Local Notes Postmaster 0. H. Romall is spend ing the week at Raleigh on twalnma. Hon. W. H. Weathsrspoon spent Monday in Greensboro on basin css. Mrs. Geo. T. Rhodes returned lest week from Tiverton. Mississippi, where she visited relatives. * Mr. JR. L Cramp, a prominent boai •tna man of Wagram, was In the dty Tuesday. Miss Lena Wright, an attractive ymmg My of the Mason's Cross sec tion, spent Tuesday in tha dty. Mr. S. A. Baaed of Martoa, who formerly lived near Laurel Hill, was la the dty last week. Mr. Mdksm McLean, a popular ru ral mail carrier of Maxton, waa ta the dty Wtdaesday. Mr. Hater Rouark of Brunswick •ownty was a business visitor la tha dty Wednesday. Mr. J. A. Wilkins, prindpsl ad tha paMlc schools at John's, waa in the dty Saturday. Dr. W. C Caldwell, veterinarian, ha* moved Ms oAce from the room «■ RaRrosd street to the eld BoaUck stable* Mr*. W. C Caldwell Is expected to arrive Saturday from Statesville, where she has bean spending several days with hams folks. Hon. A. R. Shaw, Scotland's rep resentative la tha legislature, spent tha wash and at hie horns in tha coun ty, returning to RaMgh Monday. Mr. J. Douglas Lyteh left Tuesday afternoon far Goldsboro, where be will engage la tha automobile bad ness, having accepted a position with a wall known shop than. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Caldwell arrived iu tha dty Thursday night, after a shod hoe*ymoon trip, and are at home with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Caldwell on Church street. ^ Mr. J. C. Birmingham will, Marsh i, move hla stock of merchandise from the store room on west side of Mnin street, which he now occupies, to the j Conran and Odom barber shop stand across the street, end next to Epstein’s department store. Mr. J. L. Sutherland is closing tip tha business of tha Laurlnburg Per petual Building and Loan Association, and la mailing out ear-da to all share holders, asking them to eloao up their accounts. It is stated the dividends mill be prorated later and the accounts Friends ol Mrs. F. L. Crouch will he glad to learn that aba la recover ing from an operation at the Hamlet Hospital, lira. Crouch went to the .' 'Hospital early last week and It is hoped she will ba able to return home sown. Mr. Creoeb Is U1 at hla hfwns Vara and ia suffering from un attack of rheumatism. Attention is here called to the arfi fk on page one, announcing that this pear's county eoatmaueansaut exercises wS be held at Gibson In the new school building at that plsoe. Through a mistake it was stated last week that the day would ba a gala event foe Laurlnburg, but under the struma fuses Lawiaburg gracefully yields to Obese. Mr. T. B. Smith, accompanied bp Ida father. Mr. 8. J. Smith, and sister. Mias Mary Smith of Darlington. 8. i C* and Miaa Willie 8mith made an ax a tensive trip Into South Carolina last weak stopping at Columbia and Con sume. At the latter place they visit ed Mr. H. G. 8mHh. Tha trip Inelud ad a atop at Snow HOI, wham tha party visited Mr. K. L. Smith. Laurlnburg is up against another emd famine this week aad many am fmued to bum wood in their stoves and grates. It ia stated that ship. 'i marts are expected to arrive at any thus and relieve the ritaattoa. An other cold wave aad a seal famine ®T oetta* tka a—ata tkaaa Mdlittm^la>ym^"toIhdapLtTt! ^bumbatk ^kiri body's baoatag tkaaa b a An la tuns., waleas be happau to see U. Tka Jl rat fhWy Urn number* in th* ri eUlty at th* Holland berdar had bam the eubject at gouip In Beetin mili tary circle* far several weeks before Dr. too Bethmaan-Hollwac1* an campaign- TMx praaaoee than at a tlma whoa Germany wa* talking of peaaa instead of a policy that would weigh meet heavily upon neutral hv taroeta then wa* usually explained a* • precautionary maaeure. or erea HuTtetiriiid u omit o€ a dIu for th* distribution of atistogic re doubt woe railed concerning the Ut tar explanation. Whatarer th* oauae of the concen tration. a largo force of Oermaa troop* wa* ea th* Holland border when Germany1* Inauguration af sub martim war aad Preaideat Wn*on>* appeal to neutral nation* to Join with America In protecting neutral inters eats against Germany brenght to the foreground Um ijiiaaIIihi of Hotlond't padbh action la reply ta