WHAT HE DID ON 91AM A TtUL XmutiMi hurt of a Latter Car rier te aa Indiana City. Duluth Herald. A latter carrier In Indianapolis worked M years on no Income. ef $1,000 a rear or leas, and only ra •aaUj toolkit bare riaea as high as Tart 2Ja*man today says that Prtvi dawrs baa been kind to him: aad wall ho may say so, for thia le what he has dona: Bo has reared and educated a fam ily of four boys aad two girls. Three ef the boyt and one of the biris have bean through college—in part, no doubt, by tbeir own effort*, though the parents deserve credit for so rearing them that they were wil ling aad able to help on the college ttettne boys echo want to college 1 are civil engineer* with good sow-! tions, and the girl who west to colWg* I la a teacher of physical training. Two of the boys helped build the Panama canal. On* of thora wee is the engin eertng division six years, and is aow examiner in civil engineering for the United States evil serves comoiiaalsa at Washington. The other was with the Panama railroad eight years, and le new In Alaska with the United States engineering commission. The third bey le assistant superintendent of maintensace and right of way with an important railroad. The youngest boy didn't go to col lege, but did got all the common ■chnole could giro him. and ha* a splendid position as managing salsa man with a groat corporation. The gtri who didn't go to oolioge took a high school course and remains at home with her father and mother. Every child horn to thia family got a fair start In Ufa and le doing weU. The heme from which they emerged into the world is the kind erf home which the foundations of tho repoblk mo built. And It wm aD done on 91,00 a year! North Carafe* Knitting Milk aad 811k Milk. TK«t* ora eighty-seven knitting mffli la tka State ai thk time, an ui ssa of raw material. The’estlmstid v.U oa of the output of 01 of tho mil la k *13 413.15 and 76 of tho milk oourste 11441 epiudlea and 67 of tho milk line lfi<H sewfng machine a. These Anna an given out by Commissioner of 1st bor and Printer M. U Shipman. Thu report also shows that than an four silk mills with *3.023,000 capital and using *7,000 apindisa, 61* komamid operated by POO horse puw Than are Ava woolen mill a urith ’sramsi They uae 1,000,000 pound a of raw ma terial, approximately with *1421467 value of a* nual output. The alia milk uaaJ276.000 raw material. They employ 805 persons and the woolen mllte employ 600 and tho knitting mllla about 1460 persona GHAT HAUL Quickly restored to tt* natural oH final color In n few day■ with Mil dredina Hair Remedy. It la nut a dra. Baanoyea dandruff and uukra tha hair eWn. fluffy, abundant and j**at^ul. nple mailed for 10 centa tt.*, “K’JwLst too a Drag Store.—Adr. Apportionmaht of 910/100,000 to aid tha Btatea in tho conatrueUon of rural Cat roads—tha ascend annua] distri tion In accordance with tha Federal aid mad law—has been announced by Secretary Houston, of the Department of Agriculture, tha funds are the apportionment for the fatal yaar end. NoTtK Carolina wfll rsooieo tS2&,783 as bar portion of this fund. ' —and the dear, steady light of the Rayo Lamp makes thinking Itseoft. mallow glow tor tt fol to the eyes. Steadier than gas— no. » reetfal than electricity— cheaper than either. Uae Aladdin Security Ofl— the moat economical kero sene ofl—tor boat results. stabdakd on. company IMelmr) Attractive Personally Con ducted Tours - • ■ — V ■ # i OPERATED DURING THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS JANUARY . FEBRUARY . MARCH -TO Jacksonville *■ St. Augustine Palm Reach Miami Xe? West * Bdnma Cuba Natan saa Panama Gulf Of Mextoo New Orleans lf«wM Gras Aad Men/ Other Reeorts of the Weet Indies. Toore of Fifteen, Twenty, ted Thirty Daye Duration. Cov erfog Many Points of Historic Interest Through Beauti ful Tropical Beanery in Nearby Foreign Lnnde and Psaca ful Voyngee on Southern Sene. ‘ Spkndld Itinerarica' Attractive Pertiee PereonaMy Conducted Throughout by