ta their be “WR ARB WABTBPUL PBOPIJB." PtagalUy Dadarod Abaca* Load Art in TVU Country. (Ufa.) Wa art undoubtedly tfaa moat wuata fbl paoplo in tbo world. In America frugality la almoot a loot art. Count laaa Ban and woBan art actually auf fartng, bod) pbydaDy and mentally baoauoa thay da not know bow to atop waato ha thalr own hamaa. Waata ia a davaatating thing. It and at Wa woota _ __ food. In a hoomhold_ aaat of tbo boat from tbo wool ad. Our childraa take aaona_j tboy aaa oat and waato tbo mot. but t t fc I fc - - —w • tbo pTfadpUthat it la sorter brkha to aaaka aaoro Ban ay to pay for tbo waato t> bio bonB than K fa U -wuoW Wa ton* fa trying fa atop k. Bit wMa iai unaanad—aiy fafiumiaf by bla ■ Wbat aaa wo do about Kt Somo tkiug, anyway. Wa aaa talk about it, goaHmlata «bout k. think about k and ■Mb* op our Binds right now to fight k fa ovary way pookhto. ._ A MEXICANS DROP BELGIAN RE LIEF. Ordered hy Owntii AiMSm e Withdraw From Work la Nerth «™ Franca Aka Lomloa, Feb. IS.—The American Couunimioa for Relief in Belgian has dBdally notified tho German authori ty that tho Americans will withdraw from participation in the relief work in Belgium and northern France. This step was taken la reply to an order from the German authority that American* must withdraw from the provinces of Belgium and northern France, leaving only a few of their representatives headed by Brand Whitlock, American amhansador to Belgium, in Brussels. The action of the commission ia ax plained in tho following statement which was give* to the Associated; Frees today by directors of tho oum mlesion in London: “We were advised February IS by Director Warren C. Gregory, from Brussels that Baron von Dor (civil governor of Brussels) had nett Aed him that American cittern could no laager occupy pedtioas la eooaee Mm with the eoamiesieu in the occu pied territories of France and Bel gium, bet that a few Americans, ameag them Brand Whitlock, might redds In Brussels and enemy gen eral supinlslua ever the week. Mr. tUpyaaite steJdtag *** ** ***** ** ratten wouU*te*dsBy AZssryaa!aBl “After earnest eoneiderutten wHh Arabs sued or Page, the direst ms of the rinauilsaltm in Lendow, acting ia se em'd with Herbert C. Hoover, chair Gregory So inform the Omaa au thority that la view af their order that the Americans oouM no laager raeedee thdr fuacUsas ia Bt oeco «»rry out their responsibility aad undertakings to ether intereutad gov ernment* and fulfill thdr duty to ward the psopim of Belgium aad aorthorn France, the Amy sane would cdMnlly withdraw from pertid potion iu the work of relief in the ms sided districts. “Mr. Gregory «H advised ts ar range for all hie mac to leave Belgian tmnewtiaUly, except a few whs are t» daee the caanalaelen'e affaire ud take •t«pa to see that there be no mterrap tian In the del file, pending the reor ganisation of the work.” LAURINBliRG SOCIETY YOUNG MEN GIVE BALL FOR VISITING GIRLS. The yemag »ca of tho dtp gave a deUghttal deace in the Open boaee Friday evening of Mat week. eonpB MBtary to the visiting yooag ladies. TUa was erne of the mast enjoyable •octal events of the Now Year. GIVE DINNER FOB DEM AND MBS. ERWIN. Mr. and Jtra. Edward Gibson enter tained at a happy dinner party Satur day evening at 7 o'clock in honor at Dr. aad Mrs. E. A. Erwin, who ro> Matty returned from thair bridal trip. The following Invito Ui has been *—■+*»d by friendt to Leortotoerg aad to the eeantyi HR ltlt Mr. and Mrs. WHHam Graham Bnio Ian the **"* Twanty-kfth Annivereary at thair frees ahddtoohmm o'clock ^_^ Wagram.^Negto Carolina WOJUta Ore ham Bala B. a. v. e -ii __ Flight cun novas effective WEAPON. Uratt Pin From Watehipe m iff. ehaatmea Into MHwd ad Cam batting Cheats New York, Fak. Althoogh Ag. arm to chow the number ad mtaw. rinm deetroyed by the Entente allien and tba maena oaad in their deatone tiaa re unavailable, owing to tbo rigid eowowtop. it wm learned here to night from aa authoritative eource that direct gun Ant from the decks of warship* and auxiliary —state kae bam tba meat affective method cat. ployed thus far. To combat the submarine menace, tbe allies have adopted various pluas, although some ef them have been abandoned ea laeffactive. A marine authority ef atom—tinned standing wbo ia dene ta Brill* shipping inter auto, mid teduy JLm aakad m u tbe ri^timnem of arrifrg abipe: “We bava found that light guns die riiaiKlng projectile* ad four ta dm Pooada, ip baa* ed trained gasman, have bean by far «h* toTeaUva ■Miy m two aad'thne* aubmaudaee kavo bam bagged in eae day In (hi* w»jr. •hiii k.T***"* • ***•*• *»*t* ’V' " ortjr har tUnTte" mark ami in int of tha <mm at this nature aa far reported tha —1—tt •ible* bars aaat ta tha ■»»■«« .~f (oeortcd to gan Sr* tram a Jack — In thia kind pf a fighting a gun aMnt f,r^tho^‘platform <5r!^d"b7^ oubomnao ia aa uamaady thing ta **• X"*. aad <aag>Ha tha amaUar tar gat offaand. tha gnaaan on oUpo harr the better of It. “Qareful obaoreattaoa made during th# laat year at otaaamra mounting dafaoea gnna show that they are in a aoeaaura hamooe from attack untcse H la withottt warning aa ia tha eaaa of th* California. TO ff Affix DOLLAR ■mr Far Vartaaa laaaaaa. It le Bo-. < baaing the “Cart WhaoL** ' ;' » vp &&:<■< waaU M Md rri^y. lU^ n. at U>Mo*. <ft*t (Mm, Ml ■rl’V■■ililmn «■*■«* *w» y» ik« load utf «u 4m to m nrcr UTalf^ : II si'rvv for tbir dM. It H bfMd tU. utfate wtl mim to etaitf y *# *mcSm and «te. BgSp liri 1 WM ! ^ Ms : IS *V "* r g#f -1.;•* ft ! sfSra ■ &*«» ; ' tt < < - \ ' • ' s » £ I MS:

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