• I ■srssrawsss sssr — inS5p,n-^,toto *5w2SiS5 _.■g^gSftig oordial hospitality they haws wwn bm. “My heart is fan af mtitade to 5nK war. Ia thelast few days 1 have is.! eaivad so-aiaay eerdial farewell mes the* It w^s Impossible to send thaaba for them individually. ... “CtoBtsse Bsrastorff Jotai mo ia tki\Srif*“,un oxtT d*«as«t personal gratitude “I hops that war any be averted and ^lr*^.idorle'ld,y l^U-“ °*™*' “» with b*tca late toeirtt ia a special train Pieced at thairdiapaeel by the State IfejpMtacat aod jraarded by United States secret service man. The train '"?!)«•*»» the party to within n short iB£AY«safc,sa u r. L^fifiau-asinstts within the eatbesey bwOdiaw. sayinr *“ “"of1 - d it it s r. y L 4 ly > £sT*£. the J£ hMween the United States sad Gar ■Boy* ; Foreclosure Time: FEBRUARY 26th, 1917,12:00 O'clock Place: CORUT HOUSE DOOR, RAEFORD, N. C, 668 acfe« land known aa the Stewart faro. Located on Raeford and Aha-dwm t.t.v tallf^^thdK PUbliC ^ f0t ^ ^ Ab*rte#n *Dd ***** ^ One Hand red and Fifty Acre a ri--» MAIN DWELLING, 10 ROOMS. WATER WORKS and WIRED FOR LIGHTS rr:.h“^^ *r m IW,l!'^!LC!,0rCV ““ke" » fio® **** of tob«cra Place c«n be divided int* aix good arm*, all froolinx on public r' ad. Tbla will xn at a bargain. RememW the data. Feb. 28th. Term. ea.h. Eaue, term, can be arranged. " For further information write ] BANK OF RAEFORD Raeford, North Carolina ^_■ . GENERAL FOOU8HNB8R Kama of Spatial latareet Gleaned Fraaa tha Cehnra^ef Spicy Ex. Jacob R Laiaanrtag, of S—bmry, Pa, haa brought salt against Thomas Clark, a neighbor, for 110,000 dam age* boaaaia ha caBod Mm “the big gest knocker" In Northumberland eamttr- Lolas—log aUagea further that Clark called him a boat Two children of L J. Manaiel. af Dothan, Ala, wltnaaaad tha killing of their father in n street ear la Kabila, Ala, whan ha was a tucked by Haary D. Green, ef Chlehton, Ale. Oman alleged that Mansial had killed his brother in Texas two years age. fifteen the—and trained Ja—ami raaarriata in Hawaii hero offend their services to tha United Stataa in dm event ef heetOMes with Germany. The Hawaiian militia may be sent to g—rd tha Teh—e tepee railroad Ha caao the Panaau canal is dosed. Orton for mn thou 20,000 halo* af cotton, totalling more than *2,800. 000, have bam placed with final in Savannah. G*.. by Gnat Britain, for •hlpmant to Anglend. Tha ordan an consigned to tha government, which directs that tha cotton shall ha shipp ed regartaaa at tha German aobma rina throat. Congress has passed a hill appro priating SIMjOOO for mail carriers in the Son thorn states during tha Civil war. Tha money gees to mail con tractors, mostly Confederate veterans or their hairs. Tha 800 claims have bam pending for nan than half a century. . • Tha soldier Inmates of the Jeffer son Davis home at Beauvoir, Mias^ have trad grad their sendees to the President in the event af war with Gemnaay. Gov. Thaodeie G. BObe wee present at the demoastzatiea aad joined the veteran* as they danced arowtd the fleg pole aad saag Seath tra arar songs. Tha American steel trade was re ported this week to have received plana and specHlootloni fnmi the Navy department for the construction at srira note to be need, ia ease at wav, tat tha prstsrtiaa of harbors against la stated, for 1JN teas of steal far dirigible haleon hangars at Piassmla. Pk. dmaad for hi* MU. Angelo A. be. Unved bo bed . run the gemot at nn pleaaaot axperiaoees, until ba wa* nr rented on • charge at «Ui»U'i..r a wife and baby and jumping the bead whldi an attorney had pot up to eb tain bit relearn. AngeU A. epant aev aial uncomfortable hoar* in a call be