Mr. C. H. Getttoand Chaperoned by Mn. Gertie.. Writi for Booklet. GATTIS TOUR& Toariat Afcmte SeaWrd Air Line Railway BaMgfc, N. C. : --7“-“ Patronize Our Job Department • ... • * - • " i ■ ; 7 t 4. ■ • • BOX DISCRIMINATES IN FAVOR WEST POINTERS. Would Gl»« Wee* Point Grad antes of UU Rook Over Mm Who Rise Pram Ranks. Washington, Fob. »—Senator Wanks, of Massachusetts, la tho eu thor of o bill which la said to correctly raflset tha santianoot of tho army of Deem towards tha man who eoms to at tho “aldo door" as they doocribo mmmlsrtoaed officers who hava sot had tha advantamt of Want Point training. Tha bill provides that the graduates from Weat Point Military academy from 1016 to 1921 Inclusive, •hall talc* rank tamodlatoly bolow tha cad«t last graduating frum tho acad emy. The moaning of tha bill is that tha young man of the country who era commissioned through examinations aad tho enlisted men who pass suc cessful examinations as provided by the law and are eligible for commis sions must bo set behind In grade the cadets who come from West Point to 1621. The effect of the bill la to place ca dets, who ha» a not yet entered West Point, but who will graduate four yaan from now, ahead of tho officer* who have entered the army from civil llfo aad by 1P21 will have had five to oix yean active service as officers la tha army. It la not necessary to state that tha proposed measure is heartily condemn ed by the officora who have recently gone Into the army from dvfl life and these who are familiar with its pro visions and believe in a square deal. Under the present system the Weat Peiat cadets are being graduated af ter leaving high school and serving abom throe at Went Point, hot still they are V\ot coming fast enough to produce.all tho officers needed. Tho Csngvaas provided last year for ob taining about 1500 additional offioara from civil life and many are now Id tho army after having passed rigid examinations with credit to them selves. In Urn event of tho Passage of ilia Weeks bill these 1/200 officers must take rank in 1021 behind tha second lieutenants just out of school, even though they have the moat rlgeroai «x primes aad wader tha moot val iant Berries to their country during the next several years. New AbHUh fee Nwwm People. The greet nerve tecta—the lam owe 5 grain toaolina tablets—that will pot rigor, vim and vitality into narrow, tired oet, aU in, despondent people in a few d^ya. Aarons cu buy s box, they art tn •x pen live, and Everlngten's Drug Store (a authorised by die maker to refund the purchase pries If any ana la dissatisfied In accordance with guarantee Is each large box. Thousand! praise them for general blUty. nervous prostration, mental de pression and unstrung nerves caused by overiadclgence in alcohol, tahacac, or overwork of aay kind. As a brain food or far any affliction of tbs narrow system tonoline is un surpassed, while for hysjpria, tremb ling and neuralgia they are simply splendid. Nail orders filled for out of town customers.—Adv. Patting It Over Ob the Cee. Youth's Companion. The milk problem la by way of be ing solved in Japan, where cow* are scarce, by an extensive use of artificial milk domed from the soy been first the Japaaeaa soak the beans, than boil them until the liquid turns white, when the yadd sugar and phosphate of potash. The boiHag is rsesmed until • Md results very similar in consis tency and appearance to ordinary con densed milk. Whan water is added soy milk is hardly to be distinguished from fresh cow's milk. In eompoattlou also the artificial milk is almost like goonine milk. Its proteins, fsts and sugars arc in vary nearly the same proportion, although, of course, they are wholly rogotabta fat origin. nous swobs, n a burden. w. A. BOISE BAS BEEN IN CBAILOTTE FOR THIRTY YEA1S Praraiaenl Ihrtiwi H*> Say* Be OaM tf Peuade On Taalac. W. A. House, who haa lived ia Charlotte far Uurty yeara and owner of » merchants a store at Thirty-Urn and North Brevard St. «•» rfty. U a pan who calls a Made * m>d. after learning hia atory PS7 knew hut what aurit there ■•JllWp HU atonrs “Foltemteg an attach of malaria I •m* Uft tea nervous weak condition. I tried various remedies for a tonic, but found several of them too strong SMW^.'SBrASSTB «\«pP*tite and was off IS pounds in weight. L was nervous and could taka Joat little naps. i “Now five not ties of Tanlad haa Bo so much batter. Xy appetite U Ane; ray nerves have improved and I ana !