PACTS INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE inward*!Jnn will »lwyi give a verdict in eeeord YOU ARE THE JURY, and the tecta arc plainly in evi deace at this store. The aopcrtcr quality of oar goods is a FACT. Awd^ehnw yojrgwt all the tecta In regard to this store, "Tha Baat Plnea la Taam Tb Do My Trading.” Get the evidence. Render the verdict. Prescriptions filled hy Registered Druggist only. Night or day. Night'Phone IK. • ThwM «a jronr wants. *PhoM 94. Wo an aa acar to you aa yoo are to the ’phone. Everington’s Drug Store THE 8AN-TOX STORE 'V-r X •ft t *A; v 1 a X; 'r4 ; r~l 'V' ■ I Florida, Cuba and Mardi Gras Personally Conducted Tours To the following Popular Winter Touriat Be—rta JACKSONVILLE ST. AUGUSTINE PALM BEACH TAMPA lQUiil ST. PETERSBURG KEY WEST HAVANA CUBA MATANZAS NEW ORLEANS MARDI GRAS ■ Operated Darin* the Height of the ffcaMonabte Tavist Seaaon, theae Tours to the Land of Sunafcine and Summer win be personalty conducted by experienced represents tteas, who wiB look after ail details end orranyowto terete* patraao free to eajey the quaint and interesting . : ***. V - *** Write Cot Booklet aad la formation GATTIS TOURS To—M Acante, Saabavd Afr Una Railway. BdlEMH. NORTH CAROLINA PLUMBING PLUMBING PLUMBING to W. W. CAMERON Whmto ato* PI—to, Btof to Thto WML AMm «r Bad—Im. . OMtoam «r ML ' PLUMBING PLUMBING PLUMBING 1 INAUGURATE DAY AT THE CAPITAL hi, • V '• f V. , *» >. '* • * Hi FasUOBH Dsraocricjf to GtareeHrlzB Cramiis. H8 FYfiOTEGHKICAL DISPLAY Prr »Mw» Wilaw Is <Ka fM Oamural U Waiaaid Hlaaaalf Maaa th* Days af ■ Andraar Jiclaaa Mrs. Wilaaw and Mr*. Marshall ta Aocamyany Hua bands In Inaugaral farad*. •y PRANK a. LORD Washington b rapidly compL-tlnc Its vnt*ntiaas for I be aeruotl lusugur* clou at Woodrow WUsoo oa preeMont at tba Called Hiatus. Tba occasion wIB peasant tbe amt instance at a Democratic proakkmt uccsadlng Itim ■elf h the White Uooae since tbe day■ at Andrew Jackson. This b) oua of tba raaaoM why caccixtoual efforts are lining itut forth to make tba tmoo aim befitting sud tmpiesatse and at tba asms time cbnrartorlaed tty geo Mae oM fashkiaed Jeffersonian ilowac racy. PraaMaat WUsoo has autlfled tba tnattgaral committee that be ttoes not Mror the iwitnnury laaognral ball and accordingly that feature win ha eliminated. Instead as the erenlng following his Matties lata office there will ha prasentad cm the teamen White Lot. directly eoath at the ezecottre ■anatoa. a baaetlfml pyrotechnic db play dertgaad Is Itself to taach a lee aaa la patriotism. laaegeral Tabes PIaaa Marsh A ' Owing to tba Met that March 4 falls ral at Praffidmt WUaou win tafcT|d?e oa the Mow lag gay. la order that there may be aa taps# of dam daring which the reentry will be wttbeet an eaacattra bead tbe official oath or office w«l be administered to President Wtl. aaa M private at the White Home at aeoa Suudaj, March *. by Chief Jos Oca White of tbs sapratne coart at the Colled Sts tea Them bam Meta In the history of the camelry March 4 hw fallen oa Bueday—In IBBL at the beginning of Monsoe's ascoad term; In to l*n, when Rayas bsr«M« preal deaL The formal ceremonies will oc cur on Monday. Starting from tbe White Haaaa at U o'clock, escorted iu carriages by a ctowmtowl cooiUilnea. of which Trustor Overman of North CUMlwb rhalnma. the lxvwhleut wtu procrad to tlm capital. Kor tba Brat time In the history of any inauguration the wife at tbe piwUciil elecl will accompany him on the flip. Mrs Thomas U. Mar shall Wife Of I he vie president alert, •ill also ride In tlio <*rrl*jee with her husband. The prathlevtl ell take thr oath of office asd ih-Uvcr Ms Inaagars] address ou the huge ptat.'orm erected oa tba Visas at tbe ease front of llie capttnt. ' Fegeeet ta la tpoitaaiilor. AC tba roaclwduo mt the preehltnl* »Mrw» the «icat aticclacaUr pageant. wMeb the {wepte of Waabington bare derated marly three neoathe ta prp (■artna, wBl atart ftwrn tba capital aod ptacaad waaewani n Peaaaylrania •’•t* ta Fifteenth etreet aad tbeecr throogb the grand Coart ef Honor erected la front ef the Wbhe Ueoar. From the prmhloottal atand In the ceatac of the eoart Mr. WUaoa and Mr. Ml—ill, together with their wtvea —ft I—iliam of the a—net aad tbeti wlvaa. the dti>l«uiutlc eorpa end protn loent odlclala. will rWw the parade. Codec the direction of Oelnbrl Bui* act V. Harper, chairman of the ctt|. ncacr committee oT Waabtngtoa. the peopto of the naOmial capital bare pet forth every effort t* make the VTOaoe tgeagaral pcaoaaaioo not only a grand merch ef Utmapti. bet a pagaant which ahatl be adeem tlooal and Maatrattva or dm program aad davalapmaat of the oo—fry. Major tleaeral Hagh L. toon, of mm of .the army. wtu be ef Unde fi ' i have for the exhibit daring la * of “Code Ham at Week." . . will abow the arttrlllae of I ft* vnrtoea department# aod boraaa* the gcriniiiMit. The trenaory de trill ehuw haw (taper meaty BANKS IN SMALL TOWNS SHOW REMARKABLE GAIN. Tkn Waa, age to Washington, Fab. 9.—Sharp shrink age hi the manta of national banka in tha chief cities of tha conn try and gaiaa showing strength oarer attained twfore on tha part* of hanks in small er cities and towns aro disclosed in the comptroller of tha cnnangr'a eta teen eat of took conditions on Da ••mher *T, the dale vt the last bank call, made pakfie today. •JSE* *2* • aatlhrinkage of fill*. 000400. New York city banka re duced their resources (200400,000: in CWeaga the reduction waa (15,000, 000; ha Philadelphia (22,090400 and in Boston (154009490. 'Among tha country banka," read* the statement, "Pennsylvania led with as increase of (20,000,900, followed by Iowa with (12,000,000 and Illinois with (10,000,000. Country banka in Virginia increaaad about (4490400." States in which the bank* showed a decline between the last two calls— November 11 and December 27—ia Nm. York (IO4004OO; Team; (8,000,000; Georgia $7400,000 and Oklahoasa and North Dakota shout $3,000,000 cjtch. Decentralisation of financial strength mad its diffusion throughout the entire wantgr are indicated, the comptroller 'Since Mar I. 1918." says the state ment, “country bank* have increaaad their resources (759,000,000 or 13 par cent. In the same period resources of national tonics in tha central re serve cities declined (77400400 ar 3 per cent, aad resources of national faankain other reserve cities increased (465,000400 or 11 per seat. , Twees figures Indicate that tha ten dency, noted for soma time peat, to ward a wider diffusion of tha banking resources of tba eouatry continues? Total reaourcat of national beaks December >7 last ware (154U400400 “ Jaeuaryli, 1914, A Deposits decreased sharply daring the 40day* between tbatoat two bank szSS&sszttiEisi The dacraae* totalled (228427400 but a«KTLsLfc»r'i‘ ff t«*aR, a* ooolpared wi th the call of Nvr ember IT were as follow*: aad due from Federal gHjom040MOK,V,,lSr^ Resources of country banks amount ed approximately to (7400400400. IIPT YOUR CORNS WITH PTNG I • RR8. ^eU» Hew U Looms > Trader Cara ar Calhu So It Lift* Out Without Patau You reckleai man and women who an pestered with corn* and who have at tenet one* a week invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison am now told by a Cincinnati authority to one a dmk called freesone. which the moment a few drope are applied to any corn or caMua the soreneea la relieved and eocm the entire corn or eaflua. root and att, lifts off with the ftrrera. rise luxe dries the moment it