th* Germea campaign. Their bayoueta empka *Ucd th* economic aad political ree eone why Holland I* aawUllag to fol low counsel which it was feared atigfat hare drawn th* little Itingdum into tbo great European war. SHAVED AFTER U YEAR*. Abe—a af Wife Gaea North Carotins Profaaaar Hi* Chun ta Sacrifice Growth «r a Half Caatnry. Hundreds of tha frianda of Joseph Kinsey, admittedly the must widely known man in Lenoir county, N C, failed to rscogrum him a few days ago when ho made hia appearance on the (treats of tha county seat town minus hia growth of beard. Taking advan tage of the temporary abeaac* of hi* wif*. Prof. Kinsey, who is superin tendent" of education for the county, shared. Paw of hia most intimate frianda had ever seen him without a beard. Prof- Kinsey stating that to the beet of his knowledge It has bean 48 yean since a raeor touched his fees, possi bly longer. Many persons in the coun ty »*» have tangbt under him far yoaru find it hard to become recon ciled to the superintendent's uaadorn •d feature*. The superintendent is regarded by hie frianda as one of tha mast sprightly man in the oonaty de •Rtta the tact that ha ie past 70 yearn of ago. Waat 8484*0 Par PeodPricae Praha Washington, Pah. 11.—Approval far a 8400*0 appropriation will bo asked ef President Wflaon by the Pedecnl Tiada 0seam lesion and the Depart ment a# Agriculture for the feed pries Investigation they am about to start at hia direction. Tha inquiry wOl bn begun aa soon as tha money is available and a plan mi organisa tion in worked oat. > It win go deeply into chnrges of price manipulation and restraints of toads la violation of tha anti-trust law*. At Most six months will be required It was arid today, before any Oort «f report can ha made and. a year la tha mtlmnto of tha period necessary for n complete Inquiry. Tha trade imnliakn’i observations win Include ike work of the farmer, the pucker, the wnmniarian dealer, tha wholesaler and tha retailer. Experts will go into every detail mt food pto d notion, distribution and eaunamptlea Tabtae prepared within tha but few dupe bearing on feod prioaa for 1818 •bew that during tha year there was n general advance in prioaa from 18 to 100 percent. Cowohte la Aabnra, Stay «ag aad CNatoa pHaaaa. la Now Y«rt atota, y twcaoat awaWoaa of war la eaaa to Ptoaa MacmtowTCr^'oapariatlwJ *»* *f Maw Jwa* M. Chrtat. la of MOO taca. cngagad mlSyTtto fwn,*tor» wtoah^ tha todHwdac. Oapt. Cottar ptaflm to ianrada a aaw Bald la eaaa af war aad Nfyoaaapraftta farMa atato. Bath Mac Btof aad Auburn bora doth M»» wbara aatfbwaa aajr ba tanad aat la addition thay might aua Wpnltata aad ahoaa far which Maahtoa chopa part# af war atachta ary might ba manafaetorad. Oat Cottar la of tbo opinion that tha am •fhataro af pvwdot aad other Ugh a*. pVaalvaa ad«irt battar ba loft ladhar b«d*. tha aaaa tuU waatd ptwoafl aa ratotaa to Iraorma. I. IIJTEI PROPRIETOR GIVEN UP BY DOCTORS “In conversation wHh a TWftmUtm Ur* of* your Company today, I oouM "•* help expressing my fasting of gratitude at tha gaod your medicine had dona for mo. For Area long years I suffered untold agony with what they said waa a severe case at Rheumatism. After the beat Doctor* had cah aua«od their knowledge la re gard to my. aaaa, I coMultad aa Oe toopaA and after aa ^ aald As hip Joint had booomo irzi tatod and it would toko a long - to euro It, if It could bo cured at alt 1 aa diaoamuragad over my -ill tlon. for I had spent hundreds of dol lars in tha rain pursuit of ease, for my suffering waa terrible. Hearing of tha good effasts that Mm Joe Pur son's Boaaody had aa othara, I daddad to try A I bought a doaen bottles, Udnldag that if I teak it all, I would ■» at tt right. And wonderful, yoa it to wonderful, tha emu it made of me. as my Mauds sea testify. 1 began to Impwvu oa A* tot bottle and by the tima I had finished As eoursa 1 waa a wall, strung man and ksvu had aa symptoms of the disease since. I would feel that I had negieetad my doty ts my faUowmao If I did not tall Asm of my wonderful curs and I ndviee any sufferer to giro Mm Joa Parson's Remedy a trial. T. a BRYAN. La Grunge, N. C.. Jan. 81. 1*1*" GERMANY SUBMITS TREATY PROPOSAL. Maay Clem eo Added Would Extend tho Provision of Old -~Tn1in Amlie— Paper. Washington, Feb. 12.