fore ba Iwduaad tha polka to ml Mu Angelo A-, erbo promptly ctrulgbtonad oat the tangle. Then thorn who sought Angelo M. renewed the search. Angelo A. new carries with him a letter identifying hlrntoH. Declaring bar husband had breeght thatr hcaayapooo ta an and with n gunnel U minutas after tha care, may, and that ha aaksd bar to ob tain a dhrome as ho eonld marry an ed Lao Angolas, has filed cult for'mp-’ ante maintenance from Harry K. aiedacblag, sold to he an Invsotov of a anbmarina boat and la the employ od tha government. Barnard H. Kama, aged 19 yam aad a raaidect ad Daa Moioaa, watgha >79 pounds and wan ihoaa •f >1. bain* the largeat aaada in tha country. Koyaa la aavan fact and nine inches tall la Us stocking feet. His (boas, which wars made hi laws, fcava bean shipped to Boston to bo •ttad to a pair at rubbers. They era cl the ordinary blaches type with doubt* solas sad basis. 8oeh was f>e expartaaea is the tight at which we wees called span recent ly to hi<5 for *1 xteen-hieb eheUs. We ktd *• these shells si approx*, ■slaty tba *ans re Is par prana aa that of s fearteao-tach Hen contract at ana year in span which the Gov ernment swarded contracts We have mu The atlgbtaat Mas what profit there win be la the Baking at them shell*. We do sat know Hat tkars wm he aay. Thera la so certain, ty that it wwaM ha passible for oe te Wlrtt a *hnll to moot tba teat Far adhere in the Xavjr to names that any hM made under such condi dee* U "einrtattast" la atteclj unfair Wa Md on tbe new battle-contain tama wblrb Very department eaperta. after axamlnattoa af ear hooka. fonad . woetd yield a rrodt ar taaa than tan par cast. Wa acreed ta amame rtoke far laereaied raata af atatartata and ta bar. that Made It peatabia that tkaaa ceatrecta Might ytatd pa proit wbnt aver. Tba ratal raa keypad tba taoau ap propria tail hy Onipnaa aa tba baata af -tbarata MtadM Made a year ape dad be re dee aMpbaUden mold aat altar tba inexorable roar (beta and ro dace Mda ta early eeffamtee of tba Navy 1 lone rt meat. tba prteaa are called 'bsarldtaat.'* , . It weald be a real ad rant ape ta be rottaved el Ibtanaral newetimUoa. Iba two At froM It rooaat pneafbty miMI ta MOrtt, aad tba tvopeaaiMBly la awar Wa Inter determined ta make tkta «Cbr ta «te Amoeban OoeemamoL It yen will baUd (tea af tbe battle trataeie In Ooremmeat aa*y yeida wa wtH imlid iba atbar two at tbe aa «■*■»■*< raa of imtidtap Wa rtrlpn ta tba One emmet it yarda. wttboet add! C?^ir In Book N«. I at 371, default having been made *• NoU which cw*. tiMnJ?V A. sw^ssrsrtfMStsSJS gg^f^ciagaaaaa daacribad tract or ptrcal of land, g^g-SaiTt'S &JL*v£ usdi^ST? £: "■* _ _ i a. «rt^it( *W acna,“aot«"or'"laai^ sWftf<rajr.Ssa! HSjEfcaffi® igggsses plat* daacnption of aald Usd. ThU tha Cud day of T-r. 1*17. ti t W. A. hope, Mort*r«g« TRUSTEE'S LAND SALE. Undor and by Virtue of tba power ewttiiiiMd tea certain deed of truet dated the 29th day ef Dweabw, A.' D^lfU, recorded la Book No. i ef Mortgage Deede at page MM Seot Rct<«ry, executed & M. McKinnon to Joseph Belch, Trtu-s ta. for th. aa. erf TlTcolSStoa Na tMcal Lit# Iniunncs Common*, on aaoodat of default la tha payment of and interest of tho debt or hood secured thereby, the aadar Mgnod ad) ML at peboc outcry, to tha highest bidder, ter neb, on the Srd day of March, 1917. It b4tg Sat aidM. at about U o’clock If. at the ss&,“«tr SAs5*TtSiS ■SPi VflLt . jjfays&gatgLftg; M. McKiMM^^aaa'te^aag^ ton, N. C-, being a corner ef the lands MoB^ag to If S. McNair, and ran* ggauruaf dagraa sad SO adnutae east SSI A feat S&Tl*Ste£tniSBi

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