“•» Jpra* • to • o'clock and wake up *■11 o* Dfw and energy. I can do ai ranch work aow ia a baH-day aa I eouM in a whole day before and have gone beck to ray regular weight of 5? have ever taken." _ Taa*K_to-•oM tn Laurinborg by Blue’s Drag Store: Olbeoa. W. Z. Gib. “"NR Co.; Haaatet. Bey's Pharmacy: Fairmont, Fairmant Drug Co ; Maxton, Barnes Bros.; Hoffman, Hoffman Drag Co.— Adv. Teddy As a Ter Heel. Wilmington Star. Roosevelt end^Oyatai^ Betas' sn^°Ss ***• hardly paeakble tar Mm to ha a Tar Heel, bot It asama quite that ha should connect up arMb the Tar Hed State. There ie a atnmr poaalbOtar that be wiB,h*caa*« TafJkMi^Bton te £L*y~ « jjaa. dewberries, watermelons aad all ^■airtsufrsx'sre Hills a marvelous producing nrHin SSBiSr. EffdSttJS aa wall as a Sim friend and staunch aynortai of the Colonel, hai pursued ad the diatinguiihed gsatlctaaa to visit the Band Hill* and pick him sat .a place ao be may hava a winter home er a place of rustication aid possibly of agriculture. That would bo all ridht, mid North Carolina would wai eoot Um Colon#). Of course. if the Band Hills look rood to him and ha U tended by Mr. P«*W/ H would not bo loog before the wighty hunter would And oat that be could come down bare around W0 mington and kill black boar, doer, wild turkey, wild MU and tbs like Several years ago whan the Coloael want way down to Misateeippl to chase a lonesome black bear we wondered why he did net come down cm the Cepe Pear, where bear men ia Brunswick, Pender and Onslow could put him an to bag bears a plenty, lb* farmer* would like to aaa him coma, for aoa*a of them Aad it difficult to raise bogs because of brute's fondness for ruaor back diet. (By Archibald John.ce. The beys favorite pr Its Easiest,7 , KKBUCH white tan |0c ■ That being the cm* it aheald have year closest attention ia order that yea may eat RIGHT. But yea CANT cat right with out the RIGHT-BATS. . And that ia where we chine. Wa haw a wide reputation far '~r i GROCERIES FOR THOSE WHO CARE. We handle the beat to be found ia any line. Of course wa have cheaper gradm in many lines, bat our pride ia contend in THE BE8TL If you CARE, come to the store that caters to THOSE WHO CARE. When ia need of Meat don’t forget that wa carry the best ia our j Market at all tbnea and are always giad to servo yon. McLaurin & Shaw ’Phono No. 43' Laurinburg, North Carolina PIN-MONEY SAYINGS FOR HOLIDAYS ■VUdT YEAR you pronbayoonelf that yoa arp going to ■are up boom money for next Xoui. Do yea da It T Moot of uedoaot or at boat wo put It off til] we bare to “etiat” oareotne and then do not bore enough. • Wo are otfw organising a Pin-llooey Club for thia purpoee, which WlU atart the flrat Monday ia January and fifty waaha. By oaring 10c eaeh week you wfll aata 9 5.00 Me each week yoa win aero 912.50 Mb eaeh week yoa will care 926.00 9L00 eaeh week yoa w|S Bare 980.00 Aii ua about thia Club. It b a great pba to ban ta RAVE; It b a gnat aba to lean to beeoaee eequaietad with thir Bank aad ear laettinib -which will do yea loti of good in afttr yean; pad it b e great ptu to hare aomemooey for NEXT XMA8. Money that yoa SAVE that otherwise yoa would faun thrown away. Yoa don't Inn to edot for it Yoa will hen thia Money mod NOT MBS A CENT, aad you will oajoy H ao much. If you an dependent you do not here to aok anybody for MONEY (or Xtnaa. nod when' you apead It you on aay "I am (pending my own money.” Bow good It will make yea feel SCOTLAND COUNTY*SAVINGS BANK LAUHIMBURQ, N. O. _

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