—Germany proposal for a re-eJKfmation of the old Prumian-American treaties of 17M and 1828, with a lung list of added classes to modcrnlx* and extend pro rldone rcJsUng to the treatment of enemy residents In case of war, has been transmitted formally to the 8UU Department by Dr. Paul Ritter, the Swim minister here. Tide is the. proposition former Am bassador Gerard refused to mnyldcv when the German foreign office, after tho-pwimd States had broken rela tions, sent it to him in the form of n protocol with the intimation that if Be did wot attach hie signature Ameri ca— in Germ—y might be held — boetagee to insure good treatment of Genoa— In this country. Thg document. submitted in French, in being translated. Officials familiar In a —natal way with its —tore mid today U apparently was — different from the original treaties that it vir tually oo—titated a aew ana, and strong doubt wm oxpremed that the United States would enter into ngi tletloaa on the sadist. t important among the new pro ▼tate— anggmui by Germany is m ext sorting the txamptioa from s slims in earn ef war batwe— the two trim of "ammhaats and tbtir Into — exemption specifically tinning—easy Alps which am in , at the th— of the outbreak of war and which either m—t be toft free in part or given safe csodas* to their owe porta, pros—isMy he— in to— ad a blockade conducted by hostile govern m—to. Aim sections am added far allowing mar to does up their -"sr—v Mrf guaranteeing the In violability ef patents. If you want good broad, ‘phone Thrower * Mila—, Mo. It. LOAMS NBOOTIATBO OH INFKOVKD FARM LANDS (SmMmA. Um A lUka CmiUm) k HDfoin FITS YKAJtS S psr cnt Intarat A. T. McLSAM fitWii. M. C. ! i I BUSINESS LOCALS NOW 1» . R«od Um. U have .««. atm atatkaary prlatad. Call at thk I odtee aad aaa wkt yam aan gat. i |issfex-s Md in prepared U aaacata rear i 22T«'3S^a.“d *h”y* ■** NEATS TOOT OIL—An ideal draM !asy5rys3i,.-%st: Bine1* One Store. t-tf FOB!SALX-Pa. aka hap. »*«—a CaakEtaa. Laartiikm.N. C. FTOBALE-Fw «*» to- Uni Oortagtoa, 1 ■■rtatwg. K. C. *a> UpsSs **««, W C._Ht FOB BALE—Om Louring nr ill isffi.frr- *s& “^nyAdt» 2d *S? tss.^^. ° c -*a w*!frjp—Agwt to rcpreacnt aa A-lCaroalty A Surety Company f,or Scotland county. Addrnea TW FOB BALE—8^ onto. MO buabcla Burt or 00-day onto, and 260 buah ala nut proof oat*. D. a McNeill. 6-St Porcelain flour (a made from Lh« fin nrt wheat (Town In the United H •» (town in the Shea utdoah valley of Virginia. Thrower * McLean. KOR RENT or efaare crop, a Iwo hone farm. Might divide. K. T. BixtelL It POR RENT—March ft rat, (tore room on Main etreet now occupied by 1. C. Birmingham. Apply to W. N. Robartaoe at Kvwfc«teftnuiouj • " _ MON D AY—PEBRUAR Y19. PARAMOUNT “Unprotected,” Blanche MO OWVM* TUESDAY—FEBRUARY 90. PARAMOUNT “Under Cover," Hazel Down and Owen Moore. WEDNESDAY-FEBRUARY 91. PARAMOUNT “Son of Brin," Dnotln For nun. An Irloh Comedy Drama. Matinee 6 end lOr. N!>*ht 10c. leery Dm) Tin .v ek. “A GUARANTEED INCOME" Hew can a nan provide a certain guaranteed IN COME for Mi ftaUj or for hie own eld age? f|^l SH9W4RT top bjT of a MONTHLY INCOME POLICY. Wo win be clod to explain the MONTHLY INCOME POLICY to pon. LAURINBURG AGENCY COMPANY ’Phone 144. Inearance and Loom. HINTON JAMtt. Proa. A. L. JAMtt. Vtea Praa. W. A DUNBAR. Baa. Afteoa. Beautify Year Sjuvar_AIe w 2* iBSS^i*'"""9 v - • j TOE HAMMOND CO. Money To Lend On Farma We are the Piaanrtal Cor* retuondn.u of the Proden* '»• Ieeu>a re Coeuiaay and bare money to lend on farm* i» SCOTLAND County at ire par rent into rent for 6 yeera with on riles* to repay before maturity. Cklcunaf* Treat Company KaMfh, N. a RUSSELL A WITHERSPOON. Attorney* • 6-9 Dr. William W. Parker physical eye Specialist Luiouumm. N. a •OUmw fitted fnrth»fapww' meat asd conservation of vision. Difficult and perplexing- eoton m podally aolidted. Expert advice la eaao of diaeaee. Out of town — — MARDI GRAS. New Orleans, La f*f tf MeMie, **4^* •' $2LM Rsccd trip tickets wB WsS 5“ Fjrtwks at the fares shewn above by the ATLANTIC COAST LINK Tke Standard Railroad of the faraUtndMf FEBRUARY IS TO IS. IN . CLU8IVE I , - ~ ■ r \ : : ‘..-v CHTLIMIEN HALF FARE LIBERAL BTOfMOVKR PRTV A'zSS&XZ O.O. FOWLER, Tkket At and, Fnabeske. N. C. '