is ap pBed, and simply shrivel* the com or eeUna without inflaming or even irri tating the surrounding tissue or akin. A small bottle of freesone will cost very Httla -at any at the dreg stares, bat wfll positively rid one's fee* o? every hard or soft (in or hardened trihm. If your druggist besot any freesone he eaa petit at any whole sale drag bouse for yoo^-Adv. Emperor William, of Germany, re peated osi bis fifty-eighth birthday aa r(versary Saturday fits premise prev iously made to the German army that Germany would enforce peace with the ■word. His th essays waa amt to Ber Sr^'irKhS.T'^te Urns. accord lag to Genm set. It waa contrary to E some of the entente th* emperor would make a_. P^rZii^.,TPrS: tonia stats. mHitoiy and naval Ipad CALOMEL DYNAMITES A SLUG GISH LITER. Faith and Procrastination i * __ Faith and bread pill* often enre the pick and paint the ^checks with the ruddy glow of health. But it iiqoirsa aomething else to mak* cotton gruw. The cotton plant can not be deceived; it require* and demands in strong terms aomething that ia substantial in the way of plant food -phosphoric arid, ammonia sod potash. This to gether with a little moisture and sunahina and common aenae will pw-duca satisfactory reeulta. We have the plant food—aomethirg that has vim and pep and snergy in every oqnea of it and mi manipulated that it goes direct to the spot .and does the ww k right now. We not only have the yooda- hot we can make.lull very ala*!, if you do not wait too long. We have tried ali along to impress you with thenacea Slty of quick action in buy ing your fertiliiera Do not buy BIT? bS“^OWW“h “ d° we ,d'i“ ,0” «° bj, &£ There ia a rvaaon ! Tnere are other go* d reliable goods on the market, but It is up to you to find anything better than we offer you. We back up our propoaftioo with an enviable repeat ion of over half a century for reliable, ef fective and dependable fertilizer*. - T. Ti Covington & Son . Wholesale Distributors of Fertilizers and Ferti lizer Materials. ’Phone 95 Lssrinborg, N. C. The First National Bank Will keep a record for yon. Ona of the advantages of having a bank account la the fact that avary transaction recorded on the books of our bunk, in connection with your account, yon may have access to, if oecqnrj. Such s record often proves of great value. This bank will ha pleased to have your banking busi ness. First National Bank. * • ^ * . Of Laurfnburg. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY THE PROGRESSIVE-RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH Schedule Effective Nov. 12th, 1916 Trains Leaving Laorinborg No. 19-8:26 A M. Local for Hamlet, Charlotte and all In termediate point*—Through Sleeper Wilmington to .Charlotte. Open for peaatngar* at Wilmington at 10 P. M. No. 18—7:27 P. M. Local for Hamlet. Charlotte, and all ia tormadiatB puinta.-^Connecting at Hamlet for all point* North, South and Sooth West Pullman Parlor Car WD mington to Charlotte. No. 80—8:88 P. If. Local for Wilmington aad all intermediate potato,—Through Blooper Charlotte to Wilmington. Paearnger* may remain fa Sleeper until 7 AM. No. 14 8:67 A N. Local for Wilmington aad *0 intermediate potato,—Pullman Parlor Car Charlotte tn Wilmington, Par additional information, as to rates, schedules, or re nervations, call on local agent or write the undersigned. J. Watson, Agent H. B. Pleasants, T. P. A. Laaxtebazg, N. C. Wflndngton, N. C. John T. Went, D. P. A. _ RaMgfa, N. C. . , FLOWERS Floral amtaswMM for any inn—Inn. , Prompt attention to ont-of-t— ordan. ' SCHOLTZ, The Florist, Inc. Phono 441-442. 8 N. Tryon 8t Charlotte. N. C. BLUE'S DRUG STORE, AaOnta Patronize Our Job Department

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