Worn Out? j *• TAKE Cardui Hi Woaul To* Mi*. Sy Irani* Woo*, •tOMoa Mflte, Ky.t aaye: "Baton taking Car dal, 1 wee, alttmaa, m weak I cotdd hardly walk, and to* pato la a»y back aad Mad Marly kilted ■*. MCantoTtoapakHOa! appeared. Now Heal ae wad aa I ever did. Every OeU koala Brfll % Gibson Brothers Laurinbarr, N. C. ' MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF LAND. Under end by virtu* cl tha power of sale contained in a certain Mort gage Dead executed on the 8th day of March, IBIS, by Phillip Bridge™ and wife. Elisa Bridgera, which la . recorded in the oSca of tha Register of Dead* of Scotland County, North Carolina, in Book No. 4 at paga Ml, and default baring be on made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby JHS.&dS'srBS raary, 1917, at It o’clock, noon, at tha eaart hems* door in Laurinburg, N. C, expo** to public sals, to the high est bidder, for cash, a certain tract of land lying in Stewart*villa Township, Scotland County, North Carolina, a£ Joining the lands of T. L. Henley and others, and described as follows, to snts Beginning at a pine on the North side at Steer's branch, and ran north I t-2 east 24AO chains to a stake; thence as a dividing line between T. A Scott and T. L, Henley south 74 east 17.T0 ehaine to a stake; thence south 2.70 chains to a staks; thane* south 88 wwt 18.86 chains to a' stake; t thence west 6 chains to the bagtiming, containing 97 1-2 same, more or Use, being the lands oonveyed by T. 8. 8cott to Phillip B rid ran by deed iw oerded la the oOee of the Register of Deed* of said county la book “IV fggh 677. This 19th (toy of January, 1917. ALEX JONES, RUSSELL A WEATHER8]Ki)8N, Attorneys. 4t-4-7 MUSTANG Far Sprwna, LamtoeM, Sam. Cut*, Rkeumatiam Siapa Pda A* Oae* For Man «u>d Bern! SaSQaAI. AiAIDmIm LINIMENT MAI»r • EDITOK BB POL4TE. Soathvi; vTimn BlIlW Mighty Godard la Bio Dm wd Mod* Him Bit Up. Mr. Allan Gridin Johnson, th* Now York correspondent, tolls nn tnUrast toi story of Mrs. Clarke, th* Nashville syauvs te-ssnsssK «rid tU, 11*3, IncUUat la l«Wt Now York sr will serve to show it—sometimes. , Goddard T That’s It «m h* who put th* rad type on the •rat pops; it was b* who foand ant that aloapatad type I* more attractive than short, fat typo; it was ha who sand* th* Haarat pa pars what they are today. Mr. Goddard waa working for the Now York World when Mr. Hcerat de cided to atari the Heant paper* theta, and one night when tha publishers ol '.lie World went to their offices they discovered that Mr. Hoaret had taken the whole staff, beaded by Ur. Cod 'd. Later the World bought Mr. Uodderd back, and still later Mr. Heant bought him ones more, and every time be was bought it was at an ed vs need figure. Well, anyhow, our stogy deals with him afta* ha waa all settled, estab lished and everything on tha Ameri can, tha Heant morning daily there. He was the biggest mao on It, and a big man in New York Is always hard to get to. Meanwhile. Mrs Ida C. Clarke, newspaper woman from Ten nessee, was In Now York doing free lance work for tha big dailies, and had met with cocas eucceee In “painting” bar stories. She had beca selling them to the World sight along, but got hold of a story which she wanted to aee la the American, and decided she would get In teach with Mr. Goddard. Armed with her story aha entered the American office and asked for the great Goddard. Of eooraa. she didn't get te see him.. She hardly expected to. Hut aha let the repraentanve of the groat man know that she had a story which she. believed Mr. Goddard would like mighty wall to see, and timed him off to tha subject matter, wbteh concerned a matter of news than very much in demand by all the local papers. She left the office and waa later called by phone and told that Mr. God dard wanted te see her as soon as pos sible. Howeverv she had gone straight to the World office and had sold nor story without the least trouble In the meantime. When she appeared at the American office again, in response to the God dard summons, she ni shown into his office. it is a large, dingy place, with a desk away over in one corner, and at this desk eat Mr. Goddard, pipe in hie month, hat on hit had and feet on bis desk Ho did not look up as she en tered, but want cm reading something spread out in hie lap. Finally he glencod et her coldly, ■aid "Well T" and pa need in his read '“^WeU?" replied Mrs Clarke, stand-1 log and looking him straight in the eye. “You wanted.to aoe me?" eras his next question. “No,? she answered, “yaw wanted to aoe sea 1 am Mrs.Qarts" "Dm," said the great man. “Yea." Ha waa about to eay something fur ther when the Interrupted him with; ' “Pardon me, Mr. Goddard, but I eat from the South, and perhaps a bit spoiled by Southern courtesy. If you will take your hat off your head, your pipe out of your mouth, and your feet off dm desk, I shall be glad to hear what you‘have to ear to me.” It was like lightning out of a dear sky, and the wont of It was—for Mr. Goddard—several man ea the paper wore listening through the open door and heard and saw it all. Startled out of hie customary coldness of manner, be eat bolt upright and eakad: “Wan, madam, do you want to run this office?’* "No,” she replied, “but 1 want you to run it more courteously while 1 am in herti.” Ho stared hard at her for a minute, then, with a laugh, took bis hat off and hia pip# out of his mouth—his feet had already bean brought down to the floor lead. Mrs. Clarke thanked him end asked him what it was be wanted with her. He wanted the story; ha couldn’t got it, be was tMd. “But, my dear madam,” be pid, “we want it, I tell you; we went all we can get on that eubiect.” “I am sorry, Mr. Goddard,” was her answer, "but I have already sold the story to the World ” And the next morning the World carried the story. Later. Mrs. Clerks waa asked by Mr. Goddard in person If she would act aa the general Southern corres pondent for him, aad if the would also submit anything aba might write to him. Sha accepted the latter part of the. proposition only, and afterward the American carried aet a little at her clever output. And If you think u little thing like that Is easy to “put over” in New York—-try tt. Thu rust majority who do try something like It never get any farther than the office boy. It it ee*y enough to mh Into the ottos of the average Southern newepeper aad ■hoot toe editor, but to Manhattan you probably couldn’t gut within Vmg DEATH AT MAXTON. Decide to Buy It—Now! > , * Yoor immediate decision on the 5-passenger 6-30 Chalmers will save you $160. Now you pay $1090. Beginning the first day of March you must pay $1250. Why not decide and act. Look this Chalmers over and you'll know why it is such a favorite. A solid frame, long easy-riding springs. Good lines. A solid, wdTfz±ied, well upholstered body. A reliable motor. AD die power you will ever need in ordinary driving. Then a large surplus added on. Consider, also, die 2-passenger roadster, on which you save $180 by deciding now. CM Uk Drink) UNIVERSAL CAR CO. Laurmburg, North Carolina % • • • . • • . • ' *•- v. UNITED 8TATB8 AMPLY ABLE TO DIN* ALONE, Shoo Id AR I ■ porta of Fwtt.«a Ea Cat Off. Country Would Mar Nat at AR. Washington, Fab. It.—Tho United States la amply abia to fosd hureelf, orao if all Import* of foodstuffs should ho eat off, 6m deportment of egricul tawMPaawa today ia SB official - The ataUanont, prepared by Aaadat aat Secretary Vroomaa, foOewat "Wa produce, in round figures, Mr 000000000 pounds at moat, and we •or* loss than 100,000004 pound*, | "Wo product bars aSgtety ora* tv 000 000,000 pounds af sugar and wa import orar 6,600000000 paunda front 1 "Wa prodne* about 7040000000 !{a0«M af milk Importing about SJL. Oniadk.” Other flgnraa on production naff Im port* atot Cheaao—Pro<loeU**i 000000000 fS’las** fr°M C*"*<U’ I * Mly Soathafl. Aaate IV*, Bate Wart aad Aanla Burt Stain bock. and a vary bocottful whrart to the maale of OoadB* thro* the By*. by Miaow Haanah Towmand, Catbarlna Statu. KMa Daria aod Bayttaa HoUa**. Both ad tho daaeaa wan rfran aa anthao ioaUe aaoao*. . ! * i